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'''Contact:''' Ana Makario
'''Contact:''' Ana Makario
'''Institution:''' Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research (AWI)
*'''Port customization in the install scripts''' for both PubMan and eSciDoc.
**Motivation:  we would like to have the possibility of running multiple PubMan instances with one single eSciDoc/Fedora;  this is relevant for the cases in which setting different "contexts"  is not enough (e.g, different cooporate identities).  A single JBOSS installation for all  is, of course, highly desirable.
*'''Flexible AuthN & AuthZ''' including support to LDAP and Shibolleth.  Single sign-on is also desirable.
**Motivation: we will explicetely need to enforce policies at the collection, object and individual datastream levels .  An evaluation as to whether the promising  "Fedora Enhanced Security Layer" (see FESL <http://www.fedora-commons.org/confluence/display/DEV/Fedora_Enhanced_Security_Layer_FESL_Requirements>) could replace/be integrated with eSciDoc would be sensible.  In adidtion, single sign-on is very relevant for us due to the multiple PubMan instances.
*'''Flexible schema/"profile"'''
**Motivation:  the simple addition of a new type of suplementary material as externally referenced datastream (e.g. for the sake of inserting a locator for a dataset associated with a given publication) is not enough for us.  We need to be able to specifiy the "genre" of the suplementary material  (another publication object like a "parent" publication,  a  primary dataset, an event/campaign/expedition, etc) and its relationship (ontology) with the publication object.  In additonal, we would also like to treat publications as geo-referenced objects and thus need a customized schema for the purpose of entering boundaring boxes, geographic region, etc.  Considerations like generic schema validation during ingestion (including checks on mandatory fields) are also relevant for us.
*'''User-friendly ingestion and searching'''
**Motivation: we find it would be helpful to use the lucene indeces for autocompletion in the ingestion forms(specially with identifiers and title fields so as to avoid the insertion of duplicates, as example) and naturally helpful in the searching purposes.  It is not clear to me whether this (together with other goodies like solr support to facet search) could be built as a general functionality within PubMan or to be seen as a do-it-yourself with your preferred ajax framework

Revision as of 10:01, 24 September 2009

Please provide short information on your institution and list your requirements/questions regarding further PubMan development.


Contact: Ana Makario

Institution: Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research (AWI)


  • Port customization in the install scripts for both PubMan and eSciDoc.
    • Motivation: we would like to have the possibility of running multiple PubMan instances with one single eSciDoc/Fedora; this is relevant for the cases in which setting different "contexts" is not enough (e.g, different cooporate identities). A single JBOSS installation for all is, of course, highly desirable.
  • Flexible AuthN & AuthZ including support to LDAP and Shibolleth. Single sign-on is also desirable.
  • Flexible schema/"profile"
    • Motivation: the simple addition of a new type of suplementary material as externally referenced datastream (e.g. for the sake of inserting a locator for a dataset associated with a given publication) is not enough for us. We need to be able to specifiy the "genre" of the suplementary material (another publication object like a "parent" publication, a primary dataset, an event/campaign/expedition, etc) and its relationship (ontology) with the publication object. In additonal, we would also like to treat publications as geo-referenced objects and thus need a customized schema for the purpose of entering boundaring boxes, geographic region, etc. Considerations like generic schema validation during ingestion (including checks on mandatory fields) are also relevant for us.
  • User-friendly ingestion and searching
    • Motivation: we find it would be helpful to use the lucene indeces for autocompletion in the ingestion forms(specially with identifiers and title fields so as to avoid the insertion of duplicates, as example) and naturally helpful in the searching purposes. It is not clear to me whether this (together with other goodies like solr support to facet search) could be built as a general functionality within PubMan or to be seen as a do-it-yourself with your preferred ajax framework