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Feedback from Meeting: 25.04.2008
=== Feedback from internal Meeting: 25.04.2008 ===

* Distinguish Metadata view for Multivolume and Volume
* Consider two different views of metadata, one for the metadata of a multivolume and one for a volume
* Consider two different Views of Metadata (Multivolume + Volume)
* Page Elements<br/>
* Page Elements
:1. Multivolume Information (bibliographic metadata)<br/>
1. Multivolume Information
:2. List of Volumes<br/>
2. List of Volumes
:3. Volume Information (bibliographic metadata)<br/>
3. Volume Information
:4. Chapter List (structural metadata)<br/>
4. Chapter List (structural information)
:5. Thumbnail (d001)<br/>
5. Small Picture (d001)
:6. Picture<br/>
6. Picture
:7. Detailed Title<br/>
7. Detail Title

Page1: Overview Multivolumes (1+2)
:Page1: Browsing Tree<br/>
Page2: Overview Volume (1+3+4+5)
:Page2: Overview Multivolume (with page elements 1+2)<br/>
Page3: Detail View (6+7)
:Page3: Overview Volume (with page elements 1+3+4+5)<br/>
:Page4: Detailed View (with page elements 6+7)<br/>

* Click on extra link (Detail view) should open the biggest jpg itself in a new browser window.
* Click on extra link in the detailed view should open the biggest jpg itself in a new browser window
* Icon for H1 illustration only
* New icon for the Detailed View is needed (instead of the thumbnail)
* Header area should be more condensed for detail view
* Header area should be more condensed for detail view to display more of the picture on the screen
* Favourite kind of alternative metadata view is moving layer
* Our proposal for the alternative display of metadata on the detailed view is the moving layer on the left side (the other proposals will be deleted from the prototype)

Revision as of 11:29, 25 April 2008

Feedback from internal Meeting: 25.04.2008

  • Consider two different views of metadata, one for the metadata of a multivolume and one for a volume
  • Page Elements
1. Multivolume Information (bibliographic metadata)
2. List of Volumes
3. Volume Information (bibliographic metadata)
4. Chapter List (structural metadata)
5. Thumbnail (d001)
6. Picture
7. Detailed Title
Page1: Browsing Tree
Page2: Overview Multivolume (with page elements 1+2)
Page3: Overview Volume (with page elements 1+3+4+5)
Page4: Detailed View (with page elements 6+7)
  • Click on extra link in the detailed view should open the biggest jpg itself in a new browser window
  • New icon for the Detailed View is needed (instead of the thumbnail)
  • Header area should be more condensed for detail view to display more of the picture on the screen
  • Our proposal for the alternative display of metadata on the detailed view is the moving layer on the left side (the other proposals will be deleted from the prototype)