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(Created page with "Please add new conferences in a chronologically ascending order and assign them to the right month. '''Workshops and other events''' may be announced on Upcoming events 2014 i...")
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Please add new conferences in a chronologically ascending order and assign them to the right month. '''Workshops and other events''' may be announced on Upcoming events 2014 instead.  
Please add new conferences in a chronologically ascending order and assign them to the right month. '''National workshops and other events''' may be announced on [[Upcoming_Events_2014|Upcoming Events 2014]] instead.
===2014-01-14: [http://recodeproject.eu/events/recode-workshops/ '''Help Turn Voices from BBC Radio into Open Data for Wikipedia'''] in London, UK===
===2014-01-18: [http://blog.okfn.org/2013/11/14/help-turn-voices-from-bbc-radio-into-open-data-for-wikipedia/ '''Perspectives in understanding open access to research data – infrastructure and technology challenges'''] in Geneva, Switzerland===
===2014-01-25: [http://sparc.arl.org/sparc-acrl-forum/ala14mw '''Connecting Articles and Data to Expand Open Access to Research'''] in Philadelphia, USA===

=January 2014=
===2014-02-10: [https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/opening-up-science-to-the-world-open-access-models-and-why-they-matter-tickets-10122738383 '''Opening Up Science to the World: Open Access Models and Why They Matter'''] in Cambridge, UK===
===2014-02-10/11: [http://www.knowledge-exchange.info/Default.aspx?CalendarEventID=329&ID=418 '''Workshop Sustainability of Open Access Services'''] in Utrecht, Netherlands===
===2014-02-14: [http://www.scidev.net/global/content/events_notice.0B089998-7DE5-4A1E-A864D49FF7BCEBD4.html '''Making it Count: Big Data, the Open Revolution and Public Engagement'''] in London, UK===
===2014-02-22: [http://opendataday.org/ '''International Open Data Hackathon'''] worldwide===
===2014-03-03/04: [http://www.sparc.arl.org/events/OA14 '''SPARC Open Access Meeting "Convergence"'''] in Kansas City, USA===
===2014-03-03/04: [http://www.sparc.arl.org/events/OA14 '''SPARC Open Access Meeting "Convergence"'''] in Kansas City, USA===
===2014-03-10/15: [http://www.openeducationweek.org/ '''Open Education Week 2014'''] worldwide===
===2014-03-11/12: [http://www.jisc.ac.uk/events/jisc-digital-festival-2014-11-mar-2014 '''Jisc Digital Festival 2014'''] in Birmingham, UK===
===2014-03-11: [http://bibliosfera.net/kalendarz/wydarzenie/823/opening-science-to-meet-future-challenges/ '''Opening Science to Meet Future Challenges'''] in Warsaw, Poland===
===2014-03-12: [http://dans.knaw.nl/content/categorieen/nieuws/informatiemiddag-over-open-access-en-datamanagement '''Information Day on Open Access and Data Management'''] in The Hague, Netherlands===
===2014-19/20: [http://lod2.okfn.org/2013/12/09/open-data-contributions-welcomed-at-european-data-forum-2014/ '''Open Data Contributions Welcomed at European Data Forum 2014'''] in Athens, Greece===
===2014-03-25/27: [http://slaagc2014.org/index.php/agenda-speakers/discussion-panels/open-access-and-beyond '''Enhancing the Digital Knowledge Society's Information Needs'''] in Doha, Qatar===
===2014-03-26/28: [https://www.rd-alliance.org//rda-third-plenary-meeting.html '''Third Plenary for the Research Data Alliance'''] in Dublin, Ireland===
===2014-03-27: [http://digitalmethods-seminar.org/program/ '''Lecture: Digitized Archives and Distant Reading'''] in Paris, France===
===2014-04-07: [http://www.greynet.org/greyforumseries/policydevelopment.html '''Grey Literature and Policy Development: The Pisa Declaration'''] in Pisa, Italy===
===2014-04-10: [http://digitalmethods-seminar.org/program/ '''Lecture: Natively Digital Data Mapping'''] in Paris, France===
===2014-05-07/08: [https://www.elettra.eu/Conferences/2014/BDOD/index.php?n=Main.HomePage '''Big Data and Open Data'''] in Brussels, Belgium===
