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=March 2011=
=March 2011=

===2011-0311/09: [http://www.isi2011.de/ '''Internationales Symposium der Informationswissenschaft (ISI 2011)'''] an der Universität Hildesheim===
===2011-03-11/09: [http://www.isi2011.de/ '''Internationales Symposium der Informationswissenschaft (ISI 2011)'''] an der Universität Hildesheim===
Das Motto der Konferenz ist: Information und Wissen: global, sozial und frei?  
Das Motto der Konferenz ist: Information und Wissen: global, sozial und frei?  
*[http://www.isi2011.de/?page_id=71 '''Anmeldung''']
*[http://www.isi2011.de/?page_id=71 '''Anmeldung''']
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*[http://elag2011.techlib.cz/en/787-programme/ '''Programme''']
*[http://elag2011.techlib.cz/en/787-programme/ '''Programme''']
*[http://elag2011.techlib.cz/en/778-registration/ '''Registration''']
*[http://elag2011.techlib.cz/en/778-registration/ '''Registration''']
===2011-05-30/06-03: [http://www.rdl.sfu.ca/IASSIST/index.php/Conference/ '''IASSIST 2011: Data Science Professionals: a Global Community of Sharing ''']in Vancouver, Canada===
*[http://www.rdl.sfu.ca/IASSIST/index.php/Program/ '''Program''']
*[http://www.rdl.sfu.ca/IASSIST/index.php/Register/ '''Register''']

=June 2011=
=June 2011=
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=August 2011=
=August 2011=
===2011-08-13/18: [http://conference.ifla.org/ifla77/ '''World Library and Information Congress : 77th IFLA General Conference and Assembly '''], San Juan, Puerto Rico ===
* [http://conference.ifla.org/ifla77/programme-and-proceedings '''Programme''']
* [http://conference.ifla.org/ifla77/registration '''Registration''']
===2011-08-24/25: [http://datacite2011.eventbrite.com/ '''DataCite 2011'''] in Berkeley, CA, USA ===
===2011-08-25/27: [http://infojustice.org/public-events/global-congress'''Global Congress on Intellectual Property and the Public Interest'''] in Washington DC, USA ===
Open Access is among the topics

=September 2011=
=September 2011=
===2011-09-10/11: [http://openvideoconference.org/ '''Open Video Conference'''] in New York ===
*[http://openvideoconference.org/agenda-sessions/ '''Agenda''']
*[http://openvideoconference.org/register/ '''Registration''']
===2011-09-11/16: [http://www.reg.co.il/exlibris-igelu2011/index.ehtml '''The 6th IGeLU Conference and Ex Libris Systems Seminar '''] in Haifa, Israel ===
*IGeLU conference: Semptember 11-13, 2011
*Systems Seminar: Semptember 14-16, 2011
*[https://spreadsheets.google.com/spreadsheet/pub?hl=en_US&hl=en_US&key=0ArJyygNQC2ECdEw1cnFpS2ZIZEozTDAzNUd4SnRmOEE&output=html '''Programme''']
*[http://www.reg.co.il/exlibris-igelu2011/registration.ehtml '''Registration''']
===2011-09-13/17: [http://dl.cs.uct.ac.za/conferences/etd2011 '''14th International Symposium on Electronic Theses and Dissertations. ETD2011.'''] in Cape Town, South Africa===
*[http://dl.cs.uct.ac.za/conferences/etd2011/programme '''Programme''']
*[http://dl.cs.uct.ac.za/conferences/etd2011/registration '''Registration''']

