Difference between revisions of "Talk:PubMan-Entwicklung: Funktionalitäten und Priorisierung"

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Latest revision as of 06:53, 9 August 2016

Implemented Features[edit]

Category Required Feature Informationen (Deutsch) Information (English) Status Effort
Technical Optimized OAI-PMH Optimierung der OAI-PMH-Schnittstelle optimization of OAI-PMH interface implemented with Release 7.1 (August 2012) Effort logo.png
Technical eSciDoc Framework Upgrades eSciDoc Framework Upgrades: Update von eSciDoc 1.2 auf eSciDoc 1.3 eSciDoc framework upgrade from eSciDoc 1.2 to eSciDoc 1.3 implemented with Release 7.0 (August 2012) Effort logo.pngEffort logo.png
Mixed PubMan Release "Kleine Bugs" Umsetzung der Anforderungen aus der der AG "Kleine Bugs" collection of smaller PubMan bugs and improvements which were identified, discussed and described within a special community working group called "Kleine Bugs"

(a list of all issues can be found here)

implemented with Release 7.1 (August 2012) Effort logo.pngEffort logo.pngEffort logo.png
Yearbook Revision of Yearbook Process on PubMan Optimierung des Jahrbuch-Workflows in PubMan optimization of current yearbook workflow on PubMan implemented with Release 7.2 (Januar 2013) Effort logo.png
Search Complete Revision of Search Vollständige Überarbeitung/Erneuerung der Suche complete rework of PubMan search implemented with Release 7.3 (Mai 2013) Effort logo.pngEffort logo.pngEffort logo.png
Technical Persistant Identification Möglichkeit zur Vergabe von persistenten Identifikatoren (PIDs) für PubMan-Datensätze und Volltexte possibility for the assignment of persistent identifiers (PIDs) for PubMan items and fulltext implemented with Release 7.3 (Mai 2013) Effort logo.png