===2014-05-13/15: [http://www.cris2014.org/ '''CRIS 2014: Current Research Information Systems  Managing Data Intensive Science The Role of Research Informtion Systems in Realising the Digital Agenda'''] in Rome, Italy===
===2014-05-014: [http://recodeproject.eu/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/RECODE-Workshop-3-Agenda-3-March_FINAL.pdf '''Policy Recommendations for Open Access to Research Data in Europe: Legal and ethical challenges'''] in Amsterdam, Netherlands===
===2014-05-19/20: [http://openaccess.unt.edu/symposium/2014 '''Open Access Symposium – The Business and Economics of Open Access'''] in Denton, USA===
===2014-05-20/23: [http://www.eifl.net/events/open-access-movement-reality-%E2%80%93-putting-piec '''Open Access: Movement to Reality – Putting the Pieces Together'''] in Athens, Greece===
===2014-05-21/23: [http://www.donau-uni.ac.at/en/department/gpa/telematik/edemocracy-conference/edem/vid/19486/ '''CeDEM14 International Conference for E-Democracy and Open Government 2014'''] in Krems, Austria===
===2014-05-21/23: [https://www.coar-repositories.org/community/events/calendar/event/coar-annual-meetingopenaire-conference-2014/ '''COAR Annual Meeting – OpenAIRE Conference 2014'''] in Athens, Greece===
===2014-05-25/29: [http://sepublica.mywikipaper.org/drupal/ '''Sepublica 2014 – The Semantics for e-Science in an Intelligent  Big Data Context'''] in Anissaras, Crete, Greece===
===2014-05-27/28: [http://www.inforum.cz//en/ '''INFORUM 2014 Conference on Professional Information Resources'''] in Prague, Czech Republic===
===2014-06-02/03: [http://www.oaspa-asia-conference.com/program/ '''1st Asian Conference on Open Access Scholarly Publishing'''] in Bangkok, Thailand===
===2014-06-03: [http://www.enssib.fr/agenda/livre-electronique-et-open-access '''Livre életronique et Open Access'''] in Paris, France===
===2014-06-03/04: [http://elpub2014.teithe.gr/ '''18th International Conference on Electronic Publishing"'''] in Thessaloniki, Greece===
===2014-06-03/06: [https://www.coar-repositories.org/community/events/calendar/event/40th-iassist-conference/ '''40th IASSIST Conference: Aligning data and research infrastructure'''] in Toronto, Canada===
===2014-06-04/06: [http://biodesign.cc/2013/09/26/call-for-abstracts/ '''The Openness Paradigm: How Synergies Between Open Access, Open Data, Open Science, Open Source Hardware, Open Drug Discovery Support Development?'''] in Lausanne, Switzerland===
===2014-06-09/13: [http://or2014.helsinki.fi/ '''Open Repositories Conference 2014'''] in Helsinki , Finland===
===2014-06-09/13: [http://esof2014.org/programme-tracks2/conference-programme '''Euroscience Open Forum 2014'''] in Copenhagen, Denmark===
===2014-06-12/13: [http://dhbenelux.org/dhbenelux-2014-conference/?user_id=197 '''DHBenelux – Conference for Digital Humanities Research in Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands'''] in The Hague, Netherlands===
===2014-06-18: [http://openaccess.ox.ac.uk/open-access-monographs-oxford-forum-with-publishers-and-funders-june-2014/ '''Open Access Monographs – Oxford forum with publishrs and funders'''] in Oxford, UK===
===2014-06-19/20: [https://www.coar-repositories.org/community/events/calendar/event/18th-international-conference-on-electronic-publishing/ '''18th International Conference on Electronic Publishing'''] in Thessaloniki, Greece===
===2014-06-21/26: [http://esof2014.org/programme-tracks2/conference-programme '''European Open Forum 2014'''] in Copenhagen, Denmark===
===2014-06-23/27 [http://www.imber.info/index.php/Meetings/IMBER-OSC-2014 '''Open Science Conference: Future Oceans'''] in Bergen, Norway===
===2014-07-01: [https://www.eventbrite.com/e/success-factors-of-institutional-open-access-policies-which-roles-for-libraries-tickets-10627359719 '''Success Factors of Institutional Open Access Policies – Which Role(s) for Libraries'''] in Riga, Latvia===
===2014-07-02/05: [http://liber2014.wp.lnb.lv/ '''LIBER 43rd Annual Conference – Research Libraries in the 2020 Information Landscape'''] in Riga, Latvia===