===2011-09-15/16: [http://www.c-phil.uni-hamburg.de/view/Main/RANLPDigHum2011 '''Workshop Language Technologies for Digital Humanities and Cultural Heritage'''] in Hissar, Bulgaria ===
===2011-09-15/16: [http://www.c-phil.uni-hamburg.de/view/Main/RANLPDigHum2011 '''Workshop Language Technologies for Digital Humanities and Cultural Heritage'''] in Hissar, Bulgaria ===
This workshop is associated with the conference [http://lml.bas.bg/ranlp2011/start3.php '''Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing''']which takes place from 12 until 14 September 2011.
This workshop is associated with the conference [http://lml.bas.bg/ranlp2011/start3.php '''Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing''']which takes place from 12 until 14 September 2011.
=== 2011-09-21/23: [http://dcevents.dublincore.org/index.php/IntConf/dc-2011 '''International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications (DC-2011)''']  in The Hague, Netherlands ===
*[http://dcevents.dublincore.org/index.php/IntConf/index/pages/view/program-2011 '''Programme''']
*[http://dcevents.dublincore.org/index.php/IntConf/index/pages/view/registration-2011 '''Registration''']
=== 2011-09-21/23: [http://www.oaspa.org/coasp/ '''3rd Conference on Open Access Scholarly Publishing (COASP 2011)'''] in Swissotel Tallinn, Estonia ===
* [http://oaspa.org/coasp/program.php '''Program''']
* [http://webforms.copernicus.org/COASP3/preregistration/ '''Registration''']
===2011-09-22/24: [http://www.euroia.org/ '''Euro IA Summit 2011''']in Prague, Czech Republic ===
* [http://www.euroia.org/Programme.aspx '''Programme''']
* [http://www.euroia.org/Register.aspx '''Registration''' ]

===2011-09-25/29: [http://www.tpdl2011.org/ '''International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries (TPDL)'''] at Erwin-Schrödinger-Zentrum in Berlin ===
===2011-09-25/29: [http://www.tpdl2011.org/ '''International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries (TPDL)'''] at Erwin-Schrödinger-Zentrum in Berlin ===
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*workshops: September 29, 2011
*workshops: September 29, 2011
This conference continues the tradition of the European Conference on Research and Advances Technology for Digital Libraries (ECDL), it brings together researchers, developers, content providers and users in the field of digital libraries.
This conference continues the tradition of the European Conference on Research and Advances Technology for Digital Libraries (ECDL), it brings together researchers, developers, content providers and users in the field of digital libraries.

===2011-09-26/28: [http://pkp.sfu.ca/ocs/pkp/index.php/pkp2011/pkp2011 '''International PKP Scholarly Publishing Conference - "Building and Sustaining Alternative Scholarly Publishing Projects Around the World"'''] at Freie Universität Berlin ===
===2011-09-26/28: [http://pkp.sfu.ca/ocs/pkp/index.php/pkp2011/pkp2011 '''International PKP Scholarly Publishing Conference - "Building and Sustaining Alternative Scholarly Publishing Projects Around the World"'''] at Freie Universität Berlin ===
*[http://pkp.sfu.ca/ocs/pkp/index.php/pkp2011/index/pages/view/schedule '''Schedule''']
*[http://pkp.sfu.ca/ocs/pkp/index.php/pkp2011/pkp2011/schedConf/registration '''Registration''']
*[http://pkp.sfu.ca/ocs/pkp/index.php/pkp2011/pkp2011/schedConf/registration '''Registration''']

===2011-09-28/29: [http://www.comp.glam.ac.uk/pages/research/hypermedia/nkos/nkos2011/ '''10th European Networked Knowledge Organisation Systems (NKOS) Workshop'''] in Berlin===
===2011-09-28/29: [http://openaiddata.de/ '''Open Aid Data Konferenz'''] in Berlin ===
*[http://www.boell.de/calendar/VA-genform-de.aspx?evtid=10058&returnurl=/index.html '''Registration''']

===2011-09-29: [http://www.essentials-media.nl/KIP+Programma '''Open Access / Open Content'''] in Utrecht ===

