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(→‎Feedback from the scanning agency: removed outdated information)
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Check on the GDZ:
Check on the GDZ:
*provide TOC in METS, provide volume and issue and journal structural maps in METS
*provide TOC in METS, provide volume and issue and journal structural maps in METS
==Feedback from the scanning agency==
*Corpus A and C are available completely; in Corpus B 27 volumes are missing.
*Testscans of the old volumes are completed by 29th of May
*<del>Before 29th of May we will receive preliminary METS sets</del>
*Request for METS/MODS datasets for ingestion preparation was send again at 05 August 2008 -- [[User:Andi|Andreas Gros]] 07:43, 5 August 2008 (UTC)

==Related Material==
==Related Material==

Revision as of 11:17, 22 September 2011

General Description[edit]

The publisher Verlag der Zeitschrift fuer Naturforschung publishes three corpora:

  • Zeitschrift für Naturforschung A – Physical Sciences (1946 - 2001),
  • Zeitschrift für Naturforschung B – Chemical Sciences (1946 - 2001),
  • Zeitschrift für Naturforschung C – Biosciences (1973 - 2001)

In a shared project with the publisher, the backfiles from 1946 to 2001 will be digitized and published online as Open-Access publications in PubMan. The collection consists of about 180.000 pages.

Requirements to the MPDL[edit]

  • Make digitized backfiles available on the web as a browsing structure.
    For this we follow the approach of the publisher http://www.znaturforsch.com/aa/v57a/c57a.htm .
  • The browsing structure is as follows:
    Corpus (Journal) > Volume (Year) > Issue > Article

Requirements to the scanning agency[edit]

Digitize back files and provide descriptive and structural metadata:

Metadata for an article[edit]

Term Description
journaltitle Title of Journal
publishingInfo Publisher
isPartOf ISSN
volume Volume Number
issue Issue Number
issued Date of publication
abstract Abstract
subject Keywords
conferencetitle Title of conference
place Place of conference
start-date Start date of conference
end-date End date of conference
title Title of the article
alternative Alternative Title of Article (e.g. translation of article's title)
creator Creator(s)
extent Number of pages
start-page Start page
end-page End page
language Language of the article (EN, DE)
type Category (Original Communication, Erratum, Note, Report, Dedication)

Metadata for a journal/volume[edit]

Term Description
journaltitle Title of Journal
publishingInfo Publisher
identifier ISSN
volume Volume Number
issued Year
tableOfContents TOC
contributor Author-Index

Mapping of requirements to the scanning agency to the application profile Publication[edit]


  • Journal -> pub. item of type "journal"
    • Title of Journal -> title
    • publisher -> PublishingInfo
    • ISSN -> IdType ISSN and ID (number)
  • Volume -> object in the system without MDs attached
    • Table of Contents -> list of issues that are associated to that volume
    • number -> attribute of the object
    • year -> attribute of the object
  • Issues -> pub. item of type "issue"
    • number -> issue
    • year -> date
    • title -> title
    • table of contents -> list of articles, that are associated to that issue
    • conference -> title of event
  • Article(s) -> pub. item of type "article"
    • title -> title
    • creators -> creator
    • Source (Issue etc.)
      • SourceType = Issue
      • Title of Issue -> Title of Source
      • number of issue -> issue
      • Sequence number or Start page and end page
    • Source of Source (Volume etc.)
      • Volume number -> Volume
    • Categories/Keywords -> subject
      • Original Communication -> Article
      • Erratum -> other
      • Notes -> other
      • Report -> Report
      • Review -> Article
      • Dedication -> other
      • Summary -> other

Check on the GDZ:

  • provide TOC in METS, provide volume and issue and journal structural maps in METS

Related Material[edit]