===2014-07-08/12: [http://dh2014.org/ '''Digital Humanities 2014 – Digital Cultural Empowerment'''] in Lausanne, Switzerland===
===2014-07-09: [http://www.heacademy.ac.uk/events/detail/2014/NTT_OpenAccess_Birmingham '''New to using open access resources in teaching research methods'''] in Birmingham, UK===
===2014-07-10: [http://www.publishwhatyoufund.org/updates/news/event-open-data-un-development-cooperation-forum/ Open Data at the UN Development Cooperation Forum] in New York City, USA===
===2014-07-23/25: [http://www2.le.ac.uk/library/etd2014/etd2014 '''Electronic Theses and Dissertations 2014'''] in Leicester, UK===
===2014-07-30/31: [http://www.repositoryfringe.org/ '''Repository Fringe 2014'''] in Edinburgh, Scotland===
===2014-08-12/14: [http://iflaparis2014.sciencesconf.org/ '''Les bibliothèques d'art face au défi de l'édition électronique: nouveaux formats, nouveaux acteurs, nouvelles solutions'''] in Paris, France===
===2014-08-13/14: [http://www.itu.int/en/history/Pages/IFLA2014.aspx '''Digital Transformation and the Changing Role of News Media in the 21st Century'''] in Geneva, Switzerland===
'''([http://hsozkult.geschichte.hu-berlin.de/termine/id=23796 Call for Papers])'''
===2014-08-16/22: [http://conference.ifla.org/ifla80 '''IFLA World Library and Information Congress – 80th IFLA General Conference and Assembly'''] in Lyon, France===
===2014-08-25/26: [http://www.datacite.org/events '''DataCite Annual Conference 2014'''] in Nancy, France===
===2014-09-01/04: [http://www.chcd2014.org/ '''CIPA-ICOMOS-ISPRS Workshop 2014'''] in Bejing, China===
'''([http://arthist.net/archive/6993 Call for Papers]; will be held in conjunction with the 3rd International Symposium on Cultural Heritage Conservation and Digitization)'''
===2014-09-02/03: [http://www.nottingham.ac.uk/osgis/home.aspx '''Open Source GIS Conference – OSGIS 2014'''] in Nottingham, UK===
'''([http://www.nottingham.ac.uk/osgis/home.aspx Call for Papers])'''
===2014-09-04: [https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/open-access-issues-and-potential-solutions-tickets-12220009377 '''Open Access Issues and Potential Solutions'''] in Glasgow, Scotland===
===2014-09-06/07: [http://www.archivia.at/ '''Archivia 14'''] in Linz, Austria===
===2014-09-08: [http://satlibrarian.blogspot.de/2014/08/publishing-with-impact-open-access-e.html '''Publishing with Impact – Open Access, e-Repositories and Citations'''] in London, UK===
===2014-09-11: [https://www.eventbrite.fr/e/billets-are-you-ready-for-openness-les-modeles-de-lopen-open-experience-a-wave-12442047499 '''Are you ready for openness ? Les modèles de l'open – Open experience à Wave'''] in Paris===
===2014-09-12: [http://core-project.kmi.open.ac.uk/dl2014/ '''3rd International Workshop on Minig Scientific Publications'''] in London, UK===
===2014-09-15: [http://blog.wikimedia.de/2014/08/18/freies-wissen-in-der-wissenschaft/ '''Wissenschaft und Freies Wissen – Fortschrittsmotor und Gemeingut der Informationsgesellschaft'''] in Vienna, Austria===
===2014-09-15/16: [http://foreignaffairs.co.nz/2014/04/16/open-finland-2014-exhibits-the-opportunities-of-open-data/ '''Open Finland 2014 Exhibits the Opportunities of Open Data'''] in Helsinki, Finland===
===2014-09-17/19: [http://oaspa.org/conference/ '''6th Conference on Open Access Scholarly Publishing'''] in Paris, France===
===2014-09-18/19: [http://erc.europa.eu/media-and-events/events/erc-workshop-research-data-management-and-sharing ERC Workshop on Research Data Management and Sharing] in Brussels, Belgium===
===2014-09-18/21: [http://www.digitalmeetsculture.net/article/international-conference-dipp-2014/ '''Digital Presentation and Preservation of Cultural and Scientific Heritage (DIPP 2014)'''] in Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria===
===2014-09-24: [https://www.eventbrite.com/e/orcid-and-datacite-towards-holistic-open-research-registration-12204529075 '''ORCID and DataCite: Towards Holistic Open Research'''] in Amsterdam, Netherlands===
