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===JBoss patch===
===JBoss patch===
*copy everything inside jboss-patch-1.2/server to /usr/share/jboss on coreservice.mpdl.mpg.de
*copy everything inside jboss-patch-1.2/server to /usr/share/jboss on coreservice.mpdl.mpg.de
===Post-Migration steps===
*shutdown core-service
*shutdown fedora
*Postgresql shall run
*vacuum analyze all tables in escidoc-core, riTriples, Fedora database
**issue following sql to get the script (on each of the mentioned databases):
        select 'vacuum analyze '||table_schema||'.'||table_name||'; ' from information_schema.tables where table_schema in ('list', 'aa', 'public')
**copy/paste result in a new PgAdmin SQL Editor
***replace all " with nothing (Edit->Find and Replace->Find what " -> Replace All)
***run all commands together as PgScript (or use F6)

===escidoc-core deployment===
===escidoc-core deployment===

Revision as of 08:42, 5 August 2010

step-by-step instructioncs to migrate escidoc-core 1.1 to escidoc-core 1.2. (detailed information is related to the MPDL productive environment).

Affected servers[edit]

  • srv01.mpdl.mpg.de (PortgreSQL and Fedora)
  • coreservice.mpdl.mpg.de (srv02.mpdl.mpg.de) (escidoc-core)
  • pubman.mpdl.mpg.de (PubMan)
  • faces.mpdl.mpg.de (Faces)
  • virr.mpdl.mpg.de (Virr)
  • any other instance accessing coreservice.mpdl.mpg.de

Required software packages[edit]

all available at https://www.escidoc.org/JSPWiki/en/DownloadForRelease1.2

  • foxml_migration-jar-with-dependencies.jar
    • plus xsl folder containing xslt styesheets:
wget https://zim02.gwdg.de/repos/common/trunk/common_services/foxml_migration/xsl/foxml_context.xsl --no-check-certificate
wget https://zim02.gwdg.de/repos/common/trunk/common_services/foxml_migration/xsl/foxml_face.xsl --no-check-certificate
wget https://zim02.gwdg.de/repos/common/trunk/common_services/foxml_migration/xsl/foxml_facesAlbum.xsl --no-check-certificate
wget https://zim02.gwdg.de/repos/common/trunk/common_services/foxml_migration/xsl/foxml_file.xsl --no-check-certificate
wget https://zim02.gwdg.de/repos/common/trunk/common_services/foxml_migration/xsl/foxml_orgUnit.xsl --no-check-certificate
wget https://zim02.gwdg.de/repos/common/trunk/common_services/foxml_migration/xsl/foxml_pubItem.xsl --no-check-certificate
wget https://zim02.gwdg.de/repos/common/trunk/common_services/foxml_migration/xsl/foxml_virrElement.xsl --no-check-certificate
wget https://zim02.gwdg.de/repos/common/trunk/common_services/foxml_migration/xsl/transform_context.xsl --no-check-certificate
wget https://zim02.gwdg.de/repos/common/trunk/common_services/foxml_migration/xsl/transform_face.xsl --no-check-certificate
wget https://zim02.gwdg.de/repos/common/trunk/common_services/foxml_migration/xsl/transform_facesAlbum.xsl --no-check-certificate
wget https://zim02.gwdg.de/repos/common/trunk/common_services/foxml_migration/xsl/transform_file.xsl --no-check-certificate
wget https://zim02.gwdg.de/repos/common/trunk/common_services/foxml_migration/xsl/transform_orgUnit.xsl --no-check-certificate
wget https://zim02.gwdg.de/repos/common/trunk/common_services/foxml_migration/xsl/transform_pubItem.xsl --no-check-certificate
wget https://zim02.gwdg.de/repos/common/trunk/common_services/foxml_migration/xsl/transform_virrElement.xsl --no-check-certificate
wget https://zim02.gwdg.de/repos/common/trunk/common_services/foxml_migration/xsl/ves-mapping.xml --no-check-certificate
    • plus migration.properties file

available at https://zim02.gwdg.de/repos/common/trunk/common_services/foxml_migration

Pre-Migration requirements[edit]

  • shutdown all solutions accessing coreservice.mpdl.mpg.de
    • stop JBoss application server on
      • pubamn.mpdl.mpg.de
      • faces.mpdl.mpg.de
      • virr.mpdl.mpg.de
    • stop JBoss application server on any other instance, which is accessing coreservice.mpdl.mpg.de
  • shutdown the escidoc-core instance
    • stop JBoss application server on coreservice.mpdl.mpg.de
  • shutdown Fedora instance
    • /X/fedora/tomcat/bin/shutdown.sh on srv01.mpdl.mpg.de

Main migration steps[edit]

Installation of Fedora 3.3.1[edit]

  • on srv01.mpdl.mpg.de change to directory /X
  • delete the symbolic link fedora
  • create a new directory fedora3.3
  • create a new symbolic link fedora pointing to the new directory fedora3.3
  • drop old fedora databases "fedora32" and "riTriples"
  • CREATE DATABASE "fedora3" WITH ENCODING='UTF8' OWNER="fedoraAdmin";
  • install Fedora 3.3.1
    • java -jar fcrepo-installer-3.3-fix01.jar
    • instructions can be found here: https://www.escidoc.org/JSPWiki/en/Fedora3.3Installation
    • when the installation is finished
      • copy the entire data directory located in the old Fedora instance (/X/fedora3.2.1/data) into the newly installed Fedora instance

Migrtation of the FOXML files[edit]

this will backup the Fedora data diectory!

