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# Blog integration/ news feed integration on the start page of imeji
# Blog integration/ news feed integration on the start page of imeji
# Preview image carousel on startpage (configurable)
# Preview image carousel on startpage (configurable)
# Metadata export
## collections and albums in native or rdf format
## metadata profile export
# Image export in zip file
# Image export in zip file
# Automated QR code generation
# Automated QR code generation

Revision as of 07:59, 13 September 2013


This page gives a short overview of all imeji functionalities.
The detailed functional specifications can be found here.

Standard User Workflow[edit]

Upload content

  1. Creation of a collection with collection metadata
  2. Assignment of a metadata profile to the collection
    • via using an already defined profile as template
    • via creating a new profile
  3. Upload of items to the collection
    • via selecting one or several single items
    • via selecting one folder
  4. Assignment of metadata to items
    • Automatic extraction and assignment of technical metadata
    • Defining of an item set for batch editing of descriptive metadata via filtering and sorting mechanism
    • Editing of the descriptive metadata of a single item
  5. Releasing the whole collection (make it visible for all users)

Collection Management[edit]

Imeji Collection klein.jpg
  1. Definition
    • A collection has exactly one metadata profile
    • A collection has exactly one creator, but can have multiple editors (people who are allowed to assign metadata values and upload items) --> the creator automatically has the editor role for his collection
    • A collection has one entry point
  2. Create/edit collection (edit the metadata values)
  3. Delete/release/discard collection
  4. Display of collections
    • List of all published collections together with the most relevant metadata values

Metadata Profile Management[edit]

Imeji Metadata Profile klein.jpg
  1. Definition
    • A metadata profile always belongs to a collection
    • The user either can create a new metadata profile for a new collection or use an already available one as template.
  2. Edit metadata profile
    • Each metadata consists of
      • one type (a list with several types will be provided, e.g. date, geonames, string, integer, cone-person)
      • one or several labels
      • a language tag for each label
      • a menu to select cardinality (unique, multiple)
      • (optional) the possibility to define a small controlled vocabulary based on free text fields (strings)
      • The order of metadata statements can easily be changed with drag&drop
  3. Version control will not be provided for the metadata profile
    • Therefore a metadata profile will be unique for each collection, no possibility to use it for more than one collection
    • metadata profiles do not have an own release work flow as they inherit the collections work flow


Imeji Upload klein 2.jpg
  1. Item upload
    1. Web upload (upload items for one collection)
      • Easy Drag&Drop, via selecting one or several items
    2. Upload of external resources via URL
  2. imeji does not make any restrictions on the file types for upload. The sysadmin might exclude some formats due to security reasons.
  3. Thumbnails and web resolution are automatically generated by imeji. If imeji can not create a preview for unknown formats, a default image will be used. The original data will always be accessible!
  4. The formats which imeji can handle are: http://www.imagemagick.org/script/formats.php
  5. Automatic extraction of technical metadata (IIO (java) output)
    • Technical metadata will be displayed only in xml (via link)


  1. Create a collection on imeji
  2. Ingest the profile for this collection
  3. Upload the items for this collection
  4. Ingest the metadata for these items

Detailed description can be found here: Imeji_ingest

Metadata Editing[edit]

Imeji Edit Metadata klein.jpg
  1. Batch editing (only possible for items within the same collection)
    • Select items
    • Edit metadata values
      • Choose metadata element
      • Define a new value for all selected items and decide whether this value
        • should only be added to the items when the value there is still empty
        • should overwrite all already available values
        • add a new value to all items (only possible when the selected metadata element can occur multiple times)
      • Define a new value for each selected items separately
  2. Single editing


Images klein.jpg
  1. Browse collections (collection portal: overview about all available collections)
    • View items within one collection
    • Filter items through facets based on the corresponding metadata profile
  2. Browse albums
  3. Browse items
    • Filter items through general facets
    • Navigate through items (paginator with additionally 'go to' functionality)
  4. View item details


Imeji Search klein 2.jpg
  1. Simple search: general free text search (any metadata value, either in items or collections)
  2. Advanced Search
    1. For items (metadata values)
      • Select a collection and then a metadata element within this collection
      • Combine as many collections and metadata elements with boolean operators


Imeji album klein.jpg
  • Creation and editing of private albums
  • Adding items to an album via selecting an album as 'active' album when browsing through the items
  • Remove items from an album
  • Deletion of a private albums with all its content
  • Publishing and discarding of an album

Admin Area[edit]

Imeji - Admin.jpg
  1. User management
    1. Create/edit/delete user
    2. Administer user rights
  2. System information on db and storage
  3. Advanced settings

Further Features[edit]

Imeji Home klein.jpg
  1. OAI interface for standardized metadata harvesting
  2. Full RDF export for all objects
  3. Blog integration/ news feed integration on the start page of imeji
  4. Preview image carousel on startpage (configurable)
  5. Image export in zip file
  6. Automated QR code generation
  7. Viewing and annotation environment for image files with digilib