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'''How to use DCMI Metadata as linked data'''
= About the linked data examples =
To present these examples in a concise form we use the [http://www.w3.org/TeamSubmission/2008/SUBM-turtle-20080114/ Turtle syntax for RDF]. The examples therefore appear in code lines such as:
  @prefix ex: <http://www.example.com/>.
  ex:aResource ex:aProperty "An RDF Literal" .
  @prefix ex: <http://www.example.com/>.
  ex:aResource ex:aProperty ex:anotherResource .
  ex:anotherProperty "An RDF Literal"@en .
Within the examples we use different namespaces. The following prefixes are used to specify the namespaces we use for our examples:
For the '''Dublin Core namespaces''' we use:
* @prefix dc: <http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/> (DCMI legacy namespace used for the 15 core properties)
* @prefix dcterms: <http://purl.org/dc/terms/> (DCMI terms namespace of the DCMI terms - properties, classes and datatypes)
* @prefix dctype: <http://purl.org/dc/dcmitype/> (DCMI type namespace of the DCMI classes of types)
'''Further namespaces''' used are:
* @prefix ex: http://www.example.org/ (an exemplary namespace)
* @prefix xsd: http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema# (namespace of the XML Schema language)
* @prefix rdf: http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns# (namespace of the rdf vocabulary)
* @prefix rdfs: http://www.w3schools.com/RDF/rdf-schema.xml (namespace of the rdf schema vocabulary)
* @prefix foaf: http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/ (namespace of the "Friend of a Friend" vocabulary)
* @prefix gnd: http://d-nb.info/gnd/ (namespace of the authority files of the German National Library)
* @prefix mime: http://purl.org/NET/mediatypes/ (namespace for MIME media types vocabulary)
* @prefix skos: http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core# (namespace of the SKOS vocabulary)
= Properties of the terms namespace =
The main difference between the legacy namespace and the terms namespace is the definition of domains and ranges for most terms of the last. The definition of a domain governs the entities for which a property may be used. The definition of a range governs the usage of literal and non-literal values in context with a property.
== Properties of the terms namespace used only with literal values ==
== Properties of the terms namespace used only with non-literal values ==
=== dcterms:accrualMethod ===
The range of dcterms:accrualMethod is the class dcterms:MethodOfAccrual. All values used with dcterms:accrualMethod have to be instances of this class. Therefore the property may only be used with non-literal values.
The domain of dcterms:accrualMethod is the class dcmitype:Collection. So dcterms:accrualMethod may be used only for the description of collections.
<span id="exCol1"></span>
ex:myCollection dcterms:title "Pottery in Scandinavia in the second half of 19th century" ;
                dcterms:accrualMethod [ rdfs:label "purchase" ] .
=== dcterms:accrualPeriodicity ===
The range of dcterms:accrualMethod is the class dcterms:Frequency. All values used with dcterms:accrualPeriodicity have to be instances of this class. Therefore the property may only be used with non-literal values.
The domain of dcterms:accrualPeriodicity is the class dcmitype:Collection. So dcterms:accrualPolicy may be used only for the description of collections.
<span id="exCol2"></span>
ex:myCollection dcterms:title "Pottery in Scandinavia in the second half of 19th century" ;
                dcterms:accrualPeriodicity [ rdfs:label "irregular" ] .
=== dcterms:accrualPolicy ===
The range of dcterms:accrualPolicy is the class dcterms:Policy. All values used with dcterms:accrualPolicy have to be instances of this class. Therefore the property may only be used with non-literal values.
The domain of dcterms:accrualPolicy is the class dcmitype:Collection. So dcterms:accrualPolicy may be used only for the description of collections.
<span id="exCol3"></span>
ex:myCollection dcterms:title "Pottery in Scandinavia in the second half of 19th century" ;
                dcterms:accrualPolicy [ rdfs:label "Objects of this collection have to be
                                        Scandinavian ceramics from 1940s to 1999s." ] .
=== dcterms:accessRights ===
The range of dcterms:accessRights is the class dcterms:RightsStatement. Values used with this property have to be instances of the class RightsStatement and therefore non-literal values.
<span id="exRig1"></span>
ex:myDatabase dcterms:title "Data from my last evaluation" ;
              dcterms:accessRights [ rdfs:label "My colleagues only" ] .
=== dcterms:audience ===
dcterms:audience has a range of the class dcterms:AgentClass. Values used with this property therefore have to be non-literal values.
<span id="exEdu1"></span>
ex:myTutorial dcterms:title "Advanced physic" ;
              dcterms:audience [ rdfs:label "elementary school pupils" ] .
=== dcterms:conformsTo ===
This property is intended to be used with non-literal values.
<span id="exRel2"></span>
ex:myData dcterms:conformsTo <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema> .
=== dcterms:contributor ===
The range for dcterms:contributor is dcterms:Agent. All values used with this property have to be instances of the class [dcterms:Agent] . '''dcterms:contributor must not be used with literal values'''.
You may use dcterms:contributor only with non-literal values.
<span id="exCon1"></span>
ex:myMusic dcterms:contributor gnd:135066719 .
gnd:135066719 foaf:familyName "Elliott" ;
              foaf:givenName "Missy" ;
              foaf:nick "Missy E" .
=== dcterms:coverage ===
dcterms:coverage has a range of the class dcterms:LocationPeriodJurisdication. All values used with dcterms:coverage have to be instances of this class. Therefore the property must only be used with non-literal values.
=== dcterms:creator ===
The range for dcterms:creator is dcterms:Agent. All values used with this property have to be instances of the class [dcterms:Agent] . '''dcterms:creator must not be used with literal values'''. You may use it only with non-literal values.
<span id="exCre1"></span>
ex:myBook dcterms:creator _shakespearesName .
_:shakespearesName foaf:familyName "Shakespeare" ;
                    foaf:givenName "William" .
=== dcterms:educationLevel ===
dcterms:educationLevel has a range of the class dcterms:AgentClass. Values used with this property therefore have to be non-literal values.
<span id="exEdu2"></span>
ex:myTutorial dcterms:title "Advanced physic" ;
              dcterms:educationLevel [ rdfs:label "3rd - 4th grade" ] ;
=== dcterms:extent ===
The range of dcterms:extent is the class dcterms:SizeOrDuration. All values used with dcterms:extent have to be instances of this class. Therefore the property may only be used with non-literal values.
<span id="exExt1"></span>
ex:myVideo dcterms:extent [ rdf:value "21 minutes" ] .
<span id="exExt2"></span>
ex:myVideo dcterms:extent [ rdf:value "PT21M"^^xsd:duration ] .
=== dcterms:format ===
The range of dcterms:format is the class dcterms:MediaTypeOrExtent. All values used with dcterms:format have to be instances of this class. Therefore the property may only be used with non-literal values.
<span id="exFor1"></span>
ex:myPicture dcterms:format mime:jpeg .
=== dcterms:hasFormat ===
This property is intended to be used with non-literal values.
=== dcterms:hasPart ===
This property is intended to be used with non-literal values.
=== dcterms:hasVersion ===
This property is intended to be used with non-literal values.
<span id="exRel5"></span>
ex:mySong1 dcterms:identifier "mySong1"
            dcterms:title "Candle in the wind" ;
            dcterms:issued "1973"^^dcterms:W3CDTF;
            dcterms:description "Portayal of the life of Marilyn Monroe" ;
            dcterms:hasVersion ex:mySong2
=== dcterms:instructionalMethod ===
dcterms:instructionalMethod has a range of the class dcterms:MethodOfInstruction. Values used with this property therefore have to be non-literal values.
<span id="exEdu3"></span>
ex:myTutorial dcterms:title "Advanced physic" ;
              dcterms:InstructionalMethod [ rdfs:label "experimental learning" ] .
=== dcterms:isFormatOf ===
This property is intended to be used with non-literal values.
<span id="exRel1"></span>
ex:myScan dcterms:issued "2009"^^dcterms:W3CDTF ;
          dcterms:isFormatOf [ rdfs:label "Eike von  Repgow: Sachsenspiegel, Auffs newe vbersehen mit
                              Summarijs vnd Additionen ...; Leipzig 1561/1563" ] .
=== dcterms:isPartOf ===
This property is intended to be used with non-literal values.
ex:myPainting dcterms:title "Still Life" ;
              dc:creator "Mignon, Abraham" ;
              dcterms:isPartOf http://www.rijksmuseum.nl/meesterwerken
http://www.rijksmuseum.nl/meesterwerken dcterms:title "The Masterpieces special"
                                        dc:contributor "Rijksmuseum Amsterdam"
=== dcterms:isReferencedBy ===
This property is intended to be used with non-literal values.
=== dcterms:isReplacedBy ===
This property is intended to be used with non-literal values.
=== dcterms:isRequiredBy ===
This property is intended to be used with non-literal values.
=== dcterms:isVersionOf ===
This property is intended to be used with non-literal values.
<span id="exRel6"></span>
ex:mySong2 dcterms:identifier "mySong2"
            dcterms:title "Candle in the wind" ;
            dcterms:alternative "Goodbye England's Rose" ;
            dcterms:issued "1997"^^dcterms:W3CDTF ;
            dcterms:description "Tribut to the dead princess of Wales" ;
            dcterms:isVersionOf ex:mySong1 .
=== dcterms:language ===
The range of dcterms:language it the class dcterms:LinguisticSystem. All values used with dcterms:language have to be instances of this class. Therefore the property may only be used with non-literal values.
<span id="exLan1"></span>
ex:myBook dcterms:title "A great deliverance" ;
          dcterms:language [ rdf:value "eng"^^dcterms:RFC4646 ] .
<span id="exLan7"></span>
ex:myBook dcterms:title "A great deliverance" ;
          dcterms:language <http://www.lexvo.org/page/iso639-3/eng>
<span id="exLan2"></span>
ex:myVideo dcterms:title "Charlie Wilson's War" ;
            dcterms:language <http://www.lexvo.org/page/iso639-3/eng> ,
                            <http://www.lexvo.org/page/iso639-3/hun> ,
                            <http://www.lexvo.org/page/iso639-3/tur> .
<span id="exLan3"></span>
ex:myVideo1 dcterms:title "Medieval helpdesk with English subtitles" ;
            dcterms:identifier "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pQHX-SjgQvQ&feature=player_embedded"^^dcterms:URI .
            dcterms:isVersionOf ex:myVideo2 ;
            dcterms:language <http://www.lexvo.org/page/iso639-3/nor> ,
                              <http://www.lexvo.org/page/iso639-3/eng> .
ex:myVideo2 dcterms:title "Book help (better verson)" ;
            dcterms:identifier "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UOorZQLsmuA&feature=related"^^dcterms:URI .
            dcterms:hasVersion ex:myVideo1 ;
            dcterms:language <http://www.lexvo.org/page/iso639-3/nor> .
<span id="exLan4"></span>
ex:mySong dcterms:title "The Power of Orange Knickers"
          dcterms:language _:eng
_:eng rdfs:Label "English"
      ex:639-1 "en"
      ex:639-2 "eng"
=== dcterms:license ===
The range of dcterms:license is the class dcterms:LicenseDocument. Values used with this property have to be instances of the class LicenseDocument and therefore non-literal values.
<span id="exRig2"></span>
ex:mySoftware dcterms:title "GeoNetwork - Geographic Metadata Catalog" ;
              dcterms:license <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html> .
<http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html> rdfs:label "GNU General Public License" .
=== dcterms:mediator ===
dcterms:mediator has a range of the class dcterms:AgentClass. Values used with this property therefore have to be non-literal values.
<span id="exEdu4"></span>
ex:myTutorial dcterms:title "Advanced physic" ;
              dcterms:mediator [ rdfs:label "schoolteacher" ] ;
=== dcterms:medium ===
The range of dcterms:medium is the class dcterms:PhysicalMedium. All values used with dcterms:medium have to be instances of this class. Therefore the property may only be used with non-literal values.
The domain of dcterms:medium is the class dcterms:PhysicalResource. So dcterms:medium may be used only for the description of physical resources.
<span id="exMed1"></span>
ex:myPainting dcterms:medium _:oilOnWood
_:oilOnWood rdfs:label "oil on wood"
            rdf:value "oil"
            rdf:value "wood"
=== dcterms:provenance ===
The range of the provenance property is the class dcterms:ProvenanceStatement. So you may use this property only with non-literal values.
<span id="exPro1"></span>
ex:myResource dcterms:title "Luxor Obelisk"
              dctems:provenance [ rdf:value "Originally located at the entrance to the Luxor temple the
                                  obelisk came to Paris in 1836 as a gift by Muhammad Ali Pasha." ] .
<span id="exPro2"></span>
ex:myBook dcterms:title "The flea circus" ;
          dcterms:provenance _:thisProvenance
_:thisProvenance ex:ownedBy "1829 - 1833; Jim Button" ,
                            "1833 - 1915; My Library" ,
                            "since 1915; Flea Academy" .
=== dcterms:publisher ===
The range for dcterms:publisher is dcterms:Agent. All values used with this property have to be instances of the class [dcterms:Agent] . '''dcterms:publisher must not be used with literal values'''. You may use it only with non-literal values.
<span id="exPub1"></span>
ex:myBook dcterms:publisher gnd: 2125990-2 ,
gnd:2125990-2 foaf:name "Rossijskaja Gosudarstvennaja Biblioteka ;
              foaf:homepage "http://www.rsl.ru/" .
_:kniznajaPalata foaf:name "Knižnaja Palata"
=== dcterms:references ===
This property is intended to be used with non-literal values.
<span id="exRel3"></span>
ex:myArticle dcterms:references _:articlesReference .
_:articlesReference dc:creator "Black, Carl" ;
                    dc:contributor "White, Stuart" ;
                    dc:title "Black and White"
                    dc:date "1988"^^dcterms:W3CDTF
=== dcterms:relation ===
This property is intended to be used with non-literal values.
=== dcterms:replaces ===
This property is intended to be used with non-literal values.
=== dcterms:requires ===
This property is intended to be used with non-literal values.
<span id="exRel4"></span>
ex:myGame dcterms:requires [ rdfs:label "audio" ] ,
                            [ rdfs:label "video" ].
=== dcterms:rights ===
The range of dcterms:rights is the class dcterms:RightsStatement. Values used with this property have to be instances of the class RightsStatement and therefore non-literal values.
<span id="exRig3"></span>
  ex:myPicture dcterms:title "You and me" ;
              dcterms:rights <http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode> .
<span id="exRig4"></span>
ex:myDocuments dcterms:title "Diaries of Juanita Ramirez"
                dcterms:rights _:accessConditions
_:accessConditions dcterms:title "Access to my stuff"
                    dcterms:description "Resources under this right can only be read, searched and
                    used by members of the myProject" .
=== dcterms:rightsHolder ===
The range for dcterms:rightsHolder is dcterms:Agent. All values used with this property have to be instances of the class [dcterms:Agent] . '''dcterms:rightsHolder must not be used with literal values'''. You may use it only with non-literal values.
<span id="exrih1"></span>
ex:myFilm dcterms:rightsHolder gnd:39454-3 .
gnd:39454-3 foaf:name "Bundesarchiv Koblenz" ;
            foaf:homepage "http://www.bundesarchiv.de/index.html.de" .
=== dcterms:source ===
This property is intended to be used with non-literal values.
=== dcterms:spatial ===
dcterms:spatial has a range of the class dcterms:LocationPeriodJurisdication. All values used with dcterms:spatial have to be instances of this class. Therefore the property must only be used with non-literal values.
<span id="exCov1"></span>
ex:myData dcterms:title "Analysis of rocks collected in Perth" ;
          dcterms:spatial _:thisPlace .
_:thisPlace ex:east "115.85717" ;
            ex:north "-31.95301" ;
            ex:name "Perth, W. A." .
<span id="exCov2"></span>
ex:myData dcterms:title "The growth of trees in the suptropical highlands" ;
          dcterms:spatial _:Cwb .
_:Cwb rdfs:label "Cwb"
      dc:source "Köppen-Geiger Climate Classification" ;
      ex:mainClimates "warm temperate" ;
      ex:precipitation "winter dry" ;
      ex:temperature "warmest month averaging below 22°C" .
=== dcterms:subject ===
This property is intended to be used with non-literal values.
<span id="exSub1"></span>
ex:myBook dcterms:title "Inviato alla Biennale : Venezia, 1949 - 2009" ;
          dcterms:subject <http://www.labiennale.org/en/Home.html> .
<http://www.labiennale.org/en/Home.html> dcterms:title "La Biennale di Venezia"
<span id="exSub2"></span>
ex:myVideo dcterms:title "My Winter Wonderland" ;
            dcterms:subject <http://id.loc.gov/authorities/sh88004323#concept> .
<http://id.loc.gov/authorities/sh88004323#concept> rdfs:label "Cross-country skiing--Skating" .
<span id="exSub3"></span>
ex:myData dcterms:title: "Transports in Kazakhstan 2000 - 2010"
          dcterms:subject ex:W03_7 ,
          dcterms:subject ex:G06_3
ex:W03_7 rdf:type skos:Concept ;
          prefLabel "W03.7" ;
          skos:altLabel "Freight Transport" ;
          skos:broader ex:W03 ;
          skos:narrower ex:W03_72 ,
                        ex:W03_75 .
ex:G06_3 rdf:type skos:Concept ;
          prefLabel "G06_3 ;
          skos:altLabel "Kazakhstan" ;
          skos:broader ex:G06 ;
          skos:narrower ex:G06_31 ,
                        ex:G06_35 .
<span id="exSub4"></span>
          dcterms:subject _:polska
_:polska rdfs:label  "Rzeczpospolita Polska"@pol ,
                      "Republic of Poland"@eng .
<span id="exSub5"></span>
ex:mySong dcterms:title "Candle in the wind" ;
          dcterms:subject gnd:118583549 .
gnd:118583549 foaf:_familyName "Monroe" ;
              foaf:_givenName "Marilyn" ;
              http://rdvocab.info/ElementsGr2/dateOfBirth "1926"^^dcterms:W3CDTF ;
              http://rdvocab.info/ElementsGr2/dateOfDeath "1962"^^dcterms:W3CDTF .
=== dcterms:temporal ===
dcterms:temporal has a range of the class dcterms:LocationPeriodJurisdication. All values used with dcterms:temporal have to be instances of this class. Therefore the property must only be used with non-literal values.
<span id="exCov3"></span>
ex:myData dcterms:title "Transports in Kazakhstan 2000 - 2010"
          dcterms:temporal _:thisPeriod .
_:thisPeriod ex:start "2000"^^dcterms:W3CDTF ;
              ex:end "2010"^^dcterms:W3cDTF .
<span id="exCov4"></span>
ex:myData dcterms:title "Analysis of rocks collected in Perth" ;
          dcterms:temporal _:thisPeriod .
_:thisPeriod ex:start "Cambrian period" ;
              ex:scheme "Geological timescale" ;
              ex:name "Phanerozoic Eon" .
=== dcterms:type ===
The range of dcterms:type is rdfs:Class. Values used with dcterms:type may only be non-literal values.
<span id="exTyp1"></span>
ex:myPainting dcterms:type dctype:StillImage .
dctype:StillImage rdfs:label "Still Image" .
<span id="exTyp2"></span>
ex:myStuff dcterms:type dctype:InteractiveResource ,
                        dctype:Text .
dctype:InteractiveResource rdfs:label "Interactive Resource" .
dctype:Text rdfs:label "Text" .
<span id="exTyp3"></span>
ex:myStuff dcterms:type _:PCGameType ,
                        dctype:Software .
_:PCGameType rdfs:label "PC Game" .
dctype:Software rdfs:label "Software" .
<span id="exTyp5"></span>
ex:myEvent dcterms:type _:conference .
_:conference rdfs:label "Conference"@eng ,
                        "Konferenz"@ger ,
                        "съезд"@rus .
== Properties of the terms namespace, that may be used with literal or non-literal values ==
=== dcterms:abstract ===
There is no range defined for dcterms:abstract. Therefore you can use it either with non-literal values and with literal values. For an example with non-literal value see dcterms:description.
=== dcterms:description ===
There is no range defined for dcterms:description. Therefore you can use it either with non-literal values and with literal values.
<span id="exDes1"></span>
ex:myMusic dcterms:title "Thriller" ;
            dcterms:description <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thriller_(album)> .
=== dcterms:tableOfContents ===
There is no range defined for dcterms:tableOfContents. Therefore you can use it either with non-literal values and with literal values. For an example with non-literal value see dcterms:description.
== so on ==
=== dcterms:alternative ===
The range for dcterms:alternative is rdfs:Literal. So you can use dcterms:alternative only with literal values
<span id="exAlt1"></span>
ex:myBook dc:terms: title "Passion for Pulses" ;
          dcterms:alternative "A Feast of Beans, Peas and Lentils from Around the World" .
<span id="exAlt2"></span>
ex:myStuff dcterms:title "American Meteorological Association Newsletter" ;
            dcterms:alternative "AMA Newsletter" .
<span id="exAlt3"></span>
ex:myDocument dcterms:title "EU Stability Programm of Belgium"@eng ;
              dcterms:alternative "Council Opinion on the Updated Stability Programm of Belgium 2009 - 2010 "@eng ,
                                  "Stellungnahme des Rates zum aktualisierten Stabilitätsprogramm Belgiens für 2009 - 2012"@ger .
=== dcterms:available ===
The range defined for dcterms:available is the class of rdfs:Literal. Values used with this property therefore have to be literal values.
<span id="exDat1"></span>
  ex:myMusic dcterms:available "2006-07"^^dcterms:W3CDTF .
=== dcterms:bibliographicCitation ===
The range defined for dcterms:bibliographicCitation is the class of rdfs:Literal. Values used with dcterms:bibliographicCitation have to be instances of this class. Therefore this property can only be used with literal values.
Moreover a domain of the class dcterms:BibliographicResource is declard for dcterms:bibliographicCitation. Thus dcterms:bibliographicCitation may only be used describing bibliographic resources.
<span id="exBib1"></span>
ex:myArticle dcterms:title "Prototyping Digital Library Technologies in zetoc" ;
              dcterms:bibliographicCitation "Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2458, 309-323 (2002)" .
<span id="exBib2"></span>
ex:myArticle dcterms:title "Prototyping Digital Library Technologies in zetoc" ;
              dcterms:bibliographicCitation "&ctx_ver=Z39.88-2004&rft_val_fmt=info:ofi/fmt:kev:mtx:journal
              &rft.jtitle=Lecture Notes in Computer Science&rft.volume=2458&rft.spage=309"^^info:ofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx .
=== dcterms:created ===
The range defined for dcterms:created is the class of rdfs:Literal. Values used with this property therefore have to be literal values.
<span id="exDat2"></span>
  ex:myPicture dcterms:created "2003-04-10"^^dcterms:W3CDTF .
<span id="exDat3"></span>
  ex:mySculpture dcterms:created "-500"^^xsd:gYear
<span id="exDat4"></span>
  ex:myScript dcterms:created "1752"^^dcterms:W3CDTF ,
                              "probably after 1752" .
<span id="exDat5"></span>
  ex:mySculpture dcterms:created "approx. 500 B.C."
<span id="exDat6"></span>
ex:myData dcterms:title "Population estimates in Scandinavia" ;
          dcterms:created "2004-07-19"^^dcterms:W3CDTF ;
          dcterms:source ex:oldData .
ex:oldData dcterms:title "World health report 2002 statistical annex" ;
            dcterms:created "2002-09-28"^^dcterms:W3CDTF .
=== dcterms:date ===
The range defined for dcterms:date is the class of rdfs:Literal. Values used with this property therefore have to be literal values.
=== dcterms:dateAccepted ===
The range defined for dcterms:dateAccepted is the class of rdfs:Literal. Values used with this property therefore have to be literal values.
=== dcterms:dateCopyrighted ===
The range defined for dcterms:dateCopyrighted is the class of rdfs:Literal. Values used with this property therefore have to be literal values.
=== dcterms:dateSubmitted ===
The range defined for dcterms:dateSubmitted is the class of rdfs:Literal. Values used with this property therefore have to be literal values.
=== dcterms:description ===
There is no range defined for dcterms:description. Therefore you can use it either with literal values or with non-literal values.
<span id="exDes2"></span>
ex:myObjects dcterms:title "Bugs from New Zealand" ;
              dcterms:description "A box of ten bugs collected in New Zealand between 1845 and 1846" .
=== dcterms:identifier ===
The range defined for dcterms:identifier is the class of rdfs:Literal. Values used with dcterms:identifier have to be instances of this class. Therefore this property can only be used with literal values.
<span id="exIde1"></span>
ex:myWebsite dcterms:title "What's a URI and why does it matter?" ;
              dcterms:identifier "http://www.ltg.ed.ac.uk/~ht/WhatAreURIs/"^^dcterms:URI .
<span id="exIde2"></span>
ex:myFile dcterms:title "Small and medium sized companies in Kathmandu" ;
          dcterms:identifier "03KTM147"^^ex:mylocalID .
<span id="exIde3"></span>
ex:myVideo dcterms:title "Medieval helpdesk with English subtitles" ;
            dcterms:created "2007"^^dcterms:W3CDTF ;
            dcterms:identifier "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pQHX-SjgQvQ&feature=player_embedded"^^dcterms:URI .
ex:myMetadata dcterms:created "2010"^^dcterms:W3CDTF ;
              dcterms:identifier "013234098"^^ex:myDatabaseIdentifier .
=== dcterms:issued ===
The range defined for dcterms:issued is the class of rdfs:Literal. Values used with this property therefore have to be literal values.
<span id="exDat7"></span>
  ex:myBook dcterms:issued "2009"^^dcterms:W3CDTF .
=== dcterms:modified ===
The range defined for dcterms:modified is the class of rdfs:Literal. Values used with this property therefore have to be literal values.
<span id="exDat8"></span>
  ex:mySoftware dcterms:modified "2009-12-22"^^dcterms:W3CDTF ,
                                "2010-01-08"^^dcterms:W3CDTF ,
                                "2010-02-15"^^dcterms:W3CDTF .
=== dcterms:subject ===
There is no range defined for dcterms:subject. Therefore you can use it either with non-literal values and with literal values.
<span id="exSub6"></span>
ex:myManual dcterms:title "How to get an aircraft"
            dcterms:subject "aircraft" ;
                            "leasing" .
=== dcterms:tableOfContents ===
There is no range defined for dcterms:tableOfContents. Therefore you can use it either with non-literal values and with literal values.
<span id="exToc1"></span>
ex:myFile dcterms:title "Remains of Claire Klawitter" ;
          dcterms:tableOfContent "Diary 1822 - 1824 -- 20 pictures of Indian farmers
          -- 5 letters to Rudi Ratlos -- 1 map of North India" .
=== dcterms:title ===
* dcterms:title
The range for dcterms:title is rdfs:Literal. So you can use dcterms:title only with literal values.
<span id="exTit3"></span>
ex:myFurniture dcterms:title "Alvar Aalto Chair No. 66" .
<span id="exTit4"></span>
ex:mySong dcterms:title "Autumn Leaves",
                        "The Dead Leaves" .
<span id="exTit5"></span>
ex:myPainting dcterms:title "La Joconde"@fre ,
                            "Mona Lisa"@eng ,
                            "La Gioconda"@ita .
<span id="exTit6"></span>
ex:myData dcterms:title "Data from a survey about the usage of metadata" .
=== dcterms:valid ===
The range defined for dcterms:valid is the class of rdfs:Literal. Values used with this property therefore have to be literal values.
<span id="exDat9"></span>
  ex:myDraft dcterms:valid "2007-05-06/2007-07-15" .
== Legacy namespace ==
For properties of the legacy namespace neither domain nor range is defined. So properties of the legacy namespace can be used either with literal values or with non-literal values.
== Examples of properties of the legacy namespace ==
=== dc:contributor ===
You may use dc:contributor either with literal values or with non-literal values.
<span id="exCon2"></span>
ex:myMusic dc:contributor "Snoop Dogg" .
=== dc:coverage ===
You may use dc:coverage either with literal values or with non-literal values.
<span id="exCov5"></span>
ex:myData dcterms:title "Transports in Kazakhstan 2000 - 2010"
          dc:coverage "2000 - 2010"
<span id="exCov6"></span>                 
ex:myData dcterms:title "Analysis of rocks collected in Perth" ;
          dc:coverage "Perth, W. A." .
=== dc:creator ===
You may use dc:creator either with literal values or with non-literal values.
<span id="exCre2"></span>
ex:myBook dc:creator "Shakespeare, William" .
=== dc:date ===
You may use dc:date either with literal or with non-literal values.
<span id="exDat10"></span>
ex:myDraft dc:date _:thisValidity .
_:thisValidity ex:start "2007-05-06"^^dcterms:W3CDTF ;
                ex:end "2007-07-15"^^dcterms:W3CDTF .
<span id="exDat11"></span>
  ex:mySculpture dc:date _:mySculptureDate .
  _mySculptureDate ex:year "500" ;
                  ex:qualifer "approx." ;
                  ex:epoch "B.C." .
=== dc:description ===
You may use dc:description either with literal values,
ex:myHerbs dc:title "Coriandrum sativum"
            dc:description "Coriandrum sativum or Coriander is a herb used in Europe, North Africa
            and Asia. It belongs to the familiy of Apiaceae and ist growing to 20 inch."
or with non-literal values
<span id="exDes3"></span>
ex:myHerbs dc:title "Coriandrum sativum"
            dc:description http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coriander
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coriander dc:title "Coriander"
                                        dc:contributor "Wikipedia"
=== dc:format ===
You may use dc:format either with litarel values or with non-literal values.
<span id="exFor2"></span>
ex:myPicture dc:format mime:jpeg ,
                        "40 x 512 pixels" .
=== dc:identifier ===
You may use dc:identifier either with literal values
  ex:myVideo dc:title "My first article about metadata"
            dc:identifier "My Favorite Journal 3 (2), 14-25 (2010)" .
or with non-literal values
<span id="exIde4"></span>
ex:myVideo dc:title "My first article about metadata"
            dc:identifier _:myCitation .
_:myCitation ex:jtitle "My Favorite Journal"
              ex:volume "3"
              ex:issue "2"
              ex:spage "14"
              ex:date "2010" .
=== dc:language ===
You may use dc:language either with literal values or with non-literal values.
<span id="exLan5"></span>
ex:mySong dc:title "The Power of Orange Knickers"
          dc:language "English"
ex:mySong dc:title "The Power of Orange Knickers"
          dc:language "eng"^^dcterms:RFC4646 .
=== dc:publisher ===
You may use dc:publisher either with literal values or with non-literal values.
<span id="exPub2"></span>
ex:myData  dc:creator "Hubble Telescope";
            dc:publisher "University of Nowhere" ,
                        "All Your Data Inc. .
=== dc:subject ===
You may use dc:language either with literal values or with non-literal values.
=== dc:rights ===
You may use dc:rights either with literal values or with non-literal values.
ex:myVideo dc:Rights "May be used only by members of the myProject" .
ex:myBook dcterms:title "News from the South" ;
          dc:rights "http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/3.0/legalcode"^^dcterms:URI .
          dc:rights "Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported" .
=== dc:title ===
It is recommended to use dc:title with literal values. But there are important '''uses with non-literal values''' as well. To do so you have to use dc:title.
<span id="exTit1"></span>
ex:myBook dc:title _:thisTitle .
_:thisTitle ex:greekAlphabet "Οιδίπους Τύραννος" ;
            ex:latinAlphabet "Oidipous Tyrannos" .
<span id="exTit2"></span>
ex:myScript1 dcterms:title "Nibelungenlied Handschrift B" ;
              dc:title _:nibelungenlied .
ex:myScript2 dcterms:title "Nibelungenlied Handschrift C" ;
              dc:title _:nibelungenlied
_:nibelungenlied skos:prefLabel "Der Nibelunge Not" ;
                  skos:altLabel "Nibelungenlied" ,
                                "Nibelungenklage" ,
                                "Nibelungensage" ;
                  dcterms:description "The Nibelungenlied exists of 39 aventiuren created between 1180 and 1210" .
=== dc:type ===
The range of dcterms:type is rdfs:Class. Values used with dcterms:type may be either literal or non-literal values.
<span id="exTyp4"></span>
ex:myEvent dc:type "Conference" .


Latest revision as of 08:52, 5 September 2011