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  • The properties for imeji are stored into imeji.properties.
  • This file is created during the compilation of imeji see [imeji_install]
  • imeji.properties is stored under jboss_home/conf/
property name description example
escidoc.imeji.instance.url URL of this Imeji instance http://localhost/imeji/
escidoc.framework_access.framework.url URL of the eSciDoc framework instance http://your-coreservice.com:8080
escidoc.imeji.content-model.id Identifier of the eSciDoc content-model used by Imeji escidoc:1234
escidoc.imeji.context.id Identifier of the eSciDoc context used by Imeji escidoc:4321
imeji.image.list.size Default value for number of displayed Images on the browse page 18
imeji.image.list.size.options User options for the displayed number of images 6,12,18,24,60,90,240
imeji.container.list.size Default value of the number of container in the container lists (collections and albums page) 10
imeji.container.list.size.options User options for the displayed number of container (collection and album) 5,10,15,20,50
imeji.i18n.languages Supported languages (use ISO639-1 codes). Languages are defined in the bundles (labels_xx.properties and messages_xx.properties). Needs at least one value. en,de,ja
escidoc.cone.isos639_1.all Link to vocabulary of all languages iso639-1 http://pubman.mpdl.mpg.de.gggg/cone/iso639-1/all
escidoc.imeji.help.url Link to the imeji help page (html page) https://subversion.mpdl.mpg.de/repos/faces/trunk/faces/faces_static/faces_help_en_GUI_V2.html
xsd.metadata.content-category.thumbnail Content-type scheme (can not be changed) http://purl.org/escidoc/metadata/ves/content-categories/thumbnail
xsd.metadata.content-category.web-resolution Content-type scheme (can not be changed) http://purl.org/escidoc/metadata/ves/content-categories/web-resolution
xsd.metadata.content-category.original-resolution Content-type scheme (can not be changed) http://purl.org/escidoc/metadata/ves/content-categories/original-resolution
xsd.resolution.thumbnail Width of a thumbnail 103 (recommanded value)
xsd.resolution.web Width of the web resolution 357 (recommanded value)
imeji.tdb.path Path to Jena TDB database C://imeji//tdb
imeji.email.server.smtp the smtp server mail.mydomain.com
imeji.email.user the username for the smtp server account (not always needed) username
imeji.email.password The password for the smtp server (not always needed) password
imeji.email.auth Define if authorization into smtp server is needed. If true, enter user and password true or false
imeji.email.sender Email adress used to send email admin@imeji.org
imeji.pagination.ajaxmodus Enable ajax navigation (for image and container browsing) true or false
imeji.counter.first.value First value of imeji ids. Change with caution!!! 0
framework.admin.username Username for the escidoc administrator yourAdminName
framework.admin.password Password for the escidoc administrator youradminpassword
imeji.escidoc.user The imeji user in eSciDoc yourusername
imeji.escidoc.password The password of the imeji user youruserpassword