===2014-09-29/30: [http://www.eurogeo.nl/training/workshop-openscience/ Free Workshop: Horizon 2020 Open Science, Open Data] in Brussels, Belgium===
===2014-10-02: [http://www.athenaplus.eu/romeconference/index.php?en/1/home '''The Reuse of Digital Cultural Content in Education, Tourism and Leisure: an Opportunity for Cultural Institutions and Creative Industries, an Investment for the Future'''] in Rome, Italy===
===2014-10-03/04: [http://www.openaccessweek.org/ '''Open Access Week'''] worldwide===
===2014-10-08/11: [http://dcevents.dublincore.org/IntConf/dc-2014/index '''Metadata Intersections: Bridging the Archipelago of Cultural Memory – International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications'''] in Austin, Texas===
===2014-10-17: [http://cobussen.com/2014/09/11/symposium-rushing-to-revolution-open-access-models-for-humanities-journals/ '''Symposium Rushing to Revolution? Open Access Models for Humanities Journals'''] in Utrecht, The Netherlands===
===2014-10-20: [http://www.kirjastot.fi/fi-FI/ammattikalenteri/uutisia/ilmoitus.aspx?ID=cf3623cc-3272-433e-adff-a8f7209846eb '''Open Science – Impact and Research Funding'''] in Helsinki, Finland===
===2014-10-22: [https://www.eventbrite.com/e/open-access-for-ref2020-and-research-data-management-what-do-researchers-need-to-know-tickets-12895985239 '''Open Access for REF2020 and Research Data Management: What do Researchers Need to Know?'''] in Egham, United Kingdom===
===2014-10-28: [http://actu.epfl.ch/news/open-research-data-the-future-of-science-4/ '''Open Research Data: The Future of Science'''] in Zurich, Switzerland===
===2014-11-02/05: [http://www.scidatacon2014.org/ '''Data Sharing and Integration for Global Sustainability'''] in New Delhi, India===
===2014-11-03/04: [http://summit.theodi.org/ '''Summit 2014'''] in London, UK===
===2014-11-05: [https://www.mrs.org.uk/event/course/2436 '''Harnessing Open Data for Business Advantage – Examples of Value Extracted from the Census and Other Open Sources'''] in London, UK===
===2014-11-15/17: [http://www.sparc.arl.org/events/opencon '''Broad Coalition Announces Student and Early Career Researcher Conference on Open Access, Open Education and Open Data'''] in Washington DC, USA===
===2014-11-17/18: [http://www.4cproject.eu/community-resources/investing-in-opportunity-conference '''Investing in Opportunity'''] in London, UK===
===2014-11-19: [https://www.regonline.com/Register/Checkin.aspx?EventID=1577497 '''11th Annual Open Education Conference'''] in Arlington (Vi), USA===
===2014-11-24/26: [http://www.sciencemuseum.org.uk/about_us/new_research_folder/news_and_events/Upcoming%20Events.aspx '''Interpreting the Information Age’: New Avenues for Research and Display'''] in London, UK===
'''([http://www.sciencemuseum.org.uk/about_us/new_research_folder/news_and_events/~/media/D9C2E6D327B04FED964CAC3E9C2E090B.pdf Call for Papers])'''
===2014-11-25/26: [http://www.nationalmediamuseum.org.uk/Collection/ArchivesConference '''Archives 2.0 – Saving the Past, Anticipating the Future'''] at the National Media Museum in Bradford, UK===
===2014-11-26/27: [http://site.uit.no/muninconf/ '''Munin Conference on Scholary Publishing'''] in Tromsø, Norway===
===2014-11-27/28: [http://icoa2014.sciencesconf.org/ '''Libre accès et recherche scientifique: vers de nouvelles valeurs'''] in Tunis, Tunisia===
===2014-11-27/29: [http://www.ifla.org/node/8592 '''International Conference on the Convergence of Libraries, Archives & Museums (ICLAM)'''] in New Delhi, India===
===2014-12_02/03: [http://www.pasteur4oa.eu/events/37#.VBlCxxbIlnX '''PASTEUR4OA Europe-Wide Project Meeting of National Experts'''] in London, UK===
===2014-12-03/04: [http://www.w3.org/2013/share-psi/workshop/lisbon/ '''Encouraging Open Data Usage by Commercial Developers'''] in Lisbon, Portugal===
===2014-12-05: [http://acrlnysymp2014.wordpress.com/ '''The Adacemic Librarcian in the Open Access Future'''] in New York, USA===
===2014-12-08/09: [http://www.textrelease.com/gl16conference.html '''Grey Literature Lobby: Engines and Requesters for Change'''] in Washington DC, USA===

