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= The Citation Style of the American Psychological Association (APA)=

==Basic Rules==
This page contains the specification of the APA-Export for the Repository-Software "PubMan"

If one field is missing, just display the rest of the fields. A citation should always end with a dot.
=Basic Rules=

*A citation always ends with a dot.
*if there are two authors, please connect them with ",&", e.g.: Wegener, D. T., & Petty, R. E.
*If one field is missing, display the rest of the fields.
*if there are 3-6 authors: commas separate author names, while the last author name is preceded again by ampersand. E.g.: Kernis, M. H., Cornell, D. P., Sun, C. R., Berry, A., & Harlow, T.
*give the last name and initials for all authors of a particular work unless the work has more than six authors. If the work has more than six authors, list the first six authors and then use et al. E.g.: Harris, M., Karper, E., Stacks, G., Hoffman, D., DeNiro, R., Cruz, P., et al.
* '''if there are no authors, move title to the author position, before the date of publication.'''
*Give out creators' names as family name, initial. Creator.Given.Name(s) should be converted into initials.: Miller, K. or Benett, T. K.
* '''Creator.Given.Name should be converted into initials.'''
*If there are two authors, please connect them with ", &": Wegener, D. T., & Petty, R. E.
*'''these rules also apply, when creator.type = editor'''
*If there are 3-20 authors: commas separate author names, while the last author name is preceded again by ", &".: Kernis, M. H., Cornell, D. P., Sun, C. R., Berry, A., & Harlow, T.
* '''Creators of type organization should be treated exactly like creators of type person (creator roles "author" and "editor" are both allowed for organizations)'''
*If the work has more than 20 authors, list the first 20 authors and then use et al.: Harris, M., Karper, E., Stacks, G., Hoffman, D., DeNiro, R., Cruz, P., Author, A., Author, B., [......], Author20, A., et al.
*Creators of type organization should be treated exactly like creators of type person (creator roles "author" and "editor" are both allowed for organizations).
*If both authors and editors are available for the item, only use authors for the citation.
*If there are no authors but editors, please use creators with role editor instead.
*If there are no authors and  no editors, move title to the author position, before the date of publication.
*These rules also apply, when creator.role = editor
*Please note that the rules for authors also apply to editors.
*If the item has creator with role editor, use the abbreviation (Ed.) or (Eds.) after the last editor's name. Please use (Ed.) for one editor and (Eds.) for more than one.
*If there are no editors, move title to the author position, before the date of publication.
*Italicize titles for genres for larger works. This refers to the following genres:
**collected edition
**case study
*Do not italicize, underline, or put quotes around the titles of shorter works. This refers to all other genres.

*if the book has creator of type editor, use the abbreviation (Ed.) or (Eds.) after the last editor's name. Please use (Ed.) for one editor and (Eds.) for more than one.
* if there are no editors, move title to the author position, before the date of publication.
* '''please note that the rules for authors also apply to editors.'''
* '''Creators of type organization should be treated exactly like creators of type person (creator roles "author" and "editor" are both allowed for organizations)'''

Dates should be used in the following order:
*Italicize titles of longer works such as books and journals.
*Do not italicize, underline, or put quotes around the titles of shorter works such as journal articles or essays in edited collections.

'''Attention''': For genres series and journal, no date should be visible in the citation. The following rules do not apply.

If date published in print is filled in -> fill in the year
#'''start date of event''' (relevant only for genres poster, talk at event and teaching/courseware; for all other genres, proceed directly to date published in print)--> fill in the year
#'''date published in print''' --> fill in the year
#'''date published online''' --> fill in the year (do not render as "in press"). The doi should be added at the end of the citation, if available. If doi is not available, please use identifier of type URL, preceded by the words "Retrieved from". If doi or URL are available more than once, please only take the first value.
#'''date accepted''' --> render it as
##year of date accepted for genres: manuscript, poster, talk at event, teaching/courseware
##"in press" for all other genres
#'''date submitted''' --> render it as
##year of date submitted for genres: manuscript, poster, talk at event, teaching/courseware
##"submitted" for all other genres
#'''date modified''' --> render it as
##year of date modified for genres: manuscript, poster, talk at event, teaching/courseware
##"in preparation" for all other genres
#'''date created''' -->  render it as
##year of date created for genres: manuscript, poster, talk at event, teaching/courseware
##"in preparation" for all other genres
# if no dates are available --> render it as: (n.d.)

if no date published in print is filled in,
look for dates in this order:

* date published online--> fill in the year (do not render as "in press"). The doi should be added at the end of the citation, if available. If doi is not available, please use identifier of type URL, preceded by the words "Retrieved from". If doi or URL are available more than once, please only take the first value.
A date should never be the first element of a citation. If there are no authors or editors, date should come after the title, not before. Also see example for "Book with no author, no editor".
* date accepted --> render it as: in press
* date submitted --> render it as: submitted for publication
* date modified --> render it as: in preparation
* date created -->  render it as: in preparation ('''Exception''': if genre= manuscript --> Date created should be treated like a normal date and be visible, for manuscript the most important date is date created)
* no dates are available --> render it as: (n.d.).  

