Living Reviews

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An open access journal series, which publishes regularly updated review articles in various fields of science. They provide overviews on research progress and guide readers to the most important literature in their study area.

Its unique concept of 'living' articles is taking advantage of web-based electronic publishing, allowing authors to frequently incorporate the latest developments and research findings. To ensure high-quality scientific content, all articles are subject to peer review and solicited by international editorial boards from experts in their fields.

The electronic nature of the Living Reviews journals also offers the possibility to enhance articles by an unlimited number of images, movies, program source code, and links to relevant online resources.

The concept of Living Reviews was developed by Bernard Schutz and Jennifer Wheary, who started the first journal, Living Reviews in Relativity, in 1998 at the Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics. A second journal, Living Reviews in Solar Physics, was launched by the Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research in 2004. Today, Living Reviews is affiliated with the Max Planck Digital Library. Living Reviews is a registered trademark of the Max Planck Society.

Further journals of the series are published by partners of the ECSA Austria (Vienna), the ZALF (Müncheberg), and the CIS / NCCR (Zurich)

MPDL contacts[edit]

Christina Weyher, André Wobst, Robert Forkel, Vera Osswald, Frank Schulz

External links[edit]