Difference between revisions of "User talk:Martin de la Iglesia"

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(24 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
Line 12: Line 12:
| Creator.Person.CompleteName
| Creator.Person.CompleteName
| set Creator.CreatorType to "Person"; set Creator.CreatorRole to "Author"
| set Creator.CreatorType to "Person"; set Creator.CreatorRole to "Author"
| if %0 = Book
| if %0 = Book, Book Section, Report, Conference Paper. Please note that organization authors are treated as Persons.
| %B (Secondary Title) / Series Title
| %B (Secondary Title) / Series Title
| Source.Title
| Source.Title
| set Source.Genre to "Series"
| set Source.Genre to "Series"
| if %0 = Book
| if %0 = Book, Report
| %B (Secondary Title) / Book Title
| Source.Title
| set Source.Genre to "Book"
| if %0 = Book Section
| %B (Secondary Title) / Conference Name
| Event.Title
| -
| if %0 = Conference Paper
| %C (Place Published) / City
| %C (Place Published) / City
| PublishingInfo.Place
| PublishingInfo.Place
| -
| -
| if %0 = Book
| if %0 = Book, Report
| %C (Place Published) / City
| Source.PublishingInfo.Place
| -
| if %0 = Book Section
| %C (Place Published) / Conference Location
| Event.Place
| -
| if %0 = Conference Paper
| %D (Year) / Year
| %D (Year) / Year
| Date.Date
| Date.Date
| set Date.DateType to "created"
| set Date.DateType to "created"
| if %0 = Book
| if %0 = Book, Book Section, Report, Conference Paper
| %E (Editor/Secondary Author) / Series Editor
| %E (Editor/Secondary Author) / Series Editor, Editor
| Source.Creator.Person.CompleteName
| Source.Creator.Person.CompleteName
| set Source.Creator.CreatorType to "Person"; set Source.Creator.CreatorRole to "Editor"
| set Source.Creator.CreatorType to "Person"; set Source.Creator.CreatorRole to "Editor"
| if %0 = Book
| if %0 = Book, Book Section, Report, Conference Paper [in the last case, Source.Title = Event.Title, Source.Genre = Proceedings, if not indicated otherwise]
| %F (Label) / Label
| %F (Label) / Label
| -
| -
| -
| -
| if %0 = Book
| if %0 = Book, Book Section, Report, Conference Paper
| %G (Language) / Language
| %G (Language) / Language
| Language
| Language
| -
| -
| if %0 = Book
| if %0 = Book, Book Section, Report, Conference Paper
| %H (Translated Author) / Translated Author
| %H (Translated Author) / Translated Author
| Creator.Person.AlternativeName
| Creator.Person.AlternativeName
| -
| -
| if %0 = Book
| if %0 = Book, Book Section, Report, Conference Paper
| %I (Publisher) / Publisher, Institution
| PublishingInfo.Publisher
| -
| if %0 = Book, Report [since Reports can be written *for* institutions by external authors, it can't be mapped to Creator.Person.Organization]
| %I (Publisher) / Publisher
| %I (Publisher) / Publisher
| PublishingInfo.Publisher
| Source.PublishingInfo.Publisher
| -
| -
| if %0 = Book
| if %0 = Book Section, Conference Paper
| %J (Secondary Title (Journal Name) / -
| %J (Secondary Title (Journal Name)) / -
| -
| -
| -
| -
| if %0 = Book
| if %0 = Book, Book Section, Report
| %K (Keywords) / Keywords
| %K (Keywords) / Keywords
| Subject
| Subject
| -
| -
| if %0 = Book
| if %0 = Book, Book Section, Report, Conference Paper
| %L (Call Number) / Call Number
| %L (Call Number) / Call Number, -
| -
| -
| -
| -
| if %0 = Book
| if %0 = Book, Book Section, Report, Conference Paper
| %M (Accession Number) / Accession Numer
| %M (Accession Number) / Accession Number
| -
| -
| -
| -
| if %0 = Book
| if %0 = Book, Book Section, Report, Conference Paper
| %N (Number (Issue)) / Series Volume
| %N (Number (Issue)) / Series Volume
| Source.Volume
| Source.Volume
| If no other fields contain information about the source, set Source.Genre to "Series".
