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| eprint || ? || some sort of identifier; needs closer look
| eprint || ? || some sort of identifier; needs closer look -- to be removed (Nicole & Andi)
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=Links, further reading=
=Links, further reading=

Revision as of 13:47, 9 April 2008


Standard entry types[edit]

An article from a journal or magazine.
Required fields: author, title, journal, year
Optional fields: volume, number, pages, month, note, key
A book with an explicit publisher.
Required fields: author/editor, title, publisher, year
Optional fields: volume, series, address, edition, month, note, key, pages
A work that is printed and bound, but without a named publisher or sponsoring institution.
Required fields: title
Optional fields: author, howpublished, address, month, year, note, key
The same as inproceedings, included for Scribe (markup language) compatibility.
Required fields: author, title, booktitle, year
Optional fields: editor, pages, organization, publisher, address, month, note, key
A part of a book, usually untitled. May be a chapter (or section or whatever) and/or a range of pages.
Required fields: author/editor, title, chapter/pages, publisher, year
Optional fields: volume, series, address, edition, month, note, key
A part of a book having its own title.
Required fields: author, title, booktitle, year
Optional fields: editor, pages, organization, publisher, address, month, note, key
An article in a conference proceedings.
Required fields: author, title, booktitle, year
Optional fields: editor, pages, organization, publisher, address, month, note, key
Technical documentation.
Required fields: title
Optional fields: author, organization, address, edition, month, year, note, key
A Master's thesis.
Required fields: author, title, school, year
Optional fields: address, month, note, key
For use when nothing else fits.
Required fields: none
Optional fields: author, title, howpublished, month, year, note, key
A Ph.D. thesis.
Required fields: author, title, school, year
Optional fields: address, month, note, key
The proceedings of a conference.
Required fields: title, year
Optional fields: editor, publisher, organization, address, month, note, key
A report published by a school or other institution, usually numbered within a series.
Required fields: author, title, institution, year
Optional fields: type, number, address, month, note, key
A document having an author and title, but not formally published.
Required fields: author, title, note
Optional fields: month, year, key

Other entry types[edit]

Using these entry types is not recommended, but they might occur in some bibliographies.

A collection of works. The same as proceedings
A patent.

BibTeX standard data entries[edit]

  • address: Usually the address of the publisher or other type of institution. For major publishing houses, van Leunen recommends omitting the information entirely. For small publishers, on the other hand, you can help the reader by giving the complete address.
  • annote: An annotation. It is not used by the standard bibliography styles, but may be used by others that produce an annotated bibliography.
  • author: The name(s) of the author(s) (in the case of more than one author, separated by and)
  • booktitle: Title of a book, part of which is being cited.
  • chapter: A chapter (or section or whatever) number.
  • crossref: The database key of the entry being cross referenced. Any fields that are missing from the current record are inherited from the field being cross referenced.
  • edition: The edition of a book---for example, "Second". This should be an ordinal, and should have the first letter capitalized, as shown here; the standard styles convert to lower case when necessary.
  • editor: The name(s) of the editor(s). If there is also an author field, then the editor field gives the editor of the book or collection in which the reference appears.
  • howpublished: How it was published, if the publishing method is nonstandard
  • institution: The institution that was involved in the publishing, but not necessarily the publisher. (The sponsoring institution of a technical report).
  • journal: The journal or magazine the work was published in
  • key: A hidden field used for specifying or overriding the alphabetical order of entries (when the "author" and "editor" fields are missing). Note that this is very different from the key (mentioned just after this list) that is used to cite or cross-reference the entry.
  • month: The month of publication (or, if unpublished, the month of creation)
  • note: Miscellaneous extra information
  • number: The "number" of a journal, magazine, or tech-report, if applicable. (Most publications have a "volume", but no "number" field.)
  • organization: The conference sponsor
  • pages: Page numbers, separated either by commas or double-hyphens. For books, the total number of pages.
  • publisher: The publisher's name
  • school: The school where the thesis was written
  • series: The series of books the book was published in "Lecture Notes in Physics".When citing an entire book, the title field gives its title and an optional series field gives the name of a series or multi-volume set in which the book is published.
  • title: The title of the work
  • type: The type of tech-report, for example, "Research Note"
  • volume: The volume of a journal or multi-volume book
  • year: The year of publication (or, if unpublished, the year of creation)

In addition, each entry contains a key that is used to cite or cross-reference the entry. This key is the first item in a BibTeX entry, and is not part of any field.

