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=== Mapping of ZfNtei to [[ESciDoc_Application_Profile_Publication | application profile ''Publication'']] ===
*Journal -> pub. item of type "journal"
**Title of Journal -> title
**publisher -> PublishingInfo
**ISSN -> IdType ISSN and ID (number)
*Volume -> object in the system without MDs attached
**Table of Contents -> list of issues that are associated to that volume
**number -> attribute of the object
**year -> attribute of the object
*Issues -> pub. item of type "issue"
**number -> issue
**year -> date
**title -> title
**table of contents -> list of articles, that are associated to that issue
**conference -> title of event
*Article(s) -> pub. item of type "article"
**title -> title
**creators -> creator
**Source (Issue etc.)
***SourceType = Issue
***Title of Issue -> Title of Source
***number of issue -> issue
***Sequence number or Start page and end page
**Source of Source (Volume etc.)
***Volume number -> Volume
**Categories/Keywords -> subject
***Original Communication -> Article
***Erratum -> other
***Notes -> other
***Report -> Report
***Review -> Article
***Dedication -> other
***Summary -> other

== Possible Enhancement ==
== Possible Enhancement ==

Revision as of 07:09, 28 September 2011

ZfNA.gif ZfNB.gif ZfNC.gif

General Description[edit]

The publisher Verlag der Zeitschrift für Naturforschung (ZfN) publishes three corpora:

  • Zeitschrift für Naturforschung A – Physical Sciences (1946 - 2001),
  • Zeitschrift für Naturforschung B – Chemical Sciences (1946 - 2001),
  • Zeitschrift für Naturforschung C – Biosciences (1973 - 2001)

In a shared project with the publisher, the backfiles from 1946 to 2001 will be digitized and published online as Open-Access publications in PubMan. The collection consists of about 180.000 pages.

Requirements to the MPDL[edit]

Digitized backfiles will be ingested to coreservice as single articles and are browsable via PubMan
  • The browsing structure is as follows:
    Corpus (Journal) > Volume (Year) > Issue > Article

Requirements to the scanning agency[edit]

Digitize backfiles and provide descriptive and structural metadata:


All metadata of ZfN will be delivered in TEI format.

Article Metadata[edit]

TEI Element ESciDoc Application Profile Publication Attribute Additional Info
teiHeader.fileDesc.titleStmt.title Publication.Title type="main"
teiHeader.fileDesc.publicationStmt.date@when Publication.Date type="published"
teiHeader.fileDesc.sourceDesc.biblStruct.analytic.author.persName.forename Publication.Creator.Person.GivenName Can occure multiple times, just chain
teiHeader.fileDesc.sourceDesc.biblStruct.analytic.author.persName.surname Publication.Creator.Person.FamilyName
teiHeader.fileDesc.sourceDesc.biblStruct.analytic.affiliation.orgName Publication.Creator.Organization.Name Can occure multiple times, just chain
teiHeader.fileDesc.sourceDesc.biblStruct.analytic.affiliation.address.postCode Publication.Creator.Organization.Adress chain all adress info
teiHeader.fileDesc.sourceDesc.biblStruct.analytic.affiliation.address.settlement Publication.Creator.Organization.Adress chain all adress info
teiHeader.fileDesc.sourceDesc.biblStruct.analytic.affiliation.address.country Publication.Creator.Organization.Adress chain all adress info
teiHeader.fileDesc.sourceDesc.biblStruct.analytic.title Publication.Title type="main" If teiHeader.fileDesc.titleStmt.title is empty
teiHeader.fileDesc.sourceDesc.biblStruct.monogr.imprint.biblScope Publication.Source.Volume type="vol"
teiHeader.fileDesc.sourceDesc.biblStruct.monogr.imprint.biblScope Publication.Source.StartPage type="fpage"
teiHeader.fileDesc.sourceDesc.biblStruct.monogr.imprint.biblScope Publication.Source.EndPage type="lpage"
teiHeader.fileDesc.sourceDesc.biblStruct.monogr.imprint.date@when Publication.Date type="published" If teiHeader.fileDesc.publicationStmt.date is empty
teiHeader.fileDesc.sourceDesc.biblStruct.note Publication.Date
Date type="dateSubmitted"
type="submission" If teiHeader.fileDesc.publicationStmt.date is empty
teiHeader.profileDesc.textClass.keywords.list.item.term Publication.Subject Can occur multiple times, just chain and separate by ","

Journal Metadata[edit]

--- OUTDATED ---

Term Description
journaltitle Title of Journal
publishingInfo Publisher
identifier ISSN
volume Volume Number
issued Year
tableOfContents TOC
contributor Author-Index

Possible Enhancement[edit]

Related Material[edit]