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Richard Bourke Sandbox
Richard Bourke Sandbox

==Pubman 628 Local Installation Setup==
== rough notes for install pubman on vm30 ==
'''Purpose of Document'''
This Document is written to give fuller information on the steps to set up a locally running Pubman 6.2.8 Server on your Local Machine, together with all the complicated software stack on which it depends. "Installation Verification Checks" at each stage are provided, and some links to further useful documentation.

'''Intended Audience of this Document'''
Developers, Administrators or Archivists / Librarians with reasonable PC skills, who wish to see for themselves what Pubman and EsciDoc may offer for benefits, and look behind the scenes at the infrastructure involved.

'''Scope and dependencies of this Document'''
=== jdk (sun x64 1.6.0_26) install ===
This Document is written in July/August 2011 and is based on the then current tested Pubman Production and Demonstration Environment.
# no sun jdk as standard in OpenSuse or SLES distribution (licensing reasons)
Pubman Release: 6.2.8
# default OpenJDK install
EsciDoc Core-Services: 1.2
# on vm30, Sun 1.6.0_06 was installed (very old by now).
Oracle Java 6 SDK: 1.6_24
# Download from Oracle Java SE download page (linux x64 rpm binary)
JBoss Application Server: 4.2.2
# deinstallation of (all) java components with yast (ignore dependencies)
Postgres: 8.4.8
# manual install of rpm binary from oracle.
# update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/java java /usr/java/jdk1.6.0_26/bin 20
# now /usr/bin/java is symbolic link to /etc/alternatives/java - which is probably updated behind the scenes by
# update-alternatives --config
# Setting JAVA_HOME is almost certainly still going to be necessary, pretty well every OS-Script will test for it.

'''Limits of this Document'''
=== postgreSQL (8.3) install ===
Time constraints prevent the documentation of a installation instructions for all tested Pubman and Escidoc Environment. Specifically, this document only describes installation of Pubman 6.2.8 with two tested operating systems environments (Linux (Distribution: Ubuntu 10_04 Desktop 32 Bit) and Windows (Windows 7 Professional 32 Bit) and one tested Database environment (Postgres 8.4).

==Current Documentation==
* with yast 
* userdel on postgres user
* rm -rf /var/lib/pgsql/data and backup

Here is the at time of writing current documentation on Pubman and Escidoc standalone installation, upon which this document attempts to expand.
* yast postgres, postgres-contrib
* afterwards set postgres os-user pwd as root
* su - postgres
* initdb --pgdata=/var/lib/pgsql/data

[http://escidoc1.escidoc.mpg.de/projects/pubman/get_pubman/download.html Pubman Download Page retrieved July 2011]
Die Dateien, die zu diesem Datenbanksystem gehören, werden dem Benutzer
»postgres« gehören. Diesem Benutzer muss auch der Serverprozess gehören.

which makes reference to the [https://www.escidoc.org/JSPWiki/en/DownloadInfrastructure EsciDoc Core-Services Installation page]. Regrettably at time of writing the dependencies listed on the first page are out of date. Pubman 6.2.8 has a prerequisite of ESciDoc Core-Services Release 1.2, not Release 1.1.3 / 1.1.4 as stated there. The downloads listed on the page are, however, correct and up to date.
Der Datenbankcluster wird mit der Locale de_DE.UTF-8 initialisiert werden.
Die Standarddatenbankkodierung wurde entsprechend auf UTF8 gesetzt.
Die Standardtextsuchekonfiguration wird auf »german« gesetzt.

===Installation Prerequisites===
erzeuge Verzeichnis /var/lib/pgsql/data ... ok
erzeuge Unterverzeichnisse ... ok
wähle Vorgabewert für max_connections ... 100
wähle Vorgabewert für shared_buffers/max_fsm_pages ... 32MB/204800
erzeuge Konfigurationsdateien ... ok
erzeuge Datenbank template1 in /var/lib/pgsql/data/base/1 ... ok
initialisiere pg_authid ... ok
initialisiere Abhängigkeiten ... ok
erzeuge Systemsichten ... ok
lade Systemobjektbeschreibungen ... ok
erzeuge Konversionen ... ok
erzeuge Wörterbücher ... ok
setze Privilegien der eingebauten Objekte ... ok
erzeuge Informationsschema ... ok
führe Vacuum in Datenbank template1 durch ...ok
kopiere template1 nach template0 ... ok
kopiere template1 nach postgres ... ok

