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[[Category:Virtueller Raum Reichsrecht|Ingestion]]
[[Category:Virtueller Raum Reichsrecht|Ingestion]]

Revision as of 11:10, 24 April 2008

Template:ViRR Funtional Specification

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Restricted Access

in progress

  • Ingestion / Upload of MAB files
  • To every MAB file belongs several images

  • Technical (without an user interface) ingestion of the scans
  • Automatic derivation of a first skeleton of the ToC (based on the signature of the book and the page numbers)
  • Ingestion or manually submission of the bibliographic metadata (available in MAB)
  • Automatic derivation of the basic keywords from the book titles as basis for an index list
  • Uploading of further books via a batch method (together with bibliographic metadata, evtl. also with transcriptions)


Scenario 1

  1. The user want to upload one book.
  2. The book consists of several images (available as tiffs) which first have to be convert into jpgs for the web presentation.
  3. The newly created jpgs have to be uploaded in a batch method to the system. The correct order of the images (based on the name of the files) has to be kept and saved.
  4. A MAB file with the bibliographic metadata of the book has to be uploaded to the system.
  5. The system derives a first skeleton of the ToC of the book from the uploaded data (title, number of pages)