Please note that the date should never be the first element of the citation. E.g. if there are no authors or editors, date should come after the title, not before. Also see example for "Book with no author, no editor".
==Citation of works not yet published==

===Citation of not yet published works (valid for all genres, except for manuscript, teaching (Lecture/Courseware), Talk at event)===
Not yet published are works, which have only one or more of the following dates: date created, date modified or date submitted.
Only export Creators and title.
* submitted publications: Author, A. A. (submitted). Title of publication.
'''Attention''': These rules are valid for all genres, except of manuscript, teaching (Lecture/Courseware), Talk at event, Poster, Journals or Series.
* in preparation publications: Author, A. A. (in preparation). Title of publication.
*Only export creators and title.
**submitted publications: Author, A. A. (submitted). Title of publication.
**in preparation publications: Author, A. A. (in preparation). Title of publication.
=Citation of genres specified in APA=

==Journal Article==
==Journal Article==

Author, A. A., Author, B. B., & Author, C. C. (Year). Title of article. ''Title of Periodical, volume''(issue number), pages.
*No Editors may appear in the citation, when genre = journal article.
*<span style="color:red"> Always include the DOI at the end if available. If doi is not available, please use identifier of type URL, preceded by the words "Retrieved from". If doi or URL are available more than once, please only take the first value. </span>
===Journal Articles with page numbers===
Author, A. A., Author, B. B., & Author, C. C. (Year). Title of article. ''Title of Periodical'', ''volume''(issue number), pages. doi:xx.xxxxxxxxxx.
e.g.: Sauter, D., Eisner, F., Ekman, P., & Scott, S. K. (2010). Cross-cultural recognition of basic emotions through nonverbal emotional vocalizations. ''Journal of the National Academy of Sciences'', ''107''(6), 2408-2412. doi:10.1073/pnas.0908239106.
===Journal Articles with e number===

e.g.: Scruton, R. (1996). The eclipse of listening. ''The New Criterion, 15''(30), 5-13.
Author, A. A., Author, B. B., & Author, C. C. (Year). Title of article. ''Title of Periodical'', ''volume''(issue number): e number. doi:xx.xxxxxxxxxx.

* ''Please note'': No Editors should appear in the citation, when genre = journal article.
e.g.: Sauter, D., Eisner, F., Ekman, P., & Scott, S. K. (2010). Cross-cultural recognition of basic emotions through nonverbal emotional vocalizations. ''Journal of the National Academy of Sciences'', ''107''(6): 0908239106. doi:10.1073/pnas.0908239106.

===Journal Articles with page numbers and e number===
===Books with creator of type author===
Author, A. A., Author, B. B., & Author, C. C. (Year). Title of article. ''Title of Periodical'', ''volume''(issue number): e number, pp. pages. doi:xx.xxxxxxxxxx.
e.g.: Sauter, D., Eisner, F., Ekman, P., & Scott, S. K. (2010). Cross-cultural recognition of basic emotions through nonverbal emotional vocalizations. ''Journal of the National Academy of Sciences'', ''107''(6): 0908239106, pp. 2408-2412. doi:10.1073/pnas.0908239106.
*For genre "book", values for Place of Publication and Name of Publisher should be taken from item details, not from source.
===Book with creator of type author===

Author, A. A. (Year of publication). ''Title: Alternative Title'' (Edition). Place of Publication: Name of Publisher.
Author, A. A. (Year of publication). ''Title: Alternative Title'' (Edition). Place of Publication: Name of Publisher.

e.g.: Calfee, R. C., & Valencia, R. R. (1991). ''APA guide to preparing manuscripts for journal publication''(3rd ed.). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
e.g.: Calfee, R. C., & Valencia, R. R. (1991). ''APA guide to preparing manuscripts for journal publication'' (3rd ed.). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
===Book with creator of type editor===

===Books with creator of type editor===
Editor, A. A. (Ed.). (Year of publication). ''Title: Alternative Title'' (Edition). Place of Publication: Name of Publisher.

Editor, A. A. (Ed.). (Year of publication). ''Title: Alternative Title.'' Place of Publication: Name of Publisher.
e.g.: Duncan, G. J., & Brooks-Gunn, J. (Eds.). (1997). ''Consequences of growing up poor'' (2nd. Ed.). New York: Russell Sage Foundation.

e.g.: Duncan, G. J., & Brooks-Gunn, J. (Eds.). (1997). ''Consequences of growing up poor.'' New York: Russell Sage Foundation.
===Book with creators of type author and editor===

===Books with creators of type author and editor===
Author, A. A. (Year of publication). ''Title: Alternative Title'' (A.A. Editor, Ed.). (2nd. Ed.). Place of Publication: Name of Publisher.

Author, A. A. (Year of publication). ''Title: Alternative Title'' (A.A. Editor, Ed.). Place of Publication: Name of Publisher.
e.g.: Plath, S. (2000). ''The unabridged journals'' (K.V. Kukil, Ed.). (2nd.Ed.). New York: Anchor.

e.g.: Plath, S. (2000). ''The unabridged journals'' (K.V. Kukil, Ed.). New York: Anchor.
===Book with no author, no editor===

===Books with no author, no editor===
''Title of publication'' (Edition). (Year of publication). Place of publication: Name of Publisher.

