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* what is metadata
* what is metadata
* what is DC
* what is DC
* DC properties - with a general  description what are DC properties
* DC properties and namespaces/URIs- with a general  description what are DC properties
* Linked data
* DC and Linked Data
* Levels of Interoperability (Level 1 and 2) and Link to documentation

=Purpose and Scope of this Guide=
=Purpose and Scope of this Guide=

Revision as of 18:41, 21 October 2010

new toc[edit]

  • purpose and scope
  • what is metadata
  • what is DC
  • DC properties and namespaces/URIs- with a general description what are DC properties
  • Linked data
  • DC and Linked Data
  • Levels of Interoperability (Level 1 and 2) and Link to documentation

Purpose and Scope of this Guide[edit]

"The Dublin Core" (aka the Dublin Core Metadata Element Set), created in 1995, is a set of fifteen generic elements for describing resources. These are: Creator, Contributor, Publisher, Title, Date, Language, Format, Subject, Description, Identifier, Relation, Source, Type, Coverage, and Rights. Today the Dublin Core is a formal standard [1][2][3], used in countless implementations, and one of the top metadata vocabularies on the Web.

"Dublin Core metadata" is about more than fifteen elements. It is best described as a style of metadata that has evolved from efforts to put the fifteen elements into the context of a coherent approach to metadata on the World Wide Web generally. Since the late 1990s, the Dublin Core style has evolved in the context of a Dublin Core Metadata Initiative (DCMI) -- now incorporated as a non-profit organization hosted at the National Library Board of Singapore -- in tandem with a generic approach to metadata developed in the World Wide Web Consortium under the banner "Semantic Web". The Semantic Web approach achieved a breakthrough in 2006 with the Linked Data movement, which uses DCMI Metadata Terms as one of its key vocabularies. "DCMI Metadata Terms" is a larger set that includes the fifteen elements along with several dozen related properties and classes. "Dublin Core application profile" is the key expression of the Dublin Core style. An application profile uses DCMI metadata terms together with terms from other, more specialized vocabularies to describe a specific type of information -- and it does this in the framework of the Semantic Web.

These guidelines provide an entry point for users of Dublin Core -- i.e., for users of DCMI Metadata Terms in the "Dublin Core style". For catalogers, it will show how to create metadata "descriptions" for information resources such as documents, images, data, etc. Implementers will it support publishing Dublin Core Metadata as Linked Data. The guidelines will neither show how to create or Dublin Core Application Profiles -- for this see the Guidelines for Dublin Core Application Profils -- nor how to express Dublin Core Terms in different syntaxes -- for this see the section "Syntax Guidelines" of DCMI Specifications.

What is Metadata?[edit]

Metadata has been with us since people made lists on clay tablets and scrolls. The term "meta" comes from the Greek for "alongside" or "with". Over time, "meta" was also used to denote something transcendental, or beyond nature. "Meta-data", then, is "data about data", such as the contents of catalogs, inventories, etc. Since the 1990s, "metadata" most commonly denotes machine-readable descriptions of things, most commonly in the context of the Web. The structured descriptions of metadata help find relevant resources in the undifferentiated masses of data available online. Anything of interest can be described with metadata, from book collections to football leagues and stuff you want to sell. Describing different types of resources requires different types of metadata and metadata standards.

What is Linked Data?[edit]

Linked Data is a method of exposing, sharing, and connecting data on the Semantic Web using URIs and RDF (see http://linkeddata.org/). Metadata are the backbone of this method, making statements about data and how they relate to each other. In Linked Data these statements have to be expressed in RDF triples, which break statements in three parts:


  • the subject - the part that identifies the thing the statement describes,
  • the predicate - the part that identifies a property of the described thing.
  • the object - the part that identifies the value this property has when describing this thing.


Another "must" when publishing metadata in Linked Data is the usage of URIs. In Linked Data you need URIs referencing to things by identifying, localizing and interlinking them. Considering this a triple graph describing Charles Dickens "A Christmas Carol" might look this way:


Here the value "A Christmas Carol" is a simple string or literal value. Another sort of values used in a triple are non-literal values, which means you use a URI that references to another description - the description of a thing that is the object of your statement.