Other (non standard) fields [1] [2][edit]

  • affiliation: The authors affiliation.
  • abstract: An abstract of the work.
  • contents: A Table of Contents
  • copyright: Copyright information.
  • date: Usually the date of publication. This replaces BibTEX's year and month fields. Its value should be written in ISO 8601 format, e.g., 1967-02-24.
  • eprint: A specification of an electronic publication, often a preprint or a technical report.
  • ISBN: The International Standard Book Number.
  • ISSN: The International Standard Serial Number. Used to identify a journal.
  • keywords: Key words used for searching or possibly for annotation.
  • language: The language the document is in.
  • location: A location associated with the entry, such as the city in which a conference took place.
  • LCCN: The Library of Congress Call Number.
  • mrnumber: The Mathematical Reviews number.
  • price: The price of the document.
  • size: The physical dimensions of a work.
  • URL: The WWW Universal Resource Locator that points to the item being referenced. This often is used for technical reports to point to the ftp site where the postscript source of the report is located.

eSciDoc Metadata Set for Publication[edit]

see: CoLab page on PubMan Metadata Sets

Mapping BibTeX to eSciDoc Metadata Set for Publications[edit]

Mapping of Genres[edit]

BibTeX eSciDoc Comment/Condition(s)
article Article -
book book -
booklet Other -
conference Conference Paper the same as inproceedings
inbook Book Item -
incollection Book Item -
inproceedings Conference Paper -
manual Other -
mastersthesis Thesis with degree type "master" -
misc Other -
phdthesis Thesis with degree type "phd" -
proceedings Proceedings -
techreport Report -
unpublished Other -

Mapping of BibTeX Standard Entries[edit]

BibTeX eSciDoc Comment/Condition(s)
address PublishingInfo.Place -
annote - not mapped; will be removed (?)
author Creator.CreatorType=Author.Person.FamilyName.GivenName it also might be, that it is in the order GivenName.FamilyName
booktitle title if genre is @book
booktitle source.title if genre is @conference, @inbook, @incollection, @inproceedings
chapter - not mapped; will be removed (?) What about source.sequence-number?--Natasa 13:00, 9 April 2008 (CEST) -- to be removed (Nicole & Andi)
crossref ? needs sepecial specification According its definition probably we should not map it at all--Natasa 13:31, 9 April 2008 (CEST) -- to be removed (Nicole & Andi)
edition PublishingInfo.Edition -
editor Creator.CreatorType=Editor.Person.FamilyName.GivenName it also might be, that it is in the order GivenName.FamilyName
howpublished ? needs further checking Probably we should not map it at all as we have no similar semantic for PubItem--Natasa 13:39, 9 April 2008 (CEST) -- to be removed (Nicole & Andi)
institution Organization.Name ? Not sure. Might also be PublishingInfo.Publisher or something else. Needs further checking. (It says: the sponsoring institution of Technical report - i.e. is it probably valid only for TechReps?--Natasa 13:39, 9 April 2008 (CEST) -- to be removed (Nicole & Andi)
journal Source.Title for @article, @misc or @unpublished
key - not mapped; will be removed (?) Yes, please--Natasa 13:39, 9 April 2008 (CEST) -- to be removed (Nicole & Andi)
month date.type = published in print, date.date goes after the year with a "-" e.g. 2007-month; before that the month has to be transfered into numbers, e.g. jan to 01, feb to 02; not sure if that is sufficient or if the month field should rather not be mapped
month date.type = created, date.date for @unpublished; goes after the year with a "-" e.g. 2007-month
note - not mapped; will be removed (?) Yes, please--Natasa 13:39, 9 April 2008 (CEST) -- to be removed (Nicole & Andi)
number Source.Issue
organization Organization.Name (?) not sure , Same meaning as Institution perhaps, it only refers to "manuals" according the description. Is it appearing also in other genres?--Natasa 13:39, 9 April 2008 (CEST) -- to be removed (Nicole & Andi)
pages Source.Startpage and Source.Endpage For all genres other than @book
pages TotalNumberOfPages if genre is @book or @proceedings
publisher PublishingInfo.Publisher
school PublishingInfo.Publisher (?) not sure on that one name of school where thesis was written, is not this affiliation for the creator?--Natasa 13:39, 9 April 2008 (CEST) -- to be removed (Nicole & Andi)
series Source.Title for @book, @misc and @techreport
series Source.Source.Title for @inbook and @incollection
title Title
type - won't be mapped, will be removed
volume Source.Volume for @article and @book
volume Source.Source.Volume for @inbook
year date.type = published in print, date.date goes before the month if given
year date.type = created, date.date for @unpublished; goes before the month if given

Mapping of "common" (maybe relevant), non standard BibTeX Entries[edit]

BibTeX eSciDoc Comment/Condition(s)
affiliation Creator.Organization -
abstract Abstract -
contents TableOfContents -
date Date.Date date.type = published in print
eprint ? some sort of identifier; needs closer look -- to be removed (Nicole & Andi)
ISBN Identifier.ID and set Identifier.IdType to "ISBN"
ISSN Identifier.ID and set Identifier.IdType to "ISSN"
keywords Subject
language Language language of publication is meant
location Event.Place maybe not a good idea, because I think if Event.Place is filled name of Event also needs to be filled and there is no such field in BibTeX provided...
subtitle AlternativeTitle -
URL Identifier.ID and set Identifier.IdType to "URI"

Links, further reading[edit]


  1. http://www.fb10.uni-bremen.de/anglistik/langpro/bibliographies/jacobsen-bibtex.html - page on BibTeX
  2. http://www.ams.org/tex/amsrefs.html - extension package for LaTeX/BibTeX by the American Mathematical Society