''Title of publication.''(Year of publication). Place of publication: Name of Publisher.
e.g.: ''Webster's Dictionary'' (5th. Ed.). (1933). Washington, DC: Merriam Webster.

e.g. ''Webster's Dictionary.'' (1933). Washington, DC: Merriam Webster.
===Book online publication===

===Books online publication===
*If there is a date published online, add the DOI to the reference.  
If the last date given is published online, add the DOI to the reference, if no DOI is given, add the URL with the prefix "retrieved from".

===Books without a year===
e.g.: Tollrian, R., & Harvell, C. D. (1998). ''The ecology and evolution of inducible defenses''. Princeton/USA: Princeton University Press. doi:666.
Kondic, N. ''Test APA''. München: MPDL.
*If no DOI is given, add the URL with the prefix "retrieved from".
e.g.: Tollrian, R., & Harvell, C. D. (1998). ''The ecology and evolution of inducible defenses''. Princeton/USA: Princeton University Press. Retrieved from http://example.org/absolute/URI/with/absolute/path/to/resource.txt.
===Book without a year===

Creators ''Title''. Place of publication: publisher.
Creators ''Title''. Place of publication: publisher.

If not place of publication and no publisher then simply do:
e.g.: Kondic, N. ''Test APA''. München: MPDL.
If there is no place of publication and no publisher:

Creators ''Title''.
Creators ''Title''.

* '''Please note: for genre "book", values for Place of Publication and Name of Publisher should be taken from item details (and not from source details).'''
e.g.: Kondic, N. ''Test APA''.

==Book Chapter==
==Book Chapter==

Author, A. A., & Author, B. B. (Year of publication). Title of book chapter. In A. Editor & B. Editor (Eds.), ''Title of book: Alternative Title'' (Edition, Start Page-End Page). Source.Place of Publication: Source.Name of Publisher.
===Book chapter published in print===
*Place of Publication and Name of Publisher should be taken from Source Details.
Author, A. A., & Author, B. B. (Year of publication). Title of book chapter. In A. Editor, & B. Editor (Eds.), ''Title of book: Alternative Title'' (Edition, Start Page-End Page). Source.Place of Publication: Source.Name of Publisher.

e.g.: O'Neil, J. M., & Egan, J. (1992). Men's and women's gender role journeys: Metaphor for healing, transition, and transformation . In B. R. Wainrib (Ed.), ''Gender issues across the life cycle'' (3rd ed., pp. 107-123). New York: Springer.
e.g.: O'Neil, J. M., & Egan, J. (1992). Men's and women's gender role journeys: Metaphor for healing, transition, and transformation . In B. R. Wainrib (Ed.), ''Gender issues across the life cycle'' (3rd ed., pp. 107-123). New York: Springer.

===Book chapter online publication===
===Book chapter published online===
If the last date given, is a published online, add the DOI to the reference, if no DOI is given, add the URL with the prefix 'retrieved from'
*If there is a date published online, add the DOI to the reference.
e.g.: Bojowald, M., & Tavakol, R. (2008). Loop Quantum Cosmology II: Effective theories and oscillating universes. In R. Vaas (Ed.), ''Beyond the Big Bang: Prospects for an Eternal Universe''. Berlin, Germany: Springer. doi:135467.
*If no DOI is given, add the URL with the prefix 'retrieved from'
e.g.: Bojowald, M., & Tavakol, R. (2008). Loop Quantum Cosmology II: Effective theories and oscillating universes. In R. Vaas (Ed.), ''Beyond the Big Bang: Prospects for an Eternal Universe.'' Berlin, Germany: Springer. Retrieved from http://example.org/absolute/URI/with/absolute/path/to/resource.txt.
==Conference paper (Proceedings Paper)==
===Conference paper with source=journal===
*Use citation for [[#Journal_Article|journal article]].
e.g.: Boosen, M. (2012). H2O. Proceedings of Water Conference, 3: e789, pp. 124-125.
===Conference paper with source=proceedings or book===
*Use citation for [[#Book_Chapter|book chapter]].
e.g.: Boosen, M. (2012). H2O. In Proceedings of Water Conference (pp. 124-125. ). Stuttgart: Fischer.
===Conference paper with source other than journal, proceedings or book===
*Use citation for [[#Books|Book]].
e.g.: Boosen, M. (2012). H2O.

* '''Please note: Place of Publication and Name of Publisher should be taken from Source Details.'''
==Meeting Abstract==

==Proceedings Paper (conference-paper)==
===Meeting Abstract with source=journal===

===Rule for Conference paper with source=journal===
*Use citation for [[#Journal_Article|journal article]]

Please use citation for journal article
e.g.: Jennrich, O., & Johns, W. (2012). 10101 Nacht. ''Journal of the Conference on Oriental Science'', ''3''(9): e12345, pp. 1-5. doi:69856.

