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Vocabularies used in this description:
{| cellspacing="2" cellpadding="4" width="100%" style="background:#FFFFFF; border: thin solid black;"
|'''Vocabulary Title'''
|'''Namespace Name'''
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|Dublin Core Terms
|Dublin Core Type Vocabulary
|Collection Description Terms
|Collection Description Type Vocabulary
== Digital Collections ==
{|cellspacing="2" cellpadding="4" width="100%" style="background:#FFFFFF; border: thin solid black;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|style="width:150px" |dc:identifier
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|Kurzsammlungen der BSB
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|Das Referat Digitale Bibliothek ist aus dem Münchener Digitalisierungszentrum hervorgegangen, das die Bayerische Staatsbibliothek 1997 mit Unterstützung der  Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft  als eines von zwei nationalen Digitalisierungszentren eingerichtet hatte. Dem Referat obliegen im Moment drei Aufgabenschwerpunkte:
*die (Retro-)Digitalisierung von gedruckten Beständen im Rahmen von drittmittelgeförderten Projekten und in Eigenleistung, im Gefolge von digitization on demand und der Digitalisierung aus Bestandserhaltungs- und/oder Sicherheitsgründen;
*die technische Unterstützung des Aufbaus und der Pflege von Virtuellen Fachbibliotheken, die die Bayerische Staatsbibliothek im Rahmen ihrer Sondersammelgebietsverpflichtungen aufbaut und unterhält sowie die technische Betreuung des Kulturportals "Bayerische Landesbibliothek Online (BLO)";
*die Langzeitarchivierung elektronischer Dokumente.
Das Referat fungiert darüber hinaus landesweit als Kompetenzzentrum für alle Fragestellungen im Zusammenhang mit dem Thema "digitale Bibliothek".
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|General Public (Open Access)
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|Continuously updated
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
| -
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|General Public
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
| The temporal coverage of the content of the items in the collection.
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|The range of dates over which the collection was accumulated.
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
{|cellspacing="2" cellpadding="4" width="100%" style="background:#FFFFFF; border: thin solid black;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|style="width:150px" |dc:identifier
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|National Library of Ireland
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|The National Library recognises the importance of developing the digital collections, services and infrastructure necessary to support the creation and management of a significant digital library. We aim to maximise access to our resources, enhance and expand the services we offer, and enable our users to work with us, and our collections, in new and innovative ways.
As part of our emerging digital library programme we are planning a number of major digitisation projects. Amongst these projects are the digitisation of substantial sections of our visual collections and the production of a digital version of the source material used to create two key reference works for Irish studies, Richard Hayes’ Manuscript Sources for the History of Irish Civilization and Sources for the History of Irish Civilisation: Articles in Irish Periodicals.
We will also continue to explore the potential for working with other institutions and projects, and to develop the digital library to support collaboration.
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|Collection Text
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|General Public (Borrower ID requested)
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|Continuously updated
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
| -
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|General Public
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|Dublin, Ireland
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|Internet, [http://www.worldcat.org/libraries WorldCat]
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
{|cellspacing="2" cellpadding="4" width="100%" style="background:#FFFFFF; border: thin solid black;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|style="width:150px" |dc:identifier
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|National Library of New Zealand
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|The National Library is the lead agency for New Zealand’s Digital Content Strategy, 'Creating a Digital New Zealand'. The strategy aims to chart a course for a content-rich digital New Zealand, where New Zealanders are actively engaged in creating, discovering, sharing and using content in a digital form.
The strategy was launched by the government in September 2007, and following a public consultation process at the end of 2006. You can download a copy of the strategy on the Digital Strategy website.
The passing of the National Library of New Zealand (Te Puna Mātauranga o Aotearoa) Act 2003 challenged the Library to think strategically about information delivered in a digital paradigm.
The National Library’s Digital Strategy identifies the directions to be pursued by the Library between 2003-2008, and outlines an annual programme of work designed to drive the Library’s digital strategy and ensure that it is delivered.
A successful Digital Strategy will have four main outcomes. The Library will be able to:
* provide enhanced access to digital information, especially New Zealand content,  for New Zealanders, for example online databases and electronic journals
* collect digital resources, especially those relating to New Zealand and New Zealanders
* ensure the long-term storage and preservation of New Zealand’s online heritage
* provide enhanced access to the Library’s collections through digitisation.
The NZNL provides a tool for metadata extraction: [http://www.natlib.govt.nz/about-us/current-initiatives/metadata-extraction-tool/view]
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|Collection Text
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|General Public (Open Access)
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|Deposit, Purchase
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|Continuously updated
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|New Zealand
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|General Public
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|digital resources relating to New Zealand and New Zealanders
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|Wellington, New Zealand
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|Internet, [http://www.worldcat.org/libraries WorldCat]
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
{|cellspacing="2" cellpadding="4" width="100%" style="background:#FFFFFF; border: thin solid black;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|style="width:150px" |dc:identifier
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|National Science Digital Library (USA)
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|The National Science Digital Library (NSDL) was created by the National Science Foundation to provide organized access to high quality resources and tools that support innovations in teaching and learning at all levels of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics education.
NSDL serves as a nexus for educators, researchers, policy makers and the public by building bridges:
*Between private sector and public interests by providing access to resources such as publishers' journal articles, teacher-created lesson plans and real-time data sets from scientists
*Between the scientific, research and educational communities by applying advanced technologies to stimulate new ways for educators and learners to access and use scientific information
*Between teachers and learners at all levels, in all locations by supplying content and tools in open-access, non-propietary formats in an easily accessible online environment.
NSDL is intended to meet the educational and informational needs of a wide variety of users, from pre-school children to self-directed adults, in both formal and informal education settings. The resources that make up the NSDL vary greatly in size, depth, scope, type of materials, level of review and educational level.
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|Collection Text
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|General Public (Open Access)
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|Collection with links to database which contains full texts
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|Continuously updated
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
| -
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|General Public
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|educational and research service
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
{|cellspacing="2" cellpadding="4" width="100%" style="background:#FFFFFF; border: thin solid black;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|style="width:150px" |dc:identifier
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|Bibliotheca Alexandrina
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|As a library of the 21 st Century, the Bibliotheca Alexandrina (BA), along with its affiliated academic and cultural centers, is committed to digitization as a means of preserving, managing, and disseminating information and knowledge. The BA sets out to share them with a worldwide audience via the internet, thus promoting greater understanding and tolerance between cultures. To achieve this goal, the BA has formed partnerships with various cultural, academic, governmental, and corporate organizations for the creation of many significant and compelling digital projects. These projects cover a wide array of cultural and educational themes.
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|General Public (links to other digital collections)
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
| -
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|General Public
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|referes to other websites with digital collections
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|Alexandria, Egypt
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
{|cellspacing="2" cellpadding="4" width="100%" style="background:#FFFFFF; border: thin solid black;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|style="width:150px" |dc:identifier
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|Carnegie Mellon University Libraries
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|Carnegie Mellon University Libraries will provide creative, expert and technologically advanced information services designed to be responsive to the present and continually changing information needs of the university community.
* To support and contribute to the teaching, research, artistic and other scholarly endeavors of the university.
* To acquire, organize, make accessible, maintain and preserve information resources for optimal use.
* To contribute to and disseminate knowledge about library services, resources and access to distributed information.
Goals and Strategies:
Create the Digital Library
* Add to the funding for commercial digital resources ($100,000).
* In conjunction with School of Computer Science, develop these projects:
          o Automated reference assistance (foundations, OCLC partnership).
          o Global registry of works that have been digitized to avoid duplication.
          o Selective digitization of out-of-copyright works that have been requested on interlibrary loan with successive OCR and correction.
          o Mechanisms for delivery of digitized texts to requesters.
          o More scanning of out-of-copyright books to build the Universal Library.
          o Lobbying for new economic models and statutory changes to promote digital libraries.
* In conjunction with appropriate departments, facilitate access to large research databases (status quo funding).
* Encourage and support cutting edge access for remote users, as recommended by the Computing and Communications group.
* Encourage faculty to work in their scholarly societies to decouple certification of the value of work from print publication (no local funding).
Target the Right Information
* Bring undergraduate paper collections in Modern Languages, History and Anthropology, and Environmental Studies to basic levels ($101-106,000 a year; foundations, appeal to alumni, university funding).
* Create a program approval process that will ensure that library resource needs are considered in decision making and funded as new programs are adopted (no immediate funding).
Retool Library Facilities for the 21st Century
* Seek external funding for new buildings, renovations, and additions (foundations, alumni, friends).
Manage the Libraries Effectively
* Evaluate services and make improvements based on the needs of the university community.
* Enhance the information literacy program to teach all aspects of information use, focusing on effective research skills, and to prepare students to apply research skills in diverse contexts and professional careers.
* For librarians, archivists, and other professionals: Develop a program of peer review, promotion and compensation that fosters and rewards intellectual growth and excellence.
* For support staff and paraprofessionals: Develop a program of job enrichment, regular reclassification review, and appropriate compensation.
* Develop and implement a plan to market all library services.
* Develop and implement fundraising activities to augment collections, facilities and staffing.
* Maintain a robust technology infrastructure.
* Recruit and retain a diverse staff that reflects the university's affirmative action policy goals.
* Provide formal and informal training and support so that staff have the skills to work to their full potential.
* Maintain a continuous strategic-planning cycle complementary to the libraries' quality improvement program.
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|Collection Text, Images & Audio
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|General Public (Borrower ID requested)
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|Deposit, Purchase, Item Creation
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|Continuously updated
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|University Community
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|Pittsburgh, USA
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
{|cellspacing="2" cellpadding="4" width="100%" style="background:#FFFFFF; border: thin solid black;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|style="width:150px" |dc:identifier
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|Columbia University Digital Collections
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|Over the past ten years the Libraries has built a number of significant digital research collections.
These extraordinary online presentations of primary source material reproductions and descriptions
now include the Digital Scriptorium containing medieval and early Renaissance manuscripts,
texts of the John Jay Papers, digitized photographs of Japanese puppet theater, hundreds of hours
of oral histories and transcripts of interviews including Notable New Yorkers, collections of ancient
papyri and clay tablets in APIS, a gallery of rare Chinese folk art prints in Chinese Paper Gods, and
more. The Libraries continues to expand its program of digitization of rare and unique research
collections for the benefit of faculty, students, and scholars at Columbia and around the world. For 2008 it is planned to open new group
and individual study spaces in Lehman Library, to present
a new Center for Digital Research and Scholarship....
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|Collection Text and Images
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|General Public (Open Access)
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|Item Creation
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|Continuously updated
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
| -
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|General Public
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|New York, NY, USA
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
{|cellspacing="2" cellpadding="4" width="100%" style="background:#FFFFFF; border: thin solid black;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|style="width:150px" |dc:identifier
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|Harvard University's Library Digital Initiative
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|Harvard University's Library Digital Initiative (LDI) is a comprehensive program begun in 1998 to develop the University's capacity to manage digital information by:
* creating the technical infrastructure to support the acquisition, organization, delivery, and archiving of digital library materials;
* providing a team of specialists to advise librarians and others in the University community on key issues in the digital environment;
* providing librarians and staff with experience in a wide range of technologies and digital materials; and,
* enriching the Harvard University Library collections with a significant set of digital resources
They provide a Digital Repository System with metadata information and a [http://hul.harvard.edu/ois/systems/drs/policyGuide/wwhelp/wwhimpl/js/html/wwhelp.htm repository policy guide].
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|General Public (not all collections with open Access; only reachable via website)
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|Item Creation
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|updated quarterly
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
| -
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|General Public
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|Boston, USA
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
{|cellspacing="2" cellpadding="4" width="100%" style="background:#FFFFFF; border: thin solid black;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|style="width:150px" |dc:identifier
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|The New York Public Library (NYPL) NYPL-Digital
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|The New York Public Library (NYPL) NYPL-Digital
*is your gateway to The New York Public Library’s rare and unique international holdings in digitized form, including:
**Historic maps
**Rare prints and photographs
**Illuminated manuscripts
**Unusual printed ephemera
**Sound files and moving images
**Original art and more
*Continues to fulfill the Library's traditional mission in the Internet Age to collect, preserve and make its holdings available
*Connects you to digital versions of increasingly valuable, fragile and hard-to-use originals by offering a ever-growing selection of digital collections
*Offers many holdings in their entirety, ensuring the virtual equivalent of consulting them in person
*Organizes holdings via topical or thematic groupings into virtual collections, helping bridge physical (departmental or organizational) separation
*Maintains current links to related NYPL websites such as online exhibitions, archival finding aids, and e-books
*Reflects ongoing development and evolution of best practices in the digital environment
*Results from setting benchmarks and coordinating practices institution-wide for capture, description, storage, retrieval and delivery of digital surrogates
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|Collection Text, Images, Video, Audio
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|General Public (open Access)
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|Item Creation
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|Continuously updated
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
| -
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|General Public
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|New York, NY, USA
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|Internet, [http://www.worldcat.org/libraries WorldCat]
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
{|cellspacing="2" cellpadding="4" width="100%" style="background:#FFFFFF; border: thin solid black;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|style="width:150px" |dc:identifier
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|McGill Digital Collections Program
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|The Digital Collections Program (DCP) is home to McGill Library's digitization unit. Located in the Rare Books and Special Collections Division (McLennan Library Complex), DCP designs and produces digital projects based on the Library's many unique collections. To date DCP has produced more than forty digital projects covering a wide array of subjects including, art, architecture, history and literature, engineering, medicine, maps, music, and urban design.
McGill's Digital Collections range from archival inventories (The Moshe Safdie Hypermedia Archive); bibliographic databases (Cookbook Collection, Canadian Olympic Collection) which provide access to items in the collection; image databases (Ramsay Traquair: The Architecture of Old Quebec, Napoleon Print Collection); full-text collections (In Pursuit of Adventure: The Fur Trade in Canada and the North West Company and the Canadian Architect and Builder); hybrid projects like In Search of Your Canadian Past: The Canadian County Atlas Project.
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|Collection Text, Images & Audio
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|General Public (open Access, restricted Access)
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|Item Creation
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|Continuously updated
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
| -
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|General Public
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|Blackader Lauterman
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|Motreal, Quebec, Canada
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|Internet, [http://www.worldcat.org/libraries WorldCat]
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
{|cellspacing="2" cellpadding="4" width="100%" style="background:#FFFFFF; border: thin solid black;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|style="width:150px" |dc:identifier
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|Glasgow Digital Library
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|The Glasgow Digital Library (GDL) is a collaborative venture based in the Centre for Digital Library Research at the University of Strathclyde. The initial GDL project was funded for two years by the Research Support Libraries Programme.
The original aim of the project was to establish the GDL as a virtual co-library of the majority of public institutions in Glasgow. The long-term aim was to create a wholly digital resource to support teaching, learning and research at all levels in the city, bringing together material currently separated by ownership and physical location.
As the GDL project developed in its second year, and further funding was received from SCRAN for specific digitisation projects, there was greater emphasis within the GDL on the development and management of original digital collections and establishing a coherent standards-based information environment. The GDL has therefore evolved into:
a distributed digital library based in Glasgow which aims to produce a coherent digital learning and information environment for Glasgow's citizens, through the development and implementation of a common collection development policy and an agreed technical and inter-working infrastructure.
As outlined in its collection development policy, the GDL seeks to create, collect and provide access to digital content that is about Glasgow, in Glasgow or for Glasgow but does not to duplicate work done elsewhere.
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|General Public (Open Access)
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|Continuously updated
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|digital content that is about Glasgow, in Glasgow or for Glasgow
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|General Public
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|Glasgow, UK
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
{|cellspacing="2" cellpadding="4" width="100%" style="background:#FFFFFF; border: thin solid black;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|style="width:150px" |dc:identifier
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|Zentrales Archiv Digitalisierter Drucke
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|Das Zentrale Verzeichnis Digitalisierter Drucke weist grundsätzlich alle vollständig digitalisierten Druckwerke aus, die frei über das Internet zur Verfügung gestellt werden und einem gewissen wissenschaftlichen Qualitätsstandard genügen. Verschiedene Arten von Druckwerken sind dabei eingeschlossen: Zeitungen, Zeitschriften, Musikdrucke oder "Kleinschrifttum" wie Einblattdrucke oder Flugblätter ebenso wie Monographien oder Reihen. Das Portal konzentriert sich in einer ersten Phase auf Digitalisierungsprojekte im Sinne digitaler Sammlungen oder digitaler Bibliotheken. Die Einspielung von Einzelwerken wird zunächst zurückgestellt und zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt realisiert.
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|Collection Text
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|General Public (Open Access)
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|links to other database with and without fulltext
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|General Public
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
{|cellspacing="2" cellpadding="4" width="100%" style="background:#FFFFFF; border: thin solid black;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|style="width:150px" |dc:identifier
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|Document Server@UHasselt
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|Research & Publications in digital form, including preprints, published articles, technical reports, working papers and more. A service provided by the Hasselt University Library
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|de, en, fr, nl
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|Collection Text
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|General Public (Open Access)
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|Metadata with fulltext, without fulltext, with link to publication
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|continuosly updated
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|General Public
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|Internet, [http://search1.driver.research-infrastructures.eu/ DRIVER]
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
{|cellspacing="2" cellpadding="4" width="100%" style="background:#FFFFFF; border: thin solid black;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|style="width:150px" |dc:identifier
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|VBN, Aalborg University
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|All research published at Aalborg University is continuously registered in VBN under the following categories: Book or report, Journal article, Contribution to book or collection, Conference contribution and Working papers.
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|en, da
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|Collection Text
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|General Public (Open Access)
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|Matadata somtimes with link to fulltext
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|Continuously updated
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|All research published at Aalborg University
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|General Public
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|Aalborg, Denmark
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
{|cellspacing="2" cellpadding="4" width="100%" style="background:#FFFFFF; border: thin solid black;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|style="width:150px" |dc:identifier
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|DiVA - Publications from Jönköping University
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|DiVA contains student theses, dissertations and other publications in full-text from Jönköping University. In DiVA there are also research publications made by researchers at the university, for example articles from scholarly journals, conference papers and books.
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|en, no, sv
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|Collection Text
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|General Public (Open Access)
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|Deposit (in parts only Metadata)
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|Continuously updated
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|publications from Jönköping University and made by researchers at the university
