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'''Please note:''' Content was moved to http://imeji.org/development/scope/

= Run Planing =

== 1.0 ==
* Internationalization (english and German First, then Japanese via NIMS)
* Images under-title self defined (via profile)
* CAN: Export (RDF, JSON?)
* Installer
* Replacement of common logic by eSciDoc Java library
* Replacement of JBoss by Tomcat as Application Server
* CAN: Automatic tests (2 tests will be written for the beginning)
* CSS Bug: Waehtl man ein anderes als das schwarze CSS, werden die Overlays beim Hover ueber einzelne Bilder kaputt angezeigt (es fehlt der Hintergrund)
* Rework of help
==== Timeshedule ====
{| border="0"
| 01.08. - 09.09.:
| Development (incl. 2 weeks vacation)
| 31.08.:
| Send resource bundles to Masao for Japanese translation
| 12.09. - 16.09.:
| Development tests
| 19.09. - 27.09.:
| Functional testing + Bug fixing
| 28.09. - 29.09.:
| Final testing
| 30.09.:
| Release
== R1 ==
The imeji run starting in January 2011!!!
* To have a stable version (released on the [http://test-faces.mpdl.mpg.de/ FACES demo server]) which can be shown around
* To allow multiple users working on the same data
* To fix some bugs and some improvements
* Queue or Transactions for Jena updates (multiuser), see [http://jira.mpdl.mpg.de/browse/IMEJI-4 IMEJI-4]
* Re-engineer Jena Beans to be standard compliant
* Multiroot graph concept i.e. for collections or profile types
= Further Possible Improvements =
Please list further possible improvements here, and '''NOT''' in Jira.
'''In Jira there should only be tasks already identified for the next run!!!'''
* Switch to JSF2
* Cone Thesauri
* Plugin interface
* More multimedia types (i.e. video, audio,..), see [http://jira.mpdl.mpg.de/browse/IMEJI-14 IMEJI-14]
* Login with escidoc Account
** Downloaded images, collections, album, could be then easily available directly in Pubman (not via a link that refers to imeji), via a new workspace for instance.
* User geonames API
* Use Icon Class (Need to find the API)
* Import just references instead of files, see [http://jira.mpdl.mpg.de/browse/IMEJI-11 IMEJI-11]
* Improve handling of deleted images in escidoc
* Subcollection (specs + implementation)
* Mass import (specs inspired from [http://batchgeo.com/ BatchGeo])
* Print on demand einer Collection / eines Albums
* Allow for multiple entries in one text area separated i.e. by comma (Use case: normal multiple tags) instead of multiple text areas
* Adapt album handling to same behavior as collection handling (multiple selection, then add, instead of adding single images)
* Allow users to define their own facets (e.g. Author=Mustermann, Author+Element (have a value))
* More list view types (text, columns)
* Collection homepage with themes
* Skinning (on collection level)
* Results from the usability evaluation (see [[Talk:Imeji_Backlog|Usability tests - feeback]])
'''Add ons'''
* Wordpress Plugin
* Media-RSS, see [http://jira.mpdl.mpg.de/browse/IMEJI-13 IMEJI-13]
* Link Imeji with socail services (Twitter, Facebook, etc.)

Latest revision as of 12:52, 6 February 2014

Please note: Content was moved to http://imeji.org/development/scope/