===Rule for Conference paper with source=proceedings or book===
===Meeting Abstract with source=proceedings or book===

Please use citation for book chapter.
*Use citation for [[#Book_Chapter|book chapter]].

In all other cases take citation for Book.
e.g.: Jennrich, O., & Johns, W. (2012). 10101 Nacht. In J. P. Baumgart (Ed.), ''Proceedings of the Conference on Oriental Science'' (4, pp. 1-5). Ohio: Holtzbrinck.
===Meeting Abstract with source other than journal, proceedings or book===
* Use citation for [[#Books|Book]].
e.g.: Jennrich, O., & Johns, W. (2012). ''10101 Nacht'' (Edition). Stuttgart: Weller.

===Thesis with date "published in print"===

Author, A.A. (Year published in print <ref name="Year published in print">if not available, Year accepted; if both exist, take year published in print</ref>). Title of dissertation. 'Degree Type' Thesis, Publisher, Place of Publication.
*year: if "year published in print" is not available, take "year accepted"; if both exist, take year published in print.
*"Thesis" is a static element.

=> "Thesis" is a static element.
Author, A.A. (Year published in print). Title of dissertation. 'Degree Type' Thesis, Publisher, Place of Publication.

e.g.: Mitterer, Holger (2003). Understanding gardem bench: Studies in the perception of assimilated word forms. PhD Thesis, University of Maastricht, Maastricht.
* Mitterer, Holger (2003). Understanding gardem bench: Studies in the perception of assimilated word forms. PhD Thesis, University of Maastricht, Maastricht.
e.g.: Dingemanse, Mark (2006). The Body in Yoruba: A Linguistic Study. Master Thesis, Leiden University, Leiden.

* Dingemanse, Mark (2006). The Body in Yoruba: A Linguistic Study. Master Thesis, Leiden University, Leiden.
===Thesis with date "published online"===

'''for online thesis (only to be used if date published online is filled, if accepted or date published is filled take the above rule):'''
*If date "published online" is filled, export the Doi.
*If no DOI is available, export the URL introduced by "Retrieved from"               

Author, A.A. (Year published online). ''Title'' ('Degree Type' Thesis, Publisher, place of publication, year published online). Retrieved from value of identifier of type URI  
Author, A.A. (Year published online). ''Title'' ('Degree Type' Thesis, Publisher, place of publication, year published online). Retrieved from value of identifier of type URI.

e.g.: Knudsen, B. (2007). Infants’ appreciation of others’ mental states in prelinguistic communication. Diploma Thesis, MPI Series in Psycholinguistics, Radboud University, Nijmegen. doi:12345678.

O'Shanessy, C. (2006). ''Language contact and children's bilingual acquisition: Learning a mixed language and Warlpiri in northern Australia''
e.g.: O'Shanessy, C. (2006). ''Language contact and children's bilingual acquisition: Learning a mixed language and Warlpiri in northern Australia''
(PhD Thesis, University of Sydney, 2006). Retrieved from http://hdl.handle.net/2123/1303
(PhD Thesis, University of Sydney, 2006). Retrieved from http://hdl.handle.net/2123/1303

*[Special Issue] is a static element of the citation -it is not included in the metadata.

Editor, A. A., & Editor, B. (Eds.). (Year of Publication). Issue.Title [Special Issue]. ''Source.Title, Source.Volume''(Number of issue).
Editor, A. A., & Editor, B. (Eds.). (Year of Publication). Issue.Title [Special Issue]. ''Source.Title, Source.Volume''(Number of issue).

e.g. Barlow, D.H. (Ed.). (1993). The science of classification [Special Issue]. ''Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 100''(3).
e.g.: Barlow, D.H. (Ed.). (1993). The science of classification [Special Issue]. ''Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 100''(3).

* '''Please note that [Special Issue] is a static element of the citation -it is not included in the metadata.'''
=Citation of genres, not specified in the APA rules=

==Suggestions for the citation of other genres==

Editor, A. A., & Editor, B. (Eds.). ''Title of Journal''. Place of Publication: Publisher.
Editor, A. A., & Editor, B. (Eds.). ''Title of Journal''. Place of Publication: Publisher.

e.g. Mann, T., & Beck, F. (Eds.). ''Journal of Testing Purposes''. New York: Springer.
e.g.: Mann, T., & Beck, F. (Eds.). ''Journal of Testing Purposes''. New York: Springer.


Author, A. A., & Author, B. (Year of Publication). ''Title of manuscript''. Unpublished manuscript.
Author, A. A., & Author, B. (Year of Publication). ''Title of manuscript''. Unpublished manuscript.

e.g. Smith, J. H., & Thomas, R. (1996). ''Thematic segmentation of psychotherapy transcripts for convergent analyses.'' Unpublished manuscript.
e.g.: Smith, J. H., & Thomas, R. (1996). ''Thematic segmentation of psychotherapy transcripts for convergent analyses.'' Unpublished manuscript.
Use citation for [[#book|book]].

Use same citation as for book.

