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== Coreservice JBoss ==
== Coreservice JBoss ==
modify to https in escidoc-core.properties und escidoc-core.custom.properties
* modify to https in escidoc-core.properties und escidoc-core.custom.properties

  # Base URL of the eSciDoc Infrastructure, typically
  # Base URL of the eSciDoc Infrastructure, typically
Line 19: Line 19:
  escidoc-core.baseurl = https://coreservice.mpdl.mpg.de
  escidoc-core.baseurl = https://coreservice.mpdl.mpg.de

modify to https in escidoc-core.properties
* modify to https in escidoc-core.properties

  # URL that points to the Admin Tool (used in welcome page)
  # URL that points to the Admin Tool (used in welcome page)
Line 25: Line 25:
  admin-tool.url = /AdminTool?escidocurl=https://coreservice.mpdl.mpg.de
  admin-tool.url = /AdminTool?escidocurl=https://coreservice.mpdl.mpg.de

add new category to jboss-log4j.xml
* add new category to jboss-log4j.xml

  <category name="de.escidoc.core.adm.business.admin">
  <category name="de.escidoc.core.adm.business.admin">
Line 31: Line 31:
  <appender-ref ref="FILE"/>
  <appender-ref ref="FILE"/>
* replace escidoc-core.ear and fedoragsearch.war in WILDFLY_HOME/../deploy from /home/siedersleben/pubman-7.7.4-bugfix

== Core Infrastructure ==
== Core Infrastructure ==

Revision as of 06:32, 2 October 2014

PubMan 7.7 Bugfix Release[edit]

Affected Servers[edit]

Prepare read only system[edit]


Coreservice Apache[edit]

  • adapt coreservice to https protocol

Coreservice JBoss[edit]

  • modify to https in escidoc-core.properties und escidoc-core.custom.properties
# Base URL of the eSciDoc Infrastructure, typically
# the host name of the machine the servlet container
# is running, and the port on which the servlet
# container listens for incoming HTTP requests
escidoc-core.baseurl = https://coreservice.mpdl.mpg.de
  • modify to https in escidoc-core.properties
# URL that points to the Admin Tool (used in welcome page)
admin-tool.url = /AdminTool?escidocurl=https://coreservice.mpdl.mpg.de
  • add new category to jboss-log4j.xml
<category name="de.escidoc.core.adm.business.admin">
<priority value="INFO" />
<appender-ref ref="FILE"/>
  • replace escidoc-core.ear and fedoragsearch.war in WILDFLY_HOME/../deploy from /home/siedersleben/pubman-7.7.4-bugfix

Core Infrastructure[edit]

Core Properties[edit]

Core Index Properties[edit]

PubMan EAR[edit]

PubMan Properties[edit]

add property (file footer.txt already extsts in ../main

#file name of html snippet which should be included in footer of every PubMan page, e.g. for Piwik

adapt to https:

# URL of the escidoc-core instance you like to logon to

PubMan Apache[edit]

PubMan Wildfly[edit]

PubMan PidCache[edit]

correct missing component pids



siehe CoNE

Validation Database[edit]

Migration database[edit]


new property in cone.properties und auth.properties (already prepared)


adapt to https in cone.properties und auth.properties

# URL of the eSciDoc infrastructure instance (only for eSciDoc authentication)
# URL of the escidoc-core instance you like to logon to (only for eSciDoc authentication)

Results-Table needs to be recreated

eSciDoc Admin[edit]

  • adapt to https protocol

in .../prod.cfg new property framework.host_scheme, remove port from framework.host

# this is the Hostname:Port of the framework to be administered

in .../lib/util.py

def get_login_url(target=None):
   login_url = "https://%s%s" % (config.get('framework.host'), client.LOGIN_PATH)
   if target:
       login_url = "%s?%s" % (login_url, urllib.urlencode(dict(target=target)))
   return login_url
  • Sichern wir das irgendwo ? (es gibt nur ein einziges Subversion für escidocadmin)

Data Migration[edit]

PubMan Software Homepage[edit]