  • go to escidoc-core-admin-1.2
  • edit the admin-tool.properties file
    • check Fedora properties
    • especially fedora-src.home=/X/fedora
  • ANT_OPTS=-Xmx1024m -Xms512m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m
  • call ant foxml-migration-from1.1-to1.2

Migrating old escidoc:TOC content model[edit]

  • locate the escidoc_TOC file inside /X/fedora/data/objects and open it for editing
    • replace all occurances of "TOC" with "toc"
    • check the creation date of the RELS-EXT.0 and the RELS-EXT.1 datastreams
    • if both dates "CREATED=<date>" are equal, decrease the one in RELS-EXT.0
  • update all references to escidoc:TOC in any resource
    • the current migration.properties file has a list of all relevant resources
    • java -jar foxml_migration-jar-with-dependencies.jar cmodel

Rebuild Fedora[edit]

  • start fedora: <fedora-dir>/tomcat/bin/startup.sh
  • rebuild the Fedora database and the Fedora resource index
    • Location: <fedora-dir>/server/bin
    • Script: fedora-rebuild.sh
      • rebuild first the database
      • rebuild next the resource index

Migration of the escidoc-core database[edit]

  • backup the escidoc-core database on coreservice.mpdl.mpg.de !!!
  • The database migration uses certain fingerprints in order to determine the current version of the db. The layout of our database differs from the one assumed by the db-migration tool. Therefore it is necessary to run the following script prior to the db-migration:
  • Modify admin-tool.properties.
    • Check the following entries:
    • datasource.script.prefix=check-which-one
    • datasource.url=check-which-one
    • datasource.driverClassName=org.postgresql.Driver
    • datasource.username=check-which-one
    • datasource.password=check-which-one
    • creator_id=the user-id of a sysadmin user
    • escidoc.database.tablespace.list=tbl_index
  • call ant db-migration
    • DO NOT USE THE JAR FILE with the db-migration argument!

JBoss patch[edit]

  • copy everything inside jboss-patch-1.2/server to /usr/share/jboss on coreservice.mpdl.mpg.de

Post-Migration steps[edit]

  • shutdown core-service
  • shutdown fedora
  • Postgresql shall run
  • vacuum analyze all tables in escidoc-core, riTriples, Fedora database
    • issue following sql to get the script (on each of the mentioned databases):
       select 'vacuum analyze '||table_schema||'.'||table_name||'; ' from information_schema.tables where table_schema in ('list', 'aa', 'public')
    • copy/paste result in a new PgAdmin SQL Editor
      • replace all " with nothing (Edit->Find and Replace->Find what " -> Replace All)
      • run all commands together as PgScript (or use F6)

escidoc-core deployment[edit]

  • copy the escidoc-core-bin-1.2/ear/escidoc-core.ear file into /usr/share/jboss/server/default/deploy on coreservice.mpdl.mpg.de

Recache and reindex[edit]

  • start JBoss on coreservice.mpdl.mpg.de
  • start Fedora on srv01.mpdl.mpg.de
  • launch the escidoc-core admin toll at http://coreservice.mpdl.mpg.de/adm/admin.jsp
  • recache (ensure the "clear cache" checkbox is selected!)
  • reindex (ensure the "clear index" checkbox is selected!)

Post-Migration steps[edit]

  • shutdown core-service
  • shutdown fedora
  • Postgresql shall run
  • vacuum analyze all tables in escidoc-core, riTriples, Fedora database
    • issue following sql to get the script (on each of the mentioned databases):
       select 'vacuum analyze '||table_schema||'.'||table_name||'; ' from information_schema.tables where table_schema in ('list', 'aa', 'public')
    • copy/paste result in a new PgAdmin SQL Editor
      • replace all " with nothing (Edit->Find and Replace->Find what " -> Replace All)
      • run all commands together as PgScript (or use F6)

deployment of solutions[edit]

  • pror to the deployment of Faces and Virr
    • the Java version on virr.mpdl.mpg.de and on faces.mpdl.mpg.de has to be upgarded to version 1.6
  • deploy the appropriate solution ear files to pubman, faces and virr
  • apply necessary updates to the solution specific properties files
  • start the Jboss instances for the three solutions