PubMan Func Spec View

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UC_PM_BD_02 view item list[edit]

The user views the search result list of one or more items. The user is able to modify the display of the item list by changing the sorting order, the number of displayed items or the display type.


• This use case is included by the use cases UC_PM_SR_01 do simple search, UC_PM_SR_03 do advanced search and UC_PM_BD_03 browse by organizational unit.


• User


• A search result list is available.

Flow of Events[edit]

  • 1. The user chooses to view a list of items by executing one of the above mentioned use cases.
  • 2. The system displays the number of items and the list of items. The defaults for the display type (see FE_PM_02 Display types), the sorting order (see FE_PM_03 Sort item list) and the number of hits per page are given by the system or are taken from the users preferences if available.
  • 3. (Optionally) The user changes the sorting order.
    • 3.1. The system displays the item list in the selected sorted order.
  • 4. (Optionally) The user chooses another number of hits to be displayed per page.
    • 4.1. The system displays the item list containing the selected number of hits per page.
  • 5. (Optionally) The user changes the display type.
    • 5.1. The system displays the item list in the selected display type.
  • 6. (Optionally) The user changes the display type for one item.
    • 6.1. The system displays the item in the selected display type.
  • 7. The use case ends successfully.

Post-Conditions / Results[edit]

• The item list is displayed in the selected sorting order containing the defined number of hits per page and the items are displayed in their selected display type.

UC_PM_BD_03 browse by organizational unit[edit]

The user browses by organizational unit.


• The user wants to browse by organizational unit.


• User


• None

Flow of Events[edit]

  • 1. The user chooses to browse by organizational unit.
  • 2. The system displays an organizational unit browse view.
  • 3. (Optionally) The user chooses to view the child organizational units of an organizational unit.
    • 3.1. The system displays all child organizational units of the selected organizational unit.
  • 4. (Optionally) The user chooses to view the items of an organizational unit.
    • 4.1. The system searches for items where the organization of a creator is linked to the selected organizational unit or any child organizational unit in the structure and displays the result list. Include use case UC_PM_BD_02 view item list.
    • 4.2. (Optionally) The user chooses to view detailed information of the selected organizational unit.
      • 4.2.1. The system displays an organizational unit detail view.
  • 5. The use case ends successfully.

Post-Conditions / Results[edit]

• The organizational unit browse view is displayed.

UC_PM_BD_04 view item version[edit]

The user views the details of a selected version of an item.


• The user wants to view the details of the item version.


• User


• One item version is selected.

Flow of Events[edit]

  • 1. The user chooses to view the selected item version.
  • 2. The system displays the data of the item version and the files. The possibility for download is offered for all files the user has privileges to access (for details see 13.1).
  • 3. (Optionally) The user chooses to download a file.
    • 3.1. The system provides the file for download.
  • 4. Extension point: view release history
    • 4.1. If the user wants to view all released versions of the item, include use case UC_PM_BD_05 view release history.
  • 5. Extension point: view item event log
    • 5.1. If the user is in any role defined in the workflows for the item’s collection.and wants to view the log entries for the item versions, include use case UC_PM_BD_06 view item event log.
  • 6. Extension point: view revisions of item
    • 6.1. If the user wants to view all related revisions of the item, include use case UC_PM_BD_07 view revisions of item.
  • 7. Extension point: view item statistics
    • 7.1. If the user wants to view the statistics for an item, include UC_PM_BD_08 view item statistics.
  • 8. Extension point: create item from template
    • 8.1. If the user has the role “Depositor“ and wants to create a new item using that item as template, include UC_PM_SM_05 create item from template.
  • 9. Extension point: create new revision of item
    • 9.1. If the user has the role “Depositor”, at least one item version is in state “released” and the user wants to create a new revision to that item, include use case UC_PM_SM_11 create new revision of item.
  • 10. Extension point: modify item
    • 10.1. If the user is allowed to start the modification workflow for the item, the last item version is in state “released” and the user wants to modify that item, include UC_PM_QA_11 modify item.
  • 11. Extension point: withdraw item
    • 11.1. If the user is the owner of that item, the last item version is in state “released” and the user wants to withdraw that item, include use case UC_PM_QA_09 withdraw item.
  • 12. The use case ends successfully.


  • 2a. The item is in state “withdrawn”.
  • 1. The system displays the withdrawal comment, the withdrawal date and the item data. The use case ends successfully.

Post-Conditions / Results[edit]

• The details of the item are displayed.

UC_PM_BD_05 view release history[edit]

The user chooses to get an overview on the released versions of an item.


• The user chooses to see the released versions of an item. • This use case is included by the use case UC_PM_BD_04 view item version.


• User


• One item is selected • At least one item version in status “released” exists.

Flow of Events[edit]

  • 1. The user chooses to view the release history for the selected item.
  • 2. The system displays a list of all released versions of the item. For each entry, the version number and the date of release is displayed. The list is sorted descending by the date of release. The item with the most recent date of release is listed first.
  • 3. The use case ends successfully.

Post-Conditions / Results[edit]

• A list of the released item versions is displayed, sorted in descending order.

UC_PM_BD_06 view item event log[edit]

The user chooses to view the log entries for the item versions, i.e. detailed information on all events. Events include creation of new item versions as well as status changes and their correlating action comments. For each log entry the user who executed the event, the date of this event and the version number is provided.


• The user wants to see the log of an item. • This use case is included by the use case UC_PM_BD_04 view item version.


• Depositor • Moderator • Metadata-Editor • Authority


• One item is selected. • The depositor is the owner of the item.

Flow of Events[edit]

  • 1. The user chooses to see the item log.
  • 2. The system displays all item versions and their corresponding log entries (see FE_PM_09 Logging). The list is sorted descending by the date of event. The most recent event is listed first.
  • 3. (Optionally) The user chooses to view the differences between two item versions. Include UC_PM_BD_10 View differences between two item versions.
  • 4. The use case ends successfully.

Post-Conditions / Results[edit]

• The event log of the item is displayed.

UC_PM_BD_07 view revisions of item[edit]

The user chooses to display all items for which a relation of type IsRevisionOf/HasRevision to/from the selected item exists. The selected item can be source or target of the relation. [For R3] Only the relation of type “IsRevisionOf” will be implemented.


• The user wants to display the related revisions of a selected item. • This use case is included by the use case UC_PM_BD_04 view item version.


• User


• One item is selected. • At least one revision of the item exists, which is in state “released”.

Flow of Events[edit]

  • 1. The user chooses to view the revisions of a selected item.
  • 2. The system displays a list of all former and a list of all later revisions of the item. Former revisions are items which have a relation of type “HasRevision” pointing to the selected item or items to which the selected item has a relation of type "IsRevisionOf". Later revisions are items which have a relation of type “IsRevisionOf” pointing to the selected item or items to which the selected item has a relation of type “HasRevision”. If a relation description exists, the system displays it. The lists are sorted descending by the date of release of the last released version. The item with the most recent date of release is listed first. The use case ends successfully.

Post-Conditions / Results[edit]

• The system displays a list of existing revisions of an item.

UC_PM_BD_08 view item statistics[edit]

The user chooses to display the usage statistics for an item.


• The user wants to view the usage statistics for an item. • This use case is included by the use case UC_PM_BD_04 view item version.


• User


• One item is selected.

Flow of Events[edit]

  • 1. The user chooses to view the usage statistics for the selected item.
  • 2. The system displays the statistical data (see FE_PM_10 Usage Statistics). The use case ends successfully.

Post-Conditions / Results[edit]

• The system displays the statistical data for the selected item.