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===Prepare the release===
===Prepare the release===
*Download maven.
*Download maven.
Enable profiles:
Enable profiles: (z.B. in C:\Users\przibyll\.m2\settings-inge.xml)

Revision as of 07:52, 6 February 2019

This page describes how to release PubMan/INGe.

Before the release[edit]

  • Download Git.
  • Work with GitBash (then you are already loggedin)
cd c:\temp
git clone <INGE repository>      (z.B. git clone https://github.com/MPDL/INGe.git)
cd c:\temp\INGe
git checkout <aktueller_branch>  (z.B. git checkout master)
git pull
  • Check that release branch is not in possible conflict state with the master branch. It might happen if somebody has made a commit in master (although that shouldn't happen)

Release PubMan / INGe[edit]

Prepare the release[edit]

  • Download maven.

Enable profiles: (z.B. in C:\Users\przibyll\.m2\settings-inge.xml)

  • env-pure
  • env-release-build


mvn release:prepare -s [absolutepath/to/settings-inge.xml] -P env-release-build -DignoreSnaphots=true
-DupdateReleaseInfos=true -DpreparationGoals="clean install`

OR (depends on the System)

mvn release:prepare -s [absolutepath/to/settings-inge.xml] -P env-release-build -DignoreSnaphots=true
-DupdateReleaseInfos=true -DpreparationGoals="clean install"


mvn release:prepare -s [absolutepath/to/settings-inge.xml] -P env-release-build -DignoreSnaphots=true
-DupdateReleaseInfos=true -DpreparationGoals="clean install"
  • For the snapshot dependencies (citation languages 1.0.1-SNAPSHOT) do following steps
    • Resolve Snapshot dependencies: yes
    • 0 - All
    • 1.0.1-SNAPSHOT

If a problem happened, do a rollback[edit]

mvn release:rollback
git tag -d tag-name //comment: rollback doesn't remove the tag, that must be removed before doing a new release:prepare
git push origin :tag-name// comment: remove the tag in remote

Perform the release[edit]

(the site deployment is not supported so far. Therefore we skip it here)
make sure your settings has server entries (including credentials) for nexus, snapshots and releases

mvn release:perform -Dgoals=deploy -s [absolutepath/to/settings-inge.xml] -P env-release-build