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*Source has to be of type 'Proceedings'
*Source has to be of type 'Proceedings' or 'journal'


Revision as of 10:34, 10 February 2011

eDoc Yearbook validation[edit]

The Yearbook validation on eDoc goes in 2 phases:

  • genre validation (mandatory): genre, year, external publication status (=has date published in print and/or published online)
  • metadata validation (optional)

Genre validation on eDoc[edit]

The following genres are accepted for the MPS YB on eDoc (eSciDoc genre in brackets):

according the mapping defined here PubMan_Func_Spec_eSciDoc_To_eDoc_Mapping#Mapping_of_Genres and in vocabulary-mappinxs.xsl (Transformation)

In PubMan Repository, following genres are present (all lowercase, due to cache retrieval):


Metadata validation[edit]

Note: Mandatory metadata validation for the Yearbook!



artnum creatorini creatornfamily creatorrole date docaff_mpgunit enduser epage genre jounaltitle pubstatus spage title


* Source.SequenceNumber is not null or (Source.StartPage is not null and Source.EndPage is not null)
* Publication.Creator.FirstName is not null and Publication.Creator.FamilyName is not null
* Publication.Creator.role is not null
* dcterms:issued is not null or eterms:published-online is not null (Date.Date is not null and Date.Type = published in print, published-online)
* at least 1 MPG Institute affiliated (i.e. Publication.Creator.Organization != external-organization-id and 
                                                         in MPG path list) 
* Publication.Type is not null
* Publication.Source.Title is not null
* Publication.Title is not null
* Source.Title is not null
* Source.Type is "Journal"

  • source.volume needs to be added
  • publication.type=article

Book Chapter[edit]


artnum bookcontributorfn bookcorporatebody bookcreatorfn booktitle creatorini creatornfamily creatorrole date docaff_mpgunit enduser epage genre publisher publisheradd pubstatus spage title


* ( Source.Creator.CreatorType = Person and Source.CreatorRole in (Editor, Author) and Source.Creator.FirstName is not null and Source.Creator.Family is not null) or
  (Source.Creator.CreatorType=organization and Source.CreatorRole in (Editor, Author) and Source.Creator.Organization.Name is not null) 
* Source.Title is not null
* Source.SequenceNumber is not null or (Source.StartPage is not null and Source.EndPage is not null)

* Publication.Creator.FirstName is not null and Publication.Creator.FamilyName is not null and Publication.Creator.role is not null
* dcterms:issued is not null or eterms:published-online is not null (Date.Date is not null and Date.Type = published in print, published-online)
* at least 1 MPG Institute affiliated (i.e. Publication.Creator.Organization != external-organization-id and 
                                                         in MPG path list) 
* Publication.Type is not null
* Publication.Title is not null
* Publication.PublishingInfo.Publisher is not null
* Publication.PublishingInfo.Place is not null
  • publication.type=bookitem



artnum creatorini creatornfamily creatorrole date docaff_mpgunit enduser epage genre pubstatus spage title


* Source.SequenceNumber is not null or (Source.StartPage is not null and Source.EndPage is not null)
* Publication.Creator.FirstName is not null and Publication.Creator.FamilyName is not null
* Publication.Creator.role is not null
* dcterms:issued is not null or eterms:published-online is not null (Date.Date is not null and Date.Type = published in print, published-online)
* at least 1 MPG Institute affiliated (i.e. Publication.Creator.Organization != external-organization-id and 
                                                         in MPG path list) 
* Publication.Type is not null
* Publication.Title is not null
* Source.Title is not null
  • publication.type=conferencepaper
  • Source has to be of type 'Proceedings' or 'journal'



creatorini creatornfamily creatorrole date docaff_mpgunit enduser genre nameofevent phydes placeofevent publisher publisheradd pubstatus title


* Publication.Creator.FirstName is not null and Publication.Creator.FamilyName is not null
* Publication.Creator.role is not null
* dcterms:issued is not null or eterms:published-online is not null (Date.Date is not null and Date.Type = published in print, published-online)
* at least 1 MPG Institute affiliated (i.e. Publication.Creator.Organization != external-organization-id and 
                                                         in MPG path list) 
* Publication.Type is not null
* Publication.Title is not null
* Publication.Total-Number-Of-Pages is not null
* Publication.Event.Title is not null
* Publication.Event.Place is not null
* Publication.PublishingInfo.Publisher is not null
* Publication.PublishingInfo.Place is not null
  • publication.type=proceedings



creatorini creatornfamily creatorrole date docaff_mpgunit enduser genre phydes publisher publisheradd pubstatus title


* Publication.Creator.FirstName is not null and Publication.Creator.FamilyName is not null
* Publication.Creator.role is not null
* dcterms:issued is not null or eterms:published-online is not null (Date.Date is not null and Date.Type = published in print, published-online)
* at least 1 MPG Institute affiliated (i.e. Publication.Creator.Organization != external-organization-id and 
                                                         in MPG path list) 
* Publication.Type is not null
* Publication.Title is not null
* Publication.Total-Number-Of-Pages is not null
* Publication.PublishingInfo.Publisher is not null
* Publication.PublishingInfo.Place is not null
  • publication.type=book



creatorini creatornfamily creatorrole dateaccepted docaff_mpgunit genre publisher publisheradd title


