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# Unzip <code>pubman.zip</code> to the <code>/wp-content/plugins/</code> directory
# Unzip <code>pubman.zip</code> to the <code>/wp-content/plugins/</code> directory
# Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
# Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
# Place <code>[pubman-content searchstring="MySearchString" citationstyle="APA"]</code> in your posts or pages
# Place <code>[pubman-content searchstring="MySearchString" citationstyle="APA"]</code> in your posts or pages or use the site admin pages of the plugin to configure it for more advanced usage.


Revision as of 16:17, 8 April 2009

The Wordpress Plugin for fetching content from eSciDoc works via the Search&Export REST interface.
Please note that this is a temporary page which will later be moved to an appropriate place.

PubMan Content Plugin[edit]

  • Contributors: Andreas Gros
  • Link: http://pubman.mpdl.mpg.de
  • Tags: rest, publication
  • Requires at least: 2.5
  • Tested up to: 2.7.0
  • Stable tag: trunk

This Wordpress plugin enables you to fetch publication data from PubMan via the Search&Export REST interface.


This Wordpress plugin enables you to fetch publication data from PubMan via the Search&Export REST interface of eSciDoc PubMan (http://pubman.mpdl.mpg.de). The plugin depends on a web server with expat enabled for parsing XML.

You can get user-friendly access to the REST interface here: http://pubman.mpdl.mpg.de/search/SearchAndExport_rest_sample.jsp

The plugin transforms the "snippet" output of


into a publication list and returns this list back to Wordpress.


You can put the following into your page or post to fetch a list of publication items from PubMan to be displayed in a single post or page, or you can use the "user settings" described below to automatically create one blog post for each publication item fetched from PubMan according to category/subject terms:

[pubman-content searchstring="MySearchString" citationstyle="APA"]

Examples for searchstrings:

  • escidoc.metadata=sengbusch
  • escidoc.any-persons=sengbusch%20AND%20escidoc.subject=fische

For a list of possible escidoc-terms, e.g. escidoc.any-persons, etc., please visit: http://coreservice.mpdl.mpg.de:8080/srw/search/escidoc_all?operation=explain


PubMan Wordpress Plugin (beta)


  1. Unzip pubman.zip to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
  3. Place [pubman-content searchstring="MySearchString" citationstyle="APA"] in your posts or pages or use the site admin pages of the plugin to configure it for more advanced usage.


Inside Wordpress's site-admin area[edit]

Admin settings[edit]

Go to "Settings" and "PubMan Content Plugin Config" and put in the following parameters:

  1. Researcher's name, e.g. sengbusch
  2. Base-URL, e.g. http://pubman.mpdl.mpg.de
  3. Path to full item view in PubMan, e.g. /pubman/item/
  4. Path to the Search&Export interface in PubMan, e.g. /search/SearchAndExport
  5. Default text for the link to the full item view, e.g. [LINK]
  6. Default search string
  7. Default sort key, e.g. escidoc.issued,,0, which sorts by "date issued" (descending). You can find a list of possible search terms here (search for "sortKeyword").
  8. Default number of items per page
  9. Default citation style

User settings[edit]

Go to "Manage" and "PubMan Content User Options".

On this page you find all subject terms of PubMan items that are found by using the search terms specified in "Admin settings" above. Currently it uses "Researcher's name" as default search term. This will be adapted for future use cases.

The plugin checks which of the subject terms have already been put in the blog as "Categories" and shows those as "ticked" items in a list of all subject terms found.

The ticked subjects are the categories for which the plugin will fetch the PubMan items and will create a blog post each if necessary. Existing blog posts of PubMan items will be updated if necessary. You can force an update of all blog posts by ticking the check-box at "Force update" below the list of subject terms.


  1. The screenshot (scrnshot1.png) shows the output of the plugin in Wordpress.
  2. The screenshot (scrnshot2.png) shows the current admin interface of the plugin in Wordpress
  3. The screenshot (scrnshot3.png) shows the current user interface of the plugin in Wordpress

To do[edit]

A lot!