==Installation of Oracle/Sun Java 6 JDK==

===Installation on Linux===
* starting postgres - the suse standard script /etc/init.d/postgresql start/stop/status works fine

===Installation on Windows===
=== ESciDoc (1.2.2) Install ===
Download the latest version of the JDK (alternative names, Java SE) from the [http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/index.html Oracle Download Site] and install to for example under c:\dev. Note that the download runs through twice. Once to install the Java Developer Kit, once to install the Java Runtime Environment.

Here are some screenshots of this (use of highlighting indicates that default options were changed) :
[[File:Jdk_download_1.PNG|thumb|left|alt=Alt text|Choice of Download]]
[[File:Jdk_install_1.PNG|thumb|center|alt=Alt text|Location of JDK]]
[[File:Jdk_install_2.PNG|thumb|left|alt=Alt text|JDK OPtions to install]]
[[File:Jdk_install_3.PNG|thumb|center|alt=Alt text|location of JRE]]
[[File:Jdk_install_4.PNG|thumb|left|alt=Alt text|Options]]
<br style="clear:both" />
Please note that the registration of the product is not in fact necessary, it works without registration too.

===Verification of JDK Installation===
=== Pubman install ===
Open a command window / shell and verify that the following command returns a valid java version
  java -version

==Installation of PostgreSQL 8.4==

===Installation on Linux===
=== snippets for gudrun===

The exact syntax varies depending on Linux Distribution. In the case of Ubuntu 10_04 (Lucid Lynx) the following installs and creates the PostgreSQL Server, clients, and graphical clients, and creates the initial database.

  user@hostname:~$ sudo apt-get install postgresql pgadmin3 postgresql-contrib

The Ubuntu Community Documentation gives further tips. At an absolute minimum, you will need to set the database password of the postgres DB-User to a known value for the later installation steps
Images and icon

===Installation on Windows===
new logo in deploy/images.war/mpg_logo_repos.png
The "Postgres Plus" 8.3 or 8.4 Download from [http://www.enterprisedb.com/downloads/postgres-postgresql-downloads EnterpriseDB.com] contains a good graphical installer. Pubman is not yet tested with the newer Version PostgreSQL 9.0

Notes on the following screenshots. Postgres uses both an OS Userid (Machinename)\postgres on windows and a DB-internal userid postgres.  

On some Windows machines, the graphical creation of the initial postgres database under the OS-Userid will fail unless the windows service "Secondary Login" is running.

[[File:pg_1.PNG|thumb|left|alt=Alt text|Language selection]]
Labels Genres.xml
[[File:pg_2.PNG|thumb|center|alt=Alt text|Install everything]]
[[File:pg_3.PNG|thumb|left|alt=Alt text|Add OS User and Password]]
copy nach ..server/default/deploy /conf
[[File:pg_4.PNG|thumb|center|alt=Alt text|Do not install EnterpriseDb addons]]
[[File:pg_5.PNG|thumb|left|alt=Alt text|Do create the initial DB]]
[[File:pg_6.PNG|thumb|center|alt=Alt text|And if it fails, start the secondary logon service]]
[[File:pg_7.PNG|thumb|left|alt=Alt text|installation is ready to start]]
<br style="clear:both" />

===Verification of PostgreSQL Installation===
On both Windows and Linux, the graphical query and managementclient  ''pgAdmin III'' is now installed. You can use this to connect via the postgres DB-User and the password you set for this. you will see a range of example and catalog databases installed