Editor, A. (Ed.). ''Title''. Place of Publication: Name of Publisher.

Editor, A. (Ed.). ''Title'' (Vols. start volume-end volume). Place of Publication: Name of Publisher.
e.g.: Wiener, P. (Ed.). ''Dictionary of the history of ideas''. New York: Scribner's.

e.g.: Wiener, P. (Ed.). ''Dictionary of the history of ideas'' (Vols. 1-4). New York: Scribner's.
==Talk at event==

* --[[User:Makarenko|Makarenko]] 09:38, 29 May 2009 (UTC): Please, note that there is no source in the [https://zim01.gwdg.de/repos/smc/tags/public/PubMan/Concepts/Genre_Table_with_GUI_Groups.xls submission mask for series], it means that we cannot have any volume information in citation style. The rule should be updated.
* take the year of the start date of event; if date of event is not filled, please use the overall rules for dates

===Talk at event===
Author, A. A., & Author, B. (Year of Event). ''Publication.Title''. Talk presented at Event.Title. Event.Place. Start Date of Event - End Date of Event.

Author, A. A., & Author, B. (Year of Event, please take the year of the start date of event; if date of event is not filled, please use the overall rules for dates). Publication.Title. ''Event.Title''. Event.Place. Start Date of Event - End Date of Event.
Van Berkum, J. J. A. (2009). ''Incrementality and beyond: What ERPs tell us about utterance comprehension''. Talk presented at Workshop on Incrementality in Verbal Interaction, Bielefeld University. Bielefeld, Germany, 2009-06-08 - 2009-06-10.  

e.g. Smith, J. H., & Thomas, R. (1997). Relaxation therapy for elderly insomniacs. ''Symposium in insomnia''. Uppsala, Sweden, 2007-03-29 - 2007-03-31.

Author (year of event). ''Title''. Poster presented at Title of Event, Place of Event.
Author (year). ''Title''. Poster presented at the Title of Event, Place of Event.
example, edoc id:http://edoc.mpg.de/398451 should read:

Van Alphen, P.M., & Van Berkum, J.J.A. (2006). ''About embarking dogs and gracious mice: An ERP study on the integration of embedded words''. Poster presented at the Annual CUNY conference on human sentence processing, San Diego, CA.
Van Alphen, P.M., & Van Berkum, J.J.A. (2006). ''About embarking dogs and gracious mice: An ERP study on the integration of embedded words''. Poster presented at Annual CUNY conference on human sentence processing, San Diego, CA.


Treat like journal article.
*Use citation for [[#Journal_Article|journal article]]


Author, A. A., & Author, B. (Year of Publication). ''Report.Title'' (Report.Identifier). Place of Publication: Publisher.
*Only identifiers of type "Report-Nr." should be used in report citations;
*If no identifier with type "Report-Nr." is available, identifiers with type "other" should be exported.  
*If no identifier of type "OTHER" is available in MD, omit this part.

e.g. Broadhurst, R. G., & Maller, R. A. (1991). ''Sex offending and recidivism'' (Tech. Rep. No. 3). New York: State Institute for Crime Research.
Author, A. A., & Author, B. (Year of Publication). Report.Title (Report.Number). Place of Publication: Publisher.

'''Please note:''' Only identifiers of type "OTHER" should be used in report citations; if no identifier of type "OTHER" is available in MD, please omit this part.
e.g.: Broadhurst, R. G., & Maller, R. A. (1991). Sex offending and recidivism (Tech. Rep. No. 3). New York: State Institute for Crime Research.

===Lecture/ Courseware (Teaching)===
==Lecture/ Courseware (Teaching)==
Author, A. (Year). Title. EventTitle. University, Place of University, Start date - End date.

* If start-end date of event missing in MD, the citation ends with '''",."'''. Please remove the comma.
*If start date and end date of event missing in Metadata, the citation ends with a dot instead of a comma.

===Conference Report===
If source.genre is journal, take citation for article.

If source.genre is book or proceedings, take citation for Book Chapter.
Author, A. (Year of event). Title. EventTitle. University, Place of University, Start date - End date.

If no source.genre exists and if source genre is other than journal, book or proceedings, take citation for Book.
e.g.: Yildiz, I. B. (2007). Math 234. Multivariable Calculus. Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, USA, 2007-08-27 - 2007-12-14.  

e.g.: Yildiz, I. B. Math 234. Multivariable Calculus. Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, USA.

If source.genre is journal, take citation for article.  
e.g.: Yildiz, I. B. (2012). Math 234.

If source.genre is book, take citation for Book Chapter.
==Conference Report==

If no source.genre exists and if source genre is other than journal, book or proceedings, take citation for Book.
===Conference Report with source=journal===

== References ==
If source.genre is journal, take citation for [[#Journal_Article|journal article]].
===Conference Report with source=book/proceedings===
If source.genre is book or proceedings, take citation for [[#Book_Chapter|book chapter]].
===Conference Report with source=other===
If no source.genre exists and if source genre is other than journal, book or proceedings, take citation for [[#book|book]].
If source.genre is journal, take citation for [[#Journal_Article|journal article]].
If source.genre is book, take citation for [[#Book_Chapter|book chapter]].
If no source.genre exists and if source genre is other than journal, book or proceedings, take citation for [[#book|book]].
<references />
<references />


Latest revision as of 07:25, 16 July 2013


This page contains the specification of the APA-Export for the Repository-Software "PubMan"

Basic Rules[edit]

  • A citation always ends with a dot.
  • If one field is missing, display the rest of the fields.


