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First issues found in R4.00 (Main Test with FF3)
=Start Page=
*zooming in: not really proper, the page must be scrolled horizontally
=Browse + Display (Lists)=
*Select all: after the request all check boxes vanished (Seems to be Logic???)
*Message line missing
*Paginator and Go to not in sync (after entering a number in GoTo, Paginator stays the same)
*Result from Organizations search/Show description/Page jumps to options menu and then descriptions opens (looks strange)
*No Results without list components (Message only)
*Message box: Margin top too small
*Dropdown 'Items per page' Wording too long (25 Items/Page)
*Basket/Wording: Delete selected -> Remove selected
*the message after error should not ask for sending an email, simply short apology
*change of sorting/filter criteria may not be intuitive for users (as it is at present)
*check how big systems do, e.g. check eBay
*Basket/Checkboxes should be deactivated by default.
*Paginator logic different from concept (current page not in the middle) (for many items: browse by orgs/department research & development)
*Icons deactivated too dark
*Sorting Button too big *List Bibl./Table Header/More Icon jumps on hover
=Comfort Features=
*actually made 2-3 entries and always got a problem by omiting the pull-down list entries (accidentally)
==Improvements (or feedback)==
*Dropdowns/ Margins of Labels and Fields too small
*pulldown lists are not well solved (i.e. select author role, select genre, select source genre, select content category, ..)
*not visible that I need to actually do a selection
*a lot of lines and not clear fields boundaries (impression by dev)
*font in the entry fields is really bad  :)    and small
*I have to click twice to remove the list window after i selected a value
*if i click once, the value is populated in the list, but the pull-down window with other values from selection is not removed
=Collection selection=
*It would be nice to have at least one line of words providing the collection description, and use more/hide description (for extra details)
*when description is opened, the label "Description" can simply be removed (it is clear what it is) and the text can be better aligned left under the collection name
*Add multiple authors: (Blank before Author name -> Logic)
*Submission- Import: After selecting an importsource and providing an identifier the button should not be labeled 'save', but next or something like that
*Easy Submission should be first entry in list
*Keypad support (Enter bei dropdowns)
*Dropdowns/Keypad support/Page scrolls when browsing the options with key up/down
*we have on top links to Even, Details, Source sections etc., in each of this section actually would be good to also have "link to top"
*First step of submission where forms are selected: It would be nice to have at least one line of words explaining the submission method name, and use more/hide description (for extra details)
*when description is opened, the label "Description" can simply be removed (it is clear what it is) and the text can be better aligned left under the submission method  name
=View Item Version=
*authors are not populated on View Item page
*not really clear that I have to click on the link to view the full item (would be nice to have some pointer for users here)
*very unclear what is label, what is value and indeed too much lines
*Advanced search date TO: not writing in label, populate the field by default with current date in a correct format
*advanced search: check-all box
*Basket takes doublettes?
=Browser Tests (Bugs only)=
==Firefox 2==
*Custom pulldowns do not open
Failed Redirect
Failed Redirect
*Horizontal lines with differnt thikness
==Browse & Display==
*Success Message not aligned left (seems to be one line with action menu)
*Custom pulldowns different background color (select menu has white background)
*Custom pulldown/hits per page/close icon makes a line break
*Separators/span/background visible
*Margins are smaller in Header
*Meta Menu/Language Dropdown does not work
*Separators/Borders/Background too long
*Dropdowns Filter options and Status do not react
*Focus is on logout
==Opera (9.22)==

Latest revision as of 10:50, 12 December 2008