| if %0 = Book
| %N (Number (Issue)) / Series Volume, -
| -
| -
| if %0 = Book
| -
| if %0 = Book Section, Conference Paper
| %N (Number (Issue)) / Document Number
| Source.Volume
| If no other fields contain information about the source, set Source.Genre to "Series".
| if %0 = Report and if there's no %6 (Series Volume).
| %P (Pages) / Number of Pages
| %P (Pages) / Number of Pages
Line 83: Line 118:
| -
| -
| if %0 = Book
| if %0 = Book
| %P (Pages) / Pages
| Source.StartPage, Source.EndPage
| -
| if %0 = Book Section, Conference Paper
| %P (Pages) / Pages
| Source.StartPage, Source.EndPage; or, if there's only one number: TotalNumberOfPages
| If no other fields contain information about the source, set Source.Genre to "Book" [alternatively: Journal?].
| if %0 = Report
| %Q (Translated Title) / Translated Title
| %Q (Translated Title) / Translated Title
| AlternativeTitle
| AlternativeTitle
| -
| -
| if %0 = Book
| if %0 = Book, Book Section, Report, Conference Paper
| %R (DOI) / DOI
| %R (DOI) / DOI
| Identifier.Id
| Identifier.Id
| set Identifier.IdType to "DOI"
| set Identifier.IdType to "DOI"
| if %0 = Book
| if %0 = Book, Book Section, Report, Conference Paper
| %S (Tertiary Title) / -
| %S (Tertiary Title) / -, Series Title, -
| -
| -
| -
| -
| if %0 = Book
| if %0 = Book, Book Section, Report, Conference Paper
| %T (Title) / Title
| %T (Title) / Title
| Title
| Title
| -
| -
| if %0 = Book
| if %0 = Book, Book Section, Report, Conference Paper
| %U (URL) / URL
| %U (URL) / URL
| Identifier.Id
| Identifier.Id
| set Identifier.IdType to "URI"
| set Identifier.IdType to "URI"
| if %0 = Book
| if %0 = Book, Book Section, Report, Conference Paper
| %V (Volume) / Volume
| %V (Volume) / Volume
Line 113: Line 158:
| -
| -
| if %0 = Book. Add prefix, e.g. "vol. "? Alternatively, map %V to Source.SequenceNumber (the Source consisting of all volumes of the book. If there's a series, that series would become the Source.Source).
| if %0 = Book. Add prefix, e.g. "vol. "? Alternatively, map %V to Source.SequenceNumber (the Source consisting of all volumes of the book. If there's a series, that series would become the Source.Source).
| %V (Volume) / Volume
| Source.AlternativeTitle
| -
| if %0 = Book Section. Add prefix, e.g. "vol. "?
| %V (Volume) / Volume
| Source.Volume
| set Source.Genre to "Series" [?]
| if %0 = Report and if there's no %6 (Series Volume). [Alternatively, map %V to AlternativeTitle and add prefix, e.g. "vol. "?]
| %V (Volume) / Volume
| Source.Volume
| -
| if %0 = Conference Paper
| %W (Database Provider) / Database Provider
| %W (Database Provider) / Database Provider
| -
| -
| -
| -
| if %0 = Book
| if %0 = Book, Book Section, Report, Conference Paper
| %X (Abstract) / Abstract
| %X (Abstract) / Abstract
| Abstract
| Abstract
| -
| -
| if %0 = Book
| if %0 = Book, Book Section, Report, Conference Paper
| %Y (Tertiary Author) / -
| %Y (Tertiary Author) / -, Series Editor, -
| -
| -
| -
| -
| if %0 = Book
| if %0 = Book, Book Section, Conference Paper
| %Y (Tertiary Author) / Publisher
| PublishingInfo.Publisher
| -
| if %0 = Report. Overwrites possible Publisher derived from %P/Institution.