  • Give out creators' names as family name, initial. Creator.Given.Name(s) should be converted into initials.: Miller, K. or Benett, T. K.
  • If there are two authors, please connect them with ", &": Wegener, D. T., & Petty, R. E.
  • If there are 3-20 authors: commas separate author names, while the last author name is preceded again by ", &".: Kernis, M. H., Cornell, D. P., Sun, C. R., Berry, A., & Harlow, T.
  • If the work has more than 20 authors, list the first 20 authors and then use et al.: Harris, M., Karper, E., Stacks, G., Hoffman, D., DeNiro, R., Cruz, P., Author, A., Author, B., [......], Author20, A., et al.
  • Creators of type organization should be treated exactly like creators of type person (creator roles "author" and "editor" are both allowed for organizations).
  • If both authors and editors are available for the item, only use authors for the citation.
  • If there are no authors but editors, please use creators with role editor instead.
  • If there are no authors and no editors, move title to the author position, before the date of publication.
  • These rules also apply, when creator.role = editor


  • Please note that the rules for authors also apply to editors.
  • If the item has creator with role editor, use the abbreviation (Ed.) or (Eds.) after the last editor's name. Please use (Ed.) for one editor and (Eds.) for more than one.
  • If there are no editors, move title to the author position, before the date of publication.


  • Italicize titles for genres for larger works. This refers to the following genres:
    • book
    • journal
    • festschrift
    • handbook
    • series
    • monography
    • collected edition
    • talk
    • poster
    • commentary
    • report
    • editorial
    • case study
    • opinion
  • Do not italicize, underline, or put quotes around the titles of shorter works. This refers to all other genres.


Dates should be used in the following order:

Attention: For genres series and journal, no date should be visible in the citation. The following rules do not apply.

  1. start date of event (relevant only for genres poster, talk at event and teaching/courseware; for all other genres, proceed directly to date published in print)--> fill in the year
  2. date published in print --> fill in the year
  3. date published online --> fill in the year (do not render as "in press"). The doi should be added at the end of the citation, if available. If doi is not available, please use identifier of type URL, preceded by the words "Retrieved from". If doi or URL are available more than once, please only take the first value.
  4. date accepted --> render it as
    1. year of date accepted for genres: manuscript, poster, talk at event, teaching/courseware
    2. "in press" for all other genres
  5. date submitted --> render it as
    1. year of date submitted for genres: manuscript, poster, talk at event, teaching/courseware
    2. "submitted" for all other genres
  6. date modified --> render it as
    1. year of date modified for genres: manuscript, poster, talk at event, teaching/courseware
    2. "in preparation" for all other genres
  7. date created --> render it as
    1. year of date created for genres: manuscript, poster, talk at event, teaching/courseware
    2. "in preparation" for all other genres
  8. if no dates are available --> render it as: (n.d.)

A date should never be the first element of a citation. If there are no authors or editors, date should come after the title, not before. Also see example for "Book with no author, no editor".

Citation of works not yet published[edit]

Not yet published are works, which have only one or more of the following dates: date created, date modified or date submitted.

Attention: These rules are valid for all genres, except of manuscript, teaching (Lecture/Courseware), Talk at event, Poster, Journals or Series.

  • Only export creators and title.
    • submitted publications: Author, A. A. (submitted). Title of publication.
    • in preparation publications: Author, A. A. (in preparation). Title of publication.

Citation of genres specified in APA[edit]

Journal Article[edit]

  • No Editors may appear in the citation, when genre = journal article.
  • Always include the DOI at the end if available. If doi is not available, please use identifier of type URL, preceded by the words "Retrieved from". If doi or URL are available more than once, please only take the first value.

Journal Articles with page numbers[edit]

Author, A. A., Author, B. B., & Author, C. C. (Year). Title of article. Title of Periodical, volume(issue number), pages. doi:xx.xxxxxxxxxx.

e.g.: Sauter, D., Eisner, F., Ekman, P., & Scott, S. K. (2010). Cross-cultural recognition of basic emotions through nonverbal emotional vocalizations. Journal of the National Academy of Sciences, 107(6), 2408-2412. doi:10.1073/pnas.0908239106.

Journal Articles with e number[edit]

Author, A. A., Author, B. B., & Author, C. C. (Year). Title of article. Title of Periodical, volume(issue number): e number. doi:xx.xxxxxxxxxx.

e.g.: Sauter, D., Eisner, F., Ekman, P., & Scott, S. K. (2010). Cross-cultural recognition of basic emotions through nonverbal emotional vocalizations. Journal of the National Academy of Sciences, 107(6): 0908239106. doi:10.1073/pnas.0908239106.