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|General Public
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|Jönköping, Sweden
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
{|cellspacing="2" cellpadding="4" width="100%" style="background:#FFFFFF; border: thin solid black;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|style="width:150px" |dc:identifier
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|Oxford Eprints, Oxford University
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|Oxford E-prints is a digital archive for research articles written by Oxford University authors. It is a cross-diciplinary archive, accessible to all.
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|Collection Text
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|General Public (Open Access)
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|Continuously updated
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|research articles written by Oxford University authors
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|General Public
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|Oxford, UK
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|Internet, [http://search1.driver.research-infrastructures.eu/ DRIVER]
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
{|cellspacing="2" cellpadding="4" width="100%" style="background:#FFFFFF; border: thin solid black;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|style="width:150px" |dc:identifier
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|PASCAL, Network of Excellence for Multimodal Interfaces
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|PASCAL is the European Commission's IST-funded Network of Excellence for Multimodal Interfaces. The project is supported by the Cognition Unit and coordinated by the University of Southampton.
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|Collection Text
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|General Public (Open Access, several publications with restricted access)
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|General Public
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
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|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
{|cellspacing="2" cellpadding="4" width="100%" style="background:#FFFFFF; border: thin solid black;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|style="width:150px" |dc:identifier
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|ORBIT, The Danish Technical University
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
| ORBIT - Online Research dataBase In Technology - is the only official research database of the Technical University of Denmark, DTU.
ORBIT provides all information on scientific, popular and educational publications used in research activities at DTU. ORBIT is the central tool for departments, sections and the individual researchers to present their publications and externally funded research projects. The registration interface is accessible to DTU staff members via the link and Campus sign on.
The ORBIT search interface gives worldwide public access to information about research and development activities at the University and provides an overview of publications to which DTU researchers have contributed as authors or co-authors. ORBIT also provides the possibility of cross search on publications, projects, department profiles and personal staff profiles.
The database includes the full text when available, or a form is displayed, where you can order a copy of the article in paper form via DTV.
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|Collection Text
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|General Public (Restricted Access)
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|research database of the Technical University of Denmark
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|General Public
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
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|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
{|cellspacing="2" cellpadding="4" width="100%" style="background:#FFFFFF; border: thin solid black;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|style="width:150px" |dc:identifier
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|Manuscriptorium - Digital Library of National Library of the Czech Republic
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|Manuscriptorium is a system for collecting and making accessible on the internet information on historical book resources, linked to a virtual library of digitised documents. The Manuscriptorium service is financed by the National Library of the Czech Republic and managed by AiP Beroun s.r.o.
Manuscriptorium makes metadata available to the general public without restriction.
As a matter of principle, Manuscriptorium makes all data (images, sound, full text) freely accessible to its partners, and to others via a licence.
Documents from the Digital Library can be used as an alternative to the study of microfilms in library reading rooms. The Digital Library contains documents from dozens of different sources and the advantages of the online environment are self-evident: digital documents are immediately accessible at any time from any source in the co-ordinated environment.
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|en, cs
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|Collection Text, Images, Audio
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|General Public (Restricted Access, license acquirable by purchase)
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|Donation, Item Creation
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|Continuously updated
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|General Public
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|written cultural heritage prior to 1800 and documents of an archival nature
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|Prague, Czech Republic
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|Internet, [http://search.theeuropeanlibrary.org TEL]
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
{|cellspacing="2" cellpadding="4" width="100%" style="background:#FFFFFF; border: thin solid black;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|style="width:150px" |dc:identifier
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|The Warburg Institute Library Digital Collection
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|The aim of these digital collections is to make out-of-print source material on Medieval and Renaissance studies freely available online. Books are scanned, printed out on archival paper, bound and placed on the shelves. The originals are kept in the Reserve Books Room.
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|Collection Text
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|General Public (Open Access)
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|Item Creation
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|Continuously updated
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|General Public
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|London, UK
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
{|cellspacing="2" cellpadding="4" width="100%" style="background:#FFFFFF; border: thin solid black;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|style="width:150px" |dc:identifier
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|University of Wisconsin Digital Collections
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|Since its foundation in early 2000, the UWDCC has worked collaboratively with UW System faculty, staff, and librarians to create and provide access to digital resources that support the teaching and research needs of the UW community, uniquely document the university and State of Wisconsin, and provide access to rare or fragile items of broad research value. The UWDCC has also partnered with cultural heritage institutions and public libraries throughout Wisconsin to create digital resources.
Resources within the collections are free and publicly accessible online. They are loosely organized into collections that span a range of subjects including art, ecology, literature, history, music, natural resources, science, social sciences, the State of Wisconsin, and the University of Wisconsin. Digital resources include text-based materials such as books, journal series, and manuscript collections; photographic images; slides; maps; prints; posters; audio; and video.
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|Collection Text, Images, Video  and Audio
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|General Public (Open Access)
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|Item Creation, Donation
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|Continuously updated
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|General Public
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|Madison, Wisconsin, USA
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
{|cellspacing="2" cellpadding="4" width="100%" style="background:#FFFFFF; border: thin solid black;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|style="width:150px" |dc:identifier
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|JSC Digital Image Collection
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|This collection of more than 9000 NASA press release photos spans the American manned space program, from the Mercury program to the STS-79 Shuttle mission.
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|Collection Pictures
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|General Public (Open Access)
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|Item Creation
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|General Public
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|crewed spaceflight
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
{|cellspacing="2" cellpadding="4" width="100%" style="background:#FFFFFF; border: thin solid black;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|style="width:150px" |dc:identifier
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|The Margarita S. Studemeister Digital Library in International Conflict Management
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|From the United States Institute of Peace (USIP): The Foreign Affairs Documentation Center (FADC was planned as an inter-agency digital library for public access primarily to unclassified official foreign policy documents of the United States, and is now defunct.
The FADC sought to identify valuable digital collections at federal agencies, define persistent names for the documents and an indexing scheme for the collections, implement a registration process for documents submitted by the participating agencies, and design the worldwide delivery of the texts. The system architecture design by William Y. Arms, formerly of the Corporation for National Research Initiatives (CNRI), allowed end-users at any of 200 posts around the world, or connected via a browser to the World Wide Web, to search and retrieve documents with the aid of downloadable plug-ins from the FADC's web site. The design pioneered by Arms is being implemented by the American Memory Project of the National Digital Library Program of the Library of Congress.
We are currently collecting the full text of peace agreements signed by the contending parties, ending inter- and intrastate conflicts worldwide since 1989 for its Peace Agreements Digital Collection. Similarly, for the Truth Commissions Digital Collection, we are acquiring decrees establishing truth commissions and similar bodies of inquiry worldwide, and the reports issued by such groups. The Oral Histories Project on Stability Operations currently includes interviews conducted by the USIP's Professional Training program with individuals involved in stability operations in Iraq, a component of the Iraq Experience Project.
USIP's development of a digital library reflects its commitment to innovative technologies, collaboration and resource-sharing to strengthen preventive diplomacy, the management of international relations and the resolution of conflicts worldwide. Furthermore, the digital library plans complement and augment other information and communications technology projects that seek to capture, describe, organize, search, retrieve and disseminate the growing intellectual production and information about practical experiences in international conflict management supported by USIP. 
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|General Public (Open Access & links to other collections)
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|Image Creation
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|Continuously updated
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|General Public
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|Worldwide access to resources dealing with the prevention, management and resolution of international conflict.
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|United States Institute of Peace
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|Washington D.C., USA
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
{|cellspacing="2" cellpadding="4" width="100%" style="background:#FFFFFF; border: thin solid black;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|style="width:150px" |dc:identifier
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|The Iowa Heritage Digital Collection (IHDC)
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|Welcome to the Iowa Heritage Digital Collections, an online repository of Iowa history and culture created by bringing together in digital form documents, images, maps, finding aids, interpretive and educational materials, and other media from collections held by a wide range of organizations throughout Iowa.
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|Collection Photograph, Map, Picture, Text, Audio
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|General Public (Open Access & links to other collections)
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|Image Creation
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|Continuously updated
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|General Public
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|Online collection of Iowa history and culture
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|Iowa City, USA
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
{|cellspacing="2" cellpadding="4" width="100%" style="background:#FFFFFF; border: thin solid black;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|style="width:150px" |dc:identifier
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|Washington State University Digital Collections
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|To help support research and teaching at Washington State University, MASC advocates the use of digital technology in conjunction with emerging electronic storage and information retrieval systems. MASC will allow the use of its university archives, manuscripts, historical photographs, and special collections for digitizing projects to support the curriculum or for other legitimate research purposes provided these projects are compatible with the policies and procedures of the Libraries and MASC.
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|Collection Image, Map, Text, Audio, Video
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|General Public (Open Access and Restricted Resources)
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|Donation, Purchase, Item Creation
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|Continuously updated
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|General Public
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|Pullman, USA
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
{|cellspacing="2" cellpadding="4" width="100%" style="background:#FFFFFF; border: thin solid black;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|style="width:150px" |dc:identifier
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|Chicago Public Library Digital Collections
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|No policy statement given
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|Collection Image
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|General Public (Open Access)
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|Item Creation
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|General Public
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|Chicago, USA
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|Internet, [http://www.worldcat.org/libraries WorldCat]
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
{|cellspacing="2" cellpadding="4" width="100%" style="background:#FFFFFF; border: thin solid black;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|style="width:150px" |dc:identifier
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|University of Miami Libraries Digital Initiatives
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|This site features a growing collection of digital objects, projects, and publications developed to preserve and support digital scholarship and the research, teaching, and learning mission of the University. These initiatives feature materials from the collections at University of Miami Libraries, and from collaborative projects and publications developed with the Faculty and Students. You can use the keyword search, browse from the categories listed below, or use the advanced search to create customized queries and search within one or a combination of collections.
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|Collection Photograph, Text, Video
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|General Public (Open Access)
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|Donation, Item Creation
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|Continuously updated
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|General Public
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|Coral Gables, USA
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
{|cellspacing="2" cellpadding="4" width="100%" style="background:#FFFFFF; border: thin solid black;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|style="width:150px" |dc:identifier
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|Digital Research Library University of Pittsburgh
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|The Digital Research Library (DRL) of the University of Pittsburgh's University Library System (ULS) supports the teaching and research mission of the university and serves users through the creation and delivery of Web-accessible digital collections. The DRL also serves as a knowledge resource within the ULS for digital library issues and developments.
From its inception, the DRL focused on creating text-based collections whose digitization and accessibility on the Web would aid the research of scholars, historians, faculty, and students. The DRL has since expanded its tools and capabilities to provide access to photographs, map images, finding aids, manuscripts, postcards, audio-visual material, and bibliographic catalogs of collections.
The Digital Research Library provides access to its digital materials for educational and research purposes only. Any other use of these materials, including but not limited to commercial or scholarly reproductions, redistribution, publication, or transmission, is strictly prohibited without written permission.
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|Collection Image, Text, Audio
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|General Public (Open Access)
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|Item Creation
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|Continuously updated
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|General Public
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|Pittsburgh, USA
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
{|cellspacing="2" cellpadding="4" width="100%" style="background:#FFFFFF; border: thin solid black;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|style="width:150px" |dc:identifier
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|Smithsonian Institution Digital Repository
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|The Repository is now collecting content from the Smithsonian scientific community.
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|Collection Text
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|General Public (Open Access)
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|Item Creation, Deposit
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|Continuously updated
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|General Public
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|Washington D.C., USA
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
{|cellspacing="2" cellpadding="4" width="100%" style="background:#FFFFFF; border: thin solid black;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|style="width:150px" |dc:identifier
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|Digital General Collection of the University of Michigan
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|Books from the University of Michigan collection, scanned for preservation purposes. At present, there are 28,378 volumes in the General Collection.
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|Collectoin Text
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|General Public (Open Access)
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|Item Creation
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|General Public
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|1705 - 2005
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|Michigan, USA
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
{|cellspacing="2" cellpadding="4" width="100%" style="background:#FFFFFF; border: thin solid black;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|style="width:150px" |dc:identifier
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|Department of Special Collections, Univ. of California
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|The Department of Special Collections collects, maintains and makes accessible rare, valuable and unique materials which support UCSB students, faculty and research programs, as well as the local national and international scholarly community. Special Collections acquires materials by gift, transfer and purchase, in accordance with general library procedures.
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|Collection Text, Audio, Pictures
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|General Public (Open Access; only metadata in Encyclopedic Discography of Victor Recordings)
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|Item Creation
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|General Public
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|Santa Barbara, California, USA
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
{|cellspacing="2" cellpadding="4" width="100%" style="background:#FFFFFF; border: thin solid black;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|style="width:150px" |dc:identifier
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|E-LIS is an open access archive for scientific or technical documents, published or unpublished, on Librarianship, Information Science and Technology, and related areas. E-LIS relies on the voluntary work of individuals from a wide range of backgrounds and is non-commercial. It is not a funded project of an organization. It is community-owned and community-driven. We serve LIS researchers by facilitating their self-archiving, ensuring the long-term preservation of their documents and by providing word-wide easy access to their papers.
E-LIS was formed in 2003 for the deposit of documents in the Library and Information Science (LIS) domain. It is the first international e-server in this subject area and resulted from the RCLIS (Research in Computing, Library and Information Science) project and the DoIS (Documents in Information Science), promoted by the Spanish Ministry of Culture and hosted by AEPIC team on machines of the Italian Consorzio Interuniversitario Lombardo per Elaborazione Automatica (CILEA). E-LIS relies on the voluntary work of individuals from a wide range of backgrounds and is non-commercial. There is neither funding nor interest in profiting from the initiative.
E-LIS aims to further the Open Access philosophy by making available papers in LIS and related fields. It is a free-access international archive, in line with the Free Online Scholarship (FOS) movement and the Eprints movement, based on the Open Archive Initiative (OAI) standards and protocols.
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|en, el, it, fa, es, tr
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|Collection Text
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|General Public (Open Access)
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|Continuously updated
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|General Public
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|international Open Access Deposit
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
{|cellspacing="2" cellpadding="4" width="100%" style="background:#FFFFFF; border: thin solid black;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|style="width:150px" |dc:identifier
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|The Library of Congress Prints & Photographs Reading Room
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|The Prints and Photographs Online Catalog (PPOC) contains catalog records and digital images representing a rich cross-section of still pictures held by the Prints & Photographs Division and other units of the Library. The Library of Congress offers broad public access to these materials as a contribution to education and scholarship.
*The catalog provides access through group or item records to about 75 % of the Division's holdings.
*Many of the records are accompanied by one or more digital images. In some collections, only thumbnail images display to those searching outside the Library of Congress because of potential rights considerations.
*The primary historical documents described and displayed in this catalog may contain materials offensive to some readers. The Library does not endorse views expressed in the collections but presents the collections as an aid to scholarly research.
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|Collection Pictures
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|General Public (Open Access)
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|Item Creation
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|General Public
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|prints and photographs division
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|Washington D.C., USA
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
{|cellspacing="2" cellpadding="4" width="100%" style="background:#FFFFFF; border: thin solid black;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|style="width:150px" |dc:identifier
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|Digital Collections from The Ewell Sale Stewart Library
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|The Ewell Sale Stewart Library of the Academy of Natural Sciences houses many rare, beautiful, and important works on the natural sciences, books that most people will never see in their lifetimes. These books were published over the last five centuries, and document the discovery of plant and animal species by early explorers as they traveled the world. By publishing the pages from these books digitally and providing access on the web, the Library hopes to share them with scientists, scholars, and the public.
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|General Public (Open Access)
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|General Public
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|abstracts of some selected books on the natural sciences published over the last five centuries
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|since 1500
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
{|cellspacing="2" cellpadding="4" width="100%" style="background:#FFFFFF; border: thin solid black;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|style="width:150px" |dc:identifier
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|Univ. of Tennessee Digital Libraries
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|Collection contains f.e. Blount County Appalachian Photograph Archive; Great Smoky Mountains Collection; From Pi Beta Phi To Arrowmont; University of Tennessee Libraries Image Collection; Volunteer Voices: The Growth of Democracy in Tennessee; WPA/TVA Archaeological Photograph Archive
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|Collection Pictures
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|General Public (Open Access)
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|General Public
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|Tennessee, USA
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|- style="background:#EEEEEE;"
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
== Existing Digital Collections ==
== Existing Digital Collections ==