Have a look at the past events in the year [[Global_Conferences_2009|2009]]!<br>
Have a look at the past events in the year [[Global_Conferences_2009|2009]], [[Global_Conferences_2010|2010]], [[Global_conferences_2011|2011]], [[Global_conferences_2012|2012]] and [[Global_conferences_2013|2013]].<br>[[Global_Conferences_2015|For 2015 see here.]]
Have a look at the past events in the year [[Global_Conferences_2010|2010]]!<br>
Have a look at the events in the year [[Global_conferences_2011|2011]]]!<br>
Have a look at the events in the year [[Global_conferences_2012|2012]]]!<br>
Have a look at the events in the year [[Global_conferences_2013|2013]]!

Latest revision as of 08:22, 29 September 2014

Please add new conferences in a chronologically ascending order and assign them to the right month. National workshops and other events may be announced on Upcoming Events 2014 instead.


2014-01-14: Help Turn Voices from BBC Radio into Open Data for Wikipedia in London, UK[edit]

2014-01-18: Perspectives in understanding open access to research data – infrastructure and technology challenges in Geneva, Switzerland[edit]

2014-01-25: Connecting Articles and Data to Expand Open Access to Research in Philadelphia, USA[edit]


2014-02-10: Opening Up Science to the World: Open Access Models and Why They Matter in Cambridge, UK[edit]

2014-02-10/11: Workshop Sustainability of Open Access Services in Utrecht, Netherlands[edit]

2014-02-14: Making it Count: Big Data, the Open Revolution and Public Engagement in London, UK[edit]

2014-02-22: International Open Data Hackathon worldwide[edit]


2014-03-03/04: SPARC Open Access Meeting "Convergence" in Kansas City, USA[edit]

2014-03-10/15: Open Education Week 2014 worldwide[edit]

2014-03-11/12: Jisc Digital Festival 2014 in Birmingham, UK[edit]

2014-03-11: Opening Science to Meet Future Challenges in Warsaw, Poland[edit]

2014-03-12: Information Day on Open Access and Data Management in The Hague, Netherlands[edit]

2014-19/20: Open Data Contributions Welcomed at European Data Forum 2014 in Athens, Greece[edit]

2014-03-25/27: Enhancing the Digital Knowledge Society's Information Needs in Doha, Qatar[edit]

2014-03-26/28: Third Plenary for the Research Data Alliance in Dublin, Ireland[edit]

2014-03-27: Lecture: Digitized Archives and Distant Reading in Paris, France[edit]


2014-04-07: Grey Literature and Policy Development: The Pisa Declaration in Pisa, Italy[edit]

