Talk:EDoc to PubMan migration/MPIPL

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Open Questions[edit]

  • How to map eDoc Collections to PubMan Org. Units?
  • check "special usage" of fields like: Is Part Of. How are they used by the institute, and is there a rule on how we can map the content?
    • check the usage of relations with Karin. How important they are and how we should handle them.
    • gave eDoc IDs to Karin and she will check on a case by case basis --Nicole 14:29, 9 September 2008 (UTC)
  • how to migrate that record of type "interactive resource": ?
    • should be mapped to genre "other" --Nicole 14:29, 9 September 2008 (UTC)

Answered Questions[edit]

  • shall eDoc users be moved to PubMan?
    Talked to Karin today. She thinks, that there is no need to migrate users. --Nicole 13:32, 7 August 2008 (UTC)
  • who should be the owner of the migrated eDoc items in PubMan?
    Karin will be the owner


  • YB workflow
  • full text migration, ask if user with privileged view is needed to see full texts with private access level
    • we will migrate all full texts, set to all full texts except for the public ones "private" visibility, create users with priv. view, set locators to eDoc (for non public full texts), the eDoc file visibility will also be put to PubMan into the component MD.
  • all eDoc affilations will be addded to all creators, as it is easier to remove them than to add them
  • only released eDoc records will be moved to PubMan
  • duplicate problem has to be solved on eDoc, we can provide a report on possible duplicates though