Imeji Search
Revision as of 06:27, 13 August 2010 by Unfried (talk | contribs) (→UC_IM_SR_02 Advanced search for pictures)
Work in progress
UC_IM_SR_01 Do simple search[edit]
- Status: in specification
- Schedule:
- A free text search field is displayed where the user can decide whether he wants to search for pictures or for collections and albums (per default, the system will search for pictures) .
- When searching for pictures, the system searches through following data:
- When searching for collections and albums, the system searches through following data:
- The system displays the search result, together with the search query. The search result contains only pictures together with an information, to which collection each picture belongs.
Actors Involved
- User
Result List (suggestion)--Unfried 16:15, 12 August 2010 (UTC)
- Default View:
UC_IM_SR_02 Advanced search for pictures[edit]
- Status: in specification
- Schedule:
- default search: Word or Phrase in Collection/s.--Unfried 16:07, 12 August 2010 (UTC)
- The user can define several search strings.
- Each search sting bases on following selection:
- selection of a released collection
- selection of one or several metadata attribute within this collection
- the metadata attribute does not use a list of predefined vocabulary (defined in the metadata profile)--Unfried 16:07, 12 August 2010 (UTC) Verstehe ich nicht…
- one search string entered by the user or (a value? --Unfried 06:27, 13 August 2010 (UTC))
- one search range entered by the user: maximum two values combined by a smaller then (<), bigger than (<), up to (-)
- e.g. < 3, > 3, 3-6
- if the metadata attribute uses a list of predefined vocabulary (defined in the metadata profile)
- selection of one value from the predefined vocabulary for this attribute
- the metadata attribute does not use a list of predefined vocabulary (defined in the metadata profile)--Unfried 16:07, 12 August 2010 (UTC) Verstehe ich nicht…
- All search strings can be connected to each other via the boolean operators AND, OR, NOT.--Unfried 16:07, 12 August 2010 (UTC)
- When the user triggers the search, the system displays the search result, together with the search query, which can be modified by the user.
Actors Involved
- User
UC_IM_SR_02 Advanced search for collections/albums[edit]
- Status: in specification
- Schedule:
- The user can decide whether he wants so search for albums, for collections or for both. The result will always be an album/collection list, not pictures.
- The metadata attributes for collections/albums are already predefined by the system, see
- for collections: UC_IM_COL_01 Create collection
- for albums: Album Metadata Set
- The user can search for one or several values for each metadata attribute.
- The system displays the search result, together with the search query, which can be modified by the user.
Actors Involved
- User