Journal Articles with page numbers and e number[edit]

Author, A. A., Author, B. B., & Author, C. C. (Year). Title of article. Title of Periodical, volume(issue number): e number, pp. pages. doi:xx.xxxxxxxxxx.

e.g.: Sauter, D., Eisner, F., Ekman, P., & Scott, S. K. (2010). Cross-cultural recognition of basic emotions through nonverbal emotional vocalizations. Journal of the National Academy of Sciences, 107(6): 0908239106, pp. 2408-2412. doi:10.1073/pnas.0908239106.


  • For genre "book", values for Place of Publication and Name of Publisher should be taken from item details, not from source.

Book with creator of type author[edit]

Author, A. A. (Year of publication). Title: Alternative Title (Edition). Place of Publication: Name of Publisher.

e.g.: Calfee, R. C., & Valencia, R. R. (1991). APA guide to preparing manuscripts for journal publication (3rd ed.). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.

Book with creator of type editor[edit]

Editor, A. A. (Ed.). (Year of publication). Title: Alternative Title (Edition). Place of Publication: Name of Publisher.

e.g.: Duncan, G. J., & Brooks-Gunn, J. (Eds.). (1997). Consequences of growing up poor (2nd. Ed.). New York: Russell Sage Foundation.

Book with creators of type author and editor[edit]

Author, A. A. (Year of publication). Title: Alternative Title (A.A. Editor, Ed.). (2nd. Ed.). Place of Publication: Name of Publisher.

e.g.: Plath, S. (2000). The unabridged journals (K.V. Kukil, Ed.). (2nd.Ed.). New York: Anchor.

Book with no author, no editor[edit]

Title of publication (Edition). (Year of publication). Place of publication: Name of Publisher.

e.g.: Webster's Dictionary (5th. Ed.). (1933). Washington, DC: Merriam Webster.

Book online publication[edit]

  • If there is a date published online, add the DOI to the reference.

e.g.: Tollrian, R., & Harvell, C. D. (1998). The ecology and evolution of inducible defenses. Princeton/USA: Princeton University Press. doi:666.

  • If no DOI is given, add the URL with the prefix "retrieved from".

e.g.: Tollrian, R., & Harvell, C. D. (1998). The ecology and evolution of inducible defenses. Princeton/USA: Princeton University Press. Retrieved from http://example.org/absolute/URI/with/absolute/path/to/resource.txt.

Book without a year[edit]

Creators Title. Place of publication: publisher.

e.g.: Kondic, N. Test APA. München: MPDL.

If there is no place of publication and no publisher:

Creators Title.

e.g.: Kondic, N. Test APA.

Book Chapter[edit]

Book chapter published in print[edit]

  • Place of Publication and Name of Publisher should be taken from Source Details.

Author, A. A., & Author, B. B. (Year of publication). Title of book chapter. In A. Editor, & B. Editor (Eds.), Title of book: Alternative Title (Edition, Start Page-End Page). Source.Place of Publication: Source.Name of Publisher.

e.g.: O'Neil, J. M., & Egan, J. (1992). Men's and women's gender role journeys: Metaphor for healing, transition, and transformation . In B. R. Wainrib (Ed.), Gender issues across the life cycle (3rd ed., pp. 107-123). New York: Springer.

Book chapter published online[edit]

  • If there is a date published online, add the DOI to the reference.

e.g.: Bojowald, M., & Tavakol, R. (2008). Loop Quantum Cosmology II: Effective theories and oscillating universes. In R. Vaas (Ed.), Beyond the Big Bang: Prospects for an Eternal Universe. Berlin, Germany: Springer. doi:135467.

  • If no DOI is given, add the URL with the prefix 'retrieved from'

e.g.: Bojowald, M., & Tavakol, R. (2008). Loop Quantum Cosmology II: Effective theories and oscillating universes. In R. Vaas (Ed.), Beyond the Big Bang: Prospects for an Eternal Universe. Berlin, Germany: Springer. Retrieved from http://example.org/absolute/URI/with/absolute/path/to/resource.txt.

Conference paper (Proceedings Paper)[edit]

Conference paper with source=journal[edit]

e.g.: Boosen, M. (2012). H2O. Proceedings of Water Conference, 3: e789, pp. 124-125.

Conference paper with source=proceedings or book[edit]

e.g.: Boosen, M. (2012). H2O. In Proceedings of Water Conference (pp. 124-125. ). Stuttgart: Fischer.

Conference paper with source other than journal, proceedings or book[edit]

  • Use citation for Book.

e.g.: Boosen, M. (2012). H2O.

Meeting Abstract[edit]

Meeting Abstract with source=journal[edit]

e.g.: Jennrich, O., & Johns, W. (2012). 10101 Nacht. Journal of the Conference on Oriental Science, 3(9): e12345, pp. 1-5. doi:69856.

Meeting Abstract with source=proceedings or book[edit]

e.g.: Jennrich, O., & Johns, W. (2012). 10101 Nacht. In J. P. Baumgart (Ed.), Proceedings of the Conference on Oriental Science (4, pp. 1-5). Ohio: Holtzbrinck.

