Mapping MAB to eSciDoc

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On this page a small mapping from MAB to eSciDoc publication format based on the requirements for the MPDL project Linguistic Literature will be provided.


  • or: use the second MAB field only when the first one is empty
  • and: use both MAB fields and when both fields are filled in connect them via the desciebed manner


MAB MAB Description MPI EVA Description eSciDoc Publication Remarks
001 IdentNummer des Datensatzes Internal identifier and
set publication.identifier.type to "other"

025z ZDB-Nummer (Zeitschriftendatenbank Nummer) and
set publication.identifier.type to "ZDB"

037 Allgemeine codierte Angaben Language publication.language Encoding scheme: Marc Code List for Languages of the Library of Congress

eSciDoc uses RFC 4646

088 Frei definierbare anwenderspezifische Angaben, Kennzeichen und Codes Link to the resource and
set publication.identifier.type to "URI"

088: the resource was already available in the library
655e: resources that are only available digital

100 Name der 1. Person in Ansetzungsform Creator (normed)

publication.creator.creatortype.person.completename and
set publication.creator.creatorrole to "author"

104a Name der 2. Person in Ansetzungsform
108a Name der 3. Person in Ansetzungsform
112a Name der 4. Person in Ansetzungsform
100b 1. sonstige beteiligte Person Editor

publication.creator.creatortype.person.completename and
set publication.creator.creatorrole to "editor"

104b or 100c 2. sonstige beteiligte Person
108b 3. sonstige beteiligte Person
112b 4. sonstige beteiligte Person
101 Verweisungsform 1. Person (100) Creator (original)

publication.creator.creatortype.person.alternativename and
set publication.creator.creatorrole to "author"

105 Verweisungsform 2. Person (104a)
103 Körperschaft der 1. Person (100) Affiliation of the first creator publication.creator.creatortype.person.organization
112f Gefeierte Person

publication.creator.creatortype.person.completename and
set publication.creator.creatorrole to "gefeierte Person"

200 or 200b Name der 1. Körperschaft in Ansetzungsform
Affiliation Name (normed) and
set publication.creator.creatorrole to "editor"

b: Körperschaft erhält einteilige NE (Named Entity)
204a or 204b Name der 2. Körperschaft in Ansetzungsform
208a Name der 3. Körperschaft in Ansetzungsform
331 and 335 Hauptsachtitel in Vorlageform oder Mischform + Zusatz Title publication.title Will be mapped to one field: 331: 335
304 Einheitssachtitel - Nebeneintragung Uniform title publication.alternativetitle
310 Hauptsachtitel in Ansetzungsform Alternative title (normed)
341 and 343 Erster PST (Parallelsachtitel) in Vorlageform oder Mischform + Zusatz Parallel title Will be mapped to one field: 341: 343
370 Weitere Sachtitel Alternative title
359 Verfasserangabe in Vorlageform oder Mischform + Zusatz Parallel creator publication.creator.creatortype.person.alternativename Will be mapped to extra author field (to be handled by hand later)
403 and 405 Ausgabebezeichnung in Vorlageform Edition statement publication.publishinginfo.edition Will be mapped to one field: 403; 405
410 Orte des 1. Verlegers, Druckers usw. Place
412 Name des 1. Verlegers, Druckers usw. Publisher publication.publishingInfo.publisher
425 or 595 Erscheinungsjahr in Vorlageform Date issued as displayed on the resource and
set to "published in print"

519 Hochschulschriftenvermerk Note about the degree

Rules of the field is for 4 values: Hochschulort, Univ., Diss., Jahr
- for 3 values: Hochschulort, Univ., Diss.
- for 2 values: Hochschulort, Univ.
- for 1 value: Hochschulort
Degree type are labeled ad follows:
master: "Master"
diploma: "Dipl", "Diplom"
magister: "MA", "M.A.", "Magister"
phd: "Diss", "PhD"
habilitation: "Habil.-Schr."
bachelor: "BA", "B.A."

