Difference between revisions of "Imeji Scope"

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* Excel import with Mapping utility
* Excel import with Mapping utility
* Print on demand for a collection or an album
* Print on demand for a collection or an album
* Use geonames API
* Use Icon Class (Need to find the API)
* Use Icon Class (Need to find the API)
* Collection homepage with themes
* Collection homepage with themes

Revision as of 12:56, 13 March 2013



Time: End 2013

  • Hyperimage integration
  • ...?


Time: Summer 2013


Time: March 2013

  • Update to JSF 2.0
  • Update jboss version/ tomcat support
  • Small gui changes (reported in git issues)
  • css clean up
  • New functionalities
    • Choose the storage of imeji between internal and eSciDoc
    • Upload image by URL
    • Admin area: more information on db and storage
    • Admin area: advanced settings (beta)
    • Display of the MD checksum of an image
    • Export collections and albums in imeji format
    • Xml export of the metadata profile of a collection
    • New language: Spanish
    • Homepage carousel configurable via properties file
    • Improved metadata profile handling: The order of the statements can be changed by drag&drop

Checkmark.png Release[edit]

Time: October 2012

Download: http://rd.mpdl.mpg.de/nexus/content/groups/public/de/mpg/mpdl/imeji/imeji_ear/

The first stable release of imeji:

  • Jena refactoring
  • Metadata export
  • OAI-PMH interface
  • Metadata Standards
  • New functionality: automatic sitemap generation
  • Code clean up and bugfixes
  • Rework of startpage
  • Integration of Google Geo API
  • Display and revise of search query
  • Improved advanced search (exact query, negation)

Possible Features, Improvements etc.[edit]

A mingle-mangle of ideas which can be considered for next releases.
Please put all bug reports directly in the issue tracking system of github.

Highest priority[edit]

  • Export
    • the pictures (collection, album, search)
    • As a tag cloud (via snippet and CSS?)
  • ldap integration
  • imeji installer
  • PID
  • picture checksum

Lower priority[edit]

  • Metadata Editor: Implement possibility to set the obligation (mandatory/optional) of a metadata entry
  • Persist in eSciDoc (analogue to PubMan)
    1. automatically when releasing:
      • Collection and pictures of the collection
      • Album
    2. on demand
    Problem: Performance in eSciDoc (a Collection with 10.000 images needs about 330 minutes)
    Possible Solution: to persist a collection and its items as one single item (instead of a container with many items): to be tested, might be even slower...
  • External content management (for instance images from other system than eSciDoc)
  • Video data integration
  • Sound data integration
  • Link imeji collection from Pubman
  • Implementation of automatic tests
  • Media-RSS
  • Wordpress Plugin
  • Link imeji with social services
  • Subcollection (specs + implementation)
  • Excel import with Mapping utility
  • Print on demand for a collection or an album
  • Use Icon Class (Need to find the API)
  • Collection homepage with themes
  • Desktop upload (upload images for one collection --> for each collection a imeji Desktop box has to be created)
  • Other data type management (non media): pdfs, words, etc.
  • Integration of digilib (for zoom features)
  • Sort by metadata