=October 2011=
=October 2011=
===2011-10-03: [http://sparc.arl.org/civicrm/event/info?reset=1&id=90 '''Open Access Week Idea Swap'''] Online ===
===2011-10-03/07: [http://www.liasa.org.za/node/511 '''Library and Information Association of South Africa (LIASA) Conference 2011'''] in Eastern Cape Province===
*[http://www.liasa.org.za/sites/default/files/notices/conference_2011_programme_2nd_draft.pdf '''Programme''']
*[http://www.liasa.org.za/node/547 '''Registration dates''']
===2011-10-04/05: [http://www.europeanaconnect.eu/europeanatech/ '''EuropeanaTech Conference'''] at the Austrian National Library in Vienna, Austria===
===2011-10-04/05: [http://www.europeanaconnect.eu/europeanatech/ '''EuropeanaTech Conference'''] at the Austrian National Library in Vienna, Austria===
*[http://www.europeanaconnect.eu/europeanatech/index.php?section=programme&page=programme-overview '''Programme''']
===2011-10-09/12: [http://www.asis.org/asist2011/ '''ASIS&T 2011 Meeting'''] in New Orleans, Louisiana, USA ===
* [http://www.asis.org/asist2011/program.html '''Programme''']
* [http://www.asis.org/asist2011/register.html '''Registration''']
===2011-10-11: [http://www.stm-assoc.org/events/stm-frankfurt-conference-2011/ '''International Association of Scientific, Technical & Medical Publishers(STM) Frankfurt Conference 2011'''] in Frankfurt, Germany===
===2011-10-11: [http://www.unabashedlibrarian.com/ul-conferences/2011-conference '''A Digital Public Library of America 2011 '''] in New York ===
* [http://www.unabashedlibrarian.com/ul-conferences/2011-conference?start=1 '''Programme''']
* [http://unabashedlibrarian.com/component/chronocontact/?chronoformname=conference_reg_11 '''Registration''']
===2011-10-12/14: [http://mtsr2011.yasar.edu.tr/ '''The Fifth Metadata and Semantics Research Conference (MTSR 2011)'''] at Yaşar University, İzmir, Turkey ===

===2011-10-10/16: [http://www.zde.uni-wuerzburg.de/en/no_cache/tei_mm_2011/about/ '''Philology in the Digital Age: 2011 Annual Conference and Members' Meeting of the TEI Consortium'''] at the University of Würzburg, Germany===
===2011-10-10/16: [http://www.zde.uni-wuerzburg.de/en/no_cache/tei_mm_2011/about/ '''Philology in the Digital Age: 2011 Annual Conference and Members' Meeting of the TEI Consortium'''] at the University of Würzburg, Germany===
*[http://www.zde.uni-wuerzburg.de/en/no_cache/tei_mm_2011/program/ '''Program''']
* [http://www.zde.uni-wuerzburg.de/en/no_cache/tei_mm_2011/program/ '''Program''']
*[http://www.zde.uni-wuerzburg.de/en/no_cache/tei_mm_2011/registration/ '''Registration''']
* [http://www.zde.uni-wuerzburg.de/en/no_cache/tei_mm_2011/registration/ '''Registration''']
===2011-10-19/20: [http://www.digitalpreservationsummit.de/invitation.html '''Digital Preservation Summit 2011'''] in Hamburg, Germany===
* [http://www.digitalpreservationsummit.de/programme.html '''Programme''']
* [http://www.digitalpreservationsummit.de/registration.html '''Registration''']
===2011-10-19/22: [http://access2011.library.ubc.ca/ '''Access 2011: The Library is Open'''] in Vancouver, Canada ===
* [http://access2011.library.ubc.ca/schedule/ '''Programme''']
* [http://access2011.library.ubc.ca/registration/ '''Registration''']
===2011-10-20/21: [http://ogdcamp.org/ '''Open Government Data Camp 2011'''] in Warsaw, Poland ===
* [http://ogdcamp.org/programme/ '''Programme''']
* [http://ogdcamp.org/register/ '''Register''']

===2011-10-23/27: [http://iswc2011.semanticweb.org/ '''10th International Semantic Web Conference(ISWC2011)'''] in Bonn, Germany ===
*[http://iswc2011.semanticweb.org/attending/ '''Registration''']

===2011-10-24/25: [http://www.impact-project.eu/home/ '''Final IMPACT Conference'''] at the British Library in London===
===2011-10-24/25: [http://www.impact-project.eu/home/ '''Final IMPACT Conference'''] at the British Library in London===
* [http://purchase.tickets.com/buy/TicketPurchase '''Tickets''']
* [http://purchase.tickets.com/buy/TicketPurchase '''Tickets''']

