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(New page: == Best practice tipps for JSF and related components== *JSF general *HTML behavior *Trinidad components **Trinidad iterator <tr:iterator> *** you can use html components for output i.e...)
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== Best practice tipps for JSF and related components==
== Best practice tipps for JSF and related components ==

*JSF general

*HTML behavior
==JSF general==

*Trinidad components
==HTML behavior==
==Trinidad components==
**Trinidad iterator <tr:iterator>
**Trinidad iterator <tr:iterator>
*** you can use html components for output i.e. <h:outputText>
*** you can use html components for output i.e. <h:outputText>

Revision as of 14:13, 10 November 2008

Best practice tipps for JSF and related components[edit]

JSF general[edit]

HTML behavior[edit]

Trinidad components[edit]

    • Trinidad iterator <tr:iterator>
      • you can use html components for output i.e. <h:outputText>
      • you can use html components for text input i.e. <h:inputText>
      • you should avoid html components for triggering actions in the iterator like add / remove elements. If you notice strange behaviour when performing actions (i.e. ArrayOutOfBoundsExceptions) look for non-Trinidad components in the iterator first
      • The first element in a trinidad iterator may not be a simple html element like
        . You will have to use "active" components instead like <h:panelgroup layout="block">. This will generate a
      • if you need the index of the current iterator row you can add the tag "varstatus". Example: <tr:iterator var="component" id="fileUploads" value="#{EasySubmission.files}" binding="#{EasySubmission.fileIterator}" varStatus="index">. Then you can get the current row index by querying like this: <h:outputText value="#{EasySubmission.fileIterator.rowIndex}" />. NOTE: you will have to create a binding with the related baccking bean in the iterator (binding="#{EasySubmission.fileIterator}"). For this you have to add the following to the backing bean: private UIXIterator fileIterator = new UIXIterator(); Don't forget to gererate getters and setters!!! This binding is necessary for the component in the jsp page to get a row index.