Talk:Faces Browse and Display

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Revision as of 10:43, 27 August 2008 by Natasab (talk | contribs) (Added use case description to enter comments)
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UC_FAC_BD_01 View picture list[edit]

UC_FAC_BD_02 View picture details[edit]

UC_FAC_BD_03 View picture for comparison[edit]

UC_FAC_BD_04 View album details[edit]


  • Status: in design
  • Schedule: R3


  • The user wants to view the details of an album.


  • One album is selected.
  • Further pre-conditions are based on the state of the album:
submitted The user is the owner of the item or has administrator rights.
released None.
withdrawn The user is the owner of the item or has administrator rights.


  1. The user chooses to view the selected album.
  2. The album is in the state submitted. The system displays the name of the album, the album description if available and the created and last modified dates. Include UC_FAC_BD_01 View picture list.
  3. Extension point: remove picture from album
    3.1 If the user wants to remove a picture from the album, include UC_FAC_AM_03 Remove picture from album.
  4. Extension point: edit album
    4.1 If the user wants to rename the album or change its description, include UC_FAC_AM_04 Edit album.
  5. Extension point: delete album
    5.1 If the user wants to delete the album, include UC_FAC_AM_05 Delete album.
  6. Extension point: release album
    6.1 If the user wants to release the album, include UC_FAC_AM_06 Release album.
  7. Extension point: export album
    7.1 If the user wants to export the pictures of the album, include UC_FAC_AM_08 Export album.
  8. The use case ends successfully.


2.a The album is in the state released. The system displays the name of the album, the owner of the album, the affiliation of the owner, the album description if available, the PID of the album and its publishing date. Include UC_FAC_BD_01 View picture list.
1. Extension point: export album
1.1 If the user wants to export the pictures of the album, include UC_FAC_AM_08 Export album.
2. Extension point: withdraw album
2.1 If the user is the owner of the album and wants to withdraw the album, include use case UC_FAC_AM_07 Withdraw album.
3. Extension point: add picture to album
3.1 If the user wants to add one of the pictures within the album to one or more of his own submitted albums, include use case UC_FAC_AM_02 Add picture to album.
4. The use case ends successfully.
2.b The album is in the state "withdrawn". The system displays the name of the album, the owner of the album, the affiliation of the owner, the album description if available, the crossed out PID of the album, its publishing and withdrawn date and the withdrawl comment. Include UC_FAC_BD_01 View picture list.
1. The use case ends successfully.

Actors Involved

  • Account user

UC_FAC_BD_05 View my albums[edit]

UC_FAC_BD_06 View released albums[edit]

UC_FAC_BD_07 Resolve released album by URL[edit]

UC_FAC_BD_08 View file metadata[edit]

UC_FAC_BD_09 View administrator workspace[edit]

UC_FAC_BD_10 View account users[edit]

UC_FAC_BD_11 View Statistics[edit]