Imeji Community Meeting 28.02.2013
Revision as of 12:39, 1 March 2013 by Kleinfercher (talk | contribs)
Time: 11.00 - 12.30
Tool: DFN (no account needed)
Audio (Phone): +49-30-2541080 ODER +49-711-6330190 DANN 97924586#
Participants: Bastien, KA, JB
- Colab Meeting Protocols => annually sorted
- New Hierarchy: Meetings 2012, Meetings 2013 as new top levels
Aggreed. Friederike takes care of it
- Status and Plans for Release
- Testing
The final planning for the reelase ist: Testing from 4.3.2013, Release 12.4.2013
- New standards for imeji?
VRA and METS/MODS should be supported via the export. The way to do it should be specified in a generic way to easily add new standard in imeji. This will happen together with the Prometheus integration. As a matter of fact, a similar process is needed: offer an export in a Prometheus format. Since this Prometheus format is small, it is a good candidate to start. See:
- PID Integration
Is a feature request. DOI and Handle should be supported
- Persistence on Demand
Is a feature request. But the meaning of this feature should be rethought, since the original concept was escidoc centric
- Prometheus / Meta-Image Meeting 12.04.2013 in Köln
A MPDL participant is wished. Bastien is not available
- imeji community workshop/birthday event
- Friederike will work intensively on this the next weeks and will contact some of you directly for input
- MPDL would prefer kw20
IKB cannot in kw20. The date will be defined in the next weeks