(only when 412 is empty) and
set to "accepted"

540 or 540a or 540b Internationale Standardbuchnummer ISBN and
set publication.identifier.idtype to "ISBN"

a: formal correct, b: formal incorrect
542 or 542a Internationale Standardnummer für fortlaufende Sammelwerke ISSN and
set publication.identifier.idtype to "ISSN"

a: formal correct

544 and 544p and

(Lokale) Signatur Shelfmark publication.location Will be mapped to one field: 544; 544p; 274
Zusammenfassende Bestandsangabe Textual holdings
651 Fußnote zur Computerdatei publication.file.mime-type, publication.file.size Two fields will be created, separated via the comma (values are e.g. "pdf, 1,54 MB")
700c Schlagwörter publication.subject all three fields should be mapped to publication.subject, separated from each other via a comma
711b or 711t Schlagwörter und Schlagwortketten (geographisch-ethnographisches Schlagwort) Language flag (using ISO 639-2 ) of the language the publication is about publication.subject
740s Sachschlagwort von der LC Subject publication.subject
750 or 526 Inhaltliche Zusammenfassung oder Titel von rezensierten Schriften Abstract publication.abstract
334 Sonstige IdentNummer des vorliegenden Datensatzes Allgemeine Materialbenennung publication.totalnumberofpages

Will be mapped to one field:
(334: 652)
[line break] 433: 434

433 Umfangsangabe Total number of pages
434 Illustrationsangabe
652 spezifische Materialbenennung und Dateityp

Further mapping rules[edit]

Genre type

  • check 519
a) 519 not empty --> genre.type = Thesis
b) 519 empty --> check 590
a) 519 empty + 590 not empty --> check 591
a) 519 empty + 590 not empty + 591 empty --> genre.type = Journal Article
b) 519 empty + 590 not empty + 591 not empty --> genre.type = Book Chapter
b) 519 empty + 590 empty --> check 029 m
a) 519 empty + 590 empty + 029 m = P --> genre.type = Journal Article
b) 519 empty + 590 empty + 029 m = CH --> genre.type = Book Chapter
c) 519 empty + 590 empty + 029 m = J --> genre.type = Journal
d) 519 empty + 590 empty + 029 m is not P/CH/J --> genre.type = Book


  • first Link = "any fulltext"
  • second Link = "publisher's version"

Source of the Publication[edit]

The MAB data sets sometimes refer to several sources. In the following table the used fields are structured to make clear which fields belong to the same source and which to a different one.

MAB MAB Description MPI EVA Description eSciDoc Publication Remarks
Source 1
090 (alternative 089) Bandangaben in Sortierform (Vorlageform) Volume number, e.g. 003 (3) publication.source.volume
451 or 451b 1. Gesamttitel in Vorlageform (series title) Source Title (original) publication.source.title
454 1. Gesamttitel in Ansetzungsform
Source title (normed) publication.source.alternativetitle
455 Bandangabe zur 1. Gesamtheit Volume number publication.source.volume
542 or 542a Internationale Standardnummer für fortlaufende Sammelwerke ISBN of the source and
set publication.source.identifier.idtype to "ISBN"

a: formal correct
It could happen that 542 or 542a occurs without a value for the title field. In this case we will loose the information.

Source 2
461 2. Gesamttitel in Vorlageform Source Title (original) publication.source.title
464 2. Gesamttitel in Ansetzungsform
Source title (normed) publication.source.alternativetitle
465 Bandangabe zur 2. Gesamtheit Volume number publication.source.volume
Source 3
471 3. Gesamttitel in Vorlageform
Source Title (original) publication.source.title
474 3. Gesamttitel in Ansetzungsform
Source title (normed) publication.source.alternativetitle
475 Bandangabe zur 3. Gesamtheit Volume number publication.source.volume
Source 4
590 Hauptsachtitel und ggf. zu ergänzende Urheber der Quelle Source title publication.source.title
591 Verfasserangabe der Quelle Source creator publication.source.creator
594 Erscheinungsort der Quelle Source publishing place
596 Bandzählung, Jahreszählung, Heftzählung, Umfangs- und Illustrationsangabe der Quelle Source Number of pages publication.source.startpage and publication.source.endpage Please use the first value as start page and the second one as end page. When only one value is available, that's the start page. When several values are available, the page numbers can be found behind "S.".
597 Gesamttitel der Quelle Source Title publication.source.alternativetitle

Further reading[edit]