* Publication.Creator.FirstName is not null and Publication.Creator.FamilyName is not null
* Publication.Creator.role is not null
* dcterms:issued is not null or eterms:published-online is not null and dcterms:dateAccepted is not null 
* at least 1 MPG Institute affiliated (i.e. Publication.Creator.Organization != external-organization-id and 
                                                         in MPG path list) 
* Publication.Type is not null
* Publication.Title is not null
* Publication.PublishingInfo.Publisher is not null
* Publication.PublishingInfo.Place is not null
  • publication.type=thesis
  • Date Accepted has to be mandatory not only for PhD Thesis



creatorini creatornfamily creatorrole date docaff_mpgunit enduser genre jounaltitle pubstatus title


* Publication.Creator.FirstName is not null and Publication.Creator.FamilyName is not null
* Publication.Creator.role is not null
* dcterms:issued is not null or eterms:published-online is not null
* at least 1 MPG Institute affiliated (i.e. Publication.Creator.Organization != external-organization-id and 
                                                         in MPG path list) 
* Publication.Type is not null
* Publication.Title is not null
* Publication.Source.Title is not null and Publication.Source.Title="Journal"
  • publication.type=issue



creatorini creatornfamily creatorrole docaff_mpgunit enduser genre publisher publisheradd title


* Publication.Creator.FirstName is not null and Publication.Creator.FamilyName is not null
* Publication.Creator.role is not null
* at least 1 MPG Institute affiliated (i.e. Publication.Creator.Organization != external-organization-id and 
                                                         in MPG path list) 
* Publication.Type is not null
* Publication.Title is not null
* PublishingInfo.Publisher is not null
* PublishingInfo.Place is not null 
  • publication.type=journal



creatorini creatornfamily creatorrole docaff_mpgunit enduser genre publisher publisheradd title


* Publication.Creator.FirstName is not null and Publication.Creator.FamilyName is not null
* Publication.Creator.role is not null
* at least 1 MPG Institute affiliated (i.e. Publication.Creator.Organization != external-organization-id and 
                                                         in MPG path list) 
* Publication.Type is not null
* Publication.Title is not null
* PublishingInfo.Publisher is not null
* PublishingInfo.Place is not null 
  • publication.type=series

Interactive resource[edit]


creatorini creatornfamily creatorrole datemodified docaff_mpgunit enduser genre identifier identifiertype title


Not existent in PubMan

* Publication.Creator.FirstName is not null and Publication.Creator.FamilyName is not null
* Publication.Creator.role is not null
* dcterms:modified is not null 
* at least 1 MPG Institute affiliated (i.e. Publication.Creator.Organization != external-organization-id and 
                                                         in MPG path list) 
* Publication.Type is not null
* Publication.Identifier is not null
* Publication.Title is not null



creatorini creatornfamily creatorrole date docaff_mpgunit enduser genre phydes pubstatus title


* Publication.Total-Number-of-Pages is not null 
* Publication.Creator.FirstName is not null and Publication.Creator.FamilyName is not null
* Publication.Creator.role is not null
* dcterms:issued is not null or eterms:published-online is not null (Date.Date is not null and Date.Type = published in print, published-online)
* at least 1 MPG Institute affiliated (i.e. Publication.Creator.Organization != external-organization-id and 
                                                         in MPG path list) 
* Publication.Type is not null
* Publication.Title is not null
  • publication.type=paper



creatorini creatornfamily creatorrole date docaff_mpgunit editiondescription genre phydes title titleofseries

  • additional check in the validatecms -> to make sure that the identifier of the report is created with eDoc type "Report number"
  • in PubMan it is mapped as "Other" - however, i am not certain that it must be validated against "Other".


* Publication.Total-Number-of-Pages is not null (most probable)
* Publication.Creator.FirstName is not null and Publication.Creator.FamilyName is not null
* Publication.Creator.role is not null
* dcterms:issued is not null or eterms:published-online is not null 
* at least 1 MPG Institute affiliated (i.e. Publication.Creator.Organization != external-organization-id and in MPG path list) 
* Publication.Type is not null
* Publication.Title is not null
* Source.Title is not null and Source.Type is "Series"
* Source.volume is not null
* Publication.Identifier is not null and Publication.Identifier.Type='Other'

Contribution to Collected Edition[edit]

  • See Book Chapter
  • publication.type=contribution to collected edition

Contribution to Handbook[edit]

Contribution to Festschrift[edit]

  • See Book Chapter
  • publication.type=contribution to festschrift


  • See Book
  • publication.type=monography

Collected Edition[edit]

  • See Book
  • publication.type=collected edition


  • See Book
  • publication.type=handbook


  • See Book
  • publication.type=festschrift