'''Caution:''' Use of SQL to change either catalog or Escidoc or Pubman data will work, will leave your Postgresql Server in an inconsistent state, and will lead to us telling you to reinstall.
[[File:pg_admin_1.PNG|thumb|left|alt=Alt text|the connection properties to connect to the catalog]]
[[File:pg_admin_2.PNG|thumb|center|alt=Alt text|The catalog tables under pg_catalog expanded]]
==Installation of Escidoc Core-Services 1.2 (on both Linux and Windows)==
===Verification of Escidoc Core-Services Installation===
====Step 1. Verification that the JBoss Application Server starts successfully====
====Step 2. Verification that that the Escidoc Datastores have initialised successfully====
==Installation of Pubman 6.2.8 (on both Linux and Windows)==
===Step 1: Using the graphical installer to create the pubman.properties file===
===Step 2: Adding the Pubman EAR to the existing JBoss / ESciDoc Core-Services environment===
===Verification of Pubman 6.2.8===
==Installation of Escidoc AdminConsole==
==Troubleshooting the Installation==
missing pubman.properties in jboss/server/default/conf
==Next Steps==
===Some simple monitoring scripts===
===(Windows only) Setup Pubman to run as a Windows Service===
===Load some Test data===
===Modifying the Pubman Interface===

Latest revision as of 10:46, 25 October 2011

Richard Bourke Sandbox

rough notes for install pubman on vm30[edit]

jdk (sun x64 1.6.0_26) install[edit]

  1. no sun jdk as standard in OpenSuse or SLES distribution (licensing reasons)
  2. default OpenJDK install
  3. on vm30, Sun 1.6.0_06 was installed (very old by now).
  4. Download from Oracle Java SE download page (linux x64 rpm binary)
  5. deinstallation of (all) java components with yast (ignore dependencies)
  6. manual install of rpm binary from oracle.
  7. update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/java java /usr/java/jdk1.6.0_26/bin 20
  8. now /usr/bin/java is symbolic link to /etc/alternatives/java - which is probably updated behind the scenes by
  9. update-alternatives --config
  10. Setting JAVA_HOME is almost certainly still going to be necessary, pretty well every OS-Script will test for it.

postgreSQL (8.3) install[edit]


  • with yast
  • userdel on postgres user
  • rm -rf /var/lib/pgsql/data and backup


  • yast postgres, postgres-contrib
  • afterwards set postgres os-user pwd as root
  • su - postgres
  • initdb --pgdata=/var/lib/pgsql/data
Die Dateien, die zu diesem Datenbanksystem gehören, werden dem Benutzer
»postgres« gehören. Diesem Benutzer muss auch der Serverprozess gehören.

Der Datenbankcluster wird mit der Locale de_DE.UTF-8 initialisiert werden.
Die Standarddatenbankkodierung wurde entsprechend auf UTF8 gesetzt.
Die Standardtextsuchekonfiguration wird auf »german« gesetzt.

erzeuge Verzeichnis /var/lib/pgsql/data ... ok
erzeuge Unterverzeichnisse ... ok
wähle Vorgabewert für max_connections ... 100
wähle Vorgabewert für shared_buffers/max_fsm_pages ... 32MB/204800
erzeuge Konfigurationsdateien ... ok
erzeuge Datenbank template1 in /var/lib/pgsql/data/base/1 ... ok
initialisiere pg_authid ... ok
initialisiere Abhängigkeiten ... ok
erzeuge Systemsichten ... ok
lade Systemobjektbeschreibungen ... ok
erzeuge Konversionen ... ok
erzeuge Wörterbücher ... ok
setze Privilegien der eingebauten Objekte ... ok
erzeuge Informationsschema ... ok
führe Vacuum in Datenbank template1 durch ...ok
kopiere template1 nach template0 ... ok
kopiere template1 nach postgres ... ok

  • starting postgres - the suse standard script /etc/init.d/postgresql start/stop/status works fine

ESciDoc (1.2.2) Install[edit]

Pubman install[edit]

snippets for gudrun[edit]


Images and icon …\jboss\server\default\deploy\pubman_ear.ear\pubman_presentation-6.2.8.war\resources\images

new logo in deploy/images.war/mpg_logo_repos.png

Blogs escidoc.pubman.blog.baseUrl=http://breakingnewsenglish.com/ escidoc.pubman.blog.news=http://feeds.feedburner.com/breakingnewsenglish

Labels Genres.xml jboss\server\default\tmp\deploy/pubman_ear.ear-contents\pubman_presentation-6.2.8-exp.war\WEB-INF\classes\Genres.xml copy nach ..server/default/deploy /conf

Styles default\tmp\deploy\pubman_ear.ear\common_presentation-1.0.44-exp.war\resources\cssFramework\themes
