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Please note: Content was moved to http://imeji.org/wordpress/development/technical-specification/search/
This pages describes the search features in imeji.
* Advanced search
** all symbols (index, operator, searchvalue, logic, not) are explained in the next paragraphs.
** Note: _ is used here to separate two symbols which are not separated in the real query.
q=(index_operator_"searchvalue" logic not index_operator_"searchvalue") logic not (index_operator_"searchvalue" logi index_operator_"searchvalue")
*simple search
*Operators are represented in the query template by symbol: operator
*The supported operators are:
** = : this is the basic equal. Means that a regular expression search will be performed
** == : This is the exact search. Only exact matching result will be find. Useful when searching for an uri (to find a specific resource)
** =< : lesser than. Works only if the search object type is compatible with search a search (number, date)
** => : greater than. Works only if the search object type is compatible with search a search (number, date)
==Logical Operations==
* Logical operations are represented in the query template by symbol: logic
* The supported logical operations are:
** and
** or
* Negation are represented in the query template by symbol: not
* Negation is defined in the query with: not
== Search value ==
* Search values are represented in the the query template by: searchvalue
* A search value can be any text
==Search indexes==
* Search indexes are represented in the query template by symbol: index
* They are 2 types of indexes:
# the basic indexes. These are the indexes based on the data model of imeji
# The metadata indexes. These are the indexes created when a new metadata is defined in a profile
* To view the basic indexes  <pre>imeji_url/export?format=explain&type=search</pre>
* to view the metadata indexes <pre>imeji_url/export?format=explain&type=metadata</pre>
* To view only the metadata indexes for one collection <pre>imeji_url/export?format=explain&type=metadata&q=col=="collection_uri"</pre>

Revision as of 10:23, 3 January 2014