ESciDoc Logical Data Model

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An overview (data model) of the basic object patterns within the eSciDoc.

Basic object patterns[edit]

  • Item
  • Container
  • Context
  • Organizational unit



  • An Item represents minimal unit of content managed in the system. Each Item comprises of:
    • at least one MetadataRecord - represents one or more metadata descriptions of the overall content represented with the item
    • zero or more Component - represents a single content and at least one metadata description


Publication items[edit]

  • An Item object is an Article published in a journal
    • MetadataRecord: contains the bibliographic metadata (title, author, publication type e.g. journal article, author affiliation, year of publication, etc.) structured accordingly a particular metadata profile
    • Component1:one published version of the fulltext of the article
      • Component1.MetadataRecord1: title, description of the full-text, reference to the license
      • Component1.MetadataRecord2: technical metadata of the file (e.g. generated from JHove)
      • Component1.Content: the actual PDF
    • Component2:supplementary material e.g. data on results provided in the fulltext of the article
      • Component2.MetadataRecord1: title, description of the file
      • Component2.MetadataRecord2: technical metadata of the file (e.g. generated from JHove)
  • Example: