Difference between revisions of "Imeji Community Meeting 31.08.2012"

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** User Roles (edit images vs. edit metadatamodel)
** User Roles (edit images vs. edit metadatamodel)
** Persistence on demand button
** Persistence on demand button

* Data model - especially from Mediathek point of view
* Data model - especially from Mediathek point of view

Revision as of 14:20, 29 August 2012

Time: 10.00 - 14.00

Place: Arnimallee 7, 14195 Berlin, room 031 (first floor, right-hand side)

Participants: FK, BS, MS, KA, JB, GS, JR, HN


All topics should be understood as suggestions, this list can easily be enhanced or shortened.

  • Information on R1.0.0.0
  • imeji functionalities
  • How does the imeji community work
  • scientific use cases for imeji (open discussion for future features)
  • Future development, ideas and wishes
    • MPDL List: Imeji_Scope#Possible_Features.2C_Improvements_etc.
    • PDF-Export with Apache FOP
    • Automated extraction of geoloactions from metadata / EXIF of one image
    • Google Map for single images and collections
    • Several versions of images / different images for one object
    • User Roles (edit images vs. edit metadatamodel)
    • Persistence on demand button
  • Data model - especially from Mediathek point of view
    • How to avoid redundance and inconsistence? (distiction between digital object [image] and work of art itself [represented artefact] needed)
      • Autocomplete for already existing data values in imeji metadata fields
    • We need person, artefact, and bibliography repositories (via cone ?)
      • Possibilities to refer from cone to imeji (communication between cone and imeji - cone editor)
    • How to implement our thesaurus in imeji
      • with searchable values / terms