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*imeji.properties is stored under jboss_home/conf/
*imeji.properties is stored under jboss_home/conf/

{| class="wikitable"
! property name
! description
! example
| escidoc.imeji.instance.url
| URL of this Imeji instance
| http://localhost/imeji/
| The name of the storage
| escidoc OR internal
| imeji.image.list.size
| Default value for number of displayed Images on the browse page
| 18
| imeji.image.list.size.options
| User options for the displayed number of images
| 6,12,18,24,60,90,240
| imeji.container.list.size
| Default value of the number of container in the container lists (collections and albums page)
| 10
| imeji.container.list.size.options
| User options for the displayed number of container (collection and album)
| 5,10,15,20,50
| imeji.i18n.languages
| Supported languages (use ISO639-1 codes). Languages are defined in the bundles (labels_xx.properties and messages_xx.properties). Needs at least one value.
| en,de,ja
|Link to vocabulary of all languages iso639-1
|Link to the imeji help page (html page)
| Content-type scheme (can not be changed)
|Content-type scheme (can not be changed)
|Content-type scheme (can not be changed)
|Width of a thumbnail
| 103 (recommanded value)
|Width of the web resolution
|357 (recommanded value)
|Path to Jena TDB database
|the smtp server
|the username for the smtp server account (not always needed)
|The password for the smtp server (not always needed)
|Define if authorization into smtp server is needed. If true, enter user and password
| true or false
| Email adress used to send email
| admin@imeji.org
| Enable ajax navigation (for image and container browsing)
| true or false
| imeji.counter.first.value
| First value of imeji ids. Change with caution!!!
| 0
| escidoc.framework_access.framework.url
| URL of the eSciDoc framework instance
| http://your-coreservice.com:8080
| escidoc.imeji.content-model.id
| Identifier of the eSciDoc content-model used by Imeji
| escidoc:1234
| escidoc.imeji.context.id
| Identifier of the eSciDoc context used by Imeji
| escidoc:4321
|The imeji user in eSciDoc
|The password of the imeji user


Revision as of 17:02, 11 February 2013

  • The properties for imeji are stored into imeji.properties.
  • This file is created during the compilation of imeji see [imeji_install]
  • imeji.properties is stored under jboss_home/conf/

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# You can obtain a copy of the license at license/ESCIDOC.LICENSE
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# See the License for the specific language governing permissions
# and limitations under the License.
# When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
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# If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the
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# Copyright 2006-2012 Fachinformationszentrum Karlsruhe Gesellschaft
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# All rights reserved. Use is subject to license terms.

# Properties that need to be modifid to install imeji

# URL of this Imeji instance

#Path to Jena's TDB database
imeji.tdb.path = /my/database/directory/

#Path to imeji storage (where the files are stored)

# User account for the imeji system administrator
imeji.sysadmin.email = admin@mydomain.org
imeji.sysadmin.password = aPassword

# Blog's URL

# Blog's RSS feed URL

# Support email

# The base uri of the objects stored in Jena (item, collection, album, profile): This property should not be changed after first upload!!!!!!
imeji.jena.resource.base_uri= http://mydomain.org/

# Email server config (if you want to use the email features of imeji, please edit)
# smtp server
# if login needed: user for smtp server
# if login needed: password for user above
# if login needed: true, else false
# The email used to send emails from imeji

# Look and feel properties

# Number of Images for the browse page

# User options for the displayed number of images

# Number of container in the container lists

# User options for the displayed number of container

# Advanced Properties: change only when you are sure

# Storage type (internal or escidoc)

# Supported languages (use ISO639-1 codes)

# Link to vocabulary for languages

# Help page's url

# Width of a thumbnail 
xsd.resolution.thumbnail = 103

# Width of a the web resolution 
xsd.resolution.web = 357

# Set the pagination in ajax
imeji.pagination.ajaxmodus = true

# Counter for imeji objects
imeji.counter.first.value = 0

# Properties needed if storage set to "escidoc"

# URL of the FIZ framework instance

# Identifier of the eSciDoc content-model used by imeji

# Identifier of the eSciDoc context used by Imeji

# eSciDoc User
imeji.escidoc.user = my_escidoc_user
imeji.escidoc.password = imy_escidoc_password

# Content-type scheme
xsd.metadata.content-category.thumbnail = http://purl.org/escidoc/metadata/ves/content-categories/thumbnail
xsd.metadata.content-category.web-resolution = http://purl.org/escidoc/metadata/ves/content-categories/web-resolution
xsd.metadata.content-category.original-resolution = http://purl.org/escidoc/metadata/ves/content-categories/original-resolution