| %Z (Notes) / Notes
| %Z (Notes) / Notes
| -
| -
| -
| -
| if %0 = Book
| if %0 = Book, Book Section, Report, Conference Paper
| %0 (Reference Type)
| %0 (Reference Type)
| [see Genre mapping]
| [see Genre mapping]
| -
| -
| if %0 = Book
| if %0 = Book, Book Section, Report
| %1 - %4 (Custom 1 - 4) / -
| -
| -
| if %0 = Book, Report
| %1 (Custom 1) / Section
| -
| -
| if %0 = Book Section [isn't exported from EndNote anyway]
| %1 (Custom 1) / Place Published
| Source.PublishingInfo.Place
| -
| if %0 = Conference Paper
| %1 - %5 (Custom 1 - 5) / -
| %2 - %4 (Custom 2 - 4) / -
| -
| -
| -
| -
| if %0 = Book
| if %0 = Book Section, Conference Paper
| %6 (Number of Volumes) / Number of Volumes
| %6 (Number of Volumes) / Number of Volumes
Line 148: Line 228:
| -
| -
| if %0 = Book. Alternatively, concatenate with Volume and map to AlternativeTitle, e.g. "vol. 2 (of 3)".
| if %0 = Book. Alternatively, concatenate with Volume and map to AlternativeTitle, e.g. "vol. 2 (of 3)".
| %6 (Number of Volumes) / Number of Volumes
| -
| -
| if %0 = Book Section. Alternatively, concatenate with Volume and map to Source.AlternativeTitle, e.g. "vol. 2 (of 3)".
| %6 (Number of Volumes) / -
| -
| -
| if %0 = Report
| %6 (Number of Volumes) / -
| -
| -
| if %0 = Conference Paper
| %7 (Edition) / Edition
| %7 (Edition) / Edition
| PublishingInfo.Edition
| PublishingInfo.Edition
| -
| -
| if %0 = Book, Report
| %7 (Edition) / Edition
| Source.PublishingInfo.Edition
| -
| if %0 = Book Section
| %7 (Edition) / -
| -
| -
| if %0 = Conference Paper
| %8 (Date) / Date, -, Date
| -
| -
| if %0 = Book [not exported from EndNote], Book Section
| %8 (Date) / Date, -, Date
| Date.Date
| set Date.DateType to "created"
| if %0 = Report
| %8 (Date) / Date, -, Date
| -
| -
| if %0 = Conference Paper [The date on which the talk was given is probably recorded in this field. However, there's no appropriate PubMan DateType for this, and since the publication year given in %D (Year) may be later than the talk year, I suggest ignoring %8. Setting the %D DateType to "published in print" won't do, because the paper could be also "published online".]
| %9 (Type of Work) / Type of Work, -, Type
| -
| -
| if %0 = Book [not exported from EndNote], Book Section, Report, Conference Paper
| %? (Subsidiary Author) / Translator
| Creator.Person.CompleteName
| set Creator.CreatorType to "Person"; set Creator.CreatorRole to "Translator"
| if %0 = Book, Book Section
| %? (Subsidiary Author) / Department/Division
| -
| -
| if %0 = Report [could be different from publisher and author's affiliation, so nowhere to map to]
| %? (Subsidiary Author) / -
| -
| -
| if %0 = Conference Paper
| %@ (ISBN / ISSN) / ISBN
| Identifier.Id
| set Identifier.IdType to "ISBN"
| if %0 = Book
| if %0 = Book
| %8 (Date) / Date
| %@ (ISBN / ISSN) / ISBN
| Source.Identifier.Id
| set Source.Identifier.IdType to "ISBN"
| if %0 = Book Section
| %@ (ISBN / ISSN) / Report Number
| Source.Volume
| set Source.Genre to "Series"
| if %0 = Report. Overwrites all other Source.Volume source fields except for %6 (Series Volume).