2014-04-10: Lecture: Natively Digital Data Mapping in Paris, France[edit]


2014-05-07/08: Big Data and Open Data in Brussels, Belgium[edit]

2014-05-13/15: CRIS 2014: Current Research Information Systems Managing Data Intensive Science The Role of Research Informtion Systems in Realising the Digital Agenda in Rome, Italy[edit]

2014-05-014: Policy Recommendations for Open Access to Research Data in Europe: Legal and ethical challenges in Amsterdam, Netherlands[edit]

2014-05-19/20: Open Access Symposium – The Business and Economics of Open Access in Denton, USA[edit]

2014-05-20/23: Open Access: Movement to Reality – Putting the Pieces Together in Athens, Greece[edit]

2014-05-21/23: CeDEM14 International Conference for E-Democracy and Open Government 2014 in Krems, Austria[edit]

2014-05-21/23: COAR Annual Meeting – OpenAIRE Conference 2014 in Athens, Greece[edit]

2014-05-25/29: Sepublica 2014 – The Semantics for e-Science in an Intelligent Big Data Context in Anissaras, Crete, Greece[edit]

2014-05-27/28: INFORUM 2014 Conference on Professional Information Resources in Prague, Czech Republic[edit]


2014-06-02/03: 1st Asian Conference on Open Access Scholarly Publishing in Bangkok, Thailand[edit]

2014-06-03: Livre életronique et Open Access in Paris, France[edit]

2014-06-03/04: 18th International Conference on Electronic Publishing" in Thessaloniki, Greece[edit]

2014-06-03/06: 40th IASSIST Conference: Aligning data and research infrastructure in Toronto, Canada[edit]

2014-06-04/06: The Openness Paradigm: How Synergies Between Open Access, Open Data, Open Science, Open Source Hardware, Open Drug Discovery Support Development? in Lausanne, Switzerland[edit]

2014-06-09/13: Open Repositories Conference 2014 in Helsinki , Finland[edit]

2014-06-09/13: Euroscience Open Forum 2014 in Copenhagen, Denmark[edit]

2014-06-12/13: DHBenelux – Conference for Digital Humanities Research in Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands in The Hague, Netherlands[edit]

2014-06-18: Open Access Monographs – Oxford forum with publishrs and funders in Oxford, UK[edit]

2014-06-19/20: 18th International Conference on Electronic Publishing in Thessaloniki, Greece[edit]

2014-06-21/26: European Open Forum 2014 in Copenhagen, Denmark[edit]

2014-06-23/27 Open Science Conference: Future Oceans in Bergen, Norway[edit]


2014-07-01: Success Factors of Institutional Open Access Policies – Which Role(s) for Libraries in Riga, Latvia[edit]

2014-07-02/05: LIBER 43rd Annual Conference – Research Libraries in the 2020 Information Landscape in Riga, Latvia[edit]

2014-07-08/12: Digital Humanities 2014 – Digital Cultural Empowerment in Lausanne, Switzerland[edit]

2014-07-09: New to using open access resources in teaching research methods in Birmingham, UK[edit]

2014-07-10: Open Data at the UN Development Cooperation Forum in New York City, USA[edit]

2014-07-23/25: Electronic Theses and Dissertations 2014 in Leicester, UK[edit]

2014-07-30/31: Repository Fringe 2014 in Edinburgh, Scotland[edit]


2014-08-12/14: Les bibliothèques d'art face au défi de l'édition électronique: nouveaux formats, nouveaux acteurs, nouvelles solutions in Paris, France[edit]

2014-08-13/14: Digital Transformation and the Changing Role of News Media in the 21st Century in Geneva, Switzerland[edit]

(Call for Papers)

2014-08-16/22: IFLA World Library and Information Congress – 80th IFLA General Conference and Assembly in Lyon, France[edit]

2014-08-25/26: DataCite Annual Conference 2014 in Nancy, France[edit]


2014-09-01/04: CIPA-ICOMOS-ISPRS Workshop 2014 in Bejing, China[edit]

(Call for Papers; will be held in conjunction with the 3rd International Symposium on Cultural Heritage Conservation and Digitization)