===2011-10-24/27: [http://www.icadl2011.org/'''International Conference on Asia-Pacific Digital Libraries (ICADL 2011)'''] in Beijing, China===
* [http://www.icadl2011.org/program.shtml '''Programme''']
* [http://www.icadl2011.org/Registration.shtml '''Registration''']

=November 2011=
=November 2011=

===2011-11-04/01: [http://www.slis.tsukuba.ac.jp/ipres2011/ '''International Conference on Preservation of Digital Objects (iPres 2011)'''] in Tsukuba, Japan===
===2011-11-01/04: [http://ipres2011.sg/'''International Conference on Preservation of Digital Objects (iPres 2011)'''] in Singapore===

===2011-11-09/10: [http://www.berlin9.org/ '''Berlin 9 Open Access Conference: The impact of Open Access in research and scholarship'''] at the Howard Hughes Medical Institute in Washington, DC, USA===
===2011-11-09/10: [http://www.berlin9.org/ '''Berlin 9 Open Access Conference: The impact of Open Access in research and scholarship'''] at the Howard Hughes Medical Institute in Washington, DC, USA===
*[http://www.berlin9.org/program/index.shtml '''Programme''']

===2011-11-24/25: [http://www.europeana-local.at/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=80:digbib2011&catid=7:veranstaltungen&Itemid=22 '''2. Tagung "Digitale Bibliothek" '''] Universität Graz===
===2011-11-15: [http://cordis.europa.eu/fp7/ict/telearn-digicult/call9-infoday_en.html ''' Digital Preservation and Access to Cultural Resources: ICT Call 9 Information Day''']in Luxembourg===
===2011-11-17/18: [http://cst.ku.dk/sdh2011/ '''SDH 2011 Supporting the Digital Humanities: Answering the unaskable'''] at the University of Copenhagen===
===2011-11-22/23: [http://www.ub.uit.no/baser/ocs/index.php/Munin/MC6/index '''The 6th Munin conference 2011 - Enhancing publications.'''] in Tromsø, Norway===
* [http://www.ub.uit.no/baser/ocs/index.php/Munin/MC6/schedConf/schedule#schedule '''Schedule''']
* [http://www.ub.uit.no/baser/ocs/index.php/Munin/MC6/schedConf/registration '''Registration''']
===2011-11-24/25: [http://www.europeana-local.at/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=80:digbib2011&catid=7:veranstaltungen&Itemid=22 '''Digitale Bibliothek - Metadaten und Vokabularien (2. Tagung "Digitale Bibliothek")'''] Universität Graz===
Die Veranstaltung widmet sich den Themen Metadaten und Vokabularien.
Die Veranstaltung widmet sich den Themen Metadaten und Vokabularien.
===2011-11-28/30: [http://swib.org/swib11/index.html '''SWIB11 Semantic Web in Bibliotheken''']in Hamburg ===
* [http://swib.org/swib11/programm.html '''Programm''']
* [http://swib.org/swib11/registration.html '''Registration''']

=December 2011=
=December 2011=
=== 2011-12-01/03: [http://hastac2011.org/'''Digital Scholarly Communication (HASTAC 2011)'''] at University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan ===
* [http://hastac2011.scholarlypublishing.org/schedule/ '''Programme''']
* [http://hastac2011.scholarlypublishing.org/register/ '''Registration''']
=== 2011-12-05/06: [http://www.textrelease.com/gl13conference.html'''Thirteenth International Conference on Grey Literature(GL13)'''] at Library of Congress, Washington D.C., USA ===
* [http://www.textrelease.com/gl13program.html '''Programme''']
* [http://www.textrelease.com/gl13registration.html'''Registration''']
=== 2011-12-05/07: [http://www.dcc.ac.uk/events/idcc11 '''7th International Digital Curation Conference'''] in Bristol, UK ===
*[http://www.dcc.ac.uk/events/idcc11/programme '''Programme''']
=== 2011-12-05/08: [http://www.escience2011.org/ '''7th IEEE International Conference on e-Science (e-science 2011)'''] in Stockholm, Sweden ===
*[http://gulfening.pdc.kth.se/registration '''Registration''']
=== 2011-12-06/09: [http://www.dish2011.nl/ '''Digital Strategies for Heritage (DISH 2011)'''] in Rotterdam, Netherland ===

[[Global_conferences_2012|Here]] you can find '''more information about upcoming conferences in 2012'''.