Based on the above said a metadata description in Linked Data consists of:

  • a reference to a described resource, i.e. to the thing that the metadata is about, the subject of the metadata. This reference take the form of a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) or of an unnamed placeholder that is inferred by context (e.g., that metadata embedded in a document is about the enclosing document).
  • references to properties: typed relationships between the described resource and various bits of descriptive information, or between the described resource and another resource. Examples of properties, which are also known as predicates, include the fifteen elements of the Dublin Core.
  • values: bits of descriptive information (string literals) or references to other entities (resources), such as people or concepts, which are related to the described resource via the properties.
  • references to classes, i.e. to types, or categories, of things, such as the category books or the category people.
  • references to syntax encoding schemes (RDF datatypes), i.e. specifications of how value strings map refer to things in the world, such as 2010-09-24, which uses the YYYY-MM-DD pattern specified in ISO 8601 to represent the date 22 September 2010.
  • references to vocabulary encoding schemes (VES), enumerated sets of resources of which the things referenced as values are members, the way a subject heading belongs to the VES Library of Congress Subject Headings.
  • language tags indicating the language of words used in literal string values.

In a RDF graph this might look this way:


In this example the described resource is a web page referenced by the URI http://www.gutenberg.org/files/46/46-h/46-h.htm. We may reference to a class - in our example its the class "text" of the Dublin Core Type Vocabulary - using the property memberOf. Further properties of the resource are "title", "author", "created" and "subject". We used literal - "A Christmas Carol" and "2004-08-11" - and non-literal values -<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_dickens> and <http://id.loc.gov/authorities/sh85025303#concept>. Literal values may be constrained by datatypes (in our example values describing dates have to be conform with W3CDTF), non-literal values by vocabulary encoding schemes (in our example values used describing the topic of a resource have to be concepts of the Library of Congress Subject Headings). A language tag can be used to describe the language of a literal value (in our example the value of the title is English).

Levels of Interoperability[edit]

Metadata is most helpful when used to navigate the information jungle of the Web -- to find, identify, use resources -- or to share and exchange structured information. However there is a tension between requirements of applications and of people:

  • people prefer customized descriptions which reflect their understanding of the world
  • applications need interoperability between descriptions in order to process them efficiently.

Metadata vocabularies help bridge this gap. Vocabularies define properties and classes that can be used to describe resources in a coherent way within or between communities. A vocabulary provides the shared basis for exchanging descriptions within groups of people. They support the interoperability of different metadata applications, and they support the ability of applications to change data with systems with no or minimal loss of information. The Dublin Core distinguishs four levels of interoperability:

  • Level 1: Shared term definitions: At this level, a community uses the same classes and properties, for example DCMI Metadata Terms.
  • Level 2: Formal semantic interoperability: At this level, the description of resources is based on, or automatically mappable to, the shared formal model for metadata provided by W3C's Resource Description Framework (RDF), the basis of Linked Data.
  • Level 3: Description Set syntactic interoperability. At this level, resource descriptions are based on a shared notion of RDF-based metadata records (based, specifically, on the DCMI Abstract Model).
  • Level 4: Description Set Profile interoperability. At this level, a community uses not only the same classes and properties, based on the same underlying RDF model, but also uses, or constrains those classes and properties based on an agreed model of the things being described and on shared usage patterns. The Description Set Profile is the key component of what the Dublin Core community calls an application profile.

As of Fall 2010, the DCMI approach to defining records and constraints -- Interoperability Levels 3 and 4 -- is under review in light of the rapid evolution of alternative approaches to documenting metadata usage patterns in application-profile-like constructs for ensuring the consistency and quality of Linked Data.

At the other extreme, Level 1 interoperability is so open-ended that it quickly leads to a proliferation of custom-built solutions incompatible with each other, such as metadata expressed in document formats that require customized software to read and data models that cannot easily be mapped to generic, interoperable representations such as those expressed in RDF.

This User Guide therefore focuses on Level 2 interoperability -- the sweet spot between ad-hoc implementations and shared models of records and constraints, which remain the object of experimentation and research. Given the state of play in 2010, implementers can design their metadata for compatibility Linked Data target with the confidence that this will ensure its formal compatibility with an explosively growing Cloud of Linked Data.