{| cellspacing="0" border="1" width="100%"
{| cellspacing="2" cellpadding="4" width="100%" style="background:#FFFFFF; border: thin solid black;"
| Name + Link   
| Name + Link   
| Short Description  
| Short Description  
| Underlying Software
| Underlying Software
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"

|[http://mdz1.bib-bvb.de/~mdz/kurzsammlungen.html Kurzsammlungen der BSB]
|[http://mdz1.bib-bvb.de/~mdz/kurzsammlungen.html Kurzsammlungen der BSB]
Line 22: Line 2,438:
| Diverse
| Diverse
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|[http://hip.nli.ie/ National Library of Ireland]
|The National Library recognises the importance of developing the digital collections, services and infrastructure necessary to support the creation and management of a significant digital library. We aim to maximise access to our resources, enhance and expand the services we offer, and enable our users to work with us, and our collections, in new and innovative ways.
As part of our emerging digital library programme we are planning a number of major digitisation projects. Amongst these projects are the digitisation of substantial sections of our visual collections and the production of a digital version of the source material used to create two key reference works for Irish studies, Richard Hayes’ Manuscript Sources for the History of Irish Civilization and Sources for the History of Irish Civilisation: Articles in Irish Periodicals.
We will also continue to explore the potential for working with other institutions and projects, and to develop the digital library to support collaboration.
|[http://www.natlib.govt.nz/collections/digital-collections National Library of New Zealand]
|The National Library is the lead agency for New Zealand’s Digital Content Strategy, 'Creating a Digital New Zealand'. The strategy aims to chart a course for a content-rich digital New Zealand, where New Zealanders are actively engaged in creating, discovering, sharing and using content in a digital form.
The strategy was launched by the government in September 2007, and following a public consultation process at the end of 2006. You can download a copy of the strategy on the Digital Strategy website.
The passing of the National Library of New Zealand (Te Puna Mātauranga o Aotearoa) Act 2003 challenged the Library to think strategically about information delivered in a digital paradigm.
The National Library’s Digital Strategy identifies the directions to be pursued by the Library between 2003-2008, and outlines an annual programme of work designed to drive the Library’s digital strategy and ensure that it is delivered.
A successful Digital Strategy will have four main outcomes. The Library will be able to:
* provide enhanced access to digital information, especially New Zealand content,  for New Zealanders, for example online databases and electronic journals
* collect digital resources, especially those relating to New Zealand and New Zealanders
* ensure the long-term storage and preservation of New Zealand’s online heritage
* provide enhanced access to the Library’s collections through digitisation.
The NZNL provides a tool for metadata extraction: [http://www.natlib.govt.nz/about-us/current-initiatives/metadata-extraction-tool/view]
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|[http://nsdl.org/ National Science Digital Library (USA)]
|The National Science Digital Library (NSDL) was created by the National Science Foundation to provide organized access to high quality resources and tools that support innovations in teaching and learning at all levels of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics education.
NSDL serves as a nexus for educators, researchers, policy makers and the public by building bridges:
*Between private sector and public interests by providing access to resources such as publishers' journal articles, teacher-created lesson plans and real-time data sets from scientists
*Between the scientific, research and educational communities by applying advanced technologies to stimulate new ways for educators and learners to access and use scientific information
*Between teachers and learners at all levels, in all locations by supplying content and tools in open-access, non-propietary formats in an easily accessible online environment.
NSDL is intended to meet the educational and informational needs of a wide variety of users, from pre-school children to self-directed adults, in both formal and informal education settings. The resources that make up the NSDL vary greatly in size, depth, scope, type of materials, level of review and educational level.
|[http://www.bibalex.org/libraries/presentation/static/12600.aspx Bibliotheca Alexandrina]
As a library of the 21 st Century, the Bibliotheca Alexandrina (BA), along with its affiliated academic and cultural centers, is committed to digitization as a means of preserving, managing, and disseminating information and knowledge. The BA sets out to share them with a worldwide audience via the internet, thus promoting greater understanding and tolerance between cultures. To achieve this goal, the BA has formed partnerships with various cultural, academic, governmental, and corporate organizations for the creation of many significant and compelling digital projects. These projects cover a wide array of cultural and educational themes.
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|[http://www.library.cmu.edu/Libraries/index.html Carnegie Mellon University Libraries]
|Carnegie Mellon University Libraries will provide creative, expert and technologically advanced information services designed to be responsive to the present and continually changing information needs of the university community.
* To support and contribute to the teaching, research, artistic and other scholarly endeavors of the university.
* To acquire, organize, make accessible, maintain and preserve information resources for optimal use.
* To contribute to and disseminate knowledge about library services, resources and access to distributed information.
Goals and Strategies:
Create the Digital Library
* Add to the funding for commercial digital resources ($100,000).
* In conjunction with School of Computer Science, develop these projects:
** Automated reference assistance (foundations, OCLC partnership).
** Global registry of works that have been digitized to avoid duplication.
** Selective digitization of out-of-copyright works that have been requested on interlibrary loan with successive OCR and correction.
** Mechanisms for delivery of digitized texts to requesters.
** More scanning of out-of-copyright books to build the Universal Library.
** Lobbying for new economic models and statutory changes to promote digital libraries.
* In conjunction with appropriate departments, facilitate access to large research databases (status quo funding).
* Encourage and support cutting edge access for remote users, as recommended by the Computing and Communications group.
* Encourage faculty to work in their scholarly societies to decouple certification of the value of work from print publication (no local funding).
Target the Right Information
* Bring undergraduate paper collections in Modern Languages, History and Anthropology, and Environmental Studies to basic levels ($101-106,000 a year; foundations, appeal to alumni, university funding).
* Create a program approval process that will ensure that library resource needs are considered in decision making and funded as new programs are adopted (no immediate funding).
Retool Library Facilities for the 21st Century
* Seek external funding for new buildings, renovations, and additions (foundations, alumni, friends).
Manage the Libraries Effectively
* Evaluate services and make improvements based on the needs of the university community.
* Enhance the information literacy program to teach all aspects of information use, focusing on effective research skills, and to prepare students to apply research skills in diverse contexts and professional careers.
* For librarians, archivists, and other professionals: Develop a program of peer review, promotion and compensation that fosters and rewards intellectual growth and excellence.
* For support staff and paraprofessionals: Develop a program of job enrichment, regular reclassification review, and appropriate compensation.
* Develop and implement a plan to market all library services.
* Develop and implement fundraising activities to augment collections, facilities and staffing.
* Maintain a robust technology infrastructure.
* Recruit and retain a diverse staff that reflects the university's affirmative action policy goals.
* Provide formal and informal training and support so that staff have the skills to work to their full potential.
* Maintain a continuous strategic-planning cycle complementary to the libraries' quality improvement program.
|[http://www.columbia.edu/cu/libraries/digital/ Columbia University Digital Collections]
|Over the past ten years the Libraries has built a number of significant digital research collections.
These extraordinary online presentations of primary source material reproductions and descriptions
now include the Digital Scriptorium containing medieval and early Renaissance manuscripts,
texts of the John Jay Papers, digitized photographs of Japanese puppet theater, hundreds of hours
of oral histories and transcripts of interviews including Notable New Yorkers, collections of ancient
papyri and clay tablets in APIS, a gallery of rare Chinese folk art prints in Chinese Paper Gods, and
more. The Libraries continues to expand its program of digitization of rare and unique research
collections for the benefit of faculty, students, and scholars at Columbia and around the world. For 2008 it is planned to open new group
and individual study spaces in Lehman Library, to present
a new Center for Digital Research and Scholarship....
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|[http://hul.harvard.edu/ldi/ Harvard University's Library Digital Initiative]
| Harvard University's Library Digital Initiative (LDI) is a comprehensive program begun in 1998 to develop the University's capacity to manage digital information by:
* creating the technical infrastructure to support the acquisition, organization, delivery, and archiving of digital library materials;
* providing a team of specialists to advise librarians and others in the University community on key issues in the digital environment;
* providing librarians and staff with experience in a wide range of technologies and digital materials; and,
* enriching the Harvard University Library collections with a significant set of digital resources
They provide a Digital Repository System with metadata information and a [http://hul.harvard.edu/ois/systems/drs/policyGuide/wwhelp/wwhimpl/js/html/wwhelp.htm repository policy guide].

