PubMan Validation rules

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This page gives an overview on the implemented validation and genre specific rules on PubMan.

Validation rules for save item[edit]

Valid for all workflows and independant from genre.

  • A Title is required.
  • At least one creator is required.
  • A creator's role is not provided.
  • At least one creator needs an organizational unit.
  • A creator's family name is not provided.

Overall validation rules[edit]

  • when one wants to fill the source part, at least the source title has to be given as well
  • If event data are entered, an event title has to be given, too.
  • mandatory fields for locators:
    • Content category
    • visibility
  • mandatory fields for files:
    • Content category
    • visibility
    • mime type

Validation rules for validation schema "publication"[edit]

Apply for submit/release/accept item.

  • If genre is not equal to "Series" or "Journal" or "Other" or "Manuscript" at least one date has to be provided.
  • If genre is equal to "Article", "Book Item" or "Conference Paper" at least one source has to be provided.

Genre specific entry mask[edit]

In PubMan a specific set of metadata fields, dependant on the genre, is allowed. This is especially important, if you want to import data from another source like EndNote, Reference Manager, etc. into PubMan.

In order to get an idea on which field are possible for which genre, please check the Genre Table. Please note, that the field marked with X* are mandatory. This means, that the item can not be submitted/released in PubMan if they are empty. Fields marked with X are available in the genre specific entry mask and can be filled if desired. Fields marked with 0 are not allowed for the respective genre.