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This specification describes how the yearbook of the MPS will be handled as long as eDoc is still used for the creation of the yearbook, while the rest is handled within PubMan. The idea is, that eDoc should only be used to release the data exported from PubMan for the yearbook of the MPS.
<span style="color:red">'''WORK IN PROGRESS!'''</span>

==Basic Scenario==
In a first step, PubMan will support a simple/basic scenario for generating the Yearbook: Users can provide their publications for the MPG Yearbook by acting in 2 systems, which run in parallel: PubMan and eDoc: Publication data from PubMan are prepared on PubMan and transfered to eDoc, where the actual Yearbook workflow (by local Publication Editor and GV-Yearbook Release Manager) takes place. For the preparations on PubMan, a separate "Yearbook Workspace" will be provided.
===User wants to start compiling the data for the upcoming yearbook===
The MPDL creates a yearbook and provides some basic metadata, like title (e.g. MPG Yearbook 2011) and Coverage (Time period the publication date needs to match, e.g. 01-01-2010 until 31-12-2010). We can set some static values for metadata, which are automatically populated when exporting to eDoc. These default values are important, because there are metadata on eDoc needed for the yearbook, which are not part of the standardized escidoc Pubitem profile. The Yearbook is now ready to be "filled".
As a comfort function, the system provides automatically "candidates" for the created yearbook. It runs a query on released Pubitems which is based on
*allowed genre types for the yearbook (cf Pflichfelder-Tabelle and respective mapping eSciDoc2eDoc)
*coverage of publication date (like defined in the yearbook metadata)
*at least one MPI affiliation (OU)
The result of this query is a list of released PubItems, which are potential candidates for the Yearbook.
===User wants to complete the list of publications relevant for the Yearbook===
Based on the start content of "candidates", the user can decide to add them as "members" to the selected yearbook. He can add and remove "members" to the yearbook. This process can be repeated several times, until the user has compiled all publications relevant for the selected yearbook. For this purpose, it is important to provide a list of all candidates, which can be sorted/filtered by several categories.
===User wants to know if the publications will pass the validation for the Yearbook===
The user wants to know, if he has to modify/enrich his publication data, so that they will pass the mandatory fields for the yearbook, as defined in the "Pflichtfelder-Tabelle". An automatic validation will happen when he releases his Yearbook on PubMan. In addition, he can validate the members of the yearbook at any time from the yearbook workspace. They can validate their Yearbook members based on the "Pflichtfelder-Tabelle" (mandatory fields for the Yearbook as defined by Press department) and modify the data if necessary.

=Basic Considerations=
*for more information see [[PubMan_Func_Spec_Yearbook_Validation | Validation rules]]
==Yearbook workflow in PubMan==
* There will be one container (folder) for the yearbook records in PubMan (per institute), which will be crated by the Dev. Team manually.
**A container only holds the links to items.
**Containers will have MD on the responsible institute (OU) via the context.
* (released) records can be added by moderators to that yearbook container from the qa workspace or from view item version.
* items, which are in the yearbook container will be marked as recommended for the yearbook
* the content of the container can be viewed and edited by moderators from the workspace.
* Container will be released when it is ready for the export to eDoc (will be done by the moderator). Items in the container will then be marked as released for yearbook YYYY. Once the container has been released no further records can be added or removed.
* Users have to be aware of, that the export of PubMan data for the YB to eDoc will be done only once. To avoid duplicates. PubMan ID will be kept as local ID in eDoc and URI to PubMan.
* only PubMan origin items can be added to the yearbook. Imported eDoc data therefore can't be added to the yearbook via PubMan.
* PubMan should provide a list of items imported from eDoc, which are members of the YB. Dev. team should be able to provide the difference. Means, which are the items, which are in eDoc marked for the YB and which items have been added to the YB via PubMan.
* If eDoc item has been changed in PubMan, it also manually has to be changed in eDoc. Same for adding/removing from YB. Only valid for item, that where imported from eDoc.