Latest revision as of 09:16, 29 January 2014

Please add new conferences in a chronologically ascending order and assign them to the right month. Workshops and other events may be announced on Upcoming events 2011 instead.

January 2011[edit]

2011-01-11/12: The Sixth International Conference on Academic Publishing in Europe (APE 2011) at Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities in Berlin[edit]

2011-01-13/14: Linked Data Hackdays, Institute for Learning and Research Technology (ILRT), University of Bristol, Bristol, UK[edit]

February 2011[edit]

March 2011[edit]

2011-03-11/09: Internationales Symposium der Informationswissenschaft (ISI 2011) an der Universität Hildesheim[edit]

Das Motto der Konferenz ist: Information und Wissen: global, sozial und frei?

2011-03-30/27: The International Conference on Engineering and Meta-Engineering: ICEME 2011 in Orlando, Florida, USA[edit]

April 2011[edit]

2011-04-12/13: EPIC PID User Forum 2011, SARA on Science Park Amsterdam[edit]

May 2011[edit]

2011-05-05/03: Infomare! in Berlin[edit]

Die Veranstaltung richtet besonders an Information Professionals aus der Informations- und Kommunikationswissenschaft, Informatik, Informations- und Verlagswirtschaft und Bibliothekswesen.

2011-05-27/24: ELAG 2011at the National Technical Library in Prague, Czech Republic[edit]

2011-05-30/06-03: IASSIST 2011: Data Science Professionals: a Global Community of Sharing in Vancouver, Canada[edit]

June 2011[edit]

2011-06-11/08: 6th Open Repositories Conference in Austin, Texas, USA[edit]

2011-06-17/13: JCDL 2011 Digital libraries: Bringing Together Scholars, Scholarship and Research Data in Ottawa, Canada[edit]

  • Program and Registration will be announced

2011-06-22/19: Digital Humanities 2011 Conference in Stanford, USA[edit]

2011-06-24/22: 15th International Conference on Electronic Publishing (ELPUB 2011) in Istanbul, Turkey[edit]

  • The main theme of the conference will be "Digital Publishing and Mobile Technologies".

2011-06-29/27: International Conference on Information Society (i-Society 2011) in London, UK[edit]

2011-06-30/07-01: Open Knowledge Conference (OKCon) 2011, Kalkscheune Berlin[edit]

July 2011[edit]

August 2011[edit]

2011-08-13/18: World Library and Information Congress : 77th IFLA General Conference and Assembly , San Juan, Puerto Rico[edit]

2011-08-24/25: DataCite 2011 in Berkeley, CA, USA[edit]

2011-08-25/27: Global Congress on Intellectual Property and the Public Interest in Washington DC, USA[edit]

Open Access is among the topics

September 2011[edit]

2011-09-10/11: Open Video Conference in New York[edit]

2011-09-11/16: The 6th IGeLU Conference and Ex Libris Systems Seminar in Haifa, Israel[edit]

2011-09-13/17: 14th International Symposium on Electronic Theses and Dissertations. ETD2011. in Cape Town, South Africa[edit]

2011-09-15/16: Workshop Language Technologies for Digital Humanities and Cultural Heritage in Hissar, Bulgaria[edit]

This workshop is associated with the conference Recent Advances in Natural Language Processingwhich takes place from 12 until 14 September 2011.

