Talk:EDoc to PubMan migration/MPIPL

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Open Questions[edit]

  • How to map eDoc Collections to PubMan Org. Units?
  • check "special usage" of fields like: Is Part Of. How are they used by the institute, and is there a rule on how we can map the content?
    • check the usage of relations with Karin. How important they are and how we should handle them.
  • how to migrate that record of type "interactive resource": ?

Answered Questions[edit]

  • shall eDoc users be moved to PubMan?
    Talked to Karin today. She thinks, that there is no need to migrate users. --Nicole 13:32, 7 August 2008 (UTC)
  • who should be the owner of the migrated eDoc items in PubMan?
    Karin will be the owner