PubMan Func Spec Dublin Core Mapping

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Dublin Core[edit]

This mapping uses Simple/unqualified Dublin Core.

Dublin Core elements[edit]

The following elements are specified in the Dublin Core Metadata Element Set (DCMES) version 1.1 ( The order of the elements is arbitrary (alphabetical in this list), but a meaningful order can be implemented locally.

  • contributor
  • coverage
  • creator
  • date
  • description
  • format
  • identifier
  • language
  • publisher
  • relation
  • rights
  • source
  • subject
  • title
  • type

See also Dublin Core Metadata Element Set.

Standard reference types[edit]

DCMI suggests the use of the DCMI Type Vocabulary (, containing the following reference types:

  • Collection
  • Dataset
  • Event
  • Image
  • InteractiveResource
  • MovingImage
  • PhysicalObject
  • Service
  • Software
  • Sound
  • StillImage
  • Text

Note that some of those form a hierarchical relationship (e.g. MovingImage is a narrower term of Image).

eSciDoc Metadata Set for Publication[edit]

PubMan Metadata Sets#eSciDoc Metadata Set for Publication

Mapping eSciDoc Metadata Set for Publications to Dublin Core (for DC Export)[edit]

Mapping of Genres[edit]

Mapping of eSciDoc Standard Entries[edit]

Links, further reading[edit]