2014-09-02/03: Open Source GIS Conference – OSGIS 2014 in Nottingham, UK[edit]

(Call for Papers)

2014-09-04: Open Access Issues and Potential Solutions in Glasgow, Scotland[edit]

2014-09-06/07: Archivia 14 in Linz, Austria[edit]

2014-09-08: Publishing with Impact – Open Access, e-Repositories and Citations in London, UK[edit]

2014-09-11: Are you ready for openness ? Les modèles de l'open – Open experience à Wave in Paris[edit]

2014-09-12: 3rd International Workshop on Minig Scientific Publications in London, UK[edit]

2014-09-15: Wissenschaft und Freies Wissen – Fortschrittsmotor und Gemeingut der Informationsgesellschaft in Vienna, Austria[edit]

2014-09-15/16: Open Finland 2014 Exhibits the Opportunities of Open Data in Helsinki, Finland[edit]

2014-09-17/19: 6th Conference on Open Access Scholarly Publishing in Paris, France[edit]

2014-09-18/19: ERC Workshop on Research Data Management and Sharing in Brussels, Belgium[edit]

2014-09-18/21: Digital Presentation and Preservation of Cultural and Scientific Heritage (DIPP 2014) in Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria[edit]

2014-09-24: ORCID and DataCite: Towards Holistic Open Research in Amsterdam, Netherlands[edit]

2014-09-29/30: Free Workshop: Horizon 2020 Open Science, Open Data in Brussels, Belgium[edit]


2014-10-02: The Reuse of Digital Cultural Content in Education, Tourism and Leisure: an Opportunity for Cultural Institutions and Creative Industries, an Investment for the Future in Rome, Italy[edit]

2014-10-03/04: Open Access Week worldwide[edit]

2014-10-08/11: Metadata Intersections: Bridging the Archipelago of Cultural Memory – International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications in Austin, Texas[edit]

2014-10-17: Symposium Rushing to Revolution? Open Access Models for Humanities Journals in Utrecht, The Netherlands[edit]

2014-10-20: Open Science – Impact and Research Funding in Helsinki, Finland[edit]

2014-10-22: Open Access for REF2020 and Research Data Management: What do Researchers Need to Know? in Egham, United Kingdom[edit]

2014-10-28: Open Research Data: The Future of Science in Zurich, Switzerland[edit]


2014-11-02/05: Data Sharing and Integration for Global Sustainability in New Delhi, India[edit]

2014-11-03/04: Summit 2014 in London, UK[edit]

2014-11-05: Harnessing Open Data for Business Advantage – Examples of Value Extracted from the Census and Other Open Sources in London, UK[edit]

2014-11-15/17: Broad Coalition Announces Student and Early Career Researcher Conference on Open Access, Open Education and Open Data in Washington DC, USA[edit]

2014-11-17/18: Investing in Opportunity in London, UK[edit]

2014-11-19: 11th Annual Open Education Conference in Arlington (Vi), USA[edit]

2014-11-24/26: Interpreting the Information Age’: New Avenues for Research and Display in London, UK[edit]

(Call for Papers)

2014-11-25/26: Archives 2.0 – Saving the Past, Anticipating the Future at the National Media Museum in Bradford, UK[edit]

2014-11-26/27: Munin Conference on Scholary Publishing in Tromsø, Norway[edit]

2014-11-27/28: Libre accès et recherche scientifique: vers de nouvelles valeurs in Tunis, Tunisia[edit]

2014-11-27/29: International Conference on the Convergence of Libraries, Archives & Museums (ICLAM) in New Delhi, India[edit]


2014-12_02/03: PASTEUR4OA Europe-Wide Project Meeting of National Experts in London, UK[edit]

2014-12-03/04: Encouraging Open Data Usage by Commercial Developers in Lisbon, Portugal[edit]

2014-12-05: The Adacemic Librarcian in the Open Access Future in New York, USA[edit]

2014-12-08/09: Grey Literature Lobby: Engines and Requesters for Change in Washington DC, USA[edit]


Have a look at the past events in the year 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013.
For 2015 see here.