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**statistics - other store - faster and not dependent on escidoc-core and fedora?
**statistics - other store - faster and not dependent on escidoc-core and fedora?
***mongoDb as store, BIRT as standard interface
***mongoDb as store, BIRT as standard interface
***potential to use scalable stores e.g. MongoDB (as configuration option - instead of Fedora or as Fedora storage) in parallel with Lucene

*Performance prio: workflow settings (content model, context?)
*workflow settings (content model, context?)
**items immediately released (with proper indexing afterwards) -> one call to the service
**items immediately released (with proper indexing afterwards) -> one call to the service
**item event log (update, insert comments?)
**item event log (update, insert comments?)

Revision as of 14:10, 14 July 2011

Developer Workshop[edit]

Participants MPDL[edit]

Participants FIZ[edit]

  • Steffen Wagner
  • Michael Hoppe
  • Christian Herlambang
  • Matthias Razum

Agenda 14.07.2011[edit]

Fulltext indexing[edit]

    • enhanced with own xslt - questions from MPDL related to
    • configuration of the search results output (rather than complete item/component/container)
    • highlighting of search results (e.g. get the last page break tag)
    • full text indexing for all FT visibility, searching according privileges and displaying snippets according privileges
    • selective indexing from Admin tools
    • incremental indexing
  • Solr support and interfaces

Outcome on Fulltext indexing[edit]

  • current aproach is not bad, one document is generated with many file-highlight fields - but it has to be checked if the limit of the highlighted fields is 100 and about the performance issues
    • performance issues could be by caused highlighting also during indexing itself, but mostly by search performance itself
    • more input from FIZ after analysis, as the problem is clear
  • fulltext search
    • search receives items to which user has privileges, but when searching from fulltext with restriction privileges - if user has rights on one ft and not on the other ft of the item, she will get both highlights back.
      • workaround: one can exclude ft highlighting for not public texts always, or include visiblity in populating the highlighting (again performance potential)
  • selective indexing
    • would be good to prioritize it (ab Oktober)
    • todo: send more info on internal script
    • index fulltext only or metadata only (in selectiv reindexing) - would not be possible (unless indexes are splitted)
  • incremental reindexing - does not function in 1.2 (to be checked by 1.3)
  • Solr
    • GSearch can index via Solr
    • we have to create an XML docu which Solr understands (similar like Lucene)
    • gSearch can do it,
    • however there are many Solr settings that have to be done i.e. specific fields configuration have to be done
    • so practically Solr can be set up now, but it takes a lot of configuration
    • todo: send config and test locally

Future development plans[edit]


  • Admin tool 1.3 offers only repository information
  • Digilib integration
    • plans , ideas, replacements?


    • creation of items (MPDL provides some numbers)
    • reindexing
    • statistics - other store - faster and not dependent on escidoc-core and fedora?
  • stress testing, mass data generation, monitoring of core service - how is done internally at FIZ with reference to FIZ Fedora Performance and Scalability Wiki
  • JBoss, other AS, Tomcat
    • supporting newer versions of JBoss
    • support for other AS
    • Tomcat
  • LTA Long term archiving


  • second VIRR instance with 2 milio eSciDoc objects iwth 1.2
    • there is a big difference between 1.2 and 1.3 with big scaling difference (as the database goes away)
    • Springer texts bey FIZ with 2.5 milio items (6 weeks) - but was fine
    • performance - is not worse - started by ingest below 1 sec, but with a bit more than 1 sec - with weaker HW
    • ingest direct into Fedora - not recommended
    • ingest interface (but reindex afterwards)
    • also sometimes shall be reconsidered if all ft (images, videos) should be in eSciDoc, or only metadata shall be in escidoc (image viewers, video streamers etc.)
    • performance is the big next step - not only scaling but also stabilization of services
    • test data sets - one to think how this is to be done, one possibility is to rebuild Fedora and reindex via eSciDoc (but it depends on the data set size)
    • Fedora tests- how to make similar for eSciDoc?
      • how to make a proper evaluation environment for test/monitoring/performance
      • at the moment there is no possibliity nor efforts
      • todo: define a list of what needs to be checked
      • scaling - escidoc services can not be splitted among different servers - no horizontal scaling is possible at the moment, but indexing can be moved to separate server
      • high availability
        • not yet natively possible , planned
      • however to be clarified what it means
      • distributed environment can also be problematic - e.g. how we make a backup
      • load balancing - only read operation for example
      • journaling mode - nice feature - will be considered
      • probably focus most for first step by indexing/searching scalability
    • reindexing (more alternatives, see below)
      • distribute on different machines
      • sharding (1 index on more machines)
      • more optimal would be when more machines hold complete index
      • optimization of the stylesheet transformation
      • gsearch can work with multiple threads, but is not indeed practical - as it may lock the complete machine - therefore it is set to 1 thread
      • two or more gsearch with 1 thread
      • keep indexes in mem and only write when treshhold is reached
    • statistics - other store - faster and not dependent on escidoc-core and fedora?
      • mongoDb as store, BIRT as standard interface
    • performance/scalability
      • potential to use scalable stores e.g. MongoDB (as configuration option - instead of Fedora or as Fedora storage) in parallel with Lucene
  • Performance prio: workflow settings (content model, context?)
    • items immediately released (with proper indexing afterwards) -> one call to the service
    • item event log (update, insert comments?)
  • Content Models
    • Any plans from MPDL side?
    • Pragmatic and iterative approach - some ideas

  • SPO

Agenda 15.07.2011[edit]