| %@ (ISBN / ISSN) / -
| -
| -
| if %0 = Conference Paper
| %! (Short Title) / Short Title
| AlternativeTitle
| -
| if %0 = Book, Book Section, Report
| %! (Short Title) / -
| -
| -
| if %0 = Conference Paper
| %#, %$, $] (Custom 5-7) / -
| -
| -
| if %0 = Book, Report, Conference Paper
| %#, %$, $] (Custom 5-7) / Packaging Method, -
| -
| -
| if %0 = Book Section
| %& (Section) / Pages
| -
| -
| if %0 = Book. If someone uses this field to catalogue a book section without using the proper reference type, we can't make an item with Genre = "Book Item" out of it because we wouldn't have a title for that item. [isn't exported from EndNote anyway]
| %& (Section) / Chapter
| Source.SequenceNumber
| -
| if %0 = Book Section
| %& (Section) / -
| -
| -
| if %0 = Report, Conference Paper
| %( (Original Publication) / Original Publication, -
| -
| -
| if %0 = Book, Book Section, Conference Paper
| %( (Original Publication) / Contents
| TableOfContents
| -
| if %0 = Report
| %) (Reprint Edition) / Reprint Edition
| Publishing Info.Edition
| -
| if %0 = Book, and if %7 is empty.
| %) (Reprint Edition) / Reprint Edition
| Source.Publishing Info.Edition
| -
| if %0 = Book Section, and if %7 is empty.
| %) (Reprint Edition) / -
| -
| -
| if %0 = Report, Conference Paper
| %* (Reviewed Item) / -
| -
| -
| if %0 = Book, Report
| %* (Reviewed Item) / Reviewed Item
| - [Alternatively: prefix "Review of: " + Abstract?]
| -
| if %0 = Book Section
| %* (Reviewed Item) / -
| -
| -
| if %0 = Conference Paper
| %+ (Author Address) / Author Address
| Creator.Person.Organization.Address
| -
| if %0 = Book, Book Section, Report, Conference Paper. Since there's no standard separator for multiple addresses, this field can't be mapped when there's more than one author.
| %^ (Caption) / Caption
| -
| -
| if %0 = Book, Book Section, Report, Conference Paper
| %> (File Attachments) / File Attachments
| -
| -
| if %0 = Book, Book Section, Report, Conference Paper
| %< (Research Notes) / Research Notes
| -
| -
| if %0 = Book, Book Section, Report, Conference Paper
| %[ (Access Date) / Access Date
| -
| -
| if %0 = Book, Book Section, Report, Conference Paper
| %= (Custom 8) / -
| -
| -
| if %0 = Book, Book Chapter, Report, Conference Paper
| %~ (Name of Database) / Name of Database
| -
| -
| -
| -
| if %0 = Book [not exported from EndNote]
| if %0 = Book, Book Chapter, Report, Conference Paper

Latest revision as of 09:33, 25 September 2009


Mapping of EndNote Standard Entries[edit]

EndNote field PubMan field additional settings Comment / Condition
%A (Author) / Author Creator.Person.CompleteName set Creator.CreatorType to "Person"; set Creator.CreatorRole to "Author" if %0 = Book, Book Section, Report, Conference Paper. Please note that organization authors are treated as Persons.
%B (Secondary Title) / Series Title Source.Title set Source.Genre to "Series" if %0 = Book, Report
%B (Secondary Title) / Book Title Source.Title set Source.Genre to "Book" if %0 = Book Section
%B (Secondary Title) / Conference Name Event.Title - if %0 = Conference Paper
%C (Place Published) / City PublishingInfo.Place - if %0 = Book, Report
%C (Place Published) / City Source.PublishingInfo.Place - if %0 = Book Section
%C (Place Published) / Conference Location Event.Place - if %0 = Conference Paper
%D (Year) / Year Date.Date set Date.DateType to "created" if %0 = Book, Book Section, Report, Conference Paper
%E (Editor/Secondary Author) / Series Editor, Editor Source.Creator.Person.CompleteName set Source.Creator.CreatorType to "Person"; set Source.Creator.CreatorRole to "Editor" if %0 = Book, Book Section, Report, Conference Paper [in the last case, Source.Title = Event.Title, Source.Genre = Proceedings, if not indicated otherwise]
%F (Label) / Label - - if %0 = Book, Book Section, Report, Conference Paper
%G (Language) / Language Language - if %0 = Book, Book Section, Report, Conference Paper
%H (Translated Author) / Translated Author Creator.Person.AlternativeName - if %0 = Book, Book Section, Report, Conference Paper
%I (Publisher) / Publisher, Institution PublishingInfo.Publisher - if %0 = Book, Report [since Reports can be written *for* institutions by external authors, it can't be mapped to Creator.Person.Organization]
%I (Publisher) / Publisher Source.PublishingInfo.Publisher - if %0 = Book Section, Conference Paper
%J (Secondary Title (Journal Name)) / - - - if %0 = Book, Book Section, Report
%K (Keywords) / Keywords Subject - if %0 = Book, Book Section, Report, Conference Paper
%L (Call Number) / Call Number, - - - if %0 = Book, Book Section, Report, Conference Paper
%M (Accession Number) / Accession Number - - if %0 = Book, Book Section, Report, Conference Paper
%N (Number (Issue)) / Series Volume Source.Volume If no other fields contain information about the source, set Source.Genre to "Series". if %0 = Book
%N (Number (Issue)) / Series Volume, - - - if %0 = Book Section, Conference Paper
%N (Number (Issue)) / Document Number Source.Volume If no other fields contain information about the source, set Source.Genre to "Series". if %0 = Report and if there's no %6 (Series Volume).