|[http://www.nypl.org/digital/ NYPL]
|[http://www.nypl.org/digital/ NYPL]
Line 42: Line 2,593:
|Own development + Oracle + Lucene + ColdFusion
|Own development + Oracle + Lucene + ColdFusion
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|[http://www.mcgill.ca/dcp/projects/ McGill Digital Collections Program]
|[http://www.mcgill.ca/dcp/projects/ McGill Digital Collections Program]
|The Digital Collections Program (DCP) is home to McGill Library's digitization unit. Located in the Rare Books and Special Collections Division (McLennan Library Complex), DCP designs and produces digital projects based on the Library's many unique collections. To date DCP has produced more than forty digital projects covering a wide array of subjects including, art, architecture, history and literature, engineering, medicine, maps, music, and urban design.
|The Digital Collections Program (DCP) is home to McGill Library's digitization unit. Located in the Rare Books and Special Collections Division (McLennan Library Complex), DCP designs and produces digital projects based on the Library's many unique collections. To date DCP has produced more than forty digital projects covering a wide array of subjects including, art, architecture, history and literature, engineering, medicine, maps, music, and urban design.
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|[http://gdl.cdlr.strath.ac.uk/ Glasgow Digital Library ]
|The Glasgow Digital Library (GDL) is a collaborative venture based in the Centre for Digital Library Research at the University of Strathclyde. The initial GDL project was funded for two years by the Research Support Libraries Programme.
The original aim of the project was to establish the GDL as a virtual co-library of the majority of public institutions in Glasgow. The long-term aim was to create a wholly digital resource to support teaching, learning and research at all levels in the city, bringing together material currently separated by ownership and physical location.
As the GDL project developed in its second year, and further funding was received from SCRAN for specific digitisation projects, there was greater emphasis within the GDL on the development and management of original digital collections and establishing a coherent standards-based information environment. The GDL has therefore evolved into:
''a distributed digital library based in Glasgow which aims to produce a coherent digital learning and information environment for Glasgow's citizens, through the development and implementation of a common collection development policy and an agreed technical and inter-working infrastructure''.
As outlined in its collection development policy, the GDL seeks to create, collect and provide access to digital content that is about Glasgow, in Glasgow or for Glasgow but does not to duplicate work done elsewhere.

|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|[http://www.zvdd.de/sammlungen.html Zentrales Archiv Digitalisierter Drucke]
|[http://www.zvdd.de/sammlungen.html Zentrales Archiv Digitalisierter Drucke]
|Das Zentrale Verzeichnis Digitalisierter Drucke weist grundsätzlich alle vollständig digitalisierten Druckwerke aus, die frei über das Internet zur Verfügung gestellt werden und einem gewissen wissenschaftlichen Qualitätsstandard genügen. Verschiedene Arten von Druckwerken sind dabei eingeschlossen: Zeitungen, Zeitschriften, Musikdrucke oder "Kleinschrifttum" wie Einblattdrucke oder Flugblätter ebenso wie Monographien oder Reihen. Das Portal konzentriert sich in einer ersten Phase auf Digitalisierungsprojekte im Sinne digitaler Sammlungen oder digitaler Bibliotheken. Die Einspielung von Einzelwerken wird zunächst zurückgestellt und zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt realisiert.
|Das Zentrale Verzeichnis Digitalisierter Drucke weist grundsätzlich alle vollständig digitalisierten Druckwerke aus, die frei über das Internet zur Verfügung gestellt werden und einem gewissen wissenschaftlichen Qualitätsstandard genügen. Verschiedene Arten von Druckwerken sind dabei eingeschlossen: Zeitungen, Zeitschriften, Musikdrucke oder "Kleinschrifttum" wie Einblattdrucke oder Flugblätter ebenso wie Monographien oder Reihen. Das Portal konzentriert sich in einer ersten Phase auf Digitalisierungsprojekte im Sinne digitaler Sammlungen oder digitaler Bibliotheken. Die Einspielung von Einzelwerken wird zunächst zurückgestellt und zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt realisiert.
Line 63: Line 2,627:

|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
| [http://doclib.uhasselt.be/dspace/ Document Server@UHasselt]
| [http://doclib.uhasselt.be/dspace/ Document Server@UHasselt]
| Research & Publications in digital form, including preprints, published articles, technical reports, working papers and more. A service provided by the Hasselt University Library
| Research & Publications in digital form, including preprints, published articles, technical reports, working papers and more. A service provided by the Hasselt University Library
Line 73: Line 2,638:

|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
| [http://www.diva-portal.org/hj/?lang=en  DiVA - Publications from Jönköping University]
| [http://www.diva-portal.org/hj/?lang=en  DiVA - Publications from Jönköping University]
| DiVA contains theses, dissertations and other publications in full-text from Jönköping University.
| DiVA contains theses, dissertations and other publications in full-text from Jönköping University.
Line 83: Line 2,649:

|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
| [http://eprints.pascal-network.org/ PASCAL, Network of Excellence for Multimodal Interfaces]
| [http://eprints.pascal-network.org/ PASCAL, Network of Excellence for Multimodal Interfaces]
| PASCAL is the European Commission's IST-funded Network of Excellence for Multimodal Interfaces. The project is supported by the Cognition Unit and coordinated by the University of Southampton.
| PASCAL is the European Commission's IST-funded Network of Excellence for Multimodal Interfaces. The project is supported by the Cognition Unit and coordinated by the University of Southampton.
Line 98: Line 2,665:

|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
| [http://www.nkp.cz/_en/index.php3 National Library of the Czech Republic]
| [http://www.nkp.cz/_en/index.php3 National Library of the Czech Republic]
|Main aim of DUR is to preserve all documents coming from activities of the university + provide wide access to them.
|Main aim of DUR is to preserve all documents coming from activities of the university + provide wide access to them.
Line 111: Line 2,678:

|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|[http://uwdc.library.wisc.edu/index.shtml University of Wisconsin Digital Collections]
|[http://uwdc.library.wisc.edu/index.shtml University of Wisconsin Digital Collections]
|Since its foundation in early 2000, the UWDCC has worked collaboratively with UW System faculty, staff, and librarians to create and provide access to digital resources that support the teaching and research needs of the UW community, uniquely document the university and State of Wisconsin, and provide access to rare or fragile items of broad research value. The UWDCC has also partnered with cultural heritage institutions and public libraries throughout Wisconsin to create digital resources.
|Since its foundation in early 2000, the UWDCC has worked collaboratively with UW System faculty, staff, and librarians to create and provide access to digital resources that support the teaching and research needs of the UW community, uniquely document the university and State of Wisconsin, and provide access to rare or fragile items of broad research value. The UWDCC has also partnered with cultural heritage institutions and public libraries throughout Wisconsin to create digital resources.
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|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|[http://www.usip.org/library/diglib.html The Margarita S. Studemeister Digital Library in International Conflict Management]
|[http://www.usip.org/library/diglib.html The Margarita S. Studemeister Digital Library in International Conflict Management]
|From the United States Institute of Peace (USIP): The Foreign Affairs Documentation Center (FADC was planned as an inter-agency digital library for public access primarily to unclassified official foreign policy documents of the United States, and is now defunct.
|From the United States Institute of Peace (USIP): The Foreign Affairs Documentation Center (FADC was planned as an inter-agency digital library for public access primarily to unclassified official foreign policy documents of the United States, and is now defunct.
Line 139: Line 2,708:

|[http://www.wsulibs.wsu.edu/holland/masc/imagedatabases.htm Washington State University Digital Collections]
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|[http://www.wsulibs.wsu.edu/masc/imagedatabases.html Washington State University Digital Collections]
|To help support research and teaching at Washington State University, MASC advocates the use of digital technology in conjunction with emerging electronic storage and information retrieval systems. MASC will allow the use of its university archives, manuscripts, historical photographs, and special collections for digitizing projects to support the curriculum or for other legitimate research purposes provided these projects are compatible with the policies and procedures of the Libraries and MASC.
|To help support research and teaching at Washington State University, MASC advocates the use of digital technology in conjunction with emerging electronic storage and information retrieval systems. MASC will allow the use of its university archives, manuscripts, historical photographs, and special collections for digitizing projects to support the curriculum or for other legitimate research purposes provided these projects are compatible with the policies and procedures of the Libraries and MASC.
Line 149: Line 2,719:

|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|[http://merrick.library.miami.edu/ University of Miami Libraries Digital Initiatives]
|[http://merrick.library.miami.edu/ University of Miami Libraries Digital Initiatives]
|This site features a growing collection of digital objects, projects, and publications developed to preserve and support digital scholarship and the research, teaching, and learning mission of the University. These initiatives feature materials from the collections at University of Miami Libraries, and from collaborative projects and publications developed with the Faculty and Students. You can use the keyword search, browse from the categories listed below, or use the advanced search to create customized queries and search within one or a combination of collections.
|This site features a growing collection of digital objects, projects, and publications developed to preserve and support digital scholarship and the research, teaching, and learning mission of the University. These initiatives feature materials from the collections at University of Miami Libraries, and from collaborative projects and publications developed with the Faculty and Students. You can use the keyword search, browse from the categories listed below, or use the advanced search to create customized queries and search within one or a combination of collections.
Line 163: Line 2,734:

|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|[http://si-pddr.si.edu/dspace/ Smithsonian Institution Digital Repository]
|[http://si-pddr.si.edu/dspace/ Smithsonian Institution Digital Repository]
|The Repository is now collecting content from the Smithsonian scientific community.  
|The Repository is now collecting content from the Smithsonian scientific community.  
Line 168: Line 2,740:

|[http://quod.lib.umich.edu/g/genpub/  Digital General Collection of the University of Michigan]
|Books from the University of Michigan collection, scanned for preservation purposes. At present, there are 28,378 volumes in the General Collection.
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|[http://www.library.ucsb.edu/speccoll/index.html Department of Special Collections, Univ. of California]
|The Department of Special Collections collects, maintains and makes accessible rare, valuable and unique materials which support UCSB students, faculty and research programs, as well as the local national and international scholarly community. Special Collections acquires materials by gift, transfer and purchase, in accordance with general library procedures.
|[http://eprints.rclis.org/ E-LIS]
|E-LIS is an open access archive for scientific or technical documents, published or unpublished, on Librarianship, Information Science and Technology, and related areas. E-LIS relies on the voluntary work of individuals from a wide range of backgrounds and is non-commercial. It is not a funded project of an organization. It is community-owned and community-driven. We serve LIS researchers by facilitating their self-archiving, ensuring the long-term preservation of their documents and by providing word-wide easy access to their papers.
E-LIS was formed in 2003 for the deposit of documents in the Library and Information Science (LIS) domain. It is the first international e-server in this subject area and resulted from the  RCLIS (Research in Computing, Library and Information Science) project and the DoIS (Documents in Information Science), promoted by the Spanish Ministry of Culture and hosted by AEPIC team on machines of the Italian Consorzio Interuniversitario Lombardo per Elaborazione Automatica (CILEA). E-LIS relies on the voluntary work of individuals from a wide range of backgrounds and is non-commercial. There is neither funding nor interest in profiting from the initiative.
E-LIS aims to further the Open Access philosophy by making available papers in LIS and related fields. It is a free-access international archive, in line with the Free Online Scholarship (FOS) movement and the Eprints movement, based on the Open Archive Initiative (OAI) standards and protocols.
|GNU EPrints
|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|[http://www.loc.gov/rr/print/catalog.html The Library of Congress Prints & Photographs Reading Room]
|The Prints & Photographs Online Catalog (PPOC) provides access through group or item records to more than 50% of the Division's holdings, as well as to some images found in other units of the Library of Congress. Many of the catalog records are accompanied by digital images--about one million digital images in all.
|[http://www.ansp.org/museum/digital_collections/index.php Digital Collections from The Ewell Sale Stewart Library]
|The Ewell Sale Stewart Library of the Academy of Natural Sciences houses many rare, beautiful, and important works on the natural sciences, books that most people will never see in their lifetimes. These books were published over the last five centuries, and document the discovery of plant and animal species by early explorers as they traveled the world. By publishing the pages from these books digitally and providing access on the web, the Library hopes to share them with scientists, scholars, and the public.

|- style="background:#DDDDDD;"
|[http://diglib.lib.utk.edu/cgi/i/image/image-idx?page=groups  Univ. of Tennessee Digital Libraries]
|Collection contains f.e. Blount County Appalachian Photograph Archive; Great Smoky Mountains Collection; From Pi Beta Phi To Arrowmont; University of Tennessee Libraries Image Collection; Volunteer Voices: The Growth of Democracy in Tennessee; WPA/TVA Archaeological Photograph Archive

Line 186: Line 2,784:

*[http://www.digitalpreservationeurope.eu/repositories/ at the DPE]
*[http://www.digitalpreservationeurope.eu/repositories/ at the DPE]
*[http://www.diglib.org/collections.htm at the Digital Library Foundation]
*[http://www.zvdd.de/sammlungen.html Zentrales Archiv Digitalisierter Drucke]
*[http://www.zvdd.de/sammlungen.html Zentrales Archiv Digitalisierter Drucke]
*[http://www.eromm.org/public/en/about EROMM]
*[http://www.eromm.org/public/en/about EROMM]

Latest revision as of 14:23, 8 March 2010

Vocabularies used in this description:

Vocabulary Title Namespace Name Prefix
Dublin Core Terms http://purl.org/dc/terms/ dcterms
Dublin Core Type Vocabulary http://purl.org/dc/dcmitype/ dcmitype
Collection Description Terms http://purl.org/cld/terms/ cld
Collection Description Type Vocabulary http://purl.org/cld/cdtype/ cldtype

Digital Collections[edit]

Property Value
dc:identifier http://mdz1.bib-bvb.de/~mdz/kurzsammlungen.html
dc:title Kurzsammlungen der BSB
dcterms:abstract Das Referat Digitale Bibliothek ist aus dem Münchener Digitalisierungszentrum hervorgegangen, das die Bayerische Staatsbibliothek 1997 mit Unterstützung der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft als eines von zwei nationalen Digitalisierungszentren eingerichtet hatte. Dem Referat obliegen im Moment drei Aufgabenschwerpunkte:
  • die (Retro-)Digitalisierung von gedruckten Beständen im Rahmen von drittmittelgeförderten Projekten und in Eigenleistung, im Gefolge von digitization on demand und der Digitalisierung aus Bestandserhaltungs- und/oder Sicherheitsgründen;
  • die technische Unterstützung des Aufbaus und der Pflege von Virtuellen Fachbibliotheken, die die Bayerische Staatsbibliothek im Rahmen ihrer Sondersammelgebietsverpflichtungen aufbaut und unterhält sowie die technische Betreuung des Kulturportals "Bayerische Landesbibliothek Online (BLO)";
  • die Langzeitarchivierung elektronischer Dokumente.

Das Referat fungiert darüber hinaus landesweit als Kompetenzzentrum für alle Fragestellungen im Zusammenhang mit dem Thema "digitale Bibliothek".

dc:language de
dc:type CollectionText
dcterms:accessRights General Public (Open Access)
dcterms:accrualMethod Deposit
dcterms:accrualPeriodicity Continuously updated
dcterms:accrualPolicy Active
dcterms:provenance -
dcterms:audience General Public
dcterms:temporal The temporal coverage of the content of the items in the collection.
dcterms:created The range of dates over which the collection was accumulated.
gen:isAccessedVia Internet

Property Value
dc:identifier http://hip.nli.ie/
dc:title National Library of Ireland
dcterms:abstract The National Library recognises the importance of developing the digital collections, services and infrastructure necessary to support the creation and management of a significant digital library. We aim to maximise access to our resources, enhance and expand the services we offer, and enable our users to work with us, and our collections, in new and innovative ways.

