Transformation Service

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eSciDoc SOA

SOAP and REST style interfaces
Service layers

Core services
Context Handler · Item Handler
Container Handler
Organizational Unit Handler
User Account Handler
Content Model Handler
Semantic Store Handler

Intermediate services
Validation Service
Statistics Manager
Technical Metadata extraction
Basket Handler
Duplication detection

Application services
Control of Named Entities
Citation style Manager
Fledged Data
PID Cache

SOA Introduction


ID (Label)[edit]


Complete Name[edit]

Transformation Service




The purpose of this service is to provide methods to deal with and distribute the transformation of various textual data formats. The Transformation Service supports various transformations, like:

  • Citationstyles (e.g.: APA, AJP)
  • Different metadata formats (e.g.: eSciDoc, arXiv, PubMed)
  • Microformats (Coins)
  • Common publication formats (BibTex, EndNote)


Operations Overview[edit]

The Transformation service supports the following operations:

Operation Status Input Output Description
getSourceFormats implemented Format[] Scope:Public
Gives back a Format List of all source formats the Transformation Service can handle.
getSourceFormatsAsXml implemented String Scope:Public
Gives back a xml representation of all source formats the Transformation Service can handle.
getTargetFormats implemented Format Format[] Scope:Public
Gives back a Format List of all formats the given source Format can be transformed into.
getTargetFormatsAsXml implemented String srcFormatName, String srcType, String srcEncoding String Scope:Public
Gives back a xml representation of all formats the given source Format can be transformed into.
transform implemented byte[] src, String srcFormatName, String srcType, String srcEncoding, String trgFormatName, String trgType, String trgEncoding, String service byte[] Scope:Public
Transforms a given src object in a given source format into a target object in a given format, using a given service.
transform implemented byte[] src, Format sourceFormat, Format targetFormat, String service byte[] Scope:Public
Transforms a given src object in a given source format into a target object in a given format, using a given service.

Services for Transformation[edit]


  • Implemented:
    • EJB
  • Considered:
    • REST
    • SOAP