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Gives back a specific record, specified in the identifier parameter. A record can be everything with a url in imeji, currently: images, collections and albums. <br/>
Gives back a specific record, specified in the identifier parameter. A record can be everything with a url in imeji, currently: images, collections and albums. <br/>
'''Parameter:''' identifier, metadataPrefix  <br/>
'''Parameter:''' identifier, metadataPrefix  <br/>
'''Example:'''  <br/>
'''Example:'''  http://demo.imeji.org/fledgeddata/oai/?verb=GetRecord&identifier=http://demo.imeji.org/item/gOjdOLDeEqXJbkvj&metadataPrefix=imeji<br/>
'''Not supported:''' Handling of deleted records <br/>
'''Not supported:''' Handling of deleted records <br/>

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Gives back the oai header for all images in the repository or, if set parameter is defined, all images of a set. <br/>
Gives back the oai header for all images in the repository or, if set parameter is defined, all images of a set. <br/>
'''Parameter:''' metadataPrefix, set <br/>
'''Parameter:''' metadataPrefix, set <br/>
'''Example:'''  <br/>
'''Example:'''  http://demo.imeji.org/fledgeddata/oai/?verb=ListIdentifiers<br/>
'''Not supported:''' from, until, resumptionToken <br/>
'''Not supported:''' from, until, resumptionToken <br/>

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Gives back the metadata record of all images in the repository or, if set parameter is defined, all images of a set. <br/>
Gives back the metadata record of all images in the repository or, if set parameter is defined, all images of a set. <br/>
'''Parameter:''' metadataPrefix, set <br/>
'''Parameter:''' metadataPrefix, set <br/>
'''Example:'''  <br/>
'''Example:'''  http://demo.imeji.org/fledgeddata/oai/?verb=ListRecords&metadataPrefix=imeji<br/>
'''Not supported:''' from, until, resumptionToken <br/>
'''Not supported:''' from, until, resumptionToken <br/>

Revision as of 08:04, 13 September 2013

Imeji logo.png


Functional Specification
Technical Specification

RDF mapping
Metadata terms


This page describes the interfaces for the imeji application. For data dissemination imeji exploits the Fledged Data Service of the eSciDoc SOA infrastructure.

Rdf.jpg RDF Export[edit]

RDF export interface for the imeji application.

Parameter: format, type, q, n

format: rdf, sitemap
type: Type of item (image, collection, album, mdprofile)
q: The query
n: The offset

Example: http://demo.imeji.org/imeji/export?format=rdf&type=image&n=10000&col=14

OA100.gif OAI Interface[edit]

imeji allows the fetching of metadata from its repository by supporting the Open Archives Initiatives Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (OAI-PMH).
The mapping of the native imeji rdf to oai_dc can be found here

Verb: Identify[edit]

Gives back information on the imeji Repository.
Parameter: None
Example: http://demo.imeji.org/fledgeddata/oai/?verb=Identify
Not supported: None

Verb: ListMetadataFormats[edit]

Gives back all metadata formats which are supported by the repository. All listed formats can be used as a parameter for a GetRecord request (currently collections and albums can only be fetched in native imeji format).
Parameter: None
Example: http://demo.imeji.org/fledgeddata/oai/?verb=ListMetadataFormats
Not supported: identifier

Verb: ListSets[edit]

Gives back a list of sets which are provided by the repository. imeji provides by default, all collections and albums as sets.
Parameter: None
Not supported: resumptionToken

Verb: GetRecord[edit]

Gives back a specific record, specified in the identifier parameter. A record can be everything with a url in imeji, currently: images, collections and albums.
Parameter: identifier, metadataPrefix
Example: http://demo.imeji.org/fledgeddata/oai/?verb=GetRecord&identifier=http://demo.imeji.org/item/gOjdOLDeEqXJbkvj&metadataPrefix=imeji
Not supported: Handling of deleted records

Verb: ListIdentifiers[edit]

Gives back the oai header for all images in the repository or, if set parameter is defined, all images of a set.
Parameter: metadataPrefix, set
Example: http://demo.imeji.org/fledgeddata/oai/?verb=ListIdentifiers
Not supported: from, until, resumptionToken

Verb: ListRecords[edit]

Gives back the metadata record of all images in the repository or, if set parameter is defined, all images of a set.
Parameter: metadataPrefix, set
Example: http://demo.imeji.org/fledgeddata/oai/?verb=ListRecords&metadataPrefix=imeji
Not supported: from, until, resumptionToken

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/a2/Farm-Fresh_sitemap.png Sitemap[edit]

The sitemap functionality of the Fledged Data Service exploits the oai interface and creates a sitemap out of all items it retrieves with a ListIdentifiers call.
Therefore only image URLs will be listed in the sitemap.xml. The interval of the sitemap creation can be configured in the fds properties file.