Meeting Abstract with source other than journal, proceedings or book[edit]

  • Use citation for Book.

e.g.: Jennrich, O., & Johns, W. (2012). 10101 Nacht (Edition). Stuttgart: Weller.


Thesis with date "published in print"[edit]

  • year: if "year published in print" is not available, take "year accepted"; if both exist, take year published in print.
  • "Thesis" is a static element.

Author, A.A. (Year published in print). Title of dissertation. 'Degree Type' Thesis, Publisher, Place of Publication.

e.g.: Mitterer, Holger (2003). Understanding gardem bench: Studies in the perception of assimilated word forms. PhD Thesis, University of Maastricht, Maastricht. e.g.: Dingemanse, Mark (2006). The Body in Yoruba: A Linguistic Study. Master Thesis, Leiden University, Leiden.

Thesis with date "published online"[edit]

  • If date "published online" is filled, export the Doi.
  • If no DOI is available, export the URL introduced by "Retrieved from"

Author, A.A. (Year published online). Title ('Degree Type' Thesis, Publisher, place of publication, year published online). Retrieved from value of identifier of type URI.

e.g.: Knudsen, B. (2007). Infants’ appreciation of others’ mental states in prelinguistic communication. Diploma Thesis, MPI Series in Psycholinguistics, Radboud University, Nijmegen. doi:12345678.

e.g.: O'Shanessy, C. (2006). Language contact and children's bilingual acquisition: Learning a mixed language and Warlpiri in northern Australia (PhD Thesis, University of Sydney, 2006). Retrieved from http://hdl.handle.net/2123/1303


  • [Special Issue] is a static element of the citation -it is not included in the metadata.

Editor, A. A., & Editor, B. (Eds.). (Year of Publication). Issue.Title [Special Issue]. Source.Title, Source.Volume(Number of issue).

e.g.: Barlow, D.H. (Ed.). (1993). The science of classification [Special Issue]. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 100(3).

Citation of genres, not specified in the APA rules[edit]


Editor, A. A., & Editor, B. (Eds.). Title of Journal. Place of Publication: Publisher.

e.g.: Mann, T., & Beck, F. (Eds.). Journal of Testing Purposes. New York: Springer.


Author, A. A., & Author, B. (Year of Publication). Title of manuscript. Unpublished manuscript.

e.g.: Smith, J. H., & Thomas, R. (1996). Thematic segmentation of psychotherapy transcripts for convergent analyses. Unpublished manuscript.


Use citation for book.


Editor, A. (Ed.). Title. Place of Publication: Name of Publisher.

e.g.: Wiener, P. (Ed.). Dictionary of the history of ideas. New York: Scribner's.

Talk at event[edit]

  • take the year of the start date of event; if date of event is not filled, please use the overall rules for dates

Author, A. A., & Author, B. (Year of Event). Publication.Title. Talk presented at Event.Title. Event.Place. Start Date of Event - End Date of Event.

Van Berkum, J. J. A. (2009). Incrementality and beyond: What ERPs tell us about utterance comprehension. Talk presented at Workshop on Incrementality in Verbal Interaction, Bielefeld University. Bielefeld, Germany, 2009-06-08 - 2009-06-10.


Author (year of event). Title. Poster presented at Title of Event, Place of Event.

Van Alphen, P.M., & Van Berkum, J.J.A. (2006). About embarking dogs and gracious mice: An ERP study on the integration of embedded words. Poster presented at Annual CUNY conference on human sentence processing, San Diego, CA.



  • Only identifiers of type "Report-Nr." should be used in report citations;
  • If no identifier with type "Report-Nr." is available, identifiers with type "other" should be exported.
  • If no identifier of type "OTHER" is available in MD, omit this part.

Author, A. A., & Author, B. (Year of Publication). Report.Title (Report.Number). Place of Publication: Publisher.

e.g.: Broadhurst, R. G., & Maller, R. A. (1991). Sex offending and recidivism (Tech. Rep. No. 3). New York: State Institute for Crime Research.

Lecture/ Courseware (Teaching)[edit]

  • If start date and end date of event missing in Metadata, the citation ends with a dot instead of a comma.

Author, A. (Year of event). Title. EventTitle. University, Place of University, Start date - End date.

e.g.: Yildiz, I. B. (2007). Math 234. Multivariable Calculus. Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, USA, 2007-08-27 - 2007-12-14.

e.g.: Yildiz, I. B. Math 234. Multivariable Calculus. Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, USA.

e.g.: Yildiz, I. B. (2012). Math 234.

Conference Report[edit]

Conference Report with source=journal[edit]

If source.genre is journal, take citation for journal article.

Conference Report with source=book/proceedings[edit]

If source.genre is book or proceedings, take citation for book chapter.

Conference Report with source=other[edit]

If no source.genre exists and if source genre is other than journal, book or proceedings, take citation for book.


If source.genre is journal, take citation for journal article.

If source.genre is book, take citation for book chapter.

If no source.genre exists and if source genre is other than journal, book or proceedings, take citation for book.