%P (Pages) / Number of Pages TotalNumberOfPages - if %0 = Book
%P (Pages) / Pages Source.StartPage, Source.EndPage - if %0 = Book Section, Conference Paper
%P (Pages) / Pages Source.StartPage, Source.EndPage; or, if there's only one number: TotalNumberOfPages If no other fields contain information about the source, set Source.Genre to "Book" [alternatively: Journal?]. if %0 = Report
%Q (Translated Title) / Translated Title AlternativeTitle - if %0 = Book, Book Section, Report, Conference Paper
%R (DOI) / DOI Identifier.Id set Identifier.IdType to "DOI" if %0 = Book, Book Section, Report, Conference Paper
%S (Tertiary Title) / -, Series Title, - - - if %0 = Book, Book Section, Report, Conference Paper
%T (Title) / Title Title - if %0 = Book, Book Section, Report, Conference Paper
%U (URL) / URL Identifier.Id set Identifier.IdType to "URI" if %0 = Book, Book Section, Report, Conference Paper
%V (Volume) / Volume AlternativeTitle - if %0 = Book. Add prefix, e.g. "vol. "? Alternatively, map %V to Source.SequenceNumber (the Source consisting of all volumes of the book. If there's a series, that series would become the Source.Source).
%V (Volume) / Volume Source.AlternativeTitle - if %0 = Book Section. Add prefix, e.g. "vol. "?
%V (Volume) / Volume Source.Volume set Source.Genre to "Series" [?] if %0 = Report and if there's no %6 (Series Volume). [Alternatively, map %V to AlternativeTitle and add prefix, e.g. "vol. "?]
%V (Volume) / Volume Source.Volume - if %0 = Conference Paper
%W (Database Provider) / Database Provider - - if %0 = Book, Book Section, Report, Conference Paper
%X (Abstract) / Abstract Abstract - if %0 = Book, Book Section, Report, Conference Paper
%Y (Tertiary Author) / -, Series Editor, - - - if %0 = Book, Book Section, Conference Paper
%Y (Tertiary Author) / Publisher PublishingInfo.Publisher - if %0 = Report. Overwrites possible Publisher derived from %P/Institution.
%Z (Notes) / Notes - - if %0 = Book, Book Section, Report, Conference Paper
%0 (Reference Type) [see Genre mapping] - if %0 = Book, Book Section, Report
%1 - %4 (Custom 1 - 4) / - - - if %0 = Book, Report
%1 (Custom 1) / Section - - if %0 = Book Section [isn't exported from EndNote anyway]
%1 (Custom 1) / Place Published Source.PublishingInfo.Place - if %0 = Conference Paper
%2 - %4 (Custom 2 - 4) / - - - if %0 = Book Section, Conference Paper
%6 (Number of Volumes) / Number of Volumes - - if %0 = Book. Alternatively, concatenate with Volume and map to AlternativeTitle, e.g. "vol. 2 (of 3)".
%6 (Number of Volumes) / Number of Volumes - - if %0 = Book Section. Alternatively, concatenate with Volume and map to Source.AlternativeTitle, e.g. "vol. 2 (of 3)".