As part of our emerging digital library programme we are planning a number of major digitisation projects. Amongst these projects are the digitisation of substantial sections of our visual collections and the production of a digital version of the source material used to create two key reference works for Irish studies, Richard Hayes’ Manuscript Sources for the History of Irish Civilization and Sources for the History of Irish Civilisation: Articles in Irish Periodicals.

We will also continue to explore the potential for working with other institutions and projects, and to develop the digital library to support collaboration.

dc:language en
dc:type Collection Text
dcterms:accessRights General Public (Borrower ID requested)
dcterms:accrualMethod Purchase
dcterms:accrualPeriodicity Continuously updated
dcterms:accrualPolicy Active
dcterms:provenance -
dcterms:audience General Public
gen:isLocatedAt Dublin, Ireland
gen:isAccessedVia Internet, WorldCat

Property Value
dc:identifier http://www.natlib.govt.nz/collections/digital-collections
dc:title National Library of New Zealand
dcterms:abstract The National Library is the lead agency for New Zealand’s Digital Content Strategy, 'Creating a Digital New Zealand'. The strategy aims to chart a course for a content-rich digital New Zealand, where New Zealanders are actively engaged in creating, discovering, sharing and using content in a digital form.

The strategy was launched by the government in September 2007, and following a public consultation process at the end of 2006. You can download a copy of the strategy on the Digital Strategy website. The passing of the National Library of New Zealand (Te Puna Mātauranga o Aotearoa) Act 2003 challenged the Library to think strategically about information delivered in a digital paradigm.

The National Library’s Digital Strategy identifies the directions to be pursued by the Library between 2003-2008, and outlines an annual programme of work designed to drive the Library’s digital strategy and ensure that it is delivered.

A successful Digital Strategy will have four main outcomes. The Library will be able to:

  • provide enhanced access to digital information, especially New Zealand content, for New Zealanders, for example online databases and electronic journals
  • collect digital resources, especially those relating to New Zealand and New Zealanders
  • ensure the long-term storage and preservation of New Zealand’s online heritage
  • provide enhanced access to the Library’s collections through digitisation.

The NZNL provides a tool for metadata extraction: [1]

dc:language en
dc:type Collection Text
dcterms:accessRights General Public (Open Access)
dcterms:accrualMethod Deposit, Purchase
dcterms:accrualPeriodicity Continuously updated
dcterms:accrualPolicy Active
dcterms:provenance New Zealand
dcterms:audience General Public
dc:subject digital resources relating to New Zealand and New Zealanders
gen:isLocatedAt Wellington, New Zealand
gen:isAccessedVia Internet, WorldCat

Property Value
dc:identifier http://nsdl.org/
dc:title National Science Digital Library (USA)
dcterms:abstract The National Science Digital Library (NSDL) was created by the National Science Foundation to provide organized access to high quality resources and tools that support innovations in teaching and learning at all levels of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics education.

NSDL serves as a nexus for educators, researchers, policy makers and the public by building bridges:

  • Between private sector and public interests by providing access to resources such as publishers' journal articles, teacher-created lesson plans and real-time data sets from scientists
  • Between the scientific, research and educational communities by applying advanced technologies to stimulate new ways for educators and learners to access and use scientific information
  • Between teachers and learners at all levels, in all locations by supplying content and tools in open-access, non-propietary formats in an easily accessible online environment.

NSDL is intended to meet the educational and informational needs of a wide variety of users, from pre-school children to self-directed adults, in both formal and informal education settings. The resources that make up the NSDL vary greatly in size, depth, scope, type of materials, level of review and educational level.

dc:language en
dc:type Collection Text
dcterms:accessRights General Public (Open Access)
dcterms:accrualMethod Collection with links to database which contains full texts
dcterms:accrualPeriodicity Continuously updated
dcterms:accrualPolicy Active
dcterms:provenance -
dcterms:audience General Public
dc:subject educational and research service
gen:isAccessedVia Internet

Property Value
dc:identifier http://www.bibalex.org/libraries/presentation/static/12600.aspx
dc:title Bibliotheca Alexandrina
dcterms:abstract As a library of the 21 st Century, the Bibliotheca Alexandrina (BA), along with its affiliated academic and cultural centers, is committed to digitization as a means of preserving, managing, and disseminating information and knowledge. The BA sets out to share them with a worldwide audience via the internet, thus promoting greater understanding and tolerance between cultures. To achieve this goal, the BA has formed partnerships with various cultural, academic, governmental, and corporate organizations for the creation of many significant and compelling digital projects. These projects cover a wide array of cultural and educational themes.
dc:language en
dcterms:accessRights General Public (links to other digital collections)
dcterms:accrualPolicy Passive
dcterms:provenance -
dcterms:audience General Public
dc:subject referes to other websites with digital collections
gen:isLocatedAt Alexandria, Egypt
gen:isAccessedVia Internet

Property Value
dc:identifier http://search.library.cmu.edu/rooms/portal/page/Sirsi_HOME
dc:title Carnegie Mellon University Libraries
dcterms:abstract Carnegie Mellon University Libraries will provide creative, expert and technologically advanced information services designed to be responsive to the present and continually changing information needs of the university community.


  • To support and contribute to the teaching, research, artistic and other scholarly endeavors of the university.
  • To acquire, organize, make accessible, maintain and preserve information resources for optimal use.
  • To contribute to and disseminate knowledge about library services, resources and access to distributed information.

Goals and Strategies:

Create the Digital Library

  • Add to the funding for commercial digital resources ($100,000).
  • In conjunction with School of Computer Science, develop these projects:
         o Automated reference assistance (foundations, OCLC partnership).
         o Global registry of works that have been digitized to avoid duplication.
         o Selective digitization of out-of-copyright works that have been requested on interlibrary loan with successive OCR and correction.
         o Mechanisms for delivery of digitized texts to requesters.
         o More scanning of out-of-copyright books to build the Universal Library.
         o Lobbying for new economic models and statutory changes to promote digital libraries. 
  • In conjunction with appropriate departments, facilitate access to large research databases (status quo funding).
  • Encourage and support cutting edge access for remote users, as recommended by the Computing and Communications group.
  • Encourage faculty to work in their scholarly societies to decouple certification of the value of work from print publication (no local funding).

Target the Right Information

  • Bring undergraduate paper collections in Modern Languages, History and Anthropology, and Environmental Studies to basic levels ($101-106,000 a year; foundations, appeal to alumni, university funding).
  • Create a program approval process that will ensure that library resource needs are considered in decision making and funded as new programs are adopted (no immediate funding).

Retool Library Facilities for the 21st Century

  • Seek external funding for new buildings, renovations, and additions (foundations, alumni, friends).

Manage the Libraries Effectively

  • Evaluate services and make improvements based on the needs of the university community.
  • Enhance the information literacy program to teach all aspects of information use, focusing on effective research skills, and to prepare students to apply research skills in diverse contexts and professional careers.
  • For librarians, archivists, and other professionals: Develop a program of peer review, promotion and compensation that fosters and rewards intellectual growth and excellence.
  • For support staff and paraprofessionals: Develop a program of job enrichment, regular reclassification review, and appropriate compensation.
  • Develop and implement a plan to market all library services.
  • Develop and implement fundraising activities to augment collections, facilities and staffing.
  • Maintain a robust technology infrastructure.
  • Recruit and retain a diverse staff that reflects the university's affirmative action policy goals.
  • Provide formal and informal training and support so that staff have the skills to work to their full potential.
  • Maintain a continuous strategic-planning cycle complementary to the libraries' quality improvement program.
dc:language en
dc:type Collection Text, Images & Audio
dcterms:accessRights General Public (Borrower ID requested)
dcterms:accrualMethod Deposit, Purchase, Item Creation
dcterms:accrualPeriodicity Continuously updated
dcterms:accrualPolicy Active
dcterms:audience University Community
gen:isLocatedAt Pittsburgh, USA
gen:isAccessedVia Internet

Property Value
dc:identifier http://www.columbia.edu/cu/libraries/digital/
dc:title Columbia University Digital Collections
dcterms:abstract Over the past ten years the Libraries has built a number of significant digital research collections.

These extraordinary online presentations of primary source material reproductions and descriptions now include the Digital Scriptorium containing medieval and early Renaissance manuscripts, texts of the John Jay Papers, digitized photographs of Japanese puppet theater, hundreds of hours of oral histories and transcripts of interviews including Notable New Yorkers, collections of ancient papyri and clay tablets in APIS, a gallery of rare Chinese folk art prints in Chinese Paper Gods, and more. The Libraries continues to expand its program of digitization of rare and unique research collections for the benefit of faculty, students, and scholars at Columbia and around the world. For 2008 it is planned to open new group and individual study spaces in Lehman Library, to present a new Center for Digital Research and Scholarship....

dc:language en
dc:type Collection Text and Images
dcterms:accessRights General Public (Open Access)
dcterms:accrualMethod Item Creation
dcterms:accrualPeriodicity Continuously updated
dcterms:accrualPolicy Active
dcterms:provenance -
dcterms:audience General Public
gen:isLocatedAt New York, NY, USA
gen:isAccessedVia Internet

Property Value
dc:identifier http://digitalcollections.harvard.edu/
dc:title Harvard University's Library Digital Initiative
dcterms:abstract Harvard University's Library Digital Initiative (LDI) is a comprehensive program begun in 1998 to develop the University's capacity to manage digital information by:
  • creating the technical infrastructure to support the acquisition, organization, delivery, and archiving of digital library materials;
  • providing a team of specialists to advise librarians and others in the University community on key issues in the digital environment;
  • providing librarians and staff with experience in a wide range of technologies and digital materials; and,
  • enriching the Harvard University Library collections with a significant set of digital resources

They provide a Digital Repository System with metadata information and a repository policy guide.

dc:language de
dc:type CollectionText
dcterms:accessRights General Public (not all collections with open Access; only reachable via website)
dcterms:accrualMethod Item Creation
dcterms:accrualPeriodicity updated quarterly
dcterms:accrualPolicy Active
dcterms:provenance -
dcterms:audience General Public
gen:isLocatedAt Boston, USA
gen:isAccessedVia Internet

Property Value
dc:identifier http://www.nypl.org/digital/
dc:title The New York Public Library (NYPL) NYPL-Digital
dcterms:abstract The New York Public Library (NYPL) NYPL-Digital
  • is your gateway to The New York Public Library’s rare and unique international holdings in digitized form, including:
    • Historic maps
    • Rare prints and photographs
    • Illuminated manuscripts
    • Unusual printed ephemera
    • Sound files and moving images
    • Original art and more
  • Continues to fulfill the Library's traditional mission in the Internet Age to collect, preserve and make its holdings available
  • Connects you to digital versions of increasingly valuable, fragile and hard-to-use originals by offering a ever-growing selection of digital collections
  • Offers many holdings in their entirety, ensuring the virtual equivalent of consulting them in person
  • Organizes holdings via topical or thematic groupings into virtual collections, helping bridge physical (departmental or organizational) separation
  • Maintains current links to related NYPL websites such as online exhibitions, archival finding aids, and e-books
  • Reflects ongoing development and evolution of best practices in the digital environment
  • Results from setting benchmarks and coordinating practices institution-wide for capture, description, storage, retrieval and delivery of digital surrogates
dc:language en
dc:type Collection Text, Images, Video, Audio
dcterms:accessRights General Public (open Access)
dcterms:accrualMethod Item Creation
dcterms:accrualPeriodicity Continuously updated
dcterms:accrualPolicy Active
dcterms:provenance -
dcterms:audience General Public
gen:isLocatedAt New York, NY, USA
gen:isAccessedVia Internet, WorldCat

Property Value
dc:identifier http://www.mcgill.ca/library/
dc:title McGill Digital Collections Program
dcterms:abstract The Digital Collections Program (DCP) is home to McGill Library's digitization unit. Located in the Rare Books and Special Collections Division (McLennan Library Complex), DCP designs and produces digital projects based on the Library's many unique collections. To date DCP has produced more than forty digital projects covering a wide array of subjects including, art, architecture, history and literature, engineering, medicine, maps, music, and urban design.

McGill's Digital Collections range from archival inventories (The Moshe Safdie Hypermedia Archive); bibliographic databases (Cookbook Collection, Canadian Olympic Collection) which provide access to items in the collection; image databases (Ramsay Traquair: The Architecture of Old Quebec, Napoleon Print Collection); full-text collections (In Pursuit of Adventure: The Fur Trade in Canada and the North West Company and the Canadian Architect and Builder); hybrid projects like In Search of Your Canadian Past: The Canadian County Atlas Project.

dc:language en
dc:type Collection Text, Images & Audio
dcterms:accessRights General Public (open Access, restricted Access)
dcterms:accrualMethod Item Creation
dcterms:accrualPeriodicity Continuously updated
dcterms:accrualPolicy Active
dcterms:provenance -
dcterms:audience General Public
dc:creator Blackader Lauterman
gen:isLocatedAt Motreal, Quebec, Canada
gen:isAccessedVia Internet, WorldCat

Property Value
dc:identifier http://gdl.cdlr.strath.ac.uk/
dc:title Glasgow Digital Library
dcterms:abstract The Glasgow Digital Library (GDL) is a collaborative venture based in the Centre for Digital Library Research at the University of Strathclyde. The initial GDL project was funded for two years by the Research Support Libraries Programme.

The original aim of the project was to establish the GDL as a virtual co-library of the majority of public institutions in Glasgow. The long-term aim was to create a wholly digital resource to support teaching, learning and research at all levels in the city, bringing together material currently separated by ownership and physical location.

As the GDL project developed in its second year, and further funding was received from SCRAN for specific digitisation projects, there was greater emphasis within the GDL on the development and management of original digital collections and establishing a coherent standards-based information environment. The GDL has therefore evolved into:

a distributed digital library based in Glasgow which aims to produce a coherent digital learning and information environment for Glasgow's citizens, through the development and implementation of a common collection development policy and an agreed technical and inter-working infrastructure.

As outlined in its collection development policy, the GDL seeks to create, collect and provide access to digital content that is about Glasgow, in Glasgow or for Glasgow but does not to duplicate work done elsewhere.

dc:language en
dc:type CollectionText
dcterms:accessRights General Public (Open Access)
dcterms:accrualMethod Deposit
dcterms:accrualPeriodicity Continuously updated
dcterms:accrualPolicy Active
dcterms:provenance digital content that is about Glasgow, in Glasgow or for Glasgow
dcterms:audience General Public
gen:isLocatedAt Glasgow, UK
gen:isAccessedVia Internet

Property Value
dc:identifier http://www.zvdd.de/sammlungen.html
dc:title Zentrales Archiv Digitalisierter Drucke
dcterms:abstract Das Zentrale Verzeichnis Digitalisierter Drucke weist grundsätzlich alle vollständig digitalisierten Druckwerke aus, die frei über das Internet zur Verfügung gestellt werden und einem gewissen wissenschaftlichen Qualitätsstandard genügen. Verschiedene Arten von Druckwerken sind dabei eingeschlossen: Zeitungen, Zeitschriften, Musikdrucke oder "Kleinschrifttum" wie Einblattdrucke oder Flugblätter ebenso wie Monographien oder Reihen. Das Portal konzentriert sich in einer ersten Phase auf Digitalisierungsprojekte im Sinne digitaler Sammlungen oder digitaler Bibliotheken. Die Einspielung von Einzelwerken wird zunächst zurückgestellt und zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt realisiert.
dc:language de
dc:type Collection Text
dcterms:accessRights General Public (Open Access)
dcterms:accrualMethod links to other database with and without fulltext
dcterms:accrualPolicy Passive
dcterms:audience General Public
gen:isAccessedVia Internet

Property Value
dc:identifier http://doclib.uhasselt.be/dspace/
dc:title Document Server@UHasselt
dcterms:abstract Research & Publications in digital form, including preprints, published articles, technical reports, working papers and more. A service provided by the Hasselt University Library
dc:language de, en, fr, nl
dc:type Collection Text
dcterms:accessRights General Public (Open Access)
dcterms:accrualMethod Metadata with fulltext, without fulltext, with link to publication
dcterms:accrualPeriodicity continuosly updated
dcterms:accrualPolicy Active
dcterms:audience General Public
gen:isAccessedVia Internet, DRIVER

Property Value
dc:identifier http://vbn.aau.dk/search/publications.do?AnonymousLoginFilter_language=sec
dc:title VBN, Aalborg University
dcterms:abstract All research published at Aalborg University is continuously registered in VBN under the following categories: Book or report, Journal article, Contribution to book or collection, Conference contribution and Working papers.
dc:language en, da
dc:type Collection Text
dcterms:accessRights General Public (Open Access)
dcterms:accrualMethod Matadata somtimes with link to fulltext
dcterms:accrualPeriodicity Continuously updated
dcterms:accrualPolicy Active
dcterms:provenance All research published at Aalborg University
dcterms:audience General Public
gen:isLocatedAt Aalborg, Denmark
gen:isAccessedVia Internet

Property Value
dc:identifier http://hj.diva-portal.org/smash/search.jsf
dc:title DiVA - Publications from Jönköping University
dcterms:abstract DiVA contains student theses, dissertations and other publications in full-text from Jönköping University. In DiVA there are also research publications made by researchers at the university, for example articles from scholarly journals, conference papers and books.
dc:language en, no, sv
dc:type Collection Text
dcterms:accessRights General Public (Open Access)
dcterms:accrualMethod Deposit (in parts only Metadata)
dcterms:accrualPeriodicity Continuously updated
dcterms:accrualPolicy Active
dcterms:provenance publications from Jönköping University and made by researchers at the university
dcterms:audience General Public
gen:isLocatedAt Jönköping, Sweden
gen:isAccessedVia Internet

Property Value
dc:identifier http://eprints.ouls.ox.ac.uk/
dc:title Oxford Eprints, Oxford University
dcterms:abstract Oxford E-prints is a digital archive for research articles written by Oxford University authors. It is a cross-diciplinary archive, accessible to all.
dc:language en
dc:type Collection Text
dcterms:accessRights General Public (Open Access)
dcterms:accrualMethod Deposit
dcterms:accrualPeriodicity Continuously updated
dcterms:accrualPolicy Active
dcterms:provenance research articles written by Oxford University authors
dcterms:audience General Public
gen:isLocatedAt Oxford, UK
gen:isAccessedVia Internet, DRIVER

Property Value
dc:identifier http://eprints.pascal-network.org/
dc:title PASCAL, Network of Excellence for Multimodal Interfaces
dcterms:abstract PASCAL is the European Commission's IST-funded Network of Excellence for Multimodal Interfaces. The project is supported by the Cognition Unit and coordinated by the University of Southampton.
dc:language en
dc:type Collection Text
dcterms:accessRights General Public (Open Access, several publications with restricted access)
dcterms:accrualPolicy Active
dcterms:audience General Public
gen:isAccessedVia Internet

Property Value
dc:identifier http://orbit.dtu.dk/app
dc:title ORBIT, The Danish Technical University
dcterms:abstract ORBIT - Online Research dataBase In Technology - is the only official research database of the Technical University of Denmark, DTU.

ORBIT provides all information on scientific, popular and educational publications used in research activities at DTU. ORBIT is the central tool for departments, sections and the individual researchers to present their publications and externally funded research projects. The registration interface is accessible to DTU staff members via the link and Campus sign on. The ORBIT search interface gives worldwide public access to information about research and development activities at the University and provides an overview of publications to which DTU researchers have contributed as authors or co-authors. ORBIT also provides the possibility of cross search on publications, projects, department profiles and personal staff profiles.

The database includes the full text when available, or a form is displayed, where you can order a copy of the article in paper form via DTV.

dc:language en
dc:type Collection Text
dcterms:accessRights General Public (Restricted Access)
dcterms:accrualPolicy Active
dcterms:provenance research database of the Technical University of Denmark
dcterms:audience General Public
gen:isAccessedVia Internet

Property Value
dc:identifier http://www.manuscriptorium.com/Site/ENG/default_eng.asp
dc:title Manuscriptorium - Digital Library of National Library of the Czech Republic
dcterms:abstract Manuscriptorium is a system for collecting and making accessible on the internet information on historical book resources, linked to a virtual library of digitised documents. The Manuscriptorium service is financed by the National Library of the Czech Republic and managed by AiP Beroun s.r.o.

Manuscriptorium makes metadata available to the general public without restriction. As a matter of principle, Manuscriptorium makes all data (images, sound, full text) freely accessible to its partners, and to others via a licence.

Documents from the Digital Library can be used as an alternative to the study of microfilms in library reading rooms. The Digital Library contains documents from dozens of different sources and the advantages of the online environment are self-evident: digital documents are immediately accessible at any time from any source in the co-ordinated environment.

dc:language en, cs
dc:type Collection Text, Images, Audio
dcterms:accessRights General Public (Restricted Access, license acquirable by purchase)
dcterms:accrualMethod Donation, Item Creation
dcterms:accrualPeriodicity Continuously updated
dcterms:accrualPolicy Active
dcterms:audience General Public
dcterms:temporal written cultural heritage prior to 1800 and documents of an archival nature
gen:isLocatedAt Prague, Czech Republic
gen:isAccessedVia Internet, TEL

Property Value
dc:identifier http://warburg.sas.ac.uk/mnemosyne/DigitalCollections.htm
dc:title The Warburg Institute Library Digital Collection
dcterms:abstract The aim of these digital collections is to make out-of-print source material on Medieval and Renaissance studies freely available online. Books are scanned, printed out on archival paper, bound and placed on the shelves. The originals are kept in the Reserve Books Room.
dc:language en
dc:type Collection Text
dcterms:accessRights General Public (Open Access)
dcterms:accrualMethod Item Creation
dcterms:accrualPeriodicity Continuously updated
dcterms:accrualPolicy Active
dcterms:audience General Public
gen:isLocatedAt London, UK
gen:isAccessedVia Internet

Property Value
dc:identifier http://uwdc.library.wisc.edu/index.shtml
dc:title University of Wisconsin Digital Collections
dcterms:abstract Since its foundation in early 2000, the UWDCC has worked collaboratively with UW System faculty, staff, and librarians to create and provide access to digital resources that support the teaching and research needs of the UW community, uniquely document the university and State of Wisconsin, and provide access to rare or fragile items of broad research value. The UWDCC has also partnered with cultural heritage institutions and public libraries throughout Wisconsin to create digital resources.

Resources within the collections are free and publicly accessible online. They are loosely organized into collections that span a range of subjects including art, ecology, literature, history, music, natural resources, science, social sciences, the State of Wisconsin, and the University of Wisconsin. Digital resources include text-based materials such as books, journal series, and manuscript collections; photographic images; slides; maps; prints; posters; audio; and video.

dc:language en
dc:type Collection Text, Images, Video and Audio
dcterms:accessRights General Public (Open Access)
dcterms:accrualMethod Item Creation, Donation
dcterms:accrualPeriodicity Continuously updated
dcterms:accrualPolicy Active
dcterms:audience General Public
gen:isLocatedAt Madison, Wisconsin, USA
gen:isAccessedVia Internet

Property Value
dc:identifier http://images.jsc.nasa.gov/
dc:title JSC Digital Image Collection
dcterms:abstract This collection of more than 9000 NASA press release photos spans the American manned space program, from the Mercury program to the STS-79 Shuttle mission.
dc:language en
dc:type Collection Pictures
dcterms:accessRights General Public (Open Access)
dcterms:accrualMethod Item Creation
dcterms:accrualPolicy Closed
dcterms:audience General Public
dc:subject crewed spaceflight
dcterms:temporal 1958-1996
gen:isAccessedVia Internet

Property Value
dc:identifier http://www.usip.org/resources-tools/digital-collections
dc:title The Margarita S. Studemeister Digital Library in International Conflict Management
dcterms:abstract From the United States Institute of Peace (USIP): The Foreign Affairs Documentation Center (FADC was planned as an inter-agency digital library for public access primarily to unclassified official foreign policy documents of the United States, and is now defunct.

The FADC sought to identify valuable digital collections at federal agencies, define persistent names for the documents and an indexing scheme for the collections, implement a registration process for documents submitted by the participating agencies, and design the worldwide delivery of the texts. The system architecture design by William Y. Arms, formerly of the Corporation for National Research Initiatives (CNRI), allowed end-users at any of 200 posts around the world, or connected via a browser to the World Wide Web, to search and retrieve documents with the aid of downloadable plug-ins from the FADC's web site. The design pioneered by Arms is being implemented by the American Memory Project of the National Digital Library Program of the Library of Congress.

We are currently collecting the full text of peace agreements signed by the contending parties, ending inter- and intrastate conflicts worldwide since 1989 for its Peace Agreements Digital Collection. Similarly, for the Truth Commissions Digital Collection, we are acquiring decrees establishing truth commissions and similar bodies of inquiry worldwide, and the reports issued by such groups. The Oral Histories Project on Stability Operations currently includes interviews conducted by the USIP's Professional Training program with individuals involved in stability operations in Iraq, a component of the Iraq Experience Project.

USIP's development of a digital library reflects its commitment to innovative technologies, collaboration and resource-sharing to strengthen preventive diplomacy, the management of international relations and the resolution of conflicts worldwide. Furthermore, the digital library plans complement and augment other information and communications technology projects that seek to capture, describe, organize, search, retrieve and disseminate the growing intellectual production and information about practical experiences in international conflict management supported by USIP.

dc:language en
dc:type CollectionText
dcterms:accessRights General Public (Open Access & links to other collections)
dcterms:accrualMethod Image Creation
dcterms:accrualPeriodicity Continuously updated
dcterms:accrualPolicy Active
dcterms:audience General Public
dc:subject Worldwide access to resources dealing with the prevention, management and resolution of international conflict.
dc:creator United States Institute of Peace
gen:isLocatedAt Washington D.C., USA
gen:isAccessedVia Internet

Property Value
dc:identifier http://iowaheritage.lib.uiowa.edu/
dc:title The Iowa Heritage Digital Collection (IHDC)
dcterms:abstract Welcome to the Iowa Heritage Digital Collections, an online repository of Iowa history and culture created by bringing together in digital form documents, images, maps, finding aids, interpretive and educational materials, and other media from collections held by a wide range of organizations throughout Iowa.
dc:language en
dc:type Collection Photograph, Map, Picture, Text, Audio
dcterms:accessRights General Public (Open Access & links to other collections)
dcterms:accrualMethod Image Creation
dcterms:accrualPeriodicity Continuously updated
dcterms:accrualPolicy Active
dcterms:audience General Public
dc:subject Online collection of Iowa history and culture
gen:isLocatedAt Iowa City, USA
gen:isAccessedVia Internet

Property Value
dc:identifier http://www.wsulibs.wsu.edu/masc/imagedatabases.html
dc:title Washington State University Digital Collections
dcterms:abstract To help support research and teaching at Washington State University, MASC advocates the use of digital technology in conjunction with emerging electronic storage and information retrieval systems. MASC will allow the use of its university archives, manuscripts, historical photographs, and special collections for digitizing projects to support the curriculum or for other legitimate research purposes provided these projects are compatible with the policies and procedures of the Libraries and MASC.
dc:language en
dc:type Collection Image, Map, Text, Audio, Video
dcterms:accessRights General Public (Open Access and Restricted Resources)
dcterms:accrualMethod Donation, Purchase, Item Creation
dcterms:accrualPeriodicity Continuously updated
dcterms:accrualPolicy Active
dcterms:audience General Public
gen:isLocatedAt Pullman, USA
gen:isAccessedVia Internet

Property Value
dc:identifier http://www.chipublib.org/images/index.php
dc:title Chicago Public Library Digital Collections
dcterms:abstract No policy statement given
dc:language en
dc:type Collection Image
dcterms:accessRights General Public (Open Access)
dcterms:accrualMethod Item Creation
dcterms:audience General Public
gen:isLocatedAt Chicago, USA
gen:isAccessedVia Internet, WorldCat

Property Value
dc:identifier http://merrick.library.miami.edu/
dc:title University of Miami Libraries Digital Initiatives
dcterms:abstract This site features a growing collection of digital objects, projects, and publications developed to preserve and support digital scholarship and the research, teaching, and learning mission of the University. These initiatives feature materials from the collections at University of Miami Libraries, and from collaborative projects and publications developed with the Faculty and Students. You can use the keyword search, browse from the categories listed below, or use the advanced search to create customized queries and search within one or a combination of collections.
dc:language en
dc:type Collection Photograph, Text, Video
dcterms:accessRights General Public (Open Access)
dcterms:accrualMethod Donation, Item Creation
dcterms:accrualPeriodicity Continuously updated
dcterms:accrualPolicy Active
dcterms:audience General Public
gen:isLocatedAt Coral Gables, USA
gen:isAccessedVia Internet

Property Value
dc:identifier http://www.library.pitt.edu/libraries/drl/
dc:title Digital Research Library University of Pittsburgh
dcterms:abstract The Digital Research Library (DRL) of the University of Pittsburgh's University Library System (ULS) supports the teaching and research mission of the university and serves users through the creation and delivery of Web-accessible digital collections. The DRL also serves as a knowledge resource within the ULS for digital library issues and developments.

From its inception, the DRL focused on creating text-based collections whose digitization and accessibility on the Web would aid the research of scholars, historians, faculty, and students. The DRL has since expanded its tools and capabilities to provide access to photographs, map images, finding aids, manuscripts, postcards, audio-visual material, and bibliographic catalogs of collections.

The Digital Research Library provides access to its digital materials for educational and research purposes only. Any other use of these materials, including but not limited to commercial or scholarly reproductions, redistribution, publication, or transmission, is strictly prohibited without written permission.

dc:language en
dc:type Collection Image, Text, Audio
dcterms:accessRights General Public (Open Access)
dcterms:accrualMethod Item Creation
dcterms:accrualPeriodicity Continuously updated
dcterms:accrualPolicy Active
dcterms:audience General Public
gen:isLocatedAt Pittsburgh, USA
gen:isAccessedVia Internet

Property Value
dc:identifier http://si-pddr.si.edu/dspace/handle/10088/4782
dc:title Smithsonian Institution Digital Repository
dcterms:abstract The Repository is now collecting content from the Smithsonian scientific community.
dc:language en
dc:type Collection Text
dcterms:accessRights General Public (Open Access)
dcterms:accrualMethod Item Creation, Deposit
dcterms:accrualPeriodicity Continuously updated
dcterms:accrualPolicy Active
dcterms:audience General Public
gen:isLocatedAt Washington D.C., USA
gen:isAccessedVia Internet

Property Value
dc:identifier http://quod.lib.umich.edu/g/genpub/
dc:title Digital General Collection of the University of Michigan
dcterms:abstract Books from the University of Michigan collection, scanned for preservation purposes. At present, there are 28,378 volumes in the General Collection.
dc:language en
dc:type Collectoin Text
dcterms:accessRights General Public (Open Access)
dcterms:accrualMethod Item Creation
dcterms:audience General Public
dcterms:temporal 1705 - 2005
gen:isLocatedAt Michigan, USA
gen:isAccessedVia Internet

Property Value
dc:identifier http://www.library.ucsb.edu/speccoll/digital/index.html
dc:title Department of Special Collections, Univ. of California
dcterms:abstract The Department of Special Collections collects, maintains and makes accessible rare, valuable and unique materials which support UCSB students, faculty and research programs, as well as the local national and international scholarly community. Special Collections acquires materials by gift, transfer and purchase, in accordance with general library procedures.
dc:language en
dc:type Collection Text, Audio, Pictures
dcterms:accessRights General Public (Open Access; only metadata in Encyclopedic Discography of Victor Recordings)
dcterms:accrualMethod Item Creation
dcterms:accrualPeriodicity weekly
dcterms:accrualPolicy Active
dcterms:audience General Public
gen:isLocatedAt Santa Barbara, California, USA
gen:isAccessedVia Internet

Property Value
dc:identifier http://eprints.rclis.org/
dc:title E-LIS
dcterms:abstract E-LIS is an open access archive for scientific or technical documents, published or unpublished, on Librarianship, Information Science and Technology, and related areas. E-LIS relies on the voluntary work of individuals from a wide range of backgrounds and is non-commercial. It is not a funded project of an organization. It is community-owned and community-driven. We serve LIS researchers by facilitating their self-archiving, ensuring the long-term preservation of their documents and by providing word-wide easy access to their papers.

E-LIS was formed in 2003 for the deposit of documents in the Library and Information Science (LIS) domain. It is the first international e-server in this subject area and resulted from the RCLIS (Research in Computing, Library and Information Science) project and the DoIS (Documents in Information Science), promoted by the Spanish Ministry of Culture and hosted by AEPIC team on machines of the Italian Consorzio Interuniversitario Lombardo per Elaborazione Automatica (CILEA). E-LIS relies on the voluntary work of individuals from a wide range of backgrounds and is non-commercial. There is neither funding nor interest in profiting from the initiative.

E-LIS aims to further the Open Access philosophy by making available papers in LIS and related fields. It is a free-access international archive, in line with the Free Online Scholarship (FOS) movement and the Eprints movement, based on the Open Archive Initiative (OAI) standards and protocols.

dc:language en, el, it, fa, es, tr
dc:type Collection Text
dcterms:accessRights General Public (Open Access)
dcterms:accrualMethod Deposit
dcterms:accrualPeriodicity Continuously updated
dcterms:accrualPolicy Passive
dcterms:audience General Public
dc:subject international Open Access Deposit
gen:isAccessedVia Internet

Property Value
dc:identifier http://www.loc.gov/rr/print/catalog.html
dc:title The Library of Congress Prints & Photographs Reading Room
dcterms:abstract The Prints and Photographs Online Catalog (PPOC) contains catalog records and digital images representing a rich cross-section of still pictures held by the Prints & Photographs Division and other units of the Library. The Library of Congress offers broad public access to these materials as a contribution to education and scholarship.
  • The catalog provides access through group or item records to about 75 % of the Division's holdings.
  • Many of the records are accompanied by one or more digital images. In some collections, only thumbnail images display to those searching outside the Library of Congress because of potential rights considerations.
  • The primary historical documents described and displayed in this catalog may contain materials offensive to some readers. The Library does not endorse views expressed in the collections but presents the collections as an aid to scholarly research.
dc:language en
dc:type Collection Pictures
dcterms:accessRights General Public (Open Access)
dcterms:accrualMethod Item Creation
dcterms:audience General Public
dc:subject prints and photographs division
gen:isLocatedAt Washington D.C., USA
gen:isAccessedVia Internet

Property Value
dc:identifier http://www.ansp.org/museum/digital_collections/index.php
dc:title Digital Collections from The Ewell Sale Stewart Library
dcterms:abstract The Ewell Sale Stewart Library of the Academy of Natural Sciences houses many rare, beautiful, and important works on the natural sciences, books that most people will never see in their lifetimes. These books were published over the last five centuries, and document the discovery of plant and animal species by early explorers as they traveled the world. By publishing the pages from these books digitally and providing access on the web, the Library hopes to share them with scientists, scholars, and the public.
dc:language en
dcterms:accessRights General Public (Open Access)
dcterms:audience General Public
dc:subject abstracts of some selected books on the natural sciences published over the last five centuries
dcterms:temporal since 1500
gen:isLocatedAt Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
gen:isAccessedVia Internet

Property Value
dc:identifier http://diglib.lib.utk.edu/cgi/i/image/image-idx?page=groups
dc:title Univ. of Tennessee Digital Libraries
dcterms:abstract Collection contains f.e. Blount County Appalachian Photograph Archive; Great Smoky Mountains Collection; From Pi Beta Phi To Arrowmont; University of Tennessee Libraries Image Collection; Volunteer Voices: The Growth of Democracy in Tennessee; WPA/TVA Archaeological Photograph Archive
dc:language en
dc:type Collection Pictures
dcterms:accessRights General Public (Open Access)
dcterms:audience General Public
gen:isLocatedAt Tennessee, USA
gen:isAccessedVia Internet

Existing Digital Collections[edit]

Name + Link Short Description Underlying Software
Kurzsammlungen der BSB Das Referat Digitale Bibliothek ist aus dem Münchener Digitalisierungszentrum hervorgegangen, das die Bayerische Staatsbibliothek 1997 mit Unterstützung der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft als eines von zwei nationalen Digitalisierungszentren eingerichtet hatte. Dem Referat obliegen im Moment drei Aufgabenschwerpunkte:
  • die (Retro-)Digitalisierung von gedruckten Beständen im Rahmen von drittmittelgeförderten Projekten und in Eigenleistung, im Gefolge von digitization on demand und der Digitalisierung aus Bestandserhaltungs- und/oder Sicherheitsgründen;
  • die technische Unterstützung des Aufbaus und der Pflege von Virtuellen Fachbibliotheken, die die Bayerische Staatsbibliothek im Rahmen ihrer Sondersammelgebietsverpflichtungen aufbaut und unterhält sowie die technische Betreuung des Kulturportals "Bayerische Landesbibliothek Online (BLO)";
  • die Langzeitarchivierung elektronischer Dokumente.

Das Referat fungiert darüber hinaus landesweit als Kompetenzzentrum für alle Fragestellungen im Zusammenhang mit dem Thema "digitale Bibliothek".

Digitale Sammlungen der BSB as above Diverse
National Library of Ireland The National Library recognises the importance of developing the digital collections, services and infrastructure necessary to support the creation and management of a significant digital library. We aim to maximise access to our resources, enhance and expand the services we offer, and enable our users to work with us, and our collections, in new and innovative ways.

As part of our emerging digital library programme we are planning a number of major digitisation projects. Amongst these projects are the digitisation of substantial sections of our visual collections and the production of a digital version of the source material used to create two key reference works for Irish studies, Richard Hayes’ Manuscript Sources for the History of Irish Civilization and Sources for the History of Irish Civilisation: Articles in Irish Periodicals.

We will also continue to explore the potential for working with other institutions and projects, and to develop the digital library to support collaboration.

National Library of New Zealand The National Library is the lead agency for New Zealand’s Digital Content Strategy, 'Creating a Digital New Zealand'. The strategy aims to chart a course for a content-rich digital New Zealand, where New Zealanders are actively engaged in creating, discovering, sharing and using content in a digital form.

The strategy was launched by the government in September 2007, and following a public consultation process at the end of 2006. You can download a copy of the strategy on the Digital Strategy website. The passing of the National Library of New Zealand (Te Puna Mātauranga o Aotearoa) Act 2003 challenged the Library to think strategically about information delivered in a digital paradigm.

The National Library’s Digital Strategy identifies the directions to be pursued by the Library between 2003-2008, and outlines an annual programme of work designed to drive the Library’s digital strategy and ensure that it is delivered.

A successful Digital Strategy will have four main outcomes. The Library will be able to:

  • provide enhanced access to digital information, especially New Zealand content, for New Zealanders, for example online databases and electronic journals
  • collect digital resources, especially those relating to New Zealand and New Zealanders
  • ensure the long-term storage and preservation of New Zealand’s online heritage
  • provide enhanced access to the Library’s collections through digitisation.

The NZNL provides a tool for metadata extraction: [2]

National Science Digital Library (USA) The National Science Digital Library (NSDL) was created by the National Science Foundation to provide organized access to high quality resources and tools that support innovations in teaching and learning at all levels of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics education.

NSDL serves as a nexus for educators, researchers, policy makers and the public by building bridges:

  • Between private sector and public interests by providing access to resources such as publishers' journal articles, teacher-created lesson plans and real-time data sets from scientists
  • Between the scientific, research and educational communities by applying advanced technologies to stimulate new ways for educators and learners to access and use scientific information
  • Between teachers and learners at all levels, in all locations by supplying content and tools in open-access, non-propietary formats in an easily accessible online environment.

NSDL is intended to meet the educational and informational needs of a wide variety of users, from pre-school children to self-directed adults, in both formal and informal education settings. The resources that make up the NSDL vary greatly in size, depth, scope, type of materials, level of review and educational level.

Bibliotheca Alexandrina

As a library of the 21 st Century, the Bibliotheca Alexandrina (BA), along with its affiliated academic and cultural centers, is committed to digitization as a means of preserving, managing, and disseminating information and knowledge. The BA sets out to share them with a worldwide audience via the internet, thus promoting greater understanding and tolerance between cultures. To achieve this goal, the BA has formed partnerships with various cultural, academic, governmental, and corporate organizations for the creation of many significant and compelling digital projects. These projects cover a wide array of cultural and educational themes.

Carnegie Mellon University Libraries Carnegie Mellon University Libraries will provide creative, expert and technologically advanced information services designed to be responsive to the present and continually changing information needs of the university community.


  • To support and contribute to the teaching, research, artistic and other scholarly endeavors of the university.
  • To acquire, organize, make accessible, maintain and preserve information resources for optimal use.
  • To contribute to and disseminate knowledge about library services, resources and access to distributed information.

Goals and Strategies:

Create the Digital Library

  • Add to the funding for commercial digital resources ($100,000).
  • In conjunction with School of Computer Science, develop these projects:
    • Automated reference assistance (foundations, OCLC partnership).
    • Global registry of works that have been digitized to avoid duplication.
    • Selective digitization of out-of-copyright works that have been requested on interlibrary loan with successive OCR and correction.
    • Mechanisms for delivery of digitized texts to requesters.
    • More scanning of out-of-copyright books to build the Universal Library.
    • Lobbying for new economic models and statutory changes to promote digital libraries.
  • In conjunction with appropriate departments, facilitate access to large research databases (status quo funding).
  • Encourage and support cutting edge access for remote users, as recommended by the Computing and Communications group.
  • Encourage faculty to work in their scholarly societies to decouple certification of the value of work from print publication (no local funding).

Target the Right Information

  • Bring undergraduate paper collections in Modern Languages, History and Anthropology, and Environmental Studies to basic levels ($101-106,000 a year; foundations, appeal to alumni, university funding).
  • Create a program approval process that will ensure that library resource needs are considered in decision making and funded as new programs are adopted (no immediate funding).

Retool Library Facilities for the 21st Century

  • Seek external funding for new buildings, renovations, and additions (foundations, alumni, friends).

Manage the Libraries Effectively

  • Evaluate services and make improvements based on the needs of the university community.
  • Enhance the information literacy program to teach all aspects of information use, focusing on effective research skills, and to prepare students to apply research skills in diverse contexts and professional careers.
  • For librarians, archivists, and other professionals: Develop a program of peer review, promotion and compensation that fosters and rewards intellectual growth and excellence.
  • For support staff and paraprofessionals: Develop a program of job enrichment, regular reclassification review, and appropriate compensation.
  • Develop and implement a plan to market all library services.
  • Develop and implement fundraising activities to augment collections, facilities and staffing.
  • Maintain a robust technology infrastructure.
  • Recruit and retain a diverse staff that reflects the university's affirmative action policy goals.
  • Provide formal and informal training and support so that staff have the skills to work to their full potential.
  • Maintain a continuous strategic-planning cycle complementary to the libraries' quality improvement program.
Columbia University Digital Collections Over the past ten years the Libraries has built a number of significant digital research collections.

These extraordinary online presentations of primary source material reproductions and descriptions now include the Digital Scriptorium containing medieval and early Renaissance manuscripts, texts of the John Jay Papers, digitized photographs of Japanese puppet theater, hundreds of hours of oral histories and transcripts of interviews including Notable New Yorkers, collections of ancient papyri and clay tablets in APIS, a gallery of rare Chinese folk art prints in Chinese Paper Gods, and more. The Libraries continues to expand its program of digitization of rare and unique research collections for the benefit of faculty, students, and scholars at Columbia and around the world. For 2008 it is planned to open new group and individual study spaces in Lehman Library, to present a new Center for Digital Research and Scholarship....

Harvard University's Library Digital Initiative Harvard University's Library Digital Initiative (LDI) is a comprehensive program begun in 1998 to develop the University's capacity to manage digital information by:
  • creating the technical infrastructure to support the acquisition, organization, delivery, and archiving of digital library materials;
  • providing a team of specialists to advise librarians and others in the University community on key issues in the digital environment;
  • providing librarians and staff with experience in a wide range of technologies and digital materials; and,
  • enriching the Harvard University Library collections with a significant set of digital resources

They provide a Digital Repository System with metadata information and a repository policy guide.

NYPL The New York Public Library (NYPL) NYPL-Digital
  • is your gateway to The New York Public Library’s rare and unique international holdings in digitized form, including:
    • Historic maps
    • Rare prints and photographs
    • Illuminated manuscripts
    • Unusual printed ephemera
    • Sound files and moving images
    • Original art and more
  • Continues to fulfill the Library's traditional mission in the Internet Age to collect, preserve and make its holdings available
  • Connects you to digital versions of increasingly valuable, fragile and hard-to-use originals by offering a ever-growing selection of digital collections
  • Offers many holdings in their entirety, ensuring the virtual equivalent of consulting them in person
  • Organizes holdings via topical or thematic groupings into virtual collections, helping bridge physical (departmental or organizational) separation
  • Maintains current links to related NYPL websites such as online exhibitions, archival finding aids, and e-books
  • Reflects ongoing development and evolution of best practices in the digital environment
  • Results from setting benchmarks and coordinating practices institution-wide for capture, description, storage, retrieval and delivery of digital surrogates
Own development + Oracle + Lucene + ColdFusion
McGill Digital Collections Program The Digital Collections Program (DCP) is home to McGill Library's digitization unit. Located in the Rare Books and Special Collections Division (McLennan Library Complex), DCP designs and produces digital projects based on the Library's many unique collections. To date DCP has produced more than forty digital projects covering a wide array of subjects including, art, architecture, history and literature, engineering, medicine, maps, music, and urban design.

McGill's Digital Collections range from archival inventories (The Moshe Safdie Hypermedia Archive); bibliographic databases (Cookbook Collection, Canadian Olympic Collection) which provide access to items in the collection; image databases (Ramsay Traquair: The Architecture of Old Quebec, Napoleon Print Collection); full-text collections (In Pursuit of Adventure: The Fur Trade in Canada and the North West Company and the Canadian Architect and Builder); hybrid projects like In Search of Your Canadian Past: The Canadian County Atlas Project.

Glasgow Digital Library The Glasgow Digital Library (GDL) is a collaborative venture based in the Centre for Digital Library Research at the University of Strathclyde. The initial GDL project was funded for two years by the Research Support Libraries Programme.

The original aim of the project was to establish the GDL as a virtual co-library of the majority of public institutions in Glasgow. The long-term aim was to create a wholly digital resource to support teaching, learning and research at all levels in the city, bringing together material currently separated by ownership and physical location.

As the GDL project developed in its second year, and further funding was received from SCRAN for specific digitisation projects, there was greater emphasis within the GDL on the development and management of original digital collections and establishing a coherent standards-based information environment. The GDL has therefore evolved into:

a distributed digital library based in Glasgow which aims to produce a coherent digital learning and information environment for Glasgow's citizens, through the development and implementation of a common collection development policy and an agreed technical and inter-working infrastructure.

As outlined in its collection development policy, the GDL seeks to create, collect and provide access to digital content that is about Glasgow, in Glasgow or for Glasgow but does not to duplicate work done elsewhere.

Zentrales Archiv Digitalisierter Drucke Das Zentrale Verzeichnis Digitalisierter Drucke weist grundsätzlich alle vollständig digitalisierten Druckwerke aus, die frei über das Internet zur Verfügung gestellt werden und einem gewissen wissenschaftlichen Qualitätsstandard genügen. Verschiedene Arten von Druckwerken sind dabei eingeschlossen: Zeitungen, Zeitschriften, Musikdrucke oder "Kleinschrifttum" wie Einblattdrucke oder Flugblätter ebenso wie Monographien oder Reihen. Das Portal konzentriert sich in einer ersten Phase auf Digitalisierungsprojekte im Sinne digitaler Sammlungen oder digitaler Bibliotheken. Die Einspielung von Einzelwerken wird zunächst zurückgestellt und zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt realisiert. Diverse
JUWEL JUWEL (JUelicher Wissenschaftliche Elektronische Literatur) ist das offizielle, institutionelle Dokumenten-Repositorium des Forschungszentrums Jülich. In JUWEL werden Publikationen Jülicher Wissenschaftler und Wissenschaftlerinnen gespeichert, erschlossen und der Öffentlichkeit zugänglich gemacht. DSPACE
Document Server@UHasselt Research & Publications in digital form, including preprints, published articles, technical reports, working papers and more. A service provided by the Hasselt University Library DSPACE
VBN, Aalborg University All research published at Aalborg University is continuously registered in VBN under the following categories: Book or report, Journal article, Contribution to book or collection, Conference contribution and Working papers. PURE
DiVA - Publications from Jönköping University DiVA contains theses, dissertations and other publications in full-text from Jönköping University. DiVA (own development)
Oxford Eprints, Oxford University Oxford E-prints is a digital archive for research articles written by Oxford University authors. It is a cross-diciplinary archive, accessible to all. GNU EPrints
PASCAL, Network of Excellence for Multimodal Interfaces PASCAL is the European Commission's IST-funded Network of Excellence for Multimodal Interfaces. The project is supported by the Cognition Unit and coordinated by the University of Southampton. GNU EPrints
ORBIT, The Danish Technical University ORBIT - Online Research dataBase In Technology - is the only official research database of the Technical University of Denmark, DTU.

ORBIT provides all information on scientific, popular and educational publications used in research activities at DTU. ORBIT is the central tool for departments, sections and the individual researchers to present their publications and externally funded research projects. The registration interface is accessible to DTU staff members via the link and Campus sign on. The ORBIT search interface gives worldwide public access to information about research and development activities at the University and provides an overview of publications to which DTU researchers have contributed as authors or co-authors. ORBIT also provides the possibility of cross search on publications, projects, department profiles and personal staff profiles.

The database includes the full text when available, or a form is displayed, where you can order a copy of the article in paper form via DTV.

ORBIT (own development)
National Library of the Czech Republic Main aim of DUR is to preserve all documents coming from activities of the university + provide wide access to them. DigiTool (ExLibris)
THE WARBURG INSTITUTE LIBRARY DIGITAL COLLECTION The aim of these digital collections is to make out-of-print source material on Medieval and Renaissance studies freely available online. Books are scanned, printed out on archival paper, bound and placed on the shelves. The originals are kept in the Reserve Books Room.
University of Wisconsin Digital Collections Since its foundation in early 2000, the UWDCC has worked collaboratively with UW System faculty, staff, and librarians to create and provide access to digital resources that support the teaching and research needs of the UW community, uniquely document the university and State of Wisconsin, and provide access to rare or fragile items of broad research value. The UWDCC has also partnered with cultural heritage institutions and public libraries throughout Wisconsin to create digital resources.

Resources within the collections are free and publicly accessible online. They are loosely organized into collections that span a range of subjects including art, ecology, literature, history, music, natural resources, science, social sciences, the State of Wisconsin, and the University of Wisconsin. Digital resources include text-based materials such as books, journal series, and manuscript collections; photographic images; slides; maps; prints; posters; audio; and video.

MINDS@UW (own development)
JSC Digital Image Collection This collection of more than 9000 NASA press release photos spans the American manned space program, from the Mercury program to the STS-79 Shuttle mission.
The Margarita S. Studemeister Digital Library in International Conflict Management From the United States Institute of Peace (USIP): The Foreign Affairs Documentation Center (FADC was planned as an inter-agency digital library for public access primarily to unclassified official foreign policy documents of the United States, and is now defunct.

The FADC sought to identify valuable digital collections at federal agencies, define persistent names for the documents and an indexing scheme for the collections, implement a registration process for documents submitted by the participating agencies, and design the worldwide delivery of the texts. The system architecture design by William Y. Arms, formerly of the Corporation for National Research Initiatives (CNRI), allowed end-users at any of 200 posts around the world, or connected via a browser to the World Wide Web, to search and retrieve documents with the aid of downloadable plug-ins from the FADC's web site. The design pioneered by Arms is being implemented by the American Memory Project of the National Digital Library Program of the Library of Congress.

We are currently collecting the full text of peace agreements signed by the contending parties, ending inter- and intrastate conflicts worldwide since 1989 for its Peace Agreements Digital Collection. Similarly, for the Truth Commissions Digital Collection, we are acquiring decrees establishing truth commissions and similar bodies of inquiry worldwide, and the reports issued by such groups. The Oral Histories Project on Stability Operations currently includes interviews conducted by the USIP's Professional Training program with individuals involved in stability operations in Iraq, a component of the Iraq Experience Project.

USIP's development of a digital library reflects its commitment to innovative technologies, collaboration and resource-sharing to strengthen preventive diplomacy, the management of international relations and the resolution of conflicts worldwide. Furthermore, the digital library plans complement and augment other information and communications technology projects that seek to capture, describe, organize, search, retrieve and disseminate the growing intellectual production and information about practical experiences in international conflict management supported by USIP.

Iowa Heritance Digital Collection (IHDC) Welcome to the Iowa Heritage Digital Collections, an online repository of Iowa history and culture created by bringing together in digital form documents, images, maps, finding aids, interpretive and educational materials, and other media from collections held by a wide range of organizations throughout Iowa.
Washington State University Digital Collections To help support research and teaching at Washington State University, MASC advocates the use of digital technology in conjunction with emerging electronic storage and information retrieval systems. MASC will allow the use of its university archives, manuscripts, historical photographs, and special collections for digitizing projects to support the curriculum or for other legitimate research purposes provided these projects are compatible with the policies and procedures of the Libraries and MASC.
Chicago Public Library Digital Collections No policy statement given
University of Miami Libraries Digital Initiatives This site features a growing collection of digital objects, projects, and publications developed to preserve and support digital scholarship and the research, teaching, and learning mission of the University. These initiatives feature materials from the collections at University of Miami Libraries, and from collaborative projects and publications developed with the Faculty and Students. You can use the keyword search, browse from the categories listed below, or use the advanced search to create customized queries and search within one or a combination of collections. partly embARK
Digital Research Library University of Pittsburgh The Digital Research Library (DRL) of the University of Pittsburgh's University Library System (ULS) supports the teaching and research mission of the university and serves users through the creation and delivery of Web-accessible digital collections. The DRL also serves as a knowledge resource within the ULS for digital library issues and developments.

From its inception, the DRL focused on creating text-based collections whose digitization and accessibility on the Web would aid the research of scholars, historians, faculty, and students. The DRL has since expanded its tools and capabilities to provide access to photographs, map images, finding aids, manuscripts, postcards, audio-visual material, and bibliographic catalogs of collections.

The Digital Research Library provides access to its digital materials for educational and research purposes only. Any other use of these materials, including but not limited to commercial or scholarly reproductions, redistribution, publication, or transmission, is strictly prohibited without written permission.

Smithsonian Institution Digital Repository The Repository is now collecting content from the Smithsonian scientific community. DSPACE
Digital General Collection of the University of Michigan Books from the University of Michigan collection, scanned for preservation purposes. At present, there are 28,378 volumes in the General Collection. DLXS
Department of Special Collections, Univ. of California The Department of Special Collections collects, maintains and makes accessible rare, valuable and unique materials which support UCSB students, faculty and research programs, as well as the local national and international scholarly community. Special Collections acquires materials by gift, transfer and purchase, in accordance with general library procedures. Diverse
E-LIS E-LIS is an open access archive for scientific or technical documents, published or unpublished, on Librarianship, Information Science and Technology, and related areas. E-LIS relies on the voluntary work of individuals from a wide range of backgrounds and is non-commercial. It is not a funded project of an organization. It is community-owned and community-driven. We serve LIS researchers by facilitating their self-archiving, ensuring the long-term preservation of their documents and by providing word-wide easy access to their papers.

E-LIS was formed in 2003 for the deposit of documents in the Library and Information Science (LIS) domain. It is the first international e-server in this subject area and resulted from the RCLIS (Research in Computing, Library and Information Science) project and the DoIS (Documents in Information Science), promoted by the Spanish Ministry of Culture and hosted by AEPIC team on machines of the Italian Consorzio Interuniversitario Lombardo per Elaborazione Automatica (CILEA). E-LIS relies on the voluntary work of individuals from a wide range of backgrounds and is non-commercial. There is neither funding nor interest in profiting from the initiative.

E-LIS aims to further the Open Access philosophy by making available papers in LIS and related fields. It is a free-access international archive, in line with the Free Online Scholarship (FOS) movement and the Eprints movement, based on the Open Archive Initiative (OAI) standards and protocols.

GNU EPrints
The Library of Congress Prints & Photographs Reading Room The Prints & Photographs Online Catalog (PPOC) provides access through group or item records to more than 50% of the Division's holdings, as well as to some images found in other units of the Library of Congress. Many of the catalog records are accompanied by digital images--about one million digital images in all.
Digital Collections from The Ewell Sale Stewart Library The Ewell Sale Stewart Library of the Academy of Natural Sciences houses many rare, beautiful, and important works on the natural sciences, books that most people will never see in their lifetimes. These books were published over the last five centuries, and document the discovery of plant and animal species by early explorers as they traveled the world. By publishing the pages from these books digitally and providing access on the web, the Library hopes to share them with scientists, scholars, and the public.
Univ. of Tennessee Digital Libraries Collection contains f.e. Blount County Appalachian Photograph Archive; Great Smoky Mountains Collection; From Pi Beta Phi To Arrowmont; University of Tennessee Libraries Image Collection; Volunteer Voices: The Growth of Democracy in Tennessee; WPA/TVA Archaeological Photograph Archive

External lists of digital repositories[edit]