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(New page: =PubMan 6.1 Release Notes= ==Sub-task== * [PUBMAN-1555] - Change de.mpg.escidoc.pubman.desktop.Login in pubman_presentation to call ServiceLocator.getLoginUrl instead of ServiveLocato...)
Line 282: Line 282:
     * [PUBMAN-1620] - PubMan installer shall be tested with 6.1 release
     * [PUBMAN-1620] - PubMan installer shall be tested with 6.1 release
     * [PUBMAN-1661] - Change the statistics data not to contain exception messages on live
     * [PUBMAN-1661] - Change the statistics data not to contain exception messages on live
[[Category:Release Log]]

Latest revision as of 10:17, 5 January 2011

PubMan 6.1 Release Notes[edit]


   * [PUBMAN-1555] - Change de.mpg.escidoc.pubman.desktop.Login in pubman_presentation to call ServiceLocator.getLoginUrl instead of ServiveLocator.getFrameworkUrl


   * [PUBMAN-412] - Wrong behaviour of Advanced Search
   * [PUBMAN-484] - Copy / Paste Authors
   * [PUBMAN-568] - Search: genre search is not exact
   * [PUBMAN-981] - Advanced search: adding new genre group in advanced search looses labels
   * [PUBMAN-991] - Adjust error message when PID could not be assigned
   * [PUBMAN-1065] - simple search index
   * [PUBMAN-1080] - Batch submit/release in multiple import
   * [PUBMAN-1156] - no sharing tab in special circumstances
   * [PUBMAN-1175] - Bad Gateway error when trying to add hundreds of authors
   * [PUBMAN-1176] - moderator can't withdraw items
   * [PUBMAN-1183] - APA revision - wrong implementation
   * [PUBMAN-1184] - APA revision - wrong implementation
   * [PUBMAN-1204] - Close Button misplaced when viewing the details in the import workspace
   * [PUBMAN-1210] - CC license - selection of license
   * [PUBMAN-1211] - Colors for error messages during submissison
   * [PUBMAN-1223] - Transformation service, improve property handling
   * [PUBMAN-1228] - bug in simple and advanced search by searching in fulltexts
   * [PUBMAN-1239] - Some GUI issues
   * [PUBMAN-1256] - Missing field in EASM - alternative title for genre "other"
   * [PUBMAN-1258] - Docu-task EASM - genre "other" - source details - Genre-specific mask needs update!
   * [PUBMAN-1267] - mime type vnd ms wort
   * [PUBMAN-1270] - RIS batch import: validation problem?
   * [PUBMAN-1271] - Some (!) items are not exported in APA format
   * [PUBMAN-1280] - Strange behaviour after opening publication from researcher portfolio
   * [PUBMAN-1286] - IE7, bibtex upload gui broken
   * [PUBMAN-1287] - IE7, view type broken in item list
   * [PUBMAN-1288] - Mix of message color within one block
   * [PUBMAN-1294] - Fetch from SPIRES: empty identifier field produced (DOI)
   * [PUBMAN-1298] - Bug in multiple EndNote Import
   * [PUBMAN-1312] - Advanced search: Boolean operators behave strangely: results for "a OR b" do not contain the combination "a AND b"
   * [PUBMAN-1314] - again: Error in retrieving items
   * [PUBMAN-1315] - Login forced during submission
   * [PUBMAN-1319] - problem with "umlaute" when adding multiple authors
   * [PUBMAN-1327] - metadata "publication location" should be removed from view item page
   * [PUBMAN-1332] - Error message when (re-)submitting already released items (standard WF)
   * [PUBMAN-1383] - Search service is called twice for affiliation search.
   * [PUBMAN-1385] - Subject is not displayed in View Item
   * [PUBMAN-1387] - forgotten in the code - Placeholder for RSS feed on "news" on homepage
   * [PUBMAN-1389] - Label for "Show Query" is missing in german search results page
   * [PUBMAN-1475] - Change the setting for MaximumRecords in the search query to read from property on Maximum number of records
   * [PUBMAN-1486] - Version Rollback functionality does not work
   * [PUBMAN-1487] - Help page ancors broken
   * [PUBMAN-1488] - Language for export output formats do not change
   * [PUBMAN-1489] - Researcher Portfolio, throbber does not disappear if person has publications
   * [PUBMAN-1490] - Edit item: autosuggest ddc und mpipks does not work
   * [PUBMAN-1491] - Wrong page forward under special circumstances
   * [PUBMAN-1493] - Export format JUS missing in search&export
   * [PUBMAN-1494] - Cone: 500 error when clicking on 'Enter New Entity'
   * [PUBMAN-1495] - Cone: email adress and telefone are not saved
   * [PUBMAN-1496] - Researcher Portfolio: Subject is not displayed
   * [PUBMAN-1497] - Cone: Creation Date of an entry is not correct
   * [PUBMAN-1498] - Cone: Edit person entry, input fields misplaced
   * [PUBMAN-1499] - Cone: 404 when I want to create a new journal
   * [PUBMAN-1502] - Cone: Search page not available on IE
   * [PUBMAN-1505] - Edit item: editing source creator first name/last name does not remove person identifier
   * [PUBMAN-1506] - View Item Page: classification type always displays DDC
   * [PUBMAN-1508] - View item full page: Publishing info not displayed (publisher name and publisher place)
   * [PUBMAN-1511] - Edit Item: Language select box is missing
   * [PUBMAN-1515] - "Working paper" twice in genre drop-down list
   * [PUBMAN-1557] - Exception report for several genre types
   * [PUBMAN-1559] - needless additional word on export via mail page
   * [PUBMAN-1560] - Cone: can not view person information
   * [PUBMAN-1561] - Cone: ddc display in person information
   * [PUBMAN-1562] - Advanced Search: autosuggest language does not fill the language select list
   * [PUBMAN-1563] - Bug in RIS Import
   * [PUBMAN-1564] - Items transformed from TEI have wrong language code
   * [PUBMAN-1565] - Bug in multiple import
   * [PUBMAN-1566] - Empty box for CC-License
   * [PUBMAN-1567] - Error message for item upload by moderator
   * [PUBMAN-1568] - CoNE: Edit Entry not working in IE
   * [PUBMAN-1569] - XSLT error in multiple Endnote import
   * [PUBMAN-1570] - Browse By entry page broken in IE
   * [PUBMAN-1571] - Cone: query html 'all' does not work
   * [PUBMAN-1572] - QA- workspace, label for import names not visible in IE
   * [PUBMAN-1573] - Cone: save button is missing when I want to enter a new entry (IE)
   * [PUBMAN-1574] - Wrong error message when retrieving the revisions of an item
   * [PUBMAN-1575] - Organization description can not be viewed
   * [PUBMAN-1576] - Easy Submission: Choose CC license is broken
   * [PUBMAN-1577] - Item from easy submission contains empty 'Legal Case'
   * [PUBMAN-1578] - Mysterious characters in version history
   * [PUBMAN-1579] - Identifier ISI - EndNote Import Bug (for all Reference Types)
   * [PUBMAN-1580] - Alternative Title is missing - EndNote Import Bug (for all Reference Types)
   * [PUBMAN-1581] - EndNote Import Bugs when importing Ref Type Book
   * [PUBMAN-1582] - EndNote Import Bug when importing Ref Type Book Section
   * [PUBMAN-1583] - EndNote Bug when importing Ref Type Conference Paper
   * [PUBMAN-1584] - EndNote Bug when importing Ref Type Conference Proceedings
   * [PUBMAN-1585] - EndNote Bug when importing Ref Type Edited Book
   * [PUBMAN-1586] - endNote Bug when importing Ref Type Electronic Article
   * [PUBMAN-1587] - EndNote Bug when importing Ref Type Generic
   * [PUBMAN-1588] - EndNote Bug when importing Ref Type Journal Article
   * [PUBMAN-1589] - EndNote Bug when importing Ref Type Magazine Article
   * [PUBMAN-1590] - EndNote Bug when importing Ref Type Manuscript
   * [PUBMAN-1591] - EndNote Bug when importing Ref Type Newspaper Article
   * [PUBMAN-1592] - EndNote Bug when importing Ref Type Report
   * [PUBMAN-1593] - EndNote Bug when importing Ref Type Thesis
   * [PUBMAN-1594] - Affiliation hover broken
   * [PUBMAN-1595] - Can not select a user group for a restricted component
   * [PUBMAN-1596] - APA Bug when exporting proceedings paper
   * [PUBMAN-1598] - Sharing tab should not be visible for withdrawn items
   * [PUBMAN-1599] - Labels only partially visible in CoNE edit mask
   * [PUBMAN-1600] - QA Workspace, filter for org unit does not work
   * [PUBMAN-1602] - EndNote Export: OUs are not exported
   * [PUBMAN-1603] - EndNote Bug when exporting a Report
   * [PUBMAN-1604] - EndNote Bug when exporting genre Other
   * [PUBMAN-1605] - EndNote Bug when exporting genre Book Chapter
   * [PUBMAN-1606] - EndNote Bug when exporting genre Thesis
   * [PUBMAN-1609] - Cone: Person edit, add button adds two new fields
   * [PUBMAN-1610] - Edit item, file gets lost
   * [PUBMAN-1612] - Edit Item: Affiliation assigning problem
   * [PUBMAN-1613] - OU-description icon opens a new window with a 500-exception
   * [PUBMAN-1615] - "Degree type" field disappears, when switching from ES to FS
   * [PUBMAN-1616] - Cannot save local tags
   * [PUBMAN-1619] - PubMan installer does not impoirt initial dataset due to core-service bug
   * [PUBMAN-1621] - Edit Item: Message to validate the range of OU is misleading
   * [PUBMAN-1622] - Easy submission: Add multiple authors creates only single entry
   * [PUBMAN-1631] - Full Submission: When the Source.Abbreviated title is removed, the Source.Title is replaced by the Source.Abbreviated Title.
   * [PUBMAN-1632] - Easy submission: Screen is frozen on select collection page
   * [PUBMAN-1633] - Check general behaviour of functionality: add multiple authors
   * [PUBMAN-1647] - Browse by organization leads to advanced search page if invoked after advanced search had select an OU and gave no results
   * [PUBMAN-1648] - Advanced search: Creator roles in advanced search page are not complete
   * [PUBMAN-1653] - Rollback item version does not create a new item version
   * [PUBMAN-1656] - nonProxyHosts ignored accessing staging area
   * [PUBMAN-1659] - Browse by OU leads to Step 3 of Easy Submission
   * [PUBMAN-1660] - CoNE: Person - Enter new Entitiy creates a person with wrong ID. The created ID is persons:persons/resource/persons/resource/persons33911, but should be persons:persons/resource/persons3391. The created item can not be found.
   * [PUBMAN-1667] - RSS feeds on PubMan Home page do not display properly news title
   * [PUBMAN-1671] - RSS Feeds do not work on qa server
   * [PUBMAN-1672] - Wrong navigation links after "rollback of item version" action
   * [PUBMAN-1673] - Full Submission: GUI is broken when a creator is an organization
   * [PUBMAN-1674] - Throbber is in background on several pages
   * [PUBMAN-1676] - Dummy Values in search&export interface
   * [PUBMAN-1679] - Edit Item: Empty creator records are validated
   * [PUBMAN-1681] - Unauthorized exception when trying to retrieve restricted content is not properly handled in PubMan
   * [PUBMAN-1683] - Error when searching with special characters
   * [PUBMAN-1684] - Apa export via unapi interface is broken
   * [PUBMAN-1685] - Submit/release links wrong
   * [PUBMAN-1687] - Researcher Portfolio request on QA broken
   * [PUBMAN-1690] - PubMan item release from myitems list does not report errors, but success, however does not change the status of the item
   * [PUBMAN-1693] - Impossible to enter more than one source creator
   * [PUBMAN-1694] - Missing CoNE information for source creators
   * [PUBMAN-1697] - Incorrect autosuggest lists for Organizations
   * [PUBMAN-1698] - CoNE autosuggest list stops after umlaut
   * [PUBMAN-1699] - Wrong entries in submission mask
   * [PUBMAN-1701] - newly released items are not searchable
   * [PUBMAN-1702] - Missing creator organization information after single import
   * [PUBMAN-1704] - Single import: fetched item can not be saved
   * [PUBMAN-1705] - Single import: radio button value of full text format gets lost
   * [PUBMAN-1706] - Multiple import not possible
   * [PUBMAN-1709] - not possible to enter an OU when fetching special arxiv publication
   * [PUBMAN-1710] - German translation missing for ...
   * [PUBMAN-1711] - Items cannot be released
   * [PUBMAN-1714] - Validation: Various validation errors occur
   * [PUBMAN-1715] - Endnote export - source creator
   * [PUBMAN-1716] - Manual addition of OU to released item buggy
   * [PUBMAN-1717] - Wrong entries in new revisions of an item
   * [PUBMAN-1718] - Error message does nor dissappear
   * [PUBMAN-1719] - Date autosuggest does not function properly
   * [PUBMAN-1722] - Error message when saving/submitting item
   * [PUBMAN-1723] - Error messages in import workspace
   * [PUBMAN-1725] - Submission/Saving not possible after two validations
   * [PUBMAN-1729] - OUs are doubled when entering a publication creator out of CoNE
   * [PUBMAN-1730] - OUs are not given for the third, fourth, fifth .... source creator
   * [PUBMAN-1731] - incorrect validation error for the role of a creator of a source
   * [PUBMAN-1732] - not possible to enter an Organisation as publication or source creator
   * [PUBMAN-1733] - no proper submission testing with IE possible
   * [PUBMAN-1734] - Browse By Year, radio button looses value
   * [PUBMAN-1735] - Last creator field can be erased when organizations are entered and the page is reloaded
   * [PUBMAN-1736] - Autosuggest for Publisher
   * [PUBMAN-1737] - Source creator field disappears after selecting genre type 'patent'
   * [PUBMAN-1738] - Easy submission: Organization number (affiliation information) vanishes after clicking on "add more details"
   * [PUBMAN-1740] - not possible to batch release multiple imported items after batch submitting them
   * [PUBMAN-1741] - multiple eDoc import does not work
   * [PUBMAN-1742] - multiple import wording for batch release
   * [PUBMAN-1743] - Japanese characters are not displayed within pdf-exports
   * [PUBMAN-1744] - GUI bug for the display of label "Persons & Organizations"
   * [PUBMAN-1745] - Validation errors
   * [PUBMAN-1747] - Autosuggest for OUs does not work in IE
   * [PUBMAN-1748] - 'for' is not recognized in the OU autosugggest list
   * [PUBMAN-1749] - shouldn't be possible to set back an item in status "pending" after it was released once
   * [PUBMAN-1750] - submit button disappears not until reload of import workspace page
   * [PUBMAN-1751] - Through modification, released items are set to status 'pending'
   * [PUBMAN-1752] - Autosuggest for OU does not work
   * [PUBMAN-1753] - Indexing does not work at all
   * [PUBMAN-1758] - Little GUI BUg after modifying an item
   * [PUBMAN-1759] - Add multiple authors: Exception when saving item after adding multiple authors
   * [PUBMAN-1764] - local tag bug
   * [PUBMAN-1765] - submit comments are not displayed after an item has been released once
   * [PUBMAN-1766] - OUs of creators can't be deleted within source part
   * [PUBMAN-1767] - ISO-639-3 validation...
   * [PUBMAN-1770] - Magic quick navigation button in submission mask does not work
   * [PUBMAN-1772] - Journal Title ist not filled in


   * [PUBMAN-961] - Enable fetch full text from BioMed Central
   * [PUBMAN-1070] - Should one set restrictions like "restricted" or "private" to locators?
   * [PUBMAN-1077] - right for depositor to define audience groups
   * [PUBMAN-1078] - definition of audience groups after submit
   * [PUBMAN-1111] - Asterix for mandatory fields and validation rules
   * [PUBMAN-1151] - create separte indexes for files and locators
   * [PUBMAN-1159] - use other search index for the search field source in the advanced search
   * [PUBMAN-1162] - APA revision - authors
   * [PUBMAN-1169] - Cone: Journal names and abbreviation of the journal in the autosuggest list
   * [PUBMAN-1173] - View Item: large number of authors
   * [PUBMAN-1194] - Advanced Search - search for various "degree types"
   * [PUBMAN-1209] - GUI submission - align genre "thesis" with degree type
   * [PUBMAN-1234] - CONE Journals - Identifier
   * [PUBMAN-1248] - Message-Label "Send back for rework"
   * [PUBMAN-1249] - Lock submission form after genre selection
   * [PUBMAN-1253] - Online help - Add information on import/Mapping of OUs
   * [PUBMAN-1259] - Easy Submission - content category for file locators
   * [PUBMAN-1277] - image/bmp to be supported mime type
   * [PUBMAN-1279] - Revision of label for message: Please note that this is not the latest version of this item.