%6 (Number of Volumes) / - - - if %0 = Report
%6 (Number of Volumes) / - - - if %0 = Conference Paper
%7 (Edition) / Edition PublishingInfo.Edition - if %0 = Book, Report
%7 (Edition) / Edition Source.PublishingInfo.Edition - if %0 = Book Section
%7 (Edition) / - - - if %0 = Conference Paper
%8 (Date) / Date, -, Date - - if %0 = Book [not exported from EndNote], Book Section
%8 (Date) / Date, -, Date Date.Date set Date.DateType to "created" if %0 = Report
%8 (Date) / Date, -, Date - - if %0 = Conference Paper [The date on which the talk was given is probably recorded in this field. However, there's no appropriate PubMan DateType for this, and since the publication year given in %D (Year) may be later than the talk year, I suggest ignoring %8. Setting the %D DateType to "published in print" won't do, because the paper could be also "published online".]
%9 (Type of Work) / Type of Work, -, Type - - if %0 = Book [not exported from EndNote], Book Section, Report, Conference Paper
%? (Subsidiary Author) / Translator Creator.Person.CompleteName set Creator.CreatorType to "Person"; set Creator.CreatorRole to "Translator" if %0 = Book, Book Section
%? (Subsidiary Author) / Department/Division - - if %0 = Report [could be different from publisher and author's affiliation, so nowhere to map to]
%? (Subsidiary Author) / - - - if %0 = Conference Paper
%@ (ISBN / ISSN) / ISBN Identifier.Id set Identifier.IdType to "ISBN" if %0 = Book
%@ (ISBN / ISSN) / ISBN Source.Identifier.Id set Source.Identifier.IdType to "ISBN" if %0 = Book Section
%@ (ISBN / ISSN) / Report Number Source.Volume set Source.Genre to "Series" if %0 = Report. Overwrites all other Source.Volume source fields except for %6 (Series Volume).
%@ (ISBN / ISSN) / - - - if %0 = Conference Paper
%! (Short Title) / Short Title AlternativeTitle - if %0 = Book, Book Section, Report
%! (Short Title) / - - - if %0 = Conference Paper
%#, %$, $] (Custom 5-7) / - - - if %0 = Book, Report, Conference Paper
%#, %$, $] (Custom 5-7) / Packaging Method, - - - if %0 = Book Section
%& (Section) / Pages - - if %0 = Book. If someone uses this field to catalogue a book section without using the proper reference type, we can't make an item with Genre = "Book Item" out of it because we wouldn't have a title for that item. [isn't exported from EndNote anyway]
%& (Section) / Chapter Source.SequenceNumber - if %0 = Book Section
%& (Section) / - - - if %0 = Report, Conference Paper
%( (Original Publication) / Original Publication, - - - if %0 = Book, Book Section, Conference Paper
%( (Original Publication) / Contents TableOfContents - if %0 = Report
%) (Reprint Edition) / Reprint Edition Publishing Info.Edition - if %0 = Book, and if %7 is empty.
%) (Reprint Edition) / Reprint Edition Source.Publishing Info.Edition - if %0 = Book Section, and if %7 is empty.
%) (Reprint Edition) / - - - if %0 = Report, Conference Paper
%* (Reviewed Item) / - - - if %0 = Book, Report
%* (Reviewed Item) / Reviewed Item - [Alternatively: prefix "Review of: " + Abstract?] - if %0 = Book Section
%* (Reviewed Item) / - - - if %0 = Conference Paper
%+ (Author Address) / Author Address Creator.Person.Organization.Address - if %0 = Book, Book Section, Report, Conference Paper. Since there's no standard separator for multiple addresses, this field can't be mapped when there's more than one author.
%^ (Caption) / Caption - - if %0 = Book, Book Section, Report, Conference Paper
%> (File Attachments) / File Attachments - - if %0 = Book, Book Section, Report, Conference Paper
%< (Research Notes) / Research Notes - - if %0 = Book, Book Section, Report, Conference Paper
%[ (Access Date) / Access Date - - if %0 = Book, Book Section, Report, Conference Paper
%= (Custom 8) / - - - if %0 = Book, Book Chapter, Report, Conference Paper
%~ (Name of Database) / Name of Database - - if %0 = Book, Book Chapter, Report, Conference Paper