Imeji Search

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Imeji logo.png


Functional Specification
Technical Specification

RDF mapping
Metadata terms



Implemented (Beta Release)[edit]

  • Search for pictures or collections (these searches have to be separated as the search result lists will look different)

Not implemented[edit]

  • Search for albums (this could be connected to the search for collections as the search result list will look the same for both containers)

UC_IM_SR_01 Do simple search[edit]


  • Status: implemented
  • Schedule: Beta Release


  1. A free text search field is displayed where the user can decide whether he wants to search for pictures or for collections (per default, the system will search for pictures) .
  2. When searching for pictures, the system searches through following data:
    • metadata values of all public pictures within released collections
    • [not implemented] metadata values of all private pictures within released collections the user has at least Collection Viewer rights
  3. When searching for collections, the system searches through following data:
    • metadata values of all released collection metadata
  4. The system displays the search result (see either UC_IM_BD_01 View picture list or UC_IM_BD_03 View collection/album list), together with the search query.

Actors Involved

  • User

UC_IM_SR_02 Advanced search for pictures[edit]


  • Status: implemented
  • Schedule: Beta Release


  1. The user can define several search strings.
  2. Each search sting bases on following selection:
    1. selection of a released collection
    2. selection of one or several metadata attributes within this collection
    3. definition of a search string (metadata value) for each metadata attribute based on following restrictions:
      1. when the above selected metadata attribute does not use a list of predefined vocabulary (defined in the metadata profile)
        • one search string entered by the user or
        • for numbers: one search range entered by the user: maximum two values combined by a smaller then (<), bigger than (<), or equal (=), e.g. < 3, > 3, = 3
      2. when the above selected metadata attribute does use a list of predefined vocabulary (defined in the metadata profile)
        • selection of one value from the predefined vocabulary for this attribute (e.g. via a drop down menu)
  3. All search strings within one collection can be connected to each other via the boolean operators AND, OR, NOT. A search within several collections is always connected via an OR (as a picture can only be in one collection)
  4. When the user triggers the search, the system displays the search result (see UC_IM_BD_01 View picture list), together with the search query, which can be modified by the user.

Actors Involved

  • User

UC_IM_SR_02 Advanced search for collections/albums[edit]


  • Status: in specification
  • Schedule:


  1. The user can decide whether he wants so search for albums, for collections or for both. The result will always be an album/collection list, no pictures.
  2. The metadata for collections/albums are already predefined by the system, see
  3. The user can search for one or several values for each metadata.
  4. The system displays the search result (see UC_IM_BD_03 View collection/album list), together with the search query, which can be modified by the user.

Actors Involved

  • User

UC_IM_SR_03 Advanced search for metadata profile[edit]


  • Status: in specification
  • Schedule:


  1. The user can search for one or several values for each metadata of the profile as defined in UC_IM_MD_02 Edit metadata profile.
  2. The system displays the search result (see UC_IM_BD_06 View metadata profile list), together with the search query, which can be modified by the user.

Actors Involved

  • User

Further possible search queries[edit]

  • Show me everything that has a geo-location within a radius of 100km around Munich.