Talk:PubMan Func Spec Easy Submission

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UC_PM_EASM_02 fetch full text by identifier (arXiv)[edit]

The Full Text Version can be retrieved with:

We don't try to retrieve a fulltext version in html because it is very rare


  • Status: in design
  • Schedule: R3.5

Flow of Events[edit]

  • 1. The system queries for fulltexts of item with the specified IDs.
    • 1.a. The system receives fulltexts with specified IDs. The use case ends with success.
    • 1.b. The query fails. The system does not receive any fulltexts with specified IDs. The system displays an error message (MSG_PM_SM_10). The use case ends without success.
    • 1.c. The query fails partially. The system does receives some fulltexts with specified IDs. The system displays an information message (MSG_PM_SM_XX). The use case ends with success.
would remove the 5.a below from this use case --Natasa 13:47, 6 June 2008 (UTC)

5a: The system could retrieve a full text version. The file box is filled with the retrieved Info.

would move the options described below to Fetch metadata use case in submission scenario --Natasa 13:47, 6 June 2008 (UTC)

As default the system restrieves the pdf version if provided.

  • The User can choose to see a preview of the uploaded file
  • The User can choose to upload 'all available' files from arXiv
  • The User can delete the uploaded file and upload a different File from his own Directory
OK, so maybe below steps should somehow be incorporated with 1.b and 1.c

5b: The system couldn’t retrieve a full text version, no entries in the file box:

  • The User gets a message why the upload failed
    • Failure1: There is no fulltext version in arXiv
    • Failure2: Technical Problems when communicating with arXiv (Probably try later or something)
  • The User can choose to upload a file from his own Directory
This i would not include here, as this is anyway part of edit item use case --Natasa 13:47, 6 June 2008 (UTC)

6: Continue with use case UC_PM_SM_02 edit item

no need, it's include use case and is fine.

The user should not be able to change the name of an uploaded file (uploaded automatically or manually)

to check if this is really a restriction one has to have in such a strong manner? (it's possible, but if really needed would move it to some other release --Natasa 13:47, 6 June 2008 (UTC)

Functional Prototype[edit]

Please check the functional prototype for easy submission