   * [PUBMAN-1311] - adapt error message when uploading bibtex file
   * [PUBMAN-1323] - Include resource application URIs in the eSciDoc XML export (or create new export)
   * [PUBMAN-1470] - Extend subjects metadata with xsi:type to support multiple controlled vocabularies
   * [PUBMAN-1477] - Change publication language handling in edit item page
   * [PUBMAN-1479] - Autosuggest for allowed mimetypes
   * [PUBMAN-1500] - Cone: Import, improve error handling
   * [PUBMAN-1503] - Format labelling on import workspace
   * [PUBMAN-1519] - CoNE - Import/Export (ICE)
   * [PUBMAN-1554] - Introduce additional property "escidoc.framework_access.login.url"
   * [PUBMAN-1597] - Office 2007 mimetypes
   * [PUBMAN-1607] - Improvement for EndNote Export regarding new creator role
   * [PUBMAN-1608] - Improvement for EndNote Export regarding new subject classifications
   * [PUBMAN-1639] - Browse by Year: labels for "Year published" and "Any year" are confusing
   * [PUBMAN-1655] - Improve the plain snippet for citations
   * [PUBMAN-1677] - QA Workspace - ajax population of the OrgUnit tree in the pull-down list for OU filter
   * [PUBMAN-1692] - New mimetype wmv
   * [PUBMAN-1746] - Change wording in validation message
   * [PUBMAN-1769] - local tags should be visible for not logged in users

New Feature[edit]

   * [PUBMAN-1195] - Provide plain HTML snippet
   * [PUBMAN-1336] - Coreservice 1.2 - Initial installation on dev
   * [PUBMAN-1337] - Browse by ... - Specification
   * [PUBMAN-1338] - Browse by ... - Implementation
   * [PUBMAN-1339] - Creator section in Edit item mask
   * [PUBMAN-1340] - PID fallback - Design
   * [PUBMAN-1341] - PID Fallback - Implementation
   * [PUBMAN-1342] - OAI-PMH Export incl. URLs
   * [PUBMAN-1343] - CoNE Authentication -Specification
   * [PUBMAN-1344] - CoNE Authentication - Implementation
   * [PUBMAN-1345] - CoNE Visibility -Specification
   * [PUBMAN-1346] - CoNE Visibility - Implementation
   * [PUBMAN-1347] - CoNE PACS integration
   * [PUBMAN-1348] - PubMan PACS Integration - Specification
   * [PUBMAN-1349] - PubMan PACS Integration - Implementation
   * [PUBMAN-1356] - Local Admin - UC_LA_UM_06 Create user group - Implemtation
   * [PUBMAN-1357] - Local Admin - UC_LA_UM_07 Edit user group - Implemtation
   * [PUBMAN-1374] - Integrate new Citation Manager into PubMan
   * [PUBMAN-1375] - Language tags in Citation Manager
   * [PUBMAN-1376] - Search Engine Optimization - Concept
   * [PUBMAN-1377] - JUS: Transform metadata specification into application profiles
   * [PUBMAN-1378] - JUS: Relation Citation Styles and Journals from Cone
   * [PUBMAN-1379] - JUS: Add language flag to field "abstract"
   * [PUBMAN-1380] - JUS: Prepare candidates for first specification and implementation - Prio MUC
   * [PUBMAN-1381] - JUS: Import Journal data to CoNE


   * [PUBMAN-972] - date search
   * [PUBMAN-1087] - limit list.property.value field in escidoc-core database to 2000 characters
   * [PUBMAN-1171] - Revision of EndNote Export needed
   * [PUBMAN-1245] - Data Transformation on PubMan instances after 6.0.
   * [PUBMAN-1250] - adaption of excel table for genre specific submission masks
   * [PUBMAN-1291] - In japanese version, error messages partly appear in english
   * [PUBMAN-1292] - detailed submission testing on IE with next functional release
   * [PUBMAN-1432] - Clarify with GWDG how to use the PID service
   * [PUBMAN-1436] - Update citation styles correspondingly to metadata changes
   * [PUBMAN-1455] - Adopt Pubman to Handle System
   * [PUBMAN-1457] - PID service adoption into MPDL core services
   * [PUBMAN-1461] - Test Pubman with Handle System
   * [PUBMAN-1481] - Update item after 6.1 release
   * [PUBMAN-1620] - PubMan installer shall be tested with 6.1 release
   * [PUBMAN-1661] - Change the statistics data not to contain exception messages on live