Users can explore the Dublin Core approach to shared record constraints (Levels 3 and 4) in the DCMI documents "Singapore Framework for Dublin Core Application Profiles", the draft "Description Set Profiles: A constraint language for Dublin Core Application Profiles", and the user-oriented "Guidelines for Dublin Core Application Profiles". A well-developed example of an application profile developed according to these principles may be found in the "Scholarly Works Application Profile".

What is Dublin Core?[edit]

In the mid 1990s Dublin Core started with the idea of "core metadata" for simple and generic resource descriptions. An international, cross-disciplinary group of professionals from librarianship, computer science, text encoding and museum community, and other related fields of scholarship and practice developed such a core standard – the fifteen Dublin Core elements. But this was just the first steps – since then the World Wide Web has changed in some ways and has broken new ground on the way to a semantic web. Dublin Core followed this path developing further standards for metadata based on the World Wide Web Consortium's work on a generic data model for metadata, the Resource Description Framework (RDF). So Dublin Core metadata standards today are:

Dublin Core and Linked Data[edit]

Since the emergence of the Semantic Web and Linked Data approaches, implementers face a wider range of choices in designing applications. Traditional approaches based on metadata records and descriptive tags embedded in Web pages remain effective alternatives within closed, controlled implementation environments, while Linked Data approaches are designed to provide metadata in a generic form that is easily reusable by other applications for "mashing up" your data with related data published by others. Linked Data has given new meaning to old ideas, such as embedded metadata, which are being reinvented with new Web technologies and tools to solve practical problems of resource discovery and navigation. "The Dublin Core" (and DCMI Metadata Terms) provides a solid basis for bridging these traditional and modern approaches, lookin at DC terms as a "small language for making a particular class of statements about resources". In this language terms are arranged into a simple pattern of statements and DCMI metadata properties are used as predicates in subject-predicate-object triples.

 ex:myPicture dc:title "Milking the goats" ;
              dc:creator <http://d-nb.info/gnd/131724126> .

In this example there are two statements about the picture:

The object or value we use in the title statement is a simple string called a literal value. The value used in the creator statement is a non-literal value, a URI that leads to another metadata description, where the person who is the creator is described in a more detailed way. We call the value used here a non-literal value. We want to say more about the creator and we need another description to do so. There are two statements about this person in our example:

  • it's a link to the homepage of her workplace
  • and her name
 <http://d-nb.info/gnd/131724126> foaf:name "Rühle, Stefanie" ;
                                    foaf:workplaceHomepage <http://www.sub.uni-goettingen.de/> .

Though the statements we make here are not using Dublin Core properties they are non the less DC compatible, because in the namespace these terms are explicitly declared to be properties - one of the four metadata terms DCAM knows - and have been assigned a proper URI. This means we may use other properties than Dublin Core Terms as long as these terms are Dublin Core compatible (see above). This way Dublin Core provides the grammar for a "metadata pidgin for digital tourists", a grammar that allows to merge terms from different vocabularies of different communities in one language and may be used to display both simple and complex issues. With this grammar Dublin Core provides a mechanism for extending the Dublin Core term set for additional resource discovery needs expecting that other communities will create and administer additional metadata sets, specialized for the need of their community.

Dublin Core namespaces / URIs[edit]

! work in progress!

Dublin Core Properties and namespaces/URIs[edit]

short description "what is property"

property vs. field vs. element

These guidelines list all properties defined in the following two namespaces of DCMI Metadata Terms:

and illustrate their usage by examples. Examples are offered for two points of view: for the "cataloger" creating metadata descriptions, typically with help from a software interface, and for the "technician" responsible for publishing the data created as linked data.

  • CreatingMetadata: describes how to create content for DCMI Metadata listing each property by name, abbreviated URI, and definition, and groups together related properties -- i.e. properties that can be described with similar usage guidelines and illustrated with similar examples.
  • PublishingMetadata: describes how to use DCMI Metadata as linked data listing the properties by namespaces.
    • The terms namespace
      • used with literal values
      • used with non-literal values
    • The legacy namespace
