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This page will show you how to customize certain aspects of a Linux system,
This page will shows which minor administrative modifications
be it a desktop or a server.
certain MPDL machines have been undergone.

In most cases it is sufficient to apply minor changes to a standard system
== Table of MPDL Machines ==
to make it work as intended.

Also, please, keep in mind to apply changes with minimum side effects,
{| class="wikitable sortable"
for example by making them optable.
! Hostname !! Alias !! Hosted by || Profiles !! Sudoers !! Root Mail !! Comment
| vm43
== Thunderbird ==
| devtools
| VMware/GWDG
| disabled
=== 24 Hour Time Format for Lightning ===
| bk,rs
| rs
A default lightning installation usually comes with US type date/time
| -
To make lightning have it's default date time representation some 
environmental variables have to be set accordingly.
One way to accomplish this by keeping the goals described above results
in a minor modification to the thunderbird executable main script
(e.g. <tt>/usr/lib64/thunderbird/thunderbird.sh</tt>).
Adding the following lines near the top of the file:
# read customized system environment
[ -f "$sys_config" ] && . $sys_config
[ -f "$usr_config" ] && . $usr_config
by adding this patch:
*** /usr/lib64/thunderbird/thunderbird.sh.orig  Wed Jun 26 16:02:55 2013
--- /usr/lib64/thunderbird/thunderbird.sh      Mon Jul 22 12:37:35 2013
*** 59,64 ****
--- 59,70 ----
+ # read customized system environment
+ sys_config="/etc/sysconfig/$MOZ_APPNAME"
+ [ -f "$sys_config" ] && . $sys_config
+ usr_config="$HOME/.$MOZ_APPNAME/.sysconfig"
+ [ -f "$usr_config" ] && . $usr_config
  if [ "$0" = "$MOZ_APP_LAUNCHER" ]; then
    [ -h "/usr/bin/$MOZ_APPNAME" ] && \
will allow to read in no, user specific or system wide thunderbird related
environmental settings, depending on the existence and content of the files
referred to.
Thus a user willing to change her thunderbird's and thus her lightning's
date/time representation to a 24 hour scheme then would just have to place
the  following lines in a file named <tt>.thunderbird/.sysconfig</tt> in her
home directory:
export LC_TIME
The same content in <tt>/etc/sysconfg/thunderbird</tt> would apply this
date/time setting to the whole system resp. all thunderbird users.

[[Category:System Administration]]
[[Category:System Administration]]

Revision as of 11:18, 23 July 2013

This page will shows which minor administrative modifications certain MPDL machines have been undergone.

Table of MPDL Machines[edit]

Hostname Alias Hosted by Profiles Sudoers Root Mail Comment
vm43 devtools VMware/GWDG disabled bk,rs rs -