2011-09-21/23: International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications (DC-2011) in The Hague, Netherlands[edit]

2011-09-21/23: 3rd Conference on Open Access Scholarly Publishing (COASP 2011) in Swissotel Tallinn, Estonia[edit]

2011-09-22/24: Euro IA Summit 2011in Prague, Czech Republic[edit]

2011-09-25/29: International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries (TPDL) at Erwin-Schrödinger-Zentrum in Berlin[edit]

  • tutorials: September 25, 2011
  • main conference: September 26-28, 2011
  • workshops: September 29, 2011

This conference continues the tradition of the European Conference on Research and Advances Technology for Digital Libraries (ECDL), it brings together researchers, developers, content providers and users in the field of digital libraries.

2011-09-26/28: International PKP Scholarly Publishing Conference - "Building and Sustaining Alternative Scholarly Publishing Projects Around the World" at Freie Universität Berlin[edit]

2011-09-28/29: Open Aid Data Konferenz in Berlin[edit]

2011-09-29: Open Access / Open Content in Utrecht[edit]

October 2011[edit]

2011-10-03: Open Access Week Idea Swap Online[edit]

2011-10-03/07: Library and Information Association of South Africa (LIASA) Conference 2011 in Eastern Cape Province[edit]

2011-10-04/05: EuropeanaTech Conference at the Austrian National Library in Vienna, Austria[edit]

2011-10-09/12: ASIS&T 2011 Meeting in New Orleans, Louisiana, USA[edit]

2011-10-11: International Association of Scientific, Technical & Medical Publishers(STM) Frankfurt Conference 2011 in Frankfurt, Germany[edit]

2011-10-11: A Digital Public Library of America 2011 in New York[edit]

2011-10-12/14: The Fifth Metadata and Semantics Research Conference (MTSR 2011) at Yaşar University, İzmir, Turkey[edit]

2011-10-10/16: Philology in the Digital Age: 2011 Annual Conference and Members' Meeting of the TEI Consortium at the University of Würzburg, Germany[edit]

2011-10-19/20: Digital Preservation Summit 2011 in Hamburg, Germany[edit]

2011-10-19/22: Access 2011: The Library is Open in Vancouver, Canada[edit]

2011-10-20/21: Open Government Data Camp 2011 in Warsaw, Poland[edit]

2011-10-23/27: 10th International Semantic Web Conference(ISWC2011) in Bonn, Germany[edit]

2011-10-24/25: Final IMPACT Conference at the British Library in London[edit]

2011-10-24/27: International Conference on Asia-Pacific Digital Libraries (ICADL 2011) in Beijing, China[edit]

November 2011[edit]

2011-11-01/04: International Conference on Preservation of Digital Objects (iPres 2011) in Singapore[edit]

2011-11-09/10: Berlin 9 Open Access Conference: The impact of Open Access in research and scholarship at the Howard Hughes Medical Institute in Washington, DC, USA[edit]

2011-11-15: Digital Preservation and Access to Cultural Resources: ICT Call 9 Information Dayin Luxembourg[edit]

2011-11-17/18: SDH 2011 Supporting the Digital Humanities: Answering the unaskable at the University of Copenhagen[edit]

2011-11-22/23: The 6th Munin conference 2011 - Enhancing publications. in Tromsø, Norway[edit]

2011-11-24/25: Digitale Bibliothek - Metadaten und Vokabularien (2. Tagung "Digitale Bibliothek") Universität Graz[edit]

Die Veranstaltung widmet sich den Themen Metadaten und Vokabularien.

2011-11-28/30: SWIB11 Semantic Web in Bibliothekenin Hamburg[edit]

December 2011[edit]

2011-12-01/03: Digital Scholarly Communication (HASTAC 2011) at University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan[edit]

2011-12-05/06: Thirteenth International Conference on Grey Literature(GL13) at Library of Congress, Washington D.C., USA[edit]

2011-12-05/07: 7th International Digital Curation Conference in Bristol, UK[edit]

2011-12-05/08: 7th IEEE International Conference on e-Science (e-science 2011) in Stockholm, Sweden[edit]

2011-12-06/09: Digital Strategies for Heritage (DISH 2011) in Rotterdam, Netherland[edit]


Here you can find more information about upcoming conferences in 2012.