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*Specify linking between IR items and authority records via ID.
*Specify linking between IR items and authority records via ID.
*Specify linking of different authority files/databases (e.g. user database - personal name authority file - affiliation authority file).
*Specify linking of different authority files/databases (e.g. user database - personal name authority file - affiliation authority file).
'''Handling of authority files'''
*Describe selection of authority record (Depositor during submission? Free-text field? System suggests authority record while Depositor fills in information? Depositor may search within authority file database and selects an record?).
*Specify assignment of items to an authority record and when it will take place (while submission by selecting an authority record from the selection list? While submission by accepting an authority record selected by the system? While FQA?).
*Describe administration and control of authority files (who is allowed to create, edit, delete, redirect, and authorize authority records? (see proposal of new role AF-Editor).
*Define what will happen in case no appropriate authority record is available.
*Specify if different kinds of authority files require different handling.
*Clarify dilemma between authority files and Autopsie-Prinzip (scenario: user selects an authority record. System fills in certain fields automatically. User edits one or more of the automatically selected fields afterwards) (proposal made by Inga: entry in IR item follows Autopsie-Prinzip but browse tree will be generated from authority record and standardized data. Notation of original (Vorlage) should be integrated in authority record as an alternative (e.g. alternative name).
*Specify duplicate checking for authority records. Duplicate checking should also compare e.g. name and alternative name.
*Specify users and their rights and privileges concerning authority files (see proposal of new role AF-Editor).
*Specify if a separate authority file workflow is required.
*Describe entry of multiple authors (via copy and paste).
'''Handling of new authority records'''
*Describe creation of new authority records (e.g. when does user create a new record? (Depositor during submission? Moderator during FQA? AF-Editor in a separate workflow? Is it possible to use an existing entry as template? Should the system generate a message to AF-Editor in case a new authority record has been created?).
*Specify a “Regelwerk” for the creation of new authority records.
*Specify if an authority record has obligatory elements.
'''Import of external authority files'''
*Specify how external authority files can be provided (licensed by MPS? Online available? CD-ROM?) and which procedures are required (includes: harvesting, data conversion (format and character set), linking to IR items, update mechanism, maintenance).
*Describe import of external authority files or subset of it.
*Where will be imports of data sets like: name authority files (e.g. PND), user/person related information; imports from MPG-IP-database hosted at GWDG, other authority files (e.g. Zeitschriftendatenbank) described and handled? – They are not described in USC_ingestion.

Revision as of 08:39, 30 July 2007

This is a protected page.

Open Issues[edit]


  • Agree on a list of potential candidates for authority files.
  • Define what kind of descriptive elements an authority record should contain. Descriptive elements may differ from authority file to authority file and should therefore be defined individually.
  • Decide whether an IR-item should be self-contained or not.
  • Define how to map authority files to a MD element in a specific MDS. Note: for every MD element the system supports authority files for, we probably need to specify a list of descriptive information available for the authority file (e.g. journal names: title, translation of title, title abbreviations, ISSN, eISSN, etc. persons: last name, first name, etc.)
  • Specify linking between IR items and authority records via ID.
  • Specify linking of different authority files/databases (e.g. user database - personal name authority file - affiliation authority file).

Handling of authority files

  • Describe selection of authority record (Depositor during submission? Free-text field? System suggests authority record while Depositor fills in information? Depositor may search within authority file database and selects an record?).
  • Specify assignment of items to an authority record and when it will take place (while submission by selecting an authority record from the selection list? While submission by accepting an authority record selected by the system? While FQA?).
  • Describe administration and control of authority files (who is allowed to create, edit, delete, redirect, and authorize authority records? (see proposal of new role AF-Editor).
  • Define what will happen in case no appropriate authority record is available.
  • Specify if different kinds of authority files require different handling.
  • Clarify dilemma between authority files and Autopsie-Prinzip (scenario: user selects an authority record. System fills in certain fields automatically. User edits one or more of the automatically selected fields afterwards) (proposal made by Inga: entry in IR item follows Autopsie-Prinzip but browse tree will be generated from authority record and standardized data. Notation of original (Vorlage) should be integrated in authority record as an alternative (e.g. alternative name).
  • Specify duplicate checking for authority records. Duplicate checking should also compare e.g. name and alternative name.
  • Specify users and their rights and privileges concerning authority files (see proposal of new role AF-Editor).
  • Specify if a separate authority file workflow is required.
  • Describe entry of multiple authors (via copy and paste).

Handling of new authority records

  • Describe creation of new authority records (e.g. when does user create a new record? (Depositor during submission? Moderator during FQA? AF-Editor in a separate workflow? Is it possible to use an existing entry as template? Should the system generate a message to AF-Editor in case a new authority record has been created?).
  • Specify a “Regelwerk” for the creation of new authority records.
  • Specify if an authority record has obligatory elements.

Import of external authority files

  • Specify how external authority files can be provided (licensed by MPS? Online available? CD-ROM?) and which procedures are required (includes: harvesting, data conversion (format and character set), linking to IR items, update mechanism, maintenance).
  • Describe import of external authority files or subset of it.
  • Where will be imports of data sets like: name authority files (e.g. PND), user/person related information; imports from MPG-IP-database hosted at GWDG, other authority files (e.g. Zeitschriftendatenbank) described and handled? – They are not described in USC_ingestion.