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'''Please note:''' Content was moved to http://imeji.org/development/technical-specification/interfaces/

This page describes the interfaces for the imeji application. For data dissemination imeji exploits the [[ESciDoc_Services_FledgedDataService | '''Fledged Data Service''']] of the eSciDoc SOA infrastructure.

==[[Image:Rdf.jpg | 70px ]]  RDF Export ==
RDF export interface for the imeji application.
'''Parameter:''' format, type, q, n <br/> 
: format: rdf, sitemap
: type: Type of item (image, collection, album, mdprofile)
: q: The query
: n: The offset
'''Example:''' http://demo.imeji.org/imeji/export?format=rdf&type=image&n=10000&col=14<br/>
== [[Image:OA100.gif | 70px ]]  OAI Interface ==
imeji allows the fetching of metadata from its repository by supporting the [http://www.openarchives.org/OAI/2.0/openarchivesprotocol.htm Open Archives Initiatives Protocol for Metadata Harvesting] (OAI-PMH).<br/> The mapping of the native imeji rdf to oai_dc can be found [[Imeji_Metadata_Mapping | here]]
=== Verb: Identify ===
Gives back information on the imeji Repository. <br/>
'''Parameter:''' None <br/>
'''Example:'''  http://demo.imeji.org/fledgeddata/oai/?verb=Identify<br/>
'''Not supported:''' None <br/>
=== Verb: ListMetadataFormats ===
Gives back all metadata formats which are supported by the repository. All listed formats can be used as a parameter for a GetRecord request (currently collections and albums can only be fetched in native imeji format). <br/>
'''Parameter:''' None <br/>
'''Example:'''  http://demo.imeji.org/fledgeddata/oai/?verb=ListMetadataFormats<br/>
'''Not supported:''' identifier  <br/>
===Verb: ListSets ===
Gives back a list of sets which are provided by the repository. imeji provides by default, all collections and albums as sets. <br/>
'''Parameter:''' None <br/>
'''Example:'''  <br/>
'''Not supported:''' resumptionToken <br/>
=== Verb: GetRecord ===
Gives back a specific record, specified in the identifier parameter. A record can be everything with a url in imeji, currently: images, collections and albums. <br/>
'''Parameter:''' identifier, metadataPrefix  <br/>
'''Example:'''  <br/>
'''Not supported:''' Handling of deleted records <br/>
=== Verb: ListIdentifiers ===
Gives back the oai header for all images in the repository or, if set parameter is defined, all images of a set. <br/>
'''Parameter:''' metadataPrefix, set <br/>
'''Example:'''  <br/>
'''Not supported:''' from, until, resumptionToken <br/>
=== Verb: ListRecords ===
Gives back the metadata record of all images in the repository or, if set parameter is defined, all images of a set. <br/>
'''Parameter:''' metadataPrefix, set <br/>
'''Example:'''  <br/>
'''Not supported:''' from, until, resumptionToken <br/>
== http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/a2/Farm-Fresh_sitemap.png Sitemap ==
The sitemap functionality of the Fledged Data Service exploits the oai interface and creates a sitemap out of all items it retrieves with a ListIdentifiers call. <br/> Therefore only image URLs will be listed in the sitemap.xml. The interval of the sitemap creation can be configured in the fds properties file. <br/>

Latest revision as of 12:52, 6 February 2014