==Yearbook workflow in eDoc==
===User wants to modify the data because validation fails===
* users, that have moved their data to PubMan will only have one collection in eDoc for the yearbook, which will be named "Yearbook YYYY"
The user can validate all members of the selected Yearbook based on Pflichtfelder-Tabelle. He gets the information per publication item on
* data from PubMan will be imported to eDoc in a virtual collection. Then they have to be copied into a "real" collection (working or archival collection, working is recommended).
*YB check ok
* Then they can be all recommended for the yearbook of the MPS and then released for the yearbook. If data is changed in eDoc, it also has to be changed in PubMan manually
*YB check warning (i.e. "weiche" Pflichtfelder for YB)
*YB check error (i.e. "harte" Pflichtfelder for YB)
For each warning and error, he gets a detailed report what needs to be changed and a link to the Publication item.
===User wants to export his PubMan Yearbook to eDoc===
The user has finalized his compilation and releases the yearbook. An automatic validation takes place. If the validation is successful, we can export the Yearbook data as XML and import it on eDoc to a virtual collection. On eDoc, the user copies the data to a Working Collection and can proceed with the standard Yearbook workflow. If he changes metadata on eDoc, he needs to manually make the changes on the according Pubitem. The Link to the Publication item is exported to eDoc as well, to ease the modification.  
===User wants to repeat the export, as data has been modified or added/removed===
The user can repeat the release process for his Yearbook on PubMan and export again, if data has been substantially modified or new data has been added or data has to be removed. Depending on his privileges, a user can modify a Pubtitem after he has added it to a Yearbook - the last released version of the item is still a member of the Yearbook.  

After exporting again to edoc, he can either add the additional to the existing collection on eDoc, or he creates a new collection on edoc for the new export.
===Some Details after first Design-Discussion===
*To not confuse users with "standard" validation during submission and YB-specific validation, we propose to name validation in context of Yearbook "YB-check"
*Actions for the Yearbook (add/remove/validate) on item level are only displayed in the list views (not on item level), to make clear, that user is currently in the YEarbook workspace.
*Validation Reports are part of the medium view, i.e. in Yearbook workspace, list are either short view or "medium view and report".
*Withdrawn items:
**It might happen, that a yearbook member is withdrawn after releasing the yearbook. This item has to be removed manually from edoc Yearbook on edoc.
**It might happen, that a yearbook member is withdrawn before releasing the yearbook. This is checked during the standard validation when releasing the yearbook => the validation also checks for status of items (only released items can be exported).
===Related documentation===
*[http://edoc.mpg.de/3562 Pflichtfelder-Tabelle for the MPG Yearbook]
*[http://colab.mpdl.mpg.de/mediawiki/PubMan_Func_Spec_eSciDoc_To_eDoc_Mapping Mapping eSciDoc to eDoc]
*[https://subversion.mpdl.mpg.de/repos/smc/trunk/03_Functional_Description/02_Scenarios_Concepts/Concepts/Publication_Management/BasicYearbook_2010.ppt Design-Draft by Natasa (MPDL internal only)]
*[http://colab.mpdl.mpg.de/mediawiki/GUI_Prototyping#PubMan_Prototype| First Prototype] and [http://colab.mpdl.mpg.de/mediawiki/Talk:GUI_Prototyping Questions raised with first prototype]

==Advanced Scenario==
The Compilation, validation and generation of the yearbook is completely managed by the PubMan application and/or respective services. Details will be checked in cooperation with the Press department and users.

=Functional Specification=
=Functional Specification=
==UC_PM_YB_01 Create yearbook container in PubMan==

In PubMan a container (folder) per each respective institute has to be created by the development team manually. In such a container all data chosen for the MPS yearbook should be collected.
This specification describes the Basic Scenario only.
==UC_PM_YB_01 Create new yearbook in PubMan==
In PubMan a yearbook context has to be created manually by the support team. Additionally each institute needs a yearbook item.

===Status / Schedule===
===Status / Schedule===

'''Status: in specification''' <br>
'''Status: in specification''' <br>
'''Schedule: R 6.1 (February 2010)'''
'''Schedule: R 6.2'''


*Development Team
*Support team


* institute collects/maintains all their metadata and publications in PubMan
* Institutes collect/maintain all their metadata and publications in PubMan
* eDoc is just used for the creation of the MPS yearbook
* eDoc is just used for the creation of the MPS yearbook

===Flow of Events===
===Flow of Events===
* the respective institute informs the PubMan support team about the need of the Yearbook container in PubMan
* PubMan support creates the actual context ('Yearbook YYYY') early enough before the GV announces the beginning of the next yearbook process
* support team begs dev team to create the yearbook container for the MPI ''XY''
* A yearbook item for each MPI (OUs) is created automatically
* dev team creates the recommended yearbook container manually
** The yearbook is represented on PubMan through items for each institute. Publications can be related as members of these items
** a container only holds the links to items  
** Yearbook items will have metadata in the responsible institutes (OU)
** containers will have metadata in the responsible institutes (OU) via the context

===Post-Conditions / Results===
===Post-Conditions / Results===
* yearbook container is available on PubMan for the respective institute
* Yearbook item and context become available on PubMan for each institute
==UC_PM_YB_02 Add PubMan items to yearbook==
The YB moderator/depositor of the institute chooses the respective items for the MPS yearbook in PubMan.
===Status / Schedule===
'''Status: in specification''' <br>
'''Schedule: R 6.2'''
*YB moderator/depositor
* Yearbook item for the institute's data and yearbook context have to be created by the service team beforehand -> see [[PubMan_Func_Spec_Yearbook_of_the_MPS#UC_PM_YB_01_Create_new_yearbook_in_PubMan|UC_PB_YB_01]]
===Flow of Events===
* The YB moderator/depositor opens his YB workspace
* He receives a list of all possible yearbook candidates for his institute ('candidate for yearbook YYYY'). The criteria for this list are: date (Published in print or published online), status (only 'released' items), genre (required by GV) and OU (at least one MPI affiliation is required). For institutes with more than one context there has to be the possibility to choose which contexts should be relevant for the creation of candidates.
* In his YB workspace the moderator is able to sort/filter the lists of candidates at least by date, title, OU, genre
* He is able to mark the respective items for the created yearbook in PubMan
** Marks can be set manually or by choosing all items on page. The search result list shall be expandable up to 500 items per page
* By confirming the marks ('add selected to yearbook') all chosen items are added to the yearbook
* The moderator/depositor is informed about the sucessfull adding of the respective items to the yearbook
* The moderator/depositor is also able to mark an item for the yearbook out of the view item version and subsequently adding it successfully to the yearbook
===Post-Conditions / Results===
* All chosen items are added to the yearbook
* A note 'member of yearbook YYYY' is visible for all PubMan items chosen for the yearbook

* Only released items can be added to the yearbook
* All modified candidates have to be released again
* Only PubMan origin items can be added to the yearbook; imported eDoc data therefore can't be added to the yearbook via PubMan (only valid for items that were imported from eDoc) - to be checked!

===Future Development===
===Future Development===
* local administrator of institute is able to create their yearbook container in PubMan self-contained?
* Previous (closed) yearbooks can be chosen and viewed within the yearbook workspace
please see [[Talk:PubMan_Func_Spec_Yearbook_of_the_MPS#UC_PM_YB_02_Add_PubMan_items_to_yearbook_container|UC_PM_YB_02 discussion]]
==UC_PM_YB_03 View & modify content of yearbook in PubMan==

==UC_PM_YB_02 Add PubMan items to yearbook container==
The moderator wants to display or modify the items chosen for the yearbook in PubMan.  
The moderator of the institute choses the respective items for the MPS yearbook container in PubMan.

===Status / Schedule===
===Status / Schedule===

'''Status: in specification''' <br>
'''Status: in specification''' <br>
'''Schedule: R 6.1 (February 2010)'''
'''Schedule: R 6.2'''


* yearbook container for the institute's data has to be created by the dev team beforehand -> see [[PubMan_Func_Spec_Yearbook_of_the_MPS#UC_PM_YB_01_Create_yearbook_container_in_PubMan|UC_PB_YB_01]]
*One or more items have been added to the yearbook in PubMan

===Flow of Events===
===Flow of Events===
* the moderator chooses to display all released items in her/his QA Wokspace
* there she/he is able to mark the respective items for the created yearbook container in PubMan
* by confirming the marks all chosen items are added to the yearbook container in PubMan
* the moderator is informed about the sucessfully adding of the respective items to the yearbook container

* The moderator should be able to access the yearbook for his institute out of his YB Workspace
* the moderator is also able to mark an item for the yearbook container out of the view item version and subsequently adding it successfully to the yearbook container
* All PubMan records which were chosen for the yearbook by the moderator are displayed
* It is possible to filter/distinguish between YB candidates and members
** The candidates list does not show the publications allready selected as members of the yearbook
* Besides the YB candidates and members, there's a list of all other items that do not fit the requirements of the candidate validation ('non-candidates')
* In his YB workspace the moderator is able to sort/filter the lists of members at least by date, title, OU, genre
* The moderator should be able to edit/modify each item out of this lists
* The moderator is informed, that after a modification he has to release the item again to keep it within the yearbook
* All yearbook members can be manually removed from the yearbook. Removed items again become candidates

===Post-Conditions / Results===
===Post-Conditions / Results===
* all chosen items are added to the yearbook container
* a note "recommended for yearbook" is visible for all chosen Pubman items
* Content of yearbook is visible and can be modified

* only released items can be added to the yearbook container
* All modified yearbook members have to be released again
* only PubMan origin items can be added to the yearbook; imported eDoc data therefore can't be added to the yearbook via PubMan (only valid for items that were imported from eDoc
* if an eDoc item has been changed in Pubman, it also manually has to be changes in eDoc

==UC_PM_YB_03 View & modify content of yearbook container in PubMan==
==UC_PM_YB_04 Validate content of yearbook in PubMan==

The moderator wants to display or modify the items chosen for the yearbook container in Pubman.  
The moderator wants to check, if all chosen yearbook members fit the validation rules.  

===Status / Schedule===
===Status / Schedule===

'''Status: in specification'''
'''Status: in specification ''' <br>
'''Schedule: R 6.1 (February 2010)'''
'''Schedule: R 6.2'''


* Moderator


*one ore more items has to be added to the yearbook container in PubMan
* One or more items have been added as members to the yearbook

===Flow of Events===
===Flow of Events===

* the moderator should be able to access the yearbook container for her/his institute out of her/his QA Workspace
* The moderator wants to check if all of his chosen yearbook members are valid regarding the rules given by the GV
* all PubMan records which were chosen for the yearbook by the moderator before are now displayed
* He selects the option 'validate yearbook members' and receives a list of all invalid items. Validation schema has to consider the YB rules of GV and the pubman status (released items only)
* out of this list of yearbook items the moderator should be able to edit/modify each item  
* The concrete validation reports are displayed for each item
** There are two categories of errors:
***mandatory field invalid ('validation error'): Year, MPI OU, release status and/or genre do not fit the requirements. Has to be corrected by the moderator
***optional field invalid ('validation warning'): All other validation errors. Does not mandatorily have to be corrected
* From the validation list the moderator is able to change directly to the edit mask of each item
* The concrete validation message is displayed on top of the edit mask
* After the modification and re-release of an item, the moderator gets back to the validation list
** The validation list considers the changes made by the moderator

===Post-Conditions / Results===
===Post-Conditions / Results===

* content of yearbook container is visible
* All YB members are validated and corrected (if necessary)
* edited yearbook items are modified
* YB members fit the validation rules

* all modified yearbook items have to be released again

==UC_PM_YB_04 Release content of yearbook container in PubMan==
* Modified items have to be released again
==UC_PM_YB_05 Release content of yearbook in PubMan==
The moderator releases all collected PubMan data for the MPS yearbook.

===Status / Schedule===
===Status / Schedule===

'''Status: in specification ''' <br>
'''Status: in specification ''' <br>
'''Schedule: R6.1 (February 2010)'''
'''Schedule: R 6.2'''

Line 135: Line 210:

* all needed PubMan records have to be added to the yearbook container in PubMan by the moderator
* All needed PubMan records have been added to the yearbook in PubMan by the moderator

===Flow of Events===
===Flow of Events===

* out of her/his QA Workspace the moderator chooses to display the content of the yearbook container in PubMan  
* Out of his YB Workspace the moderator chooses to display the content of the yearbook in PubMan  
* all items chosen for the yearbook by the moderator are displayed
* All items chosen by the moderator as yearbook members are displayed
* moderator checks again carefully if alle yearbook required records are added to the container
* moderator checks again carefully if all yearbook required records have been added to the container
** if some items are still missing, the moderator adds further items to the container -> see [[PubMan_Func_Spec_Yearbook_of_the_MPS#UC_PM_YB_02_Add_PubMan_items_to_yearbook_container|UC_PM_YB_02]]
** If some items are still missing, the moderator adds further items to the container -> see [[PubMan_Func_Spec_Yearbook_of_the_MPS#UC_PM_YB_02_Add_PubMan_items_to_yearbook|UC_PM_YB_02]]
** if the yearbook collection is completed, the moderator confirms the choice with a batch release
** If the yearbook collection is completed, the moderator confirms the choice with someting like a a batch operation "Finalize MPS Yearbook"
* The moderator is informed that no further modifications will be possible on PubMan after finishing the yearbook
* The release of the yearbook includes an automatic validation

===Post-Conditions / Results===
===Post-Conditions / Results===

* the content of the yearbook container in PubMan is marked as "released for MPS Yearbook YYYY"
* If the moderator views the yearbook in his YB worspace, there is a remark something like: 'Yearbook YYYY is closed. No further modifications possible'
* The content of the yearbook in PubMan is marked with a note 'Released for MPS Yearbook'
* the PubMan Support team is informed either automatically (if feasible) or by the moderator of the institute that the yearbook has been released

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** once the container has been released no further records can be added or removed
** once the container has been released no further records can be added or removed

==UC_PM_YB_05 Export content of yearbook container in PubMan to eDoc==
==UC_PM_YB_06 Export content of yearbook in PubMan==
An export of the yearbook container in PubMan is generated.  
An export file of the yearbook in PubMan is generated.  

===Status / Schedule===
===Status / Schedule===

'''Status: in specification''' <br>
'''Status: in specification''' <br>
'''Schedule: R6.1 (February 2010)'''
'''Schedule: R6.2'''

Line 167: Line 247:

* the yearbook container has been released by the moderator beforehand
* The yearbook has been released by the moderator beforehand

===Flow of Events===
===Flow of Events===

* after the release of the yearbook container by the moderator an escidoc xml export file is generated by the system
* After the release of the yearbook by the moderator an escidoc xml export file is generated by the system automatically


* the respective export file has been generated and will be saved within the system  
* The respective export file has been generated and will be saved within the system  

please see [[Talk:PubMan_Func_Spec_Yearbook_of_the_MPS#UC_PM_YB_05_Export_content_of_yearbook_container_in_PubMan|UC_PM_YB_05 discussion]]
==UC_PM_YB_07 Import content of yearbook in eDoc==
The content of the yearbook in PubMan is imported to a collection in eDoc by the dev team.
===Status / Schedule===
'''Status: in specification''' <br>
'''Schedule: R6.2
*Development/Support Team
* The system described in the usecase is no longer PubMan, but eDoc
* The yearbook of the respective institute has been released by the moderator and an eSciDoc XML export file has been generated
===Flow of Events===
* The generated XML export file will be imported to eDoc manually by the dev/support team to a virtual collection for the specific institute named 'Yearbook YYYY'
* Additionally the dev team provides a further list of items in eDoc which are marked for the yearbook - to be checked!
** That list plus the list of yearbook items out of PubMan will be merged within the virtual collection 'Yearbook YYY' in eDoc
** To avoid duplicates, the PubMan ID will be kept as local ID in eDoc and URI to PubMan

* The virtual collection 'Yearbook YYYY' is created in eDoc
* All records of the yearbook container in PubMan as well as the list of items chosen for the yearbook in eDoc are imported to the mentioned eDoc collection

see [[Talk:PubMan_Func_Spec_Yearbook_of_the_MPS#UC_PM_YB_05_Export_content_of_yearbook_container_in_PubMan_to_eDoc|UC_PM_YB_05 discussion]]
* please see [[Talk:PubMan_Func_Spec_Yearbook_of_the_MPS#UC_PM_YB_02_Add_PubMan_items_to_yearbook_container|UC_PM_YB_02]]
* please see [[Talk:PubMan_Func_Spec_Yearbook_of_the_MPS#UC_PM_YB_06_Import_content_of_yearbook_container_in_eDoc|UC_PM_YB_06]]
==UC_PM_YB_08 Release data for yearbook in eDoc==
All records of the yearbook collection in eDoc are remmonded for the MPS yearbook and will be released for it.
===Status / Schedule===
'''Status: in specification''' <br>
'''Schedule: R6.2'''
*local eDoc manager
* The system described in the usecase is no longer PubMan, but eDoc
* The virtual collection 'Yearbook YYYY' has been created in eDoc
* All content of the yearbook container in PubMan plus the difference of items chosen for the yearbook within eDoc have been imported to the created collection
===Flow of Events===
* All content of the created virtual collection 'Yearbook YYYY' in eDoc has to be copied into a 'real' collection (working collection) by the local eDoc manager
* Afterwards all data can be recommended for the yearbook of the MPS and then be released for the yearbook by the local eDoc manager

==UC_PM_YB_06 Import content of yearbook container in eDoc==
==UC_PM_YB_07 Release data for yearbook in eDoc==
* All needed data out of PubMan as well as out of eDoc is collected and released for the MPS yearbook

* If data is changed in eDoc, it also has to be changed in PubMan manually

[[Category:PubMan_Functional_Specification|Yearbook of the MPS]]
[[Category:PubMan_Functional_Specification|Yearbook of the MPS]]

Latest revision as of 11:54, 25 April 2012



Basic Scenario[edit]

In a first step, PubMan will support a simple/basic scenario for generating the Yearbook: Users can provide their publications for the MPG Yearbook by acting in 2 systems, which run in parallel: PubMan and eDoc: Publication data from PubMan are prepared on PubMan and transfered to eDoc, where the actual Yearbook workflow (by local Publication Editor and GV-Yearbook Release Manager) takes place. For the preparations on PubMan, a separate "Yearbook Workspace" will be provided.

User wants to start compiling the data for the upcoming yearbook[edit]

The MPDL creates a yearbook and provides some basic metadata, like title (e.g. MPG Yearbook 2011) and Coverage (Time period the publication date needs to match, e.g. 01-01-2010 until 31-12-2010). We can set some static values for metadata, which are automatically populated when exporting to eDoc. These default values are important, because there are metadata on eDoc needed for the yearbook, which are not part of the standardized escidoc Pubitem profile. The Yearbook is now ready to be "filled". As a comfort function, the system provides automatically "candidates" for the created yearbook. It runs a query on released Pubitems which is based on

  • allowed genre types for the yearbook (cf Pflichfelder-Tabelle and respective mapping eSciDoc2eDoc)
  • coverage of publication date (like defined in the yearbook metadata)
  • at least one MPI affiliation (OU)

The result of this query is a list of released PubItems, which are potential candidates for the Yearbook.

User wants to complete the list of publications relevant for the Yearbook[edit]

Based on the start content of "candidates", the user can decide to add them as "members" to the selected yearbook. He can add and remove "members" to the yearbook. This process can be repeated several times, until the user has compiled all publications relevant for the selected yearbook. For this purpose, it is important to provide a list of all candidates, which can be sorted/filtered by several categories.

User wants to know if the publications will pass the validation for the Yearbook[edit]

The user wants to know, if he has to modify/enrich his publication data, so that they will pass the mandatory fields for the yearbook, as defined in the "Pflichtfelder-Tabelle". An automatic validation will happen when he releases his Yearbook on PubMan. In addition, he can validate the members of the yearbook at any time from the yearbook workspace. They can validate their Yearbook members based on the "Pflichtfelder-Tabelle" (mandatory fields for the Yearbook as defined by Press department) and modify the data if necessary.

User wants to modify the data because validation fails[edit]

The user can validate all members of the selected Yearbook based on Pflichtfelder-Tabelle. He gets the information per publication item on

  • YB check ok
  • YB check warning (i.e. "weiche" Pflichtfelder for YB)
  • YB check error (i.e. "harte" Pflichtfelder for YB)

For each warning and error, he gets a detailed report what needs to be changed and a link to the Publication item.

User wants to export his PubMan Yearbook to eDoc[edit]

The user has finalized his compilation and releases the yearbook. An automatic validation takes place. If the validation is successful, we can export the Yearbook data as XML and import it on eDoc to a virtual collection. On eDoc, the user copies the data to a Working Collection and can proceed with the standard Yearbook workflow. If he changes metadata on eDoc, he needs to manually make the changes on the according Pubitem. The Link to the Publication item is exported to eDoc as well, to ease the modification.

User wants to repeat the export, as data has been modified or added/removed[edit]

The user can repeat the release process for his Yearbook on PubMan and export again, if data has been substantially modified or new data has been added or data has to be removed. Depending on his privileges, a user can modify a Pubtitem after he has added it to a Yearbook - the last released version of the item is still a member of the Yearbook.

After exporting again to edoc, he can either add the additional to the existing collection on eDoc, or he creates a new collection on edoc for the new export.

Some Details after first Design-Discussion[edit]

  • To not confuse users with "standard" validation during submission and YB-specific validation, we propose to name validation in context of Yearbook "YB-check"
  • Actions for the Yearbook (add/remove/validate) on item level are only displayed in the list views (not on item level), to make clear, that user is currently in the YEarbook workspace.
  • Validation Reports are part of the medium view, i.e. in Yearbook workspace, list are either short view or "medium view and report".
  • Withdrawn items:
    • It might happen, that a yearbook member is withdrawn after releasing the yearbook. This item has to be removed manually from edoc Yearbook on edoc.
    • It might happen, that a yearbook member is withdrawn before releasing the yearbook. This is checked during the standard validation when releasing the yearbook => the validation also checks for status of items (only released items can be exported).

Related documentation[edit]

Advanced Scenario[edit]

The Compilation, validation and generation of the yearbook is completely managed by the PubMan application and/or respective services. Details will be checked in cooperation with the Press department and users.

Functional Specification[edit]

This specification describes the Basic Scenario only.

UC_PM_YB_01 Create new yearbook in PubMan[edit]

In PubMan a yearbook context has to be created manually by the support team. Additionally each institute needs a yearbook item.

Status / Schedule[edit]

Status: in specification
Schedule: R 6.2


  • Support team


  • Institutes collect/maintain all their metadata and publications in PubMan
  • eDoc is just used for the creation of the MPS yearbook

Flow of Events[edit]

  • PubMan support creates the actual context ('Yearbook YYYY') early enough before the GV announces the beginning of the next yearbook process
  • A yearbook item for each MPI (OUs) is created automatically
    • The yearbook is represented on PubMan through items for each institute. Publications can be related as members of these items
    • Yearbook items will have metadata in the responsible institutes (OU)

Post-Conditions / Results[edit]

  • Yearbook item and context become available on PubMan for each institute

UC_PM_YB_02 Add PubMan items to yearbook[edit]

The YB moderator/depositor of the institute chooses the respective items for the MPS yearbook in PubMan.

Status / Schedule[edit]

Status: in specification
Schedule: R 6.2


  • YB moderator/depositor


  • Yearbook item for the institute's data and yearbook context have to be created by the service team beforehand -> see UC_PB_YB_01

Flow of Events[edit]

  • The YB moderator/depositor opens his YB workspace
  • He receives a list of all possible yearbook candidates for his institute ('candidate for yearbook YYYY'). The criteria for this list are: date (Published in print or published online), status (only 'released' items), genre (required by GV) and OU (at least one MPI affiliation is required). For institutes with more than one context there has to be the possibility to choose which contexts should be relevant for the creation of candidates.
  • In his YB workspace the moderator is able to sort/filter the lists of candidates at least by date, title, OU, genre
  • He is able to mark the respective items for the created yearbook in PubMan
    • Marks can be set manually or by choosing all items on page. The search result list shall be expandable up to 500 items per page
  • By confirming the marks ('add selected to yearbook') all chosen items are added to the yearbook
  • The moderator/depositor is informed about the sucessfull adding of the respective items to the yearbook


  • The moderator/depositor is also able to mark an item for the yearbook out of the view item version and subsequently adding it successfully to the yearbook

Post-Conditions / Results[edit]

  • All chosen items are added to the yearbook
  • A note 'member of yearbook YYYY' is visible for all PubMan items chosen for the yearbook


  • Only released items can be added to the yearbook
  • All modified candidates have to be released again
  • Only PubMan origin items can be added to the yearbook; imported eDoc data therefore can't be added to the yearbook via PubMan (only valid for items that were imported from eDoc) - to be checked!

Future Development[edit]

  • Previous (closed) yearbooks can be chosen and viewed within the yearbook workspace


please see UC_PM_YB_02 discussion

UC_PM_YB_03 View & modify content of yearbook in PubMan[edit]

The moderator wants to display or modify the items chosen for the yearbook in PubMan.

Status / Schedule[edit]

Status: in specification
Schedule: R 6.2


  • Moderator


  • One or more items have been added to the yearbook in PubMan

Flow of Events[edit]

  • The moderator should be able to access the yearbook for his institute out of his YB Workspace
  • All PubMan records which were chosen for the yearbook by the moderator are displayed
  • It is possible to filter/distinguish between YB candidates and members
    • The candidates list does not show the publications allready selected as members of the yearbook
  • Besides the YB candidates and members, there's a list of all other items that do not fit the requirements of the candidate validation ('non-candidates')
  • In his YB workspace the moderator is able to sort/filter the lists of members at least by date, title, OU, genre
  • The moderator should be able to edit/modify each item out of this lists
  • The moderator is informed, that after a modification he has to release the item again to keep it within the yearbook
  • All yearbook members can be manually removed from the yearbook. Removed items again become candidates

Post-Conditions / Results[edit]

  • Content of yearbook is visible and can be modified


  • All modified yearbook members have to be released again

UC_PM_YB_04 Validate content of yearbook in PubMan[edit]

The moderator wants to check, if all chosen yearbook members fit the validation rules.

Status / Schedule[edit]

Status: in specification
Schedule: R 6.2


  • Moderator


  • One or more items have been added as members to the yearbook

Flow of Events[edit]

  • The moderator wants to check if all of his chosen yearbook members are valid regarding the rules given by the GV
  • He selects the option 'validate yearbook members' and receives a list of all invalid items. Validation schema has to consider the YB rules of GV and the pubman status (released items only)
  • The concrete validation reports are displayed for each item
    • There are two categories of errors:
      • mandatory field invalid ('validation error'): Year, MPI OU, release status and/or genre do not fit the requirements. Has to be corrected by the moderator
      • optional field invalid ('validation warning'): All other validation errors. Does not mandatorily have to be corrected
  • From the validation list the moderator is able to change directly to the edit mask of each item
  • The concrete validation message is displayed on top of the edit mask
  • After the modification and re-release of an item, the moderator gets back to the validation list
    • The validation list considers the changes made by the moderator

Post-Conditions / Results[edit]

  • All YB members are validated and corrected (if necessary)
  • YB members fit the validation rules


  • Modified items have to be released again

UC_PM_YB_05 Release content of yearbook in PubMan[edit]

The moderator releases all collected PubMan data for the MPS yearbook.

Status / Schedule[edit]

Status: in specification
Schedule: R 6.2


  • Moderator


  • All needed PubMan records have been added to the yearbook in PubMan by the moderator

Flow of Events[edit]

  • Out of his YB Workspace the moderator chooses to display the content of the yearbook in PubMan
  • All items chosen by the moderator as yearbook members are displayed
  • moderator checks again carefully if all yearbook required records have been added to the container
    • If some items are still missing, the moderator adds further items to the container -> see UC_PM_YB_02
    • If the yearbook collection is completed, the moderator confirms the choice with someting like a a batch operation "Finalize MPS Yearbook"
  • The moderator is informed that no further modifications will be possible on PubMan after finishing the yearbook
  • The release of the yearbook includes an automatic validation

Post-Conditions / Results[edit]

  • If the moderator views the yearbook in his YB worspace, there is a remark something like: 'Yearbook YYYY is closed. No further modifications possible'
  • The content of the yearbook in PubMan is marked with a note 'Released for MPS Yearbook'
  • the PubMan Support team is informed either automatically (if feasible) or by the moderator of the institute that the yearbook has been released


  • users have to be aware of that the export of PubMan data for the yearbook to eDoc will be done only once
    • once the container has been released no further records can be added or removed

UC_PM_YB_06 Export content of yearbook in PubMan[edit]

An export file of the yearbook in PubMan is generated.

Status / Schedule[edit]

Status: in specification
Schedule: R6.2


  • System


  • The yearbook has been released by the moderator beforehand

Flow of Events[edit]

  • After the release of the yearbook by the moderator an escidoc xml export file is generated by the system automatically


  • The respective export file has been generated and will be saved within the system


please see UC_PM_YB_05 discussion

UC_PM_YB_07 Import content of yearbook in eDoc[edit]

The content of the yearbook in PubMan is imported to a collection in eDoc by the dev team.

Status / Schedule[edit]

Status: in specification
Schedule: R6.2


  • Development/Support Team


  • The system described in the usecase is no longer PubMan, but eDoc
  • The yearbook of the respective institute has been released by the moderator and an eSciDoc XML export file has been generated

Flow of Events[edit]

  • The generated XML export file will be imported to eDoc manually by the dev/support team to a virtual collection for the specific institute named 'Yearbook YYYY'
  • Additionally the dev team provides a further list of items in eDoc which are marked for the yearbook - to be checked!
    • That list plus the list of yearbook items out of PubMan will be merged within the virtual collection 'Yearbook YYY' in eDoc
    • To avoid duplicates, the PubMan ID will be kept as local ID in eDoc and URI to PubMan


  • The virtual collection 'Yearbook YYYY' is created in eDoc
  • All records of the yearbook container in PubMan as well as the list of items chosen for the yearbook in eDoc are imported to the mentioned eDoc collection


UC_PM_YB_08 Release data for yearbook in eDoc[edit]

All records of the yearbook collection in eDoc are remmonded for the MPS yearbook and will be released for it.

Status / Schedule[edit]

Status: in specification
Schedule: R6.2


  • local eDoc manager


  • The system described in the usecase is no longer PubMan, but eDoc
  • The virtual collection 'Yearbook YYYY' has been created in eDoc
  • All content of the yearbook container in PubMan plus the difference of items chosen for the yearbook within eDoc have been imported to the created collection

Flow of Events[edit]

  • All content of the created virtual collection 'Yearbook YYYY' in eDoc has to be copied into a 'real' collection (working collection) by the local eDoc manager
  • Afterwards all data can be recommended for the yearbook of the MPS and then be released for the yearbook by the local eDoc manager


  • All needed data out of PubMan as well as out of eDoc is collected and released for the MPS yearbook


  • If data is changed